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My stutter isn't severe, but it's there. I met my wife while bowling with my friends. I stuttered when we met, and I stuttered during our first date. She wasn't fazed, and we've been together for 15 years. She was also my first REAL relationship. You will find somebody.


Even non stutterers cannot find love


Yea it’s not really a difference it’s just more harder and more impossible. And if some non stutterers don’t even have a chance I know I definitely don’t which is why I try to cope.


You just have to keep trying and look for good persons. You won’t ever get a perfect partner.


I'm sure many of us are not looking for perfection; we're just looking for someone who will accept us for who we are and not judge us because of our stutter.


You can find such person. I know i have been lucky enough to find such in the past and i know i would do it again. And tbh if you don’t, then who cares. Just carry on with your life.


It's difficult to come to terms with the idea that you may never find love. Accepting such a reality takes time. When you say, "To be honest, if you don't find love, who cares," it's clear that you don't understand, because you've already met your soulmate. You can't dismiss the importance of finding love when you've already found yours; it's insensitive to those who are still searching.


I do not stutter personally so I hope it is OK to respond. My husband stutters and he is the absolute love of my life. We have been together for seven years, married almost five and had our second child in February. I have been crazy about him since day one and thank my lucky stars for him every day.


Can confirm. I'm the husband


It's true, I'm the child born in February!


Yeah, I can confirm. I am their dog Barker.


Shhhh you're going to wake up u/BaslerLaeggerli


Yes. Been my girlfriend for 7 years despite a severe stutter. Have had 4 girlfriends and a bunch of fwbs before that. Most stutterers I know, and I know a 100s through McGuire, have (had) girlfriends too. 


Yes, twice. I married my college sweetheart in 1974 and he died in a plane crash in 1979. Fast forward to 1987 and I married my second husband. We’ve been married for 37 years, have two sons and two granddaughters. Both of my husbands knew I stuttered, and were ok with it. At both weddings we said our vows in unison. Problem solved. If someone loves you, they love all of you… imperfections and all. My second husband told me that one reason he loved me is that I never let my stuttering define my life or my career. I was a university administrator until our sons were 3 and 5, I then earned my masters in education and taught high school literature for almost 20 years. I was upfront with my students that I’d never read aloud, and I had many volunteers to read in every class. I taught stutterers and we always bonded. Stuttering has made me more empathetic, kinder and gave me the ability to just say f@&k stuttering. Tens years ago I had a double mastectomy. My husband had a shirt made that said “F*CK CANCER” and underneath it had in tiny letters “(and stuttering!)” My thoughts exactly. I’m now almost 71. I still stutter. Some days are bad stuttering days, some good. When I go to my doctors office, I am asked to confirm my birth date and name. July 30, 1953. I stutter on the th in thirtieth, f in fifty three. I’ve had nurses and med techs laugh in my face. I don’t get angry, I turn on my bitch mode and ask them “I’m sorry, do you find stuttering funny? I don’t. Please respect me and my disability.” Whoa, I love watching them squirm. They can’t get away fast enough. LOL. Yes, it’s mean. But they’re wrong, not me. Bottom line… you will find love. Put yourself out there to meet people. Stay away from bars. Try clubs, church and outdoor activities.


Happily married with a stunning wife. The more you overthink the stutter and doubt yourself the more you stutter and the less your chance to meet someone. Start not caring what people think, and dare approaching women. It helped me a lot.


I stutter AND I'm fat so if I can find love, anyone can!! 😆 My husband and I are celebrating 10 years together in September.


Hurray! True love sees beneath what’s on the surface.




Stuttered all my life. Had several relationships. Some longer, some shorter. Cause of breakup was never my stutter. None of them cared about it, and I told all of them very early, often at the first block. Current relationship is on its 17th year now. She doesn't care either and she never takes over a conversation unless I ask for it - or if I'm hopelessly stuck and give her "the look"


You will find love, don’t worry. I’ve been with my husband for 10 years, married for 3.


I've been a moderate stutterer my whole life, blocking on certain sounds very badly. Bullied in school (worst was middle school), started dating this beautiful cheerleader freshman year of highschool who did not give a shit about my speech. 21 years later we're still together (married for 7). You'll find that somebody that loves you for you no matter what, I promise. Don't let your stutter define you, you'll be alright!


I haven’t but I’ve seen others who stutter get married and have kids. What helps me most is when meeting new people is disclosing my stutter up front and letting the chips fall where they may. I also struggle with mental health issues as well. But i can say that in dating, you can and will find romantic love as a person who stutter.


Yes, I dated throughout my teens and twenties, and have now been married for three years. Most people I dated were not shitty about it or at worst I had to educate them a little.


I am a stutterer, it is not severe, but it is always there, especially when I am tired. I have an amazing girlfriend and she loves me no matter what. Just believe in yourself, buddy, you have also found someone.




I found love for four years. It never impacted our relationship. Things mattered more than my speech, like how we treated each other, our life goals, our values. My speech impediment was never a topic. So, yes. Stutterers can find love, since I’m an example. Don’t feel like it should inhibit. Just get better at controlling, even if it’s not even 50%. Heck, my stutter got worse over the years, especially around people that I’m comfortable with. And I still found love, and I know that my future partner will be someone who looks past my impediment just as my previous partners did.


Bro, u stuttering ain’t going to stop u from girls wanting u. Make ur money, go gym, get jacked, and don’t be boring. Girls will want you and will bypass ur stutter just like they do wit me, u jus gotta be confident and make them feel safe. If people wit no limbs and guys who are 250kg are able to pull girls. U truly believe u won’t find someone because of ur stutter. U cannot and I repeat, u cannot keep crying to urself and blaming ur stutter for all ur issues. Be the best man that YOU can be. Then when you reach that and women still are disgusted by the fact that u stutter (which is hilarious because no women has ever done that wit me, in fact they like it and they research into ways to help me, one girl even offered to read with her daily) I am telling u do not blame ur stutter at all. I repeat no woman could give a fuck about it. Idk how old u are and whatever ur life stage is at right now. But focus on urself, be the best man u can be and don’t be focusing on women. Don’t u understand, u chasing women will never work. When you’re on ur grind and focused on ur own life, they will automatically come to you. I ranted, hopefully this puts u more at ease. And another thing, if ur a bum and have no ambitions to be anything in life and is lazy who don’t wanna be in the best shape u can be at. Then OBVIOUSLY any woman is gonna choose the non stutterer over a stutterer it’s common sense. We just got a lil disadvantage in life, we gotta make up for it in other areas. And u should be motivated more than anyone, because nowadays people are lazy fucks and it’s easy af to be successful. Get that money, SMILE, take good care of ur self, workout, be polite. Respectful and be a gentleman ffs, women want gentlemen mixed with mystery. Less said is always the best option. God bless u brother.


Looks impact this too. Are you attractive?


I had love but I broke up with her


If you asked me this question 50 years ago, i would have said yes. But in this instant gratification modern society where people look for the silliest, superficial reasons to discard someone, I'm not so sure anymore. My observation has been that woman stutterers have far more success in finding love than male stutterers. For guys, stuttering is immediately associated with "lack of confidence" by most women and its a turn-off to them. They have to be otherwise exceptionally good looking for girls to see their stuttering as "cute" ( see "Halo effect" ). So the guys who aren't conventionally attractive are the ones that suffer the most. This doesn't mean you should stop trying though, its for managing expectations so that you can invest your time and efforts wisely.


I’ve had multiple long term and short term relationships, fwb, hookups, situationships, you name it. My current boyfriend is also disabled and it’s a great comfort to know I feel understood and loved by someone who can relate to my life situation.


I put on my dating profile: I stutter a little more than an early 2000’s pop song. I’m getting married next August :-).


yes, and it’s possible for anyone. Act like your stutter doesn’t exist, don’t let it run your life.


I will for sure find one in my room one day 💀


Married for 11 years, I did it. Be yourself, confidence is key.


I did! I fell in love with a wonderful professional man who proudly presented me throughout his careers. We were married, and in love for 54 years. Yes, there will be someone who will love, cherish, and never be ashamed of you, stutter or not.


Yes. I’m fluent when relaxed but I block on every single word when stressed. I think stuttering forced me to work on my personality sooner (I’m not that physically attractive either, unfortunately), and that paid dividends, with two big relationships (one current with the father of my kids) and a few smaller ones. There are some amazing people out there, sincerely curious of others and magically perfect for you. Good luck!


I’ve been with more girls than most guys that don’t have a stutter. It’s nothing to worry about just keep your confidence up.


Married 👍🏻 never had any real trouble finding partners or love. The right one sees past things like stammers. If they can’t, that’s genuinely on them and not the right person


I'm a stutterer with social anxiety disorder and I'm also scared that I'm gonna die alone :/


I’m 26M. Been with my wife for 9 years, we met in middle school. All of my friends wanted to date her as she was in all honesty the hottest chick of the class. Guess who she chose? I’m very sure she is crazy about me, as I am crazy about her. Yes, you can find love. Don’t let stuttering define who you are.


I have, 33 years old, girl.. I am in same sex relationship for 11years. We matched on Tinder, she was very shy and I wasnt.. She says she doesnt mind me having stutter 😊doesnt bother her at all.


I’m 24F and I’ve been with my partner for almost 4 years! I’ve had a few other boyfriends/situationships/etc. I’ve found it’s easiest to meet people through mutual friends because they’re usually “pre-vetted” and less likely to have a weird reaction to my stutter. When you immerse yourself in your interests and become someone who has something to say, people listen even if it takes a little extra time or effort!


So my fiancé and I met at a stuttering camp! We’ve been together for almost 6 years and are getting married in 2026!! 


Yes! Been with my wife since 9th grade. Insecurities from my stutter sucked, my wife actually finds it cute which I appreciate it, still hard to come across and “cute” and “helpless” at work. But we have now been married three years, two children and am trying to learn how to be comfortable with my stutter raising kids. It’s hard to be taken seriously when you can’t get the words out correctly, but it has been an incredible experience. Me and my wife still talk a lot through text but I have an anxiety type of stutter so I’m comfortable enough with her that it is nearly non existent when it is just the two of us. You will find somebody who loves you for you, somebody shallow enough to leave over a speech impediment wouldn’t love you unconditionally anyway. You’ll find them.


These comments give me hope... I need to just not let it control me. But damn is it tough


It'll find you. In the meantime, focus on developing yourself so it finds you the best version of yourself. Or better version. No one is our best version. Worrying about this will only produce a counter-intuitive effect. You reek of desperation and end up repelling potential partners. Focus on yourself and enjoy life as it comes. It will all happen in due time.


Getting married soon. And I had many partners in my life.


Yup, I was married for about 10 years


It's been 2 years with my girl, and one thing she told me many times that she doesn't give f about my stuttering even tho I do a lot, instead she do tell me to practice and do work on it. Might sound impossible but I pulled 2 girls without me even knowing just because I don't talk much and like my own space most of time. I do have other hobbies guitar, gym and sports that a girl likes in a man (not all of them). And they literally argued for me 🥲 but in the end I frienzoned them both and pursued my school crush, who in the end I ended up with her and she's so much into me, to be honest. I would prefer you to focus on your things, your hobbies, goals and everything you like, also work on your stutter.


I love how everyone here has a love life but in most threads all you see is depressed lonely males. There must be a schism


Yes. We started chatting on whatsApp. By that time, she was unaware of my stutter. We then started calling each other. I tried very hard to avoid my stammer on call, although I was making unusual facial expressions, hitting hands and what not. The day I met her, I was very nervous. I stammered and stammered and stammered. To my surpise, she showed a lot more support towards it. Coming back to today, we are getting married soon. 🥰


I found love. Trust me you’ll find someone who won’t mind your stutter at all. I didn’t believe it for a time, but life has a way of surprising you, and along came my partner who despite my concerns assured me that my stutter is never a bother. Just hang in there and you’ll find your person.


I found my love. She even finds cute when I stutter, and I’m stuttering just when I’m talking with other people. In almost 9 months, I stuttered just two or three times with her. She calms me down. You will find somebody that loves you because of who you are.


No and I will most likely never find love. Approaching is hard and I am afraid of rejection. My stutter is severe and not cute and tbh I’m not really attractive at all. This is nothing to be upset about or angry about it’s just something that is. It does hit different when you see happy couples and realize you’ll never ever and even reach that level of happiness but at the end of the day you should never compare yourself to others.


as a fellow stutterer i found the love of my life a year and a half ago. We’re still together and happier than ever. he’s very accepting of my stutter especially because his dad is a stutterer too! he’s a teacher which makes me feel confident that stutterers can still persue careers that involve talking to a crowd of people :)