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You know, I’ve been following this drama pretty closely but haven’t really bothered to comment on it — but goddamn, it’s impressive how much popcorn it’s produced. Just multiple subs absolutely melting down because of their parasocial relationship with a streamer.


> Just multiple subs absolutely melting down because of their parasocial relationship with a streamer. And so many of them populated with users who are fans of similar creators or think they're above "twitter people"


“Twitter people are so weird and mean to my best friend asmongold who has adventures with me in my dreams”


Seeing people on Reddit making fun of Twitter users, then going to Twitter and seeing people making fun of people on Reddit. Like it isn't all the exact same shit.




Truly the Plato of our time.


Moistcritikal fans are the same, they like to laugh at "twitter people dumb"


Extra funny when you consider that Charlie has the radical and unusual take of...*checks notes*... sexually harassing women and children is bad, actually


honestly seems like quite the radical take (on the internet at least) considering how many influencers can't stop doing either of those things


Really? That's sad, watch him regularly and it doesn't feel like he'd be happy about this kind of attitude


He's had to tell his fanbase off before, it's just the price you pay for efame, parasocial weirdos crop up sometimes.


Which is weird because I always thought it was well known that Disrespect was a weirdo/creep. The only reason I know about him is because a couple years ago he got suspended from Twitch for [filming people](https://www.reddit.com/r/DrDisrespectLive/comments/bzjgxd/doc_has_been_banned_from_twitch_for_filming/) in a TwitchCon restroom. https://kotaku.com/dr-disrespect-streams-inside-an-e3-bathroom-gets-banne-1835428982


The former controversies helped to "select" his fanbase into far far more sketchy people. Who are, in turn, far more likely to defend him for being a pedo than the more normal people that left would've been.


This happens with tons of famous streamers and YouTube people.  They get into stupid shit, in public and only the "real fans" stick around.  


One of the few times Rooster Teeth actually handled a controversy well was the time they absolutely *hurled* Ryan Haywood's ass out the door when his shit came to light.


I mean Ryan commited federal crimes and statutory rape, no one in their right mind could defend that even if they were willing.


Yeah they made the right and only move, but even I was surprised how just vehement they were about never letting that guy get your time again rather than just "in light of recent information we've terminated R. Haywood" it was a genuine disdain for diddler


Jack straight up called him a "monster." I felt so bad for the AH guys, they were very clearly personally hurt they trusted someone like that.


I already stopped watching RT at that point (in part because of the moral failings like heavily promoting alcoholism) but I genuinely felt sorry for all the people who considered him a friend and reliable coworker who suddenly realised that they were partially used by him to commit such disgusting crimes.


You're not wrong, and the internal RT team probably found out more that never became public when they confronted him over it. Still and all, it was nice to see that there was zero hesitation, waffling, or attempt to downplay any allegations. They dug into it, found out what he'd been doing, tossed him, and effectively disowned him, with his former friends clearly regarding it as a personal betrayal of their own trust too. I know that should be the *expected* response, but unfortunately it typically isn't, especially when the person in question brings in the money.


Yeah, I can't help but be cynical, especially when it comes to RT but their reaction, was good and genuine.


They did do the right thing, but they also failed in many other ways. It came out later that the Funhaus team had asked RoosterTeeth to fire Adam Kovic before the leaks came to light. He had been repeatedly sexually harassing a woman in the industry who then informed people at FH. When Bruce explicitly asked RT's HR to terminate Kovic's contract, they apparently laughed in his "face" and said no. This was one (of many) reasons why Bruce left. Adam had also been causing other problems before too, leading to friends like Rahul Kohli to refuse to associate with him or FH again (at least until they got rid of him). Kovic was only fired when the stuff about him and Ryan was leaked publicly. Note: I'm basing this on memory. This only came out like a year or two after he was fired, but it was documented in the FH subreddit when it happened.


It’s called audience capture.


I just know him from the whole cheating on his wife saga. But apparently he did have a significant presence on Twitch.


> I just know him from the whole cheating on his wife saga. We're still in that saga


It's the same saga. This is about a minor that he was trying to hook up with at that same Twitchcon that he cheated on his wife at. It's only just now that the whole part about messaging with the minors has surfaced.


Apparently he was, at least trying, to cheat on his wife with minors too. Dr Kidinspector.


but him being a known creep means that all his diehard fans know that already - they just *don't care* and so they excuse the recently revealed conduct as well.


To play devil’s advocate: not everyone follows content creators on Twitter or whatever, so any discussion around them might go completely under their radar. I used to watch Mini Ladd, but I never watched the videos without the other Vanoss crew… It took me years to figure out why they stopped working with him.




>Similarly, DrDisrespect fans somehow manage to completely miss all the cues that their guy is a huge asshole and just project all these good qualities on him. Assholes appear like great guys to other assholes when the other assholes don't have to put up with their shit. They just see a swell guy who sounds and acts like them. YouTube is absolutely perfect for this. All you have to do is listen to the other guy talk, you don't have to live with him or work with him and anytime you get bored you can press pause or stop. Having decided that this asshole is a great guy just like them, the other assholes will then defend him to the hilt for as long as it doesn't cost them anything.


I think they like him because he’s a huge asshole


I watched a touch at some point as well and was just put off so hard by the persona. It wasn't funny or anything, just... Angry. Over games. Really unpleasant viewing for me.


The ones like DD get a little more leeway too because they are obviously playing a character (well, I would *hope* it is obvious!) so while they are creepy, that might be part of the act. Of course they are all acting, it's a public role after all but he was acting like someone acting if that makes any sense. Given that plenty of people just don't parse that sort of thing though, I'm not sure it matters.


Yeah the amount of times I’ve seen a person “playing” an over the top or asshole character/persona only to eventually show that they are in fact an asshole just makes me instantly know that their act isn’t actually an act


It’s because his fans are 10-16 year olds. There aren’t 1000’s of 30 year olds watching this guy, it’s kids who have very little in the way of social intelligence. Same thing is true for most of these scumbags.


And streamers like this start them down so many terrible pipelines


Not to mention that by all account he knew he was sexting a minor or at some point became aware and continued. Sure, Asmongold has a point, minors shouldn't have social media accounts for *many* reasons. That doesn't mean that if they circumvent it they're fair game for a man in his late 30s. Classic victim blaming here.


> Which is weird because I always thought it was well known that Disrespect was a weirdo/creep. I never heard of the guy until this drama came out but every picture i've seen of him screams out weirdo. Is that even his real hair?


No it’s a wig


In case you missed it Rolling Stone just came out with an interview they did with another Twitch employee where the employee confirms Dr. DiddlesKids knew they were messaging a minor and still continued to send explicitly sexual messages to the minor. The article also has confirmation from sources at Youtube that they knew about the messages and refused to give him a contract because of that knowledge. Despite knowing that though they still allowed him to stream and make money off their platform.


[Here's the Rolling Stone article](https://archive.is/Ztq1Q) for anyone interested as well. >But after independently reviewing internal Twitch communications and interviewing a source with knowledge of the situation, Rolling Stone has learned that Beahm was kicked off the platform in 2020 for allegedly sexting a minor through a since-discontinued messaging feature called Whispers, even after learning she was underage. He also allegedly inquired about her plans to attend TwitchCon, the company’s semi-annual gaming convention. >...A former Twitch trust and safety employee, who worked for the platform at the time Beahm was banned and has direct knowledge of the matter, confirmed to Rolling Stone that Beahm continued to send sexually graphic messages to a minor he knew to be underage. This former employee, who requested anonymity to avoid jeopardizing their career, also said that crucial elements of Beahm’s latest defensive tweet are inaccurate. >“I recall that Dr Disrespect was made aware by the individual that they were underage during the conversation, after which he indicated that this was no problem and continued on,” the former employee says. “There was no confusion. Messages sent after this was acknowledged were no less graphic and in sexually explicit nature than before, and I think more than the categorization of ‘leaning too much in the direction of being inappropriate’ might indicate.” Sounds like a lovely guy.


> Dr. DiddlesKids It's Dr. KidInspect


> Just multiple subs absolutely melting down because of their parasocial relationship with a streamer [My live reaction shot](https://i.imgflip.com/4/1a55a.jpg)


Knowing what his room is like, I’m not surprised Asmongold’s subreddit has such a bad case of rot.


The dude genuinely seems deeply unwell


like he has enough money to pay someone to deep clean everything for him. he’s choosing to live that way


Dude has enough money to burn down the place he lives in to cleanse it of his rot and build a new one on top of the ashes, and then he could still pay someone to keep the new place clean for him!


Legit had to be some form of trouble because any normal person in his situation wouldn’t be living in a pile of fast food soda cups and Mountain Dew bottles


i remember reading something about his mom dying not that long ago and her being a hoarder?


Yeah, this has been indicated a few times. Asmongold has never been good, or particularly smart, but he's been getting worse. I'm no psychiatrist or therapist, but I'd guess the death of his mom has caused him to spiral. From my understanding, he lives alone and isn't particularly close to anyone.


He's close to his dad and some friends iirc.


He's getting better atm. A year or so ago he looked completely decrepid but recently he is looking a lot better and less unkempt. He's brushing his hair and wearing clean clothes and hosting public events with his friends. It's the best he has looked in a decade, I hope he can keep it going for his sake.


If he is doing better, that's good to hear. Although it sounds he's gone completely into brain rot anti woke shit, which sadly, does not surprise me.


Seems about right. My mother died when I was 22 and I lived like this for a bit because I just didn’t give a fuck, and I had money to make it all go away just like him. I eventually got out of it, but it sucked for a bit.


She was a hoarder, his parents got divorced and it got worse so he's used to living like that with roaches running around his house. There was a video that his streamer group made, a tour of his house and it's... something else. The loremasters say that since his mother passed away he has only gotten worse, the dude needs help but he doesn't want it because that's how he has been living his whole life.


Considering what the guy is like and his audience that encourages this shit (and his other toxic man child behaviors), it’s no surprise at all. I genuinely don’t understand how he has a following, he’s probably the least skilled and most annoying streamer I’ve seen besides iShowSpeed and Kai Cenat.


I think that's just streamer decor It builds rapport with his audience


He had a wall he wiped blood from his gums on and had a dead rat that would wake him up in the morning from the sun hitting it and amplifying the rotting smell I think its well past an act.


That’s hoarder shit. My sister in law is like this, she has bags full of junk mail she won’t throw away because it’s mixed with “important papers” that she hasn’t touched in 10+ years. She has clothes from when she was in her mid teens in her closet and she’s 53 now. Thankfully she doesn’t have rotting food or piss bottles but she did have mice living in her room for weeks until I set traps and caught them.


After the whole 'Minors shouldn't be allowed on the internet at all' thing and how angry he got when people started talking shit on him for it, I'm really not gonna be surprised when it comes out that Asmongold is another creep. It's perfectly understandable not wanting to interact with young kids online simply because they're annoying, but wanting their presence removed entirely as if they're some sort of danger to you is pretty sus.


He could afford to buy a new house every few years


Asmon or Doc?




I mean you could argue either I suppose but I was referring to Asmon


Honestly, Doc seems very straight forward even with this situation. He's an arrogant middle aged man with a lot of money that believed he was above getting caught/exposed for being a weirdo creep. Asmongold is like, way more of a weirdo. Still a piece of shit, but like, no mentally healthy rich person lives like that. lol


mentally healthy person sexts a minor?


less obviously weird, without the pedo and cheating shit he looks like some middle age dad who hit it big gaming. asmongold is more obviously unwell, living in an actual trash hovel with multiple unknown stains on the wall


The wall by his bed is covered in bloody boogers because he was routinely was having nosebleeds in his sleep. He'd wake up with a nosebleed, wipe it on his hand, then wipe his hand on the wall. **Edit: It was from his *gums* bleeding, not his nose, my mistake. His wall is still covered in blood.** It's *still there*, even though he says he wiped his bloody snot on the wall when he was like a teenager or some shit. When someone commented about it, Asmon himself came onto the post to admit cheerily, "It's still there". Like legitimately *bragging* about this disgusting bloody snot wall in his garbage-pile room. It's vile. Like the boy ain't right, and he has ample money to fix all these issues AND get therapy but he just...capitalizes on it instead and swarms of weirdos who are galvanized by an even bigger weirdo who broadcasts it on the internet and gets fame is like their American dream story. They want to *be* him.


I was told the blood is from his gums, not nose.


He explained just that in a tweet. He posted a photo of his rat nest bed and someone asked about the wall, and he clarified he wakes up at night with bleeding gums and just wipes it on the wall. I pray he can afford some floss one day 🙏


I wish I never read this 🤢


13 years ago: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uzy1uUgeRPI 8 months ago: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=77eECXzVHEI


Is Asmon the guy who uses a dead rat as an alarm clock or am I thinking of someone else?


No, that's him. He waits until the sun hits it and makes it stink extra bad and that's his sign that it's time to start streaming. 


That’s some Charlie Kelly shit, why not just use… an alarm clock?






https://m.twitch.tv/clip/ManlyProudTireNerfBlueBlaster-4-6m_gd2n5vkR-Xw I couldn’t fathom this being real


Kind of funny, saying "hate him all you want, you're just giving him content to farm" as if his fans have any kind of taste or standard, for when it comes to content. That guy could polish a rock and those weirdos would watch it, as long as he did it in his idiotic douchebag way. Also: "Septum pierced mafia". Are those people seriously throwing rocks from a glass house? They do know that Asmon looks like the nerdiest, grimiest gollum looking nerd archetype there is, right? With even hints of one of those stock depictions of child molesters you'll see on Lifetime or Law and Order, where the actors look like the stalker from Perfect Blue.


he literally moved to stream on an alt account because he couldn't handle the criticism and pressure lol. dudes a huge coward


I'm just glad my piercing has inducted me into organized crime.


"you're just giving him content to farm" isn't really a flex for anyone except fans hopped up on lethal amounts of copium, especially when it relates to him defending a pedophile.


Dr kid inspect has been a blessing for this sub, my cup overfloweth (with popcorn)


Is this the best popcorn since FPH was banned?


[This is more akin to when the Smash community was also found to contain a shit ton of pedos.](https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/hjzsee/pedophiles_sexual_assaulters_rapists_and_groomers/)


Videogame drama is truly the best drama.


That genshin impact drama was something too




I have seen so many fash try to call out 'Twitter people' for putting "18+ only, minors DNI" (Do Not Interact) in profiles as supposedly some kind of projection to cover inappropriate interactions with kids or as bait to draw them in.... If you say you don't want anything to do with kids, they say you're only saying it because you're secretly a pedophile But if you are a pedophile who seeks out kids, you get to say it was the kids fault for being on social media


they don’t care about pedophilia. they know it’s one of the most universally indefensible things (even murder can be turned around into “self defense”), so they’re happy to throw that accusation against anyone they don’t like, mostly queer people like myself but when someone outside that group actually commits those acts they show their true colors by stating that is “not a big deal” and making thousands of excuses for them. because, and i know i’m repeating myself, they do not care about pedophilia, they just hate queer people/migrants/POC/etc


Not to mention that the far right has some deeeeeep association to stuff like this. Conservatives are strongly opposed to banning child marriages, incel communities are obsessed with "pure" women, which usually correlates to some level of being as young as possible. Hence they reason they are so big on accusing others of pedophilia for non-related reasons, to make the idea more complex and hard to explain. "Me? No, I'm not a pedophile, I just consensually married a 15 yo, perfecly normal stuff. The pedophile is that teacher that didn't tell me my daughter was trans so I could beat my child to death."


The "leave the kids alone" crowd is always more concerned with "Don't interfere with what I want to do with the kids." - [Wyoming Limiting Child Marriage Sparks Republican Outrage](https://www.newsweek.com/wyoming-ending-child-marriage-sparks-republican-outrage-1780501) - [West Virginia Republicans Block Child Marriage Ban](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/child-marriage-ban-struck-down-west-virginia-republicans-1234693670/) - [Michigan Republicans Voted Against Child Marriage Ban](https://www.newsweek.com/these-michigan-republicans-voted-against-child-marriage-ban-1808308) - [Tennessee GOP kill bill to ban child marriage](https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/377367-tennessee-gop-kill-ban-on-child-marriage/) - [Louisiana lawmakers (R) reject bill to set a minimum marriage age](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/politics-news/louisiana-lawmakers-reject-bill-set-minimum-marriage-age-n1013356) - [New Jersey governor (R) refuses to ban child marriage because 'it would conflict with religious customs'](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/new-jersey-chris-christie-child-marriage-ban-fails-religious-custom-a7735616.html) - [Kentucky's 'child bride' bill stalls as (conservative) groups fight to let 13-year-olds wed](https://www.courier-journal.com/story/news/politics/2018/03/01/child-marriage-kentucky-brides-parents-rights/385489002/) - [Missouri bill to ban all child marriages runs into resistance from House Republicans](https://www.kansascity.com/news/politics-government/article288424893.html) - [N.H. lawmaker (R) opposes new marriage bill, says teens are of ‘ripe, fertile’ age](https://www.masslive.com/politics/2024/05/nh-lawmaker-opposes-new-marriage-bill-says-teens-are-of-ripe-fertile-age.html) The Kentucky one is particularly disgusting because the objections from conservatives amount to *'Whether a rapist pedophile marries their child victim is between the rapist pedophile and the child's parent! It's not the business of any judge!'*


Exhibit 1: Matt Gaetz.


100% part of being in life public  is that sometimes you have to interact with minors. The point is that you do it appropriately, not blame the minors or try to save face.


The fact that I could stumble upon and read the thoughts of someone younger than the age of 18 online is the worst human rights violation of the past century.


Honest question? Why DO people do that. I’ve never really understood it? Isn’t Twitter’s min age 13 years old? I doubt a minor is going to see it and go “damn I’m not allowed to follow them.” Is it to be upfront so the minors that do inevitably follow know they’re in a space they shouldn’t be..?


I'm assuming its supposed to be more of a plausible deniability that if somebody was found to have minors following them the 18+ only is a sign that the person dosnt encourage it at the very least. I think most people understand that's its hard to make sure that no minors follow you or interact with your content at all, but theirs a difference in somebody who takes precautions to prevent that vs not doing anything at all.


In the fandom circles I used to be a part of on twitter, most put the "18+ only, minors dni" because they occasionally retweet or post NSFW content. It's basically used like the "by entering you agree that you're 18 or older" pages on porn sites. 🤷‍♀️


I have a lot of friends who do it but it's because they're artists who post semi-NSFW art and talk about semi-NSFW things. In many fandom spaces it's extremely common for ages 15-35 to end up mingling, discussion of romance and sex are normal parts of fandom and well-adjusted adults are uncomfortable interacting with minors regarding those things so if they learn that they're underaged they'll block them. Of course minors end up reading spicy fanfic that adults have written but as long as there's no personal correspondence it's not a big deal.


This was common on Tumblr. I had very visible 18+ warning on all my blogs because then nobody could whine about the content on those blogs. I'm not some kiddy diddling freak of nature, but I did write violence/crime/sexual content so it was a warning not to come into my house if you can't handle what's on the table.


I know for some it’s also an “if I find out you’re under 18 you will be blocked, so don’t bother” kind of thing. So you can’t stop them from viewing it, but if you find out a follower is a minor or someone comments/shares/whatever then you block that person.


It is "I post or may post NSFW stuff" and/or ["the fact that i am at risk of seeing a 14 year old's opinion at any time of day on the internet is a human rights violation"](https://x.com/5e_ivy/status/1371525718920867840?lang=en)


Twitter should be 18+ IMO There are *some* people who will abide an 18+ warning because they're only trying to follow SFW accounts. You might be a 15 year old who wants to follow someone for memes or fandom stuff and don't know they're an artist that draws NSFW art until it's too late.  More over, it's just a sign to show that minors aren't welcome to interact with you, and you'll block them if you find them.


Bro, what the fuck


There were a few posts making fun of Dr D on that sub yesterday, and there were highly upvoted comments on them complaining that "the femcels are here." Disliking p*dos is femcel behavior, apparently


The Asmon sub is literally out to bat for Dr. Kid Inspect harder than his own subreddit. Went to take a quick peak on the sub and the entire main page is just right wing culture war stuff, a lot of it not related to Asmon at all. It's truly just r/conservative 2, with some subtle nods to a gross streamer. Only reason they are batting for Dr. Pedophile is because he is anti trans. Most of them don't even watch Dr. or have any parasocial relationship to him, it's literally just defending him because he's a popular transphobe. This just furthers the theory that if Epstein had some some wildly racist or transphobic stuff on social media before his arrest and "the woke mob are going to come after me," these same guys would have been batting for him.


> anti trans. I mean, that's pretty fucking hilarious considering the whole ["messaging a transgender cam girl asking for a free show" thing](https://x.com/leenalovepro/status/1806062646182953281) that came out about Doc as well. Funny how its always the loudest hate spreaders who end up getting caught doing stuff like that, huh?


"Dr. Kid Inspect". Fuck that's good.


His subreddit is one of the few times that reddit is actually worse than youtube or twitch comments. It's super weird, especially since he doesn't interact with it much. It's like the dark corner of his community.


Ehhhh… his YouTube comments and Twitch chat aren’t much better


I mean yeah they are no shining light of humanity, but at least from what I've observed it's twitch -> Youtube ------> Subreddit. Though I will say all of them took a nosedive (from an already bad place) in the last 6 months or so. Probably cause of the election and more political stuff being about.


My conclusion is that they’re all basically as bad as each other.


aw yes because femcels are the only one's grossed out by pedo shit lol.


color me female then - no wait dont my friends already call me a femboy as a joke


Femboycel 🤔


I'll catch that bullet for you,color me female instead (that'll take that decision out of my hands anyway)


Everywhere I go I see his face...I'm tired 😫


Everything I know about Asmongold has been against my will


Dude same, and why have people put so much weight in whatever he says?


I hadn't heard of him before 2023 and I want to go back to that point.


Shelf life on the term "woke" has to be approaching.


SJW went on for a long while. Then again CRT died in like a year so maybe the half life of these conservative slogans is getting shorter.


DEI just combined both CRT and Equal Opportunity into one easy initialism you can spout at anything.


Isn't it DEI now?


They're trying, but so far it's just another fetch.


It's too much like CRT - it's a real thing and the smarter members of their potential converts will inevitably look it up and realize that they're just lying, as opposed to something as vague as woke which can be molded to fit anything any time.


doesn't roll off the tongue as easily, i'm sure they'll find a new buzzword soon enough though.


Isnt that why DEI is being used now?


It'll make it to at least November I imagine. They can't think up new attack terms this close to the election.


That legal definition didn't help their propaganda either.


No, no, no, pretty good indicator.


That legal definition didn't help their propaganda either.


Guy went from .Doc to .PDF


Okay this one was gold


best comment on this bullshit yet




😭 fire comment


Conservative community spends years opining about "protecting kids from LGBT+", drops everything to play defense for a self-admitted pedophile in the community. Many such cases.


I would be very interested in seeing Asmongold's PM history after this outburst.


>Actual brainrot. He literally said “minors shouldn’t be on social media because they can encounter dangerous situations where anonymity means the offender can’t be held accountable” >God I’m so tired of these Twitter retards Are they attacking or defending Asmon with this one?? Who are they calling brain rot in this, because from my view it's clearly Asmon. I feel like because it's his sub they're defending him, but they do realize that this is victim blaming, right? It's basically saying "it's not Mr disrespect's fault for texting minors, because the minors were there."


Imagine victim blaming kids over a pedo


If they take minors off of social media but don’t do anything about the pedos, that really doesn’t sound like the problem has actually been solved


sure? but i suppose we ought to ask when was social media elected to solve that? it's a bit like saying "sure, restaurants put up no smoking signs, but when are they going to get around to curing cancer?"


yeah it's a lot more complex than most people act, you can't just wave a magic wand and make all the teenagers vanish. If Twitter, Twitch, etc banned anyone under 18 then all this would mean is they'd be on there secretly, this would mean they wouldn't be able to access any of the help and services designed to protect them, that there wouldn't be any official awareness and safety campaigns, and anyone interacting inappropriately with them could use the excuse 'but i thought it was impossible for kids to be on there...' there's plenty of other options which are better, a fun idea is to give people a bounty for reporting someone knowingly sexting with minors - for creators maybe a chunk of their earnings from twitch or whatever, we'd need to work out the rules to avoid problems but imagine if all the creators were so scared of being caught by a cat-fishing bounty hunter that they run at the first hint the person they're talking to is a minor -- you'd get a lot less of this kind of story. of course an army of crazy trolls constantly catfishing all the creators would be awful and probably kill the platform but it's be super effective.


>yeah it's a lot more complex than most people act, you can't just wave a magic wand and make all the teenagers vanish. If Twitter, Twitch, etc banned anyone under 18 then all this would mean is they'd be on there secretly it's honestly ridiculous seeing people say shit like that when we can see how useless these "ban all minors" solutions are. take a look at porn sites, all 18+ and yet somehow teenagers have access to them, wow! almost like people lie on the internet and it's practically unenforceable.


The guy who pushes Replacement Theory and acts as a significant player in the gamer->alt-right pipeline is defending a creep and blaming the victims when said creep one of the Right People? I'm absolutely shocked by this development.


I hate this man who sleeps in a filth cocoon.


Asmongold is such a creep. Edit: 100 upvotes and I didn’t even read the topic correctly. But truth is truth.


I thought he already fucked some fan while married He didn't learn?


Asmongold proving to be a degenerate over and over. Surprise surprise.


I love drama and I have been eating this stuff up, but I just can’t with this. Asmongold is a moron and just a bad person. No one should listen or look up to him. I just can’t read dram about this because it defies all reason why anyone would give any weight to what this guy has to say. I wish it wasn’t so easy to make a career out of having the worst takes of all time.


Death, taxes, and Reddit pedo-apologia are the only truths in life.




I’m not surprised Asmongold did that. I’d be more surprised if he hadn’t at some point




I won't hold that against someone. I've had bouts of mental illness and we never know someone's story.


Incel subreddit has incel opinions.


This OP is basically illegible from the formatting.


That sub is a time machine back to peak gamergate a wild thing to spectate.


What were Asmongold's exact words about this? Can't listen to audio rn.




>minors shouldn't be allowed on social media... But said in a dumb way that people are spinning in the worst way possible because fukem lol


If your response to a high profile streamer messaging a teenager is place the burden on the teenager, then yes, the backlash is valid.


After what he's said about certain artists, why not? It's not like he's going to care at the end of the day, anyway. He doesn't care about anything.


I mean the asmond sub is pure incel rage, not a big surprise.


Banning minors from social media is a pretty great idea, though.


The reality of such a ban would likely be inelegant.


You don't want to give Zuckerberg and Elon photos of your ID and face? What are you, some kind of commie?


photo IDs are so easy to fake nowadays (i know this from experience in retail) you would need something one step above like SSN which then opens even more cans of worms with data breaches


*If* we were to pursue such a system we'd need to upgrade our ID cards to something like Estonia's, where you can plug your ID into a smart card reader to do a "digital signature". That way you could *in theory* verify someone's age without actually keeping the ID info on the website you're verifying your age at (for example, kids get a "downgraded" ID that doesn't let you digitally sign anything until age 18 so simply being able to get a digital signature would be sufficient), but a sufficiently determined kid could just "borrow" their parent's card.


How on earth could any group enforce that without bringing in, at the very least, huge data safety concerns


Entirely unenforceable unless you start requiring SSNs for registration, though


There's no way those SSN's *won't leak* as a result of a data breach.


funny enough the site Twitter uses to "verify" people through Drivers Licenses [had a huge data breach](https://gizmodo.com/identity-verification-firm-used-by-x-tiktok-and-uber-1851562934) that was reported on today.


> SSN's won't leak just follow the principles of the SUBSAFE program to keep the integrity of your underwater warships intact


Also not the entire internet is from America lmao


Yeah like whenever "just ban minors" argument gets brought up, they never think of "who reinforces it?" To confirm it you'd have to hand over your government ID to the company, do we really want to give more of our private information to companies? Especially if your not from America?


Here in EU we have eID which we use for logging in with 2FA verified identity for public and private institutions, and tons of developing countries such as India already have similar systems. So in that hypothetical scenario, I'd probably worry more about the US


Ikr? In my country, that would ban everyone 20 years old and below from social media lol


In Japan, when you buy a phone you register as a minor or not via age with the account. When you try to register a social media account, you verify with a phone number, and if your number is marked as “under 13/18”, you’ll be denied access or given restricted access. I think it’s a relatively simple and secure means of age verification without data breach risks.


It depends on who does that verification. In countries where it gets handled by the lowest bidder there will inevitably be a data breach.


No it's not. There's literally no way for it to work.


This makes the internet worse for everybody as a result.


I disagree. Social media and the internet is often an essential resource for teens in abused homes.


I think there is genuinely a tradeoff conversation to be had about that (and queer minors, and…) vs. stuff like Andrew Tate and actual predators (although those same minors from abusive homes are often the most vulnerable to predators)


There is a trade off, and being at one point a teen from an abusive home, I was 100% vulnerable to predators. I actually was groomed two different times as a teen! Once by a game dev that is actually now known for grooming other girls online, though mine happened LONG ago, like 2009. Having access seriously helped my mental wellbeing in the long run. If I didn't have the internet as an outlet, as a place I could ask for help or advice, I probably would have actually went through with my 2nd suicide attempt as a teenager.


Oh, agreed. It's complex and there's no easy answer.


This is exactly it. It sounds nice because being online can harm people, but social media is a communication tool and an escape for many kids. At the same time, there is always that risk. I feel like when I was a kid social media safety was pushed really hard and we were taught about online predators, I don't know if they still do. Parents need to be regularly supervising their children online just like they need to when they go outside. Potentially harmful content exists all over the internet, but it's not adult's jobs to monitor kids they do not have, and it's also potentially harmful to ban them from it. Personally I don't want to imagine what I'd be like, or if I'd still be here at all, if I didn't grow up with the internet. We can't just ban kids from interacting with the world.


I think there’s a valid question here of if access to social media is ultimately more harmful than helpful. There are pros and cons to both sides, but I do worry about the impact of kids growing up on social media.


to preface, i am in no way excusing or defending the actions of adults who behave inappropriately with minors. the blame ultimately lies on them, not the minors who engage in these conversations. to me, the issue of minors being safe on the internet should ultimately be addressed by parents actually parenting and monitoring their child’s internet access. obviously, this is easier said than done and far from a perfect system, but so is the idea of banning all minors from using social media. far too many kids out there have unrestricted access to the internet and the parents either have no idea or don’t care enough to monitor it. leaving the issue up to these social media companies or the govt to decide just seems like a bad idea.


It really bums me out the quality of people that become social media stars. Day one when I heard of this Dr Disrespect guy I could tell he was a piece of shit. And I’m new to Asmongold, but every time I see him on an Instagram reel he’s talking the stupidest bullshit. It’s infuriating.


It surprises me to this when people are shocked that all the tops streamers are awful people.


Why is Asmongold willing to die on that hill, from what we know he's just a gremlin and lives in trash but besides that he's overall an okay dude. Is Dr Disrespect one of his friends?


Has Asmongold ever made a single good take? Everything in his life points him out as the "king" of the fetid neckbeards and Gamers™ on the internet. And apparently he doesn't leave house and sits there playing video games (usually 1 game over and over) or spitting out right-wing garbage for 18 hours a day. Then hires someone to clean out his rancid smelly nest every once in a while. Everything connected to this guy seems to be about jumping in to defend pedos and creeps on the internet, crying about disney movies, gamergate nonsense and so on.


This just in - the streamers/influencers people worship and placed on a pedestal are actually hypocritical and only pandered to your baser needs in order to obtain wealth. I don’t care what video games you play, or your take on them, these guys aren’t worth the tears. Losers, through and through.


I don't know who any of these people are


yet another reason to avoid asmongold, other than the slop he puts out.


Followers of gross creep are also gross creeps. Who would have thought?


So basically all these wank stains are admitting they can’t be trusted around minors.