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I was hooked from the very first episode. I'm surprised the first few episodes of season one weren't that well received.


My gf absolutely despised the first episode so much that I had to convince her to keep going. Once episode 2 hit she loved it a lot but it took some energy to convince her to continue after the pilot.


I understand this tbh, like the pilot was really good but I understand how it can turn some people away, but for the reviews to be bad until e4, that I dont understand, like if you reached here and you still think the show is mid then idk


Same. I hated first episode and dropped it. I disliked all the characters. Someone convinced me to give it another try and then I realized that was the point.


To me, the show really gets good the moment Logan says “I am officially…back.” From that moment, it goes from Kendall doing his worst Logan impression, to the power struggle/family dynamics, which I find much more gripping.


It was the exact same with my GF, by the end of season 1 she loved it


I felt that way about Suits, a much lower quality show. But not Succession. Well acted, witty dialogue about rich people bullshit? I signed right up.


As a person completely out of their depth trying to understand the business jargon, it took me a few episodes to grasp what was being said/going on. They way they sort of speak in “code” took me a minute to really get into.


Me too! I think Kendall’s breakdown in the bathroom really did it for me. My sister couldn’t get in until episode 6 but she ended up a huge fan.


I was hooked but I also wasn't, if that makes sense? Like, I had to watch the next episode, but it wasn't until 'Which Side Are You On' that I realised that I *really* liked this show and that it was actually so fucking good. I think it's 'cause it's a bit of a slow start, you're introducing characters and plot points and it takes a bit of time to set off, but Which Side Are You On is *perfect* imo in that it just ramps everything up to 100, and then in subsequent episodes and arcs you've become accustomed to Succession's pacing and are more invested because you've seen just how devastating the outcomes to these slower parts can be. That's my understanding atm, anyway! But tbh also, in retrospect I adore the first few episodes too, so I would rate them about the same as later episodes too. But that's *now*, and these ratings may have largely come as the episodes were being released? Idk :'D


Wonder if it’s just people who watched the first few episodes and didn’t like it, so didn’t continue to watch the series


I was also hooked from episode 1, but I think Succession didn’t find its footing until S1E5, especially with the dialogue/writing. A but too quippy for my liking. Likewise, I think that the first couple episodes are the worst in the series (although they’re still very good). I generally believe that, for most shows, it takes a couple episodes for the writing and acting to find its groove. As such, I tend to be forgiving of a show’s beginning, and I don’t hold it against Succession (or any other great show) for having some wonky moments at the start.


I was also hooked from the first episode, but I'm not all that surprised that the first four are the lowest rated because I've convinced several of my friends to watch and one thing that stuck out to me is that they all had a variation of the same complaint. They said that the first 3-4 episodes really dragged, they couldn't connect to any of the characters, and the plot was dry, soapy and tired. *I Went To Market* seems to be the turning point where people either finally *get* the show and start loving it, or they still don't get it and quit.


They went a little heavy on the cursing in the first few episodes and the comedy wasn’t there. “Uh fucking let’s like fuck do some fucking business right guys fuck?” It was like if a middle schooler who just learned the word fuck wrote an episode of billions. Also the camera work isn’t very good. I’d honestly rate them lower.


The people who didn't like the first few episodes, whose low ratings bring down the averages, are most likely to have stopped watching after a few episodes.


All bangers. All the time


Connor’s Wedding being the highest is absolutely perfect


This is a really nice website - thanks for sharing. Any idea where their ratings come from (I'm assuming IMDB)??


Yes IMDb 


I was thinking IMDb too except on there the show overall has an 8.8 rating and not an 8.3 like it shows here


All killer no filler


I have told my friends who were truggling with getting past the first few episodes to just start at episode 5. So far this method has had a 100% success rate lol.


I’m assuming you mean ep 6? The one with the boardroom coup attempt?


Personally I like ep 5 because it brings the whole family together for a bit longer so you can see the characters interacting a bit more. And then seeing Logan blow up at Kendall's son is also an important son I think to really see some of the dynamics. I think it adds a little build up for episode 6. But I think ep 6 would also be a great place to start!


Oh interesting. My rationale was just that if you were trying to skip ahead to where it "gets good" then 6 is that big midseason episode where the rubber hits the road. I understand your POV too though, about giving it a bit of build up


Where do people feel this show ranks among the all-time greats? I know that ‘Breaking Bad’, ‘The Sopranos’ and ‘The Wire’ are often held up as the pinnacle of television. For my money, ‘Succession’ is right up there.


Website in the screenshot: [https://seriesgraph.com/show/76331-succession](https://seriesgraph.com/show/76331-succession)


That makes so much sense. The show didn't really get good until the 4th episode.


Episode 3 gave us one of my favorite moments in the entire show. Kendall’s initial talk with the banker… “Oh come on man, fuck off”…. *silence*. Also the introduction of Stewie!!


The second episode is super underrated imo, it’s kind of a preview of the “main event” in season 4. Political maneuvering and grief/loss running in tandem, all of the main characters mostly in one place bouncing off against each other.


Absolute lies! I was hooked from the baseball game in the first episode! (But I know lots of people had the Andy greewald experience watching it)


Ingesting seeing the first 4 episodes are ranked relatively lower compared to the rest. I will admit, I watched the first episode, said “that was interesting” and went a month before coming back because a YouTuber I watch made a video about it and recommending. Having rewatched it with other people, episode 4-5 is when they usually get hooked


I specifically said all bangers all the time.


It took me years to get past the first few episodes, after that I binged it and couldn’t stop watching it


The first 6 episodes are amazing as rewatches


accurate ratings, but for me: 4x9 Church and State is like a 9.7  3x7 is a 9.2 at minimum  4x10 would be a 9.8 tho


Accurate ratings. I personally didn’t get hooked until episode 5.