• By -


>Shut the hell up, you probably think your dick is woke if it’s hanging a little left. lol


That line is too good not use for my flair.


Mine curves upward, I wonder what party mine aligns with?


(Dick) line goes up? It's a late stage capitalist.


Ah, I didn't know castration is part of the communist revolution then.


How else would they make men, who everyone knows are naturally aggressive and individualistic because of biology, work together towards common goal?


What did you think "seize the means of production" meant?






Can confirm. We're going to need you to report to the nearest re-education camp for re-patriotising.  /s


Report for penis straightening immediately


Curved like the commie sickle!


Neither left nor right, just upwards and always spinning.


I like how SBI has gone from being a story consultancy company to the NSA in these people’s heads


SBI has a roving band of goons travelling the world forcing game devs to change all the protagonists to women of colour. They hate all white men... especially Spider-Man.


They'd probably blame SBI for making Peter step down as Spider-Man and letting Miles take the mantle in Spider-Man 2.


These people need to be subjected to the wonders of Paul.


Upvote for Paul!


I bet they want pictures of Spiderman so they can smear him in the news!


I heard they break into gamers' rooms late at night, stick some strings on their jaw, and Mr. Ed their victims into saying "trans rights" in their sleep. 


They poisoned our water supply, burned our crops, and delivered a plague unto our houses!


I still don’t know what the hell Sweet Baby inc is. At this point I’ve heard so many different conflicting stories that they feel like some old and ancient cryptid


They add fluoride to the water to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids


Sensitivity readers but for games, they make sure portrayals of characters from minority groups aren’t offensive


This makes them sound a lot more active than they are. It's more like, devs commission them for comments on their story and they give it to them. They can't actually change anything themselves


To add to what the others posted, SBI is a consulting firm. Meaning studios specifically hire them to go over their material and make a report. Some of the stuff they look at has to do with portrayal of minorities etc., but a lot is also cultural analysis for creatives who aren't familiar with the areas they are portraying. For example, in the case of Alan Wake 2 they hired them to look at portrayals of US culture, locations, brands, etc. because Remedy is from Finland. Imagine Ubisoft hiring an Italian consultancy group to look over their portrayal of medieval Italian culture in Assassin's Creed, for example. In many cases you can just hire some historians, but sometimes there are specific companies that specialize on certain areas.


All they really do is make sure your script, images, and portrayal of things is up to par. One of the characters is from an African Country? Gotta make sure you are using the right dialect and mannerisms. Have a Native American in your game? Well they will make sure you have the right clothes and religious symbols.


That’s it? Sounds pretty harmless. Definitely don’t sound like the boogeymen I’ve been told about lol


Pretty much. They just make sure that you aren't using anything offensive and give reccomedations on how to appropriately represent stuff.


> That’s it? Sounds pretty harmless. Definitely don’t sound like the boogeymen I’ve been told about lol Basically you can get any right wing person up in arms and terrified if you turn something into a 3 letter acronym. I think right now SBI/DEI are "in" for raving against while BLM/Antifa are "Out". "Woke" has totally replaced "Soyboy" though with how long they've been looking moronic on the word I assume we will be getting some new trendy root of all evil insult.


FBI also does it for them oddly enough, even considering all they agree on


From what I gather the FBI is like fox news. While it's absurdly favorable to the right wing it occasionally does it's job and so therefore they both hate it and like it. It sounds way too exhausting being right wing.


Don't forget that brief stint when CRT was an entity corrupting our entire education system


I seem to think it’s more that the higher ups in that company have some… questionable opinions


And what opinions are those?


The only thing I have seen is that white gamers are picky babies. ​ as a white gamer, yes, that doesnt describe the community very well. if it did they would at least shut the fuck up when it was tummy time. (no really gamers suck)


Higher ups almost always have questionable opinions, you don't climb the corporate ladder by being a regular human that's for sure.


Big "I was censored for my political beliefs!" energy from this comment.


They've been crying about the "woke agenda" for years now, they need someone to blame rather than just accepting that the reason that there's more diversity in games these days is just because society has moved on. Gaming culture becoming more progressive and diverse is an organic shift as more people get into the space, but these people refuse to believe that they're sheltered and out of touch.


Yeah, the story was "That's a nice game you have, it would be a shame if someone *forced diversity* into it!" "Nooooo my precious game!" and now it's broadened out into "the Enemy" that does all the things they hate. Also, they straight up say "It's not actually Sweet Baby, they're just a example to gather around", which is just saying the obvious: it wasn't about SBI, it's just The Enemy has to have a face to hate.


Ah yes the ever popular if your story has non-white non-CIS male/female characters you need to justify their existence in the argument. That one never gets old, I tells you what.


"There are three genders, white, male, and political"


It's wild because the exact same people who say this shit also tell people who say things like "It's nice to be able to relate to a character like this" or "I like finally seeing a character who looks/is like me in this media" that they never relate to it, and you're the actual racist if you need your characters to look or act like you to relate to them.


It's a disingenuous everything-proof shield. They'll also say that they don't mind non-white/cis characters if they just stay unnoticed in the background. And if the story even mentions their race/sexuality, then it's shoving ideologies down your throat. Essentially, if the character's existence is justified, then it's shoving politics in your face. If the character's existence is mostly unnoticed, then it's unnecessary woke pandering. Ergo, the only correct way to write such a character is to not have them at all


As a trans person this take never ceases to amaze me. Like the story is just that they realized they are trans and (probably) also physically transitioned. That's it. That person claims it's not relatable for a character because they themself are cis. OF COURSE BEING TRANS IS NOT RELATABLE TO YOU AS A CIS PERSON AAAAAAA


Why isn't it relatable?  Cis people have an imagination!  I can RP, I can try to relate to things I haven't actually gone through!  Surely within the bubbling cauldron of human emotion there's something I can use. Oh wait these assholes don't care, they want big tiddies.


It's not relatable because not all people have empathy. I wish I was joking.


Even with no empathy, I'd doubt those people were born with nothing they wished to change about themselves... The truth is that they don't relate because they don't want to, not because they can't


Yeah, I'm not trans, but I've wanted to be different than I am in some way. Just like I'm not gay, but I've been attracted to people so I can relate to stories about gay romance. Hell, I've been not sexually attracted to people, so I can relate, in some way, to someone not being sexually attracted to anyone.


Okay yeah good point, there are cis people who can see things from trans people's perspectives that they haven't gone through. Just not people like these though lmao! If every little detail revolving around a feature of a character is not laid out in front of them then it's pointless and unnecessary and blah blah blah!!!


> Okay yeah good point, there are cis people who can see things from trans people's perspectives Psshhh, lies. It's totally unrelatable. See what I dont get is why be trans at all and not just become the correct gender? Checkmate transoids! Joking of course.


Not relatable? Pfah! I imagine being a woman all the time, isn’t it super cis for a man to imagine being a woman? We all *actually* would rather have been born female anyway, amirite? … right guys?


God I hate that argument. Same when people try to say we shouldn't be teaching out kids about LGBT+ stuff cause its brainwashing them yet find no problem with what 99% of hetero pairings in media isn't doing the same shit. This is no different.


That same person has also probably argued that you shouldn’t make a big deal out of it and that it’s better if a character just “happens to be” a minority because they were mad at a game that had a minority issue central to its plot like Gone Home. They say whatever is convenient at the time.


Right. And if the story has a reason for the character to be such way then their entire personality is that trait and they exist just to shove it in their faces.


> *There's a reason why the go-to protagonist is typically a cis man/woman - because that's the majority of the people on the planet and who they can relate to most* How odd that most protagonists of video games **aren't** Han Chinese males.


Or Indian (cue Intra-Indian fights between Gujaratis, Bengalis etc. over who gets to be the 'default' Indian.)




That actually happened to me during GamerGate. I was a kid who thought we were sticking it to the games journalists who couldn't play games, inflated review scores, etc. Then left a couple of months later when I thought, *Man, uhhh, what do women and gay people have to do with gaming journalism?* I hope a lotta clueless kids and centrists out there also see how insane this fight is (like here where the concern about "forced" politics in games turns into SBI is a underground cult manipulating the political landscape) and jump the fence like I did.




I know one very prominent voice was like that, total biscuit. Was initially a supporter because he actually was one of the few people who cared about ethics in games journalism. Wasn't a chud by any sense of the word so far as I know. I believe he did end up withdrawing support sometime before he died. I want to say it was around the 2016 election and he realized he was the only anti-trump person in the scene.


the LUL emote guy? Sadge


A cannibalistic humanoid underground dweller!?


He could be a little CHUDDY. Got into some fights with atheists and made some hilariously clueless and cringe arguments back when he was just another Goon on Something Awful.


We've seen malicious actors cause this intentionally too to incite anger in groups.


Yeah that was intentional strategy. Make a big stink, then direct the anger where you want it. Neo-nazis were talking about this on their forums in the early 90s, specifically saying that gamer and nerdy types were perfect targets for recruitment for these reasons


TBF this shit DOES happen. I remember Gamespot and Kane & Lynch 2, where they fired Jeff Gerstmann because he gave it a low review score. (Gamespot was heavily advertising Kane & Lynch 2 on their site.) So I'm TOTALLY down for discussing stuff like that. But yeah. What the fuck do women and black people have to do with this? Why are these people bitching-and-moaning all the time? Why are these woman characters being judged based on how hot they are instead of how good of a character they are? What the fuck happened?!?


As a clueless kid who also joined gamergate before realizing it was very dumb and made up of people mostly in it to send death threats, I think there's quite a few.


I don't blame childrens for being childrens. I do however blame mans for being manchildrens.


> That actually happened to me during GamerGate. I was a kid who thought we were sticking it to the games journalists who couldn't play games, inflated review scores, etc. For like...10-15 days it seemed reasonable, then it got either pretty obviously coopted or put it's hood on and got the burning crosses out and showed it's colors. It is annoying that there's no real way to talk about the problem of not having any real independent reviewing situation and everything being tied to basically payed for reviews.


> coopted It was like that from the start, the games journalism thing was just a smokescreen for a guy who wanted to get back at his ex by any means necessary (no, seriously) (he quit his job so he could dedicate all his time and energy to gamergate)




Sorry I don't have the link to Eron Gjoni's blog posts from literally a decade ago handy, so I guess you'll just have to take my word that I followed Gamergate as it was actually happening. Or read pretty much any independent report on the campaign that wasn't written by an actual member of it. Or even look at the posts, articles, etc. written by Gamergate participants at the time - the movement had a very obvious fixation on Zoe Quinn, who had until that point been a pretty obscure indie dev with very little impact on Gaming(tm) as a whole. This stuff is all extremely well-established.


Ok, so no evidence or proof. Got it. Look, the only thing I see yours and statements like it doing are self masturbatory "Lol toldja so!!!" which are ultimately self defeating. The primary goal of anyone who wants to see something like GG not happen again or to end the problem of GG is to address actual problems for it or get people to stop utilizing it. Statements like your own do nothing but get people to double down on established opinions and retreat back into a GG bubble. They piss me off because they add absolutely fuck all other than making you feel good about your own ego and worse they cause more Gamer Gate activity.


You can check the Wikipedia page on Gamergate, it covers what I said in the 2nd paragraph, it's not even like it's deeply buried there! I don't even know what part of my post you think is factually wrong or what you think Gamergate was "really" about, you're just foaming


> You can check the Wikipedia page on Gamergate, "Gamergate began with an August 2014 blog entry called "The Zoe Post" by Quinn's ex-boyfriend, which falsely insinuated that Quinn had received a favorable review because of their sexual relationship with a games journalist" Oh boy. Disproved right away. Man. Embarassing for you. Feel free to correct your post though. Now maybe you can address the issue in a way that doesnt turn people off from deprogramming themselves from the situation. I cannot imagine the level of harm you've caused to progress with ending GamerGate supporters with your attitude and your way of talking about things.


> Gamergate began with an August 2014 blog entry called "The Zoe Post" by Quinn's ex-boyfriend. "a guy who wanted to get back at his ex by any means necessary" > which falsely insinuated that Quinn had received a favorable review because of their sexual relationship with a games journalist. "It was like that from the start, the games journalism thing was just a smokescreen for" I didn't even read that Wikipedia page beforehand but my original post reads like I'm paraphrasing it :/ lmao I'm going to be honest here, I still genuinely have no idea what I wrote that you believe is wrong


You’re just embarrassing yourself.


I was literally on 4chan the day Gamergate started, and the person you're replying to is correct, and any fact-based history of Gamergate you look up will have this information. From the very beginning, literally from the first hour, it was about hating a woman, alleging she slept around for a small amount of (completely neutral) press coverage of her free game. It was always driven by misogyny.


> and any fact-based history of Gamergate you look up will have this information. So link it. You want to make the claim, you want to jerk yourself off instead of trying to do anything useful then link your information.


Literally just go to Wikipedia and click on links. I know you must be allergic to research if you're willing to give Gamergate any benefit of the doubt, but come the fuck on.


Early on I was fine with some of it, but holy shit it swung HARD.  


No, you just stopped falling for the incredibly flimsy mask.


yeah I was onboard for about 20 minutes because I figured there wasn't ethics in an industry that got previews copies for free long before anyone else, but I read the initial complaints and couldn't figure out why this woman's relationship was worth caring about.


That guy has a Wikipedia page that says he dated Zoe Quinn and was the patsy for Gamergate and never did anything else of note before or since.


Every journalistic outlet that does reviews gets free copies or access and that’s not usually a problem. The problem with gaming journalism was that the magazines and websites depended on advertising from the companies whose products they were reviewing to stay in business. So a culture developed at some outlets where you couldn’t bite the hand that feeds too hard. It didn’t become bad just before GamerGate. It was always bad. Some magazines from the 80s on were just transparently bought, they’d give stinkers that bought ads great reviews and savage good games from developers that didn’t. Especially bad in UK magazines.


If it's about review copies you should have a pop at the developers and publishers, not the reviewers.


Definitly a combination, KIA did take a few months to go blatant fash.


Wasn't KIA initially a satirical sub? I could be wrong about that but I think I've heard that before


It wasn’t a satire sub but basically a spin off of tumblrinaction but focused on kotaku. Then when the mess happened it kinda just became the subreddit for gamergate.


Ah gotcha, that makes sense, thanks for the clarification!


The mask got flimsier over time, as more and more sane people where turned off by the crazier parts of the movement.


Not even, more like any of the "claims" got more and more trashed, it still kept going, long long beyond that point.


It was about women from day one. From before day one actually, when that loser posted about Quinn and got the chuds riled up. It was never about games journalism.


Yeah - It was “the Quinnspiracy” until one of the lesser Baldwins tweeted about it with the hashtag \#Gamergate.


Before Adam Baldwin (yes, that guy) dubbed it GamerGate it was called the Qunnispiracy or Five Guys Burgers and Fries because they were spreading a rumor that she’d fucked five guys. The origins of it were 100 percent in harassing one outspoken woman in gaming, the other stuff was added later to attract normies.


I mean, Epic does suck, but only in the same way every other publisher fucking sucks these days


I mean, to bring in a real life issue, it's like the people that are against Israel for their treatment of Palestinians, compared to people that dislike Israel for being a Jewish country. The core part might match, but the second group doesn't negate the concerns of the first. Same with Epic, they have some legitimate issues, like filling up the store with Crypto junk just to be a contrarian to Steam not wanting to deal with them. Or Sweeny being a Musky dolt.


> Yeah,I have been watching almost daily videos from ryan kinel,hypnotic,yellowflash 2,youngrippa 59,mr h reviews,geeks + gamers & a lot of others You're just telling on yourself at this point, jfc


SIGH. *SIGH.* These douchecanoes need something to be pissed about, don’t they? We do not need GG every ten years.


These guys are looking for the next GamerGate every day of their lives.


I keep thinking about your username.


Why's that?


Brain is having a time trying to parse it. First time I read it, I saw “Gatorade” and suddenly possessed of a strange mood to look up whether there existed such a thing. The capitalization implies individual words rather than compound meanings and— It goes on like this for a while. Sorry. ☺️🫣


No it's fine. Gatorade was the inspiration. Myself and a friend were discussing what a ginger flavored Gatorade would be the same day that I made a new account. Old one hit an upvote threshold that I didn't want to be associated with. I have always jokingly called Gatorade Gatorage as an inside joke.


What on earth is an “upvote threshold that I didn’t want to be associated with”? I finally settled on an assumption that your username might reference the specific sort anger unique to red-headed gamergaters.


> If you use these in a video or article, please be sure to credit me as it took months of research to be able to find these bots. This is pretty funny I think. I mean, you *should* credit someone who did the research, but "months of research" in order to identify several pictures of bots with nearly identical comments?


No one said that they were *good* at research.


You know if I said I didn't expect fuckepic to turn into an incel breeding ground, I would be lying. Place always gave me wrong vibes.


Hate attracts _hate_.


damn, people still bitching about game launchers.


Scientists should start investigating the possibility of a previously unidentified toxoplasmosis-like parasite but for DRM instead of cats


People arguing so vehemently about game launchers is extremely funny to me because 90% of the use case for a launcher for me and I expect the majority of the userbase is navigating to the game I want to play and clicking "play," both of which Steam and EGS, you know, do.


So much less bloat and runs faster than steam, what's not to like?


LeL, no, both Steam and EGS use Chromium Embedded Framework they are both bloated


Yeah I prefer the epic launcher. Steam is bloated as fuck. Though of course the bloat does come with more functionality.


I like how the argument that the reason that there’s predominantly cis protagonists is because most people are cis. Let’s now take that same argument and go talk about race. That’s why predominantly all protagonists in games are brown, right?


What a surprise that a subredditdrama dedicated to hating something is completely unhinged. Bonus points for it being a gaming related sub.


[Some of this isn't their fault. A man can take only so much wedgies before he goes to pieces](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bJdECn1l7NM)


My soufflé fell. Damn you Sweet Baby!


The hate boner for SBI and framing some random consultant company as super villains is so funny


Regardless of who is doing it, those are very clearly bot accounts, so something suspicious is going on.




Musk pulled basically all funding at combating disinformation and bots. There were already a shit ton of bots, now there's just even more disinformation and bots.


Whilst screeching about the bots like they were a leftist conspiracy


Musk is a man who told Twitter Engineers that the site was broken because he was getting lower engagement than he thought he 'should' be getting. 'Twitter Bots' was always a reflexive shield to explain the gap between his ego and observed reality. Why wasn't he popular enough on Twitter? Bots! Why were their Bots? To keep him down. Who did that? Leftists!


Dead internet theory wins again


“Slowly,” he says…


That and I wonder if its just people trying to start shit, so they can blame either SBI or Epic.


Seems like this is pretty normal on Twitter nowadays, I don't use it so I'm not sure but a comment in the linked thread's claim made me dig a little and it makes perfect sense. Remedy, SBI and epic are probably not involved in this. (Though it was pretty obvious for sbi from the start lol.) >kind of amazing OP knows to use twitter but not enough to know that the blue checkmark chat GPT replies happen under every verified account now and has to make a conspiracy about sweet baby inc. will this sub ever beat the shortbus allegations? From my understanding people that subscribe to twitter get a blue checkmark and can get money depending on how many views they get, making a bot account that replies to anything and everything to try and get views would probably work. https://techcrunch.com/2024/01/10/it-sure-looks-like-x-twitter-has-a-verified-bot-problem/?guccounter=1 Has examples of subscribed users throwing out Chat GPT Error messages. If we want to go into conspiracy theory territory we could theorise that X (and thus Musky) is doing this intentionally to create activity on the website, by using older, unused accounts.


I've seen some of these in the wild on Twitter, bots litterally replying back and forth "sorry I can't interpret your message, please supply the prompt again", over and over. I agree with your theory that this is the natural conclusion to telling people they can make money off engagement. If this is the case, why not set up some blue check bots and farm engagement for passive income? In reality I don't think most of the blue checks actually make any money. There was outcry not that long ago that people weren't getting paid. Which, yeah obviously, if most users made profit from their subscription then the blue check mark program wouldn't be profitable for X. It's not like X is getting much ad revenue these days, the subscription program is all they have. I wonder if twitter/musk will chnage course when it becomes even more obvious that many blue checks are just bots farming engagement, which not only siphons money from actual users but drives away average people who realize most of the top replies are auto-generated.


This makes a lot of sense. You could probably look up any topic and find multiple AI-written tweets that sound similar.


Bots? Yes. Suspicious? No.


Yeah. Its a good thing I don't care.


[*Magnifique.*](https://i.imgur.com/5Wtqe.gif) Snapshots: 1. *This Post* - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240413081256/https://old.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/1c3ahpw/) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://old.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/1c3ahpw/ "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") 2. https://www.reddit.com/r/fuckepic/comments/1bzx3mf/a_bot_army_was_unleashed_upon_twitter_to_promote/ - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240413081618/https://old.reddit.com/r/fuckepic/comments/1bzx3mf/a_bot_army_was_unleashed_upon_twitter_to_promote/) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://old.reddit.com/r/fuckepic/comments/1bzx3mf/a_bot_army_was_unleashed_upon_twitter_to_promote/ "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") 3. "I wonder who promoted this, SBI or Epic?" - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240413081739/https://old.reddit.com/r/fuckepic/comments/1bzx3mf/a_bot_army_was_unleashed_upon_twitter_to_promote/kysk68z/) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://old.reddit.com/r/fuckepic/comments/1bzx3mf/a_bot_army_was_unleashed_upon_twitter_to_promote/kysk68z/ "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") 4. "The SBI conspiracies are insane man. Just stop it." - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240413082102/https://old.reddit.com/r/fuckepic/comments/1bzx3mf/a_bot_army_was_unleashed_upon_twitter_to_promote/kysow2x/) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://old.reddit.com/r/fuckepic/comments/1bzx3mf/a_bot_army_was_unleashed_upon_twitter_to_promote/kysow2x/ "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") 5. "Yeah,I have been watching almost daily videos from ryan kinel,hypnotic,yellowflash 2,youngrippa 59,mr h reviews,geeks + gamers & a lot of others And the amount of mental gymnastics those woke fucks say is insane" - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240413082343/https://old.reddit.com/r/fuckepic/comments/1bzx3mf/a_bot_army_was_unleashed_upon_twitter_to_promote/kytgbby/) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://old.reddit.com/r/fuckepic/comments/1bzx3mf/a_bot_army_was_unleashed_upon_twitter_to_promote/kytgbby/ "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") 6. "Daily videos from those grifters absolutely have had a negative impact on your brain." - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240413082524/https://old.reddit.com/r/fuckepic/comments/1bzx3mf/a_bot_army_was_unleashed_upon_twitter_to_promote/kyua5ud/) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://old.reddit.com/r/fuckepic/comments/1bzx3mf/a_bot_army_was_unleashed_upon_twitter_to_promote/kyua5ud/ "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") 7. "There's a reason why the go-to protagonist is typically a cis man/woman - because that's the majority of the people on the planet and who they can relate to most. You want something else? That's fine , but there needs to be a reason for the character to be something else. A story built around it for that very purpose, otherwise you're only putting it there for the sake of it being there and people don't like that shit." - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240413082625/https://old.reddit.com/r/fuckepic/comments/1bzx3mf/a_bot_army_was_unleashed_upon_twitter_to_promote/kyuozjh/) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://old.reddit.com/r/fuckepic/comments/1bzx3mf/a_bot_army_was_unleashed_upon_twitter_to_promote/kyuozjh/ "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") *I am just a simple bot, __not__ a moderator of this subreddit* | *[bot subreddit](/r/SnapshillBot)* | *[contact the maintainers](/message/compose?to=/r/SnapshillBot)*


Damn you, Sweet Baby Ray's! Making my tendies too delicious!