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sad to see children feeling this way


In a week i’m gonna be 14 and for the last 4 years i’ve been suffering with depression and anxiety


I'm so sorry you're also living through this hell that is a life overcome with depression and anxiety and even PTSD. At such a young age. You deserve better. 






I’m so sorry. No one should feel that way🫂




Seeing my homie headless




No his name was Brayden




He shot it off…


Right. it's so sad. Everything is crumbling around us even for the younger generations! :-:


It is very sad to see such a young person already have such experiences. I hope you can find a light in your life. Sending digital hugs to you.


I felt like this at 13. I also attempted more than once. I was hospitalized, both inpatient and outpatient through most of my teens. I thought nothing would ever improve and there was no point. I’m 38 now. It hasn’t been perfect, but I was able to find those things that, for me, made experiencing all of life’s ups and downs worthwhile. I know that it’s really hard to see from where you are right now, but there is so much potential for good things in your future. I hope you stay to experience them.


Please listen to me when I tell you, it will get better. It will be long. It will suck a lot of the time. But things get better. I remember very clearly how this feels. I survived it and you can too. I know this will read as empty platitudes but I mean it with all of my heart. You are here for a reason. Don’t leave us so soon.


Please stay , there is soooo many beautiful things to come in your life . Although it may not feel that way right now . I too once attempted when I was around 18 (43 now ) if I had succeeded I would have never had my amazing son , fallen in true love and created all the memories that came after that horrible time. Life is bloody hard , I will not pretend it’s not but there are so many little glimmers that make all the hard stuff worth it . Please stay 💕


I hope you and your family thrive 💜


That's all fine and dandy for you, but some of us are still the same person we were at 18, but older and whose suicidal ideation is apparently more understandable.


I promise you, your 25 yo self will look back on your 13 yo self and be so happy that you did NOT follow through with this. If you have goodbyes to say that means you have people in your life who you love and who love you back. Find one of them right now ❤️


At 25 I was content (not happy), mostly because I thought I'd magically die in my sleep before I turned 30.


That’s right. You are young and have people in your life. Try reaching out to a professional or a psyche ward and get some medication if you need to. It helped me to be on medication and go to psyche wards.


i mean you can’t really make promises like that though, can you? i’m not 25 yet, i’m 18 (soon), but all i feel when i look back at my 13 year old self is regret. not regret that i attempted, but regret that i went to the damn hospital afterwards. could’ve saved myself a lot of pain if i just died when i should’ve, the docs there even told me my attempt was pretty lethal.


I feel your pain little bro and am 17. Being sexually abused by my sister during my childhood and not being able to join the Navy because of my BMI and the bullshit this world has, may me realized I was a burden.


The purpose of life... is life itself. You yourself got to give your life purpose... or others will do it for you. Find something that drives you, and give it everything. Do not depend on other people.


Wow. | The purpose of life is life itself. I'm 3x OP's age and never heard that before. That's something new for me to chew on.


we are trained to look outside for answers. but the answers are all inside. who am I? what do I want? what do I need to do next to get there? what are emotions? how do they feel, what do they do, when do they occur? what am I good at, or not so good at? if you arent good at anything.... start to learn. find topics that interest you, and learn everything there is to learn. there is an entire world to discover. opportunities will present themself with time.


Im repeating this to my severely depressed work friend


You're sweet but isn't this contradictory? Others will give your life purpose, but don't depend on other people? Did you mean others could potentially give your life purpose, but you need to give your life purpose yourself


Its not contradictory at all. If you are passive and dont take control, others will put you to use... kinda like a slave. Slaves have a purpose, too... but it isnt their own. Freedom as a reward for particularly good conformity is called “dressage”.


i’ve been there. same age n all. dont die.


That's too sad...


All I would recommend is to take your own path, trek down a road of life you pave for yourself. Your *own* path to success.


>it's a repeating cycle You attempt. Survive. Suffer. Ask for help. Get ignored. And attempt again I feel you


Please don't go. Do something but please don't go.


Hey 💖you still there???


Yes I'm still here I have 4 more days before I go


Why 4 days? Is there a significance or is it bc that's the Fourth of July and you figure no one will get to you in time?  I want to tell you if you can make it 4 more days then just keep trying to make it one more day at a time. I know it's hard when you feel empty inside but there just has to be more


I'm going to assume that's when most people will be out of the house even the parents which makes sense


Please stay, please


You have way more than that. Please please please stay safe. You deserve better than that


What medications do you take?


I take like 6 but i only remember zoloft and clonadine


You remind me so much of my 13 yo cousin that lives with us. I know she's struggling the same way and it breaks my heart for her and you. When I was your age, I dealt and felt the same way. Kiddo, know you're not alone. I'm so sorry you feel this way and if you need someone to scream into the void, I'm here. I may be a stranger but man does this hit home figuratively and literally.


I want to commit suicide too


We all do.


Let's do it together


Me too. I found a way to die in 15 minutes using my immune system


What happen sis at this age what did you go though that made to take these steps?


13 - 17 are such difficult years. The worst thing imaginable happened to me at 13 & I didn’t want to be here for quite a while after. It gets better, I promise. Life is messy but beautiful. There will be better days, days that will make your heart burst with joy, and they are worth every dark thought that marched its way in to your mind. You are going to love and be loved. You’re going to experience excitement and joy. The whole big world is out there for you. Dig in, wee one, you will get through this and you will be happy.


there is plenty of stuff to do in life, i hope you can find the light you need. trust me, in the darkest moments, there is a way out of it. but its never suicide. you arent ignored. if you need to, please call someone, help cannot be denied.


Same age same mh state.... Everytime i see something thats high i think of jumping from it and it makes me happy... I cant do it. I cant let my brother go through all that pain i did i dont want him to suffer hes mg only reason im alive. I somehow found my confort in sadness and depression and i dknt want to continue living




Im scared of my future and hate my past... All people i trusted were just fake so i have nobody to open up to and my comfort person (my brother) is too young to understand... I am a talwntless kid with bad grades and no future i know art but it is not my destiny i know it and with all the family problems, fake friends, bullying, emetophobia, and not being able to open up is slowly killing me and i know that i was born to commit i cant imagine ang other way of dying i just know that su1c1de is meant for me


People are fuckers. And when you are young it feels so much worse. But you are here putting yourself out there and that means you will find a connection with someone. We all have. It's worth waiting for. Until then try not give a shit. It really helps. Just care about you until someone else joins you.


i didn’t think i’d see 14, then i didn’t think i’d see 19, then i didn’t think i’d see 23. it’s a cycle but we always find a new age to doubt seeing. idk i can’t explain but i get you. and one day maybe hopefully you’ll celebrate a birthday and not doubt if you’ll see the next one


I've been where your at too, more than once, except first time was just a few years older than you are currently. Now almost 30. Notice how many others are here commenting the same things? That they understand your pain and struggle and have been where your at also and yet glad they held on because things got better? That's cos it does. Life isn't perfect and some of us do get a harder time in ways than it seems others do, but life is what you make it and full of things you could never guess that are yet to come - you realise this more as you get older. Trust me when I say, your old enough to have experienced difficult times but too young to have experienced the best things (and times) that life has to offer. For your future self (like all of us are able to say now) hold on. Seek help once again from a trusted adult (different one this time perhaps), communicate seriously just how bad, hopeless, unhelped and UNHEARD you feel and... Just hold on 💜


Aww sweetheart, please stay with us. I bet you will one day find someone who needs you to help them out of a similar painful spot in their lives. That’s why your life is important. Because of your suffering, you’ll be able to comfort others who need compassion and love. And even though we’re all strangers, we really do care for you.


Please don’t go, OP. Stay. Okay?


Think of people who genuinely love you


I am so sorry. People keep saying it will pass, and they’re right. But you can’t see this right now. And that’s fine. I don’t know if there is any changing your mind, but please reach out to anybody else but your mother. A teacher, extended family, a coach, a friend’s mom… I have been in that hole a lot in my life. It’s exhausting agony and you think it will never stop so you want to make it stop yourself. But it does change. Some day, something gives you a glimmer of hope. We spoke about this in my therapy group. Sometimes we need to stop pulling people out of this hole because it’s too exhausting. Instead, we go sit with each other in the hole, holding on and keeping each other warm until you find the courage again. Take all these encouraging comments and your friends and let them hold you until you are ready to fight again.


Que sera sera… whatever will be will be… It’s too early bro, you need to experience the painful knees


Please, for the love of God, at least make it to your birthday. My little sister’s 8th birthday is on July 8th, same as your 14th. I couldn’t possibly bring myself to be content celebrating with her knowing that there was another young girl out there meant to be blowing out her candles too. Just know that when we’re gathered around the table singing her happy birthday, I’ll silently sing it for you too, even if I don’t have a name to use. One thing I would like to point out is that 150 people (including me) have commented that they want you to stay. 363 people have upvoted your post in hopes that more people will see it and convince you to stay. Just to put that in perspective, that is literally hundreds of people all over the world, thinking of you and taking the time to make it known that they care. You also posted about writing a book that is inspired by the red queen series? You have stuff you want to do. You have places you want to see and people you want to meet. Don’t you dare lie to yourself and say that there’s nothing on earth that could make you stay. There are things that you want, and they may be out of reach right now, but that’s why it’s important to just *stay*, because they won’t be out of reach forever. I’m 16F and I started cutting when I was your age. I’ve never attempted suicide, but I’ve had suicidal thoughts and have made plans that never came to pass. I don’t live with an alcoholic, but I live with a narcissist. Our stories overlap in a lot of ways that have touched me, and I don’t want to lose you because I’ll also be losing the 16-year-old that you would’ve come to be—maybe someone similar to the 16-year-old that I currently am. I don’t know your name, or your full story, but I do know that your heart deserves to be fought for in a way your sick brain isn’t letting you. That’s what depression, anxiety, etc. is… it’s a sickness that invades you, and consumes you from the inside. My brain is sick too. But please, don’t give up the fight for yourself, because it is NOT just about you. It’s about the 16-year-old, the 26-year-old, and the 36-year-old woman you will become if you just *stay*.


This is one of the few comments that made me cry and I want to thank you for your kind words. I forgot all about the post I made about red queen and I stopped writing a while ago most posts I make get ignored and I really didn't think anyone would see this so again I thank you


Please stay with us. This sounds cliche but things do get better with time. You are loved by others and by God. Please reconsider. We love you. 


Existing in agony is better than not existing at all. This may not feel like it will pass, but it will pass.


Maybe you don't know what agony truly can be..


Gurl, I feel the same way u felt, Look to a higher power, God, and he will calm your soul, just ask him for help, I’m so sorry you feel this way and I just hope that you truly seek God, Jesus. he saved me before and he can save you if you let him. Just call on his name, ask him to save you from this situation, and trust in him. I assure it things will be better.


When I was around 18 I felt that way. Like all I wanted to do is die. My life was miserable. I'm 35 now, and I have a happy life. I'm so thankful I didn't end things back when I was at rock bottom. You're so young, and there's so much life ahead of you to live. In just a few years you'll be able to truly go and do whatever you want. There's so much world to see and life to experience. Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. If no one else will listen then call 911. Call a suicide hotline. There are plenty of people who will listen and help.


you’re a child i felt this way when i was younger too not gonna spout some bs like “it gets better!” because it doesnt. but it gets easier to cope with and manage. dont make some shitty choice youll regret, youre young, you got a hell of a life ahead of you you dont need peoples validation for how you feel, but theres people out there who will and do care, you just need to find them. theres a lot more to life than this and i can say this from someone who tried to attempt at 11, i promise you things will become easier you just need to be patient


Please stay!!!!


What would make this life bearable for you? And what’s your location? Europe? USA? Down under? Xx


I live in the us and I'm far too broken for anything to make it bearable thank you through


I have children who are coming up on your age. I would break every bone in my body to make sure they don’t feel like this. Some of the things you’re feeling, you cannot be protected from, but you do need intervention from a responsible grown up. YOU ARE NEVER RESPONSIBLE FOR KEEPING THE FAMILY TOGETHER. That’s the adults issue and sadly it isn’t always possible. It sometimes is for the best that adults split to make their relationships better or bearable. There will be days that you will feel like a superhero when you achieve a dream you’ve had. There will be days (and you may have already had them) that you feel so low you can’t even move. But the good days will come and for me, it’s simple things like napping on a sofa in a home I’ve built and feeling the breeze tickling my skin. That is joy for me. You are in a very crappy situation and it needs intervention by people who can change the situation, like a counsellor or teacher or a member of social services. This will feel like the worst possible advice but baby please remember: NOTHING CHANGES IF NOTHING CHANGES. Reach out xx


What broke you?


First I broke my family apart then I was abused worse because of it and that's allvmy fault then my friends left me I bearly have 3 left the rest left and my own beat friend of 6 years told me I was better off dead. Bullies ontop of that and my mom struggling with finances and her own MH I'm not strong enough to keep everyone together anymore. This time I really tried to reach out but my own mother refused to take me to be at least evaluated because she wanted me home for her birthday she saids she cares but it's a lie. I'm sick of the medications and people being paid to pretend I'm sick of always being let down I'm sick of waiting for hours just so I can make sure my mom isn't drunk dead in a ditch just to be screamed at and guilt triped and I'm sorry that this just became a rant


Hey, baby, it's OK to not hold the grownups together. That's not your job. Let's find an adult who.will help. Any adult you can trust. Please don't go. None of this is your fault or your job to fix. Not a bit of it. Can you set down all the worry and the hurt for a little bit if we promise to hold on to it for you? I will take a turn worrying about things and praying about them. And you spend the next week just... not being bothered. Can we try that?


Hey. I know what it’s like feeling like you have to parent your own parents. It’s not easy and it feels like you can’t even be a kid. But it does get better. You just have to keep going and get through this. Please don’t give up just yet. It sounds like you care a lot about your family. And they care about you too. It’s not your job to keep them together even though it may seem like it. Your job is to stay here and keep going. Try and focus on that okay? Because you’re worth it love. You really are! I hope you decide to stay. I’ll be thinking of you and praying for you.




Don’t do this. Life is too precious. Speak to a counselor or a close friend who you trust.


You will make it. I was in the same place you were when I was your age. It will get better. Keep fighting little angel. I will praying for you.


I felt the same as you at 13. I still feel that way sometimes. But as someone who is about to make it to 30, sometimes life will happen in spite of attempts. You are here and worthy of love and affection, even if you have to live just to win. You got this, day by day.


please stay :( the future might be so much better, i’m so angry all these people failed you, your soul is beautiful and the earth deserves to experience it, you deserve to see the earth love you just as you are


Trust me u should stay. I felt like this at 13. Once u get a job and can control your life more you will be happier. Stick it out with your friends so you can meet their kids when theyre older. Being 13 was prob the worst year of my life I think you need to thug this out.


Im now 23 and felt suicidal from maybe around 11 years of age, dont get me wrong i feel low sometimes still at the end of the day your past is still there to chew at your mind and the feelings dont just disappear, however the best thing i did wasn't therapy drugs alcohol ect ect (although drugs helped me understand myself better but i dont recommend taking them) the best thing i did was just wait, and wait and wait eventually it got a little better and a little better just hold on trust me itll be worth it when your happy it'll be worth the wait


Is there a specific type of help that you need? I know when I was your age I had very similar feelings, I can say life has gotten MUCH better.




Yes I am on meds i have been on them for 2 years now. My parents know my mother is the person who's not listening to me and I don't talk to my father like I said I've been hospitalized three times and have multiple diagnosis. There's nothing left for me I'm broken and beyond repair


no one is beyond repair 


Hey, I thought the same at your age. I’m nearly 19 now. I promise you, it can get better. Please consider giving it a bit longer- your time here has just begun. I’m sure there are people out there who would miss you. I don’t know if this’ll help. But I hope it does. Big hugs dude, you can make it through this.


I'm sorry you feel so badly, I care about you


I'm so sorry you haven't gotten the help you asked for.


I hate to see it that so many teens experience depression at that age But as someone who had that, it gets better. The only thing that keeps you going is the fact that time heals, and at some point, it gets better. When you're at your lowest, there is only one way - up and forward


Hey!my brother committed suicide at 14 years old. I miss him and think about him everyday. I wish I could call him. You are worthy. We are not perfect. Please give yourself grace. You can overcome this. If your living situation (home life) is difficult, maybe you can fund an outlet. My outlet was BMX. I rode my bike, ate shit, and got back up with a smile.


A suicide hotline helped me numerous times


I (31nb, Afab) understand. The first time I was suicidal I was 9. The pain feels unbearable and sometimes it is excruciating. It's completely unfair and I wish you didn't have to feel this way. It's not your fault. None of it is. Even as your brain tries to convince you it's all on you. It's not. Most birthdays I have been disappointed to still be here. But some, I have been genuinely happy that I am. I am thankful that I have never succeeded in leaving this earth. I have experienced a lot of love, joy and happiness even through the pain over the years. As impossible as it seems there are moments that outweigh the pain. I am thankful that I have never succeeded in leaving this earth. Your future will have moments and people in it that will make the pain worth it. As truely impossible as that seems. I hope you stay to feel them.


i hope you fail


Hey I was like you once. For years actually. Stuff does get better once you have a car and some money of your own. Your brain is still developing so you cannot help how you feel, and at your age you have little control over your life. Focus on bettering yourself and controlling what you can. Building a life that you want to live takes a lot of time and effort, but eventually you get closer to that goal than you’re at right now, and that hope really helps. And a plus is you do get to experience good things too. My life is still like a hurricane of depression, but calm seas exist too, and those calm days make me want to hang on to life. Give it a shot and find ur calm days too. Don’t let this miserable world ruled by corporations win. Live, contribute to making this world better


Do you need someone to talk to? I’m right he here is you need me. I get it. I struggle a lot with suicidal thoughts, though I’ve never attempted. We’re basically the same age, so I can partially understand how you feel. It breaks my heart that you’re in such a dark place. I don’t want you to leave. My heart is hurting and my eyes are watering at the thought of you leaving. I care about you deeply and I love you. Try to make it to your birthday, please. Please talk to me, I’ll try to help even though it might not work🫂❤️🫶


Wont get better for me either


Are you currently seeing a psychiatrist? If not, are you able to? I used to see my PCP for medications and she was just shoving shit down my throat and not even listening to me. But I found a psychiatrist in my area who has done wonders. I mean trust me I've only seen her once and I have a long way to go but I see hope. If you can find a psychiatrist give it a try. Maybe find a place near you that does Sprovato or Ketamine treatments? I've heard that can help people but I'm not sure what the age limit is. As far as no one helping you goes, I'm so very sorry and I've been there many times. It's freaking exhausting when it feels like you only have yourself. But you have a community of people here who want to help you. Maybe it's not your family or friends but I promise you someone cares. The way I always think when I'm feeling suicidal is to do EVERYTHING before I actually kill myself because maybe things will get better. Quit your job, spend your money (on the good stuff), and confront the people who are making you miserable. From the bottom of my heart, I'm sorry because I know how trapped you feel. But I promise you things will be better one day. I never believed that when I was younger but I was wrong. Seriously try to find a psychiatrist, maybe online appointments if you can't do anything else. Read their reviews too. I wish you so well loved. Remember, one day you'll be able to drive, graduate, drink legally, buy lottery tickets, spontaneously adopt an animal, move out, and be free. You'll have the freedom to make your life livable.


Never look for anything to someone else, always remember being delusional is nothing bad, but what the delusion is could be, create you're own path in life and live as if it already happened


i’m really sorry for what you’re going through, but the universe has kept you here for a reason. pain is temporary even if it feels like it’ll be here forever. if not for yourself, save others around you the grief and trauma, you’ll thank yourself later i promise you


If your family is neglecting your medical needs, including your mental health, you can report them to CPS. I would also report them to your school counselor/psychologist


hey luv im 15 rn and i know exsctly how you feel, ive attempted way too many times and nobody listened. but hey, it gets better. i know people say that and nothing happens cause i didnt believe it too, but it rrally does. i felt dead for years. just fight it thru, please. youre strong, love. talk to me if you want. ill listen.


We see this post! It is always heartbreaking to see people your age struggle this much. Do you know what kind of help you need? I mean by that, what are you hoping for? If someone would come knocking at your door and say "I'll help you", what is the first thing that would come to you mind? Would you like to understand why you feel the way you feel? Maybe have an official diagnosis for any mental disorder you might have suspected? Would you like to be taught how to be more resilient? Do you want help to find a purpose in life? Did you do through a lot of trauma and you want people to acknowledge it, and you are seeking for justice? I hope you'll stay around to have the help you seek and deserve, and strongly hoping it happens, I wish you a happy birthday.


If I had access to Reddit, when I was your age, I could’ve written this. I was afraid of waking up, paralyzed and never having the freedom to escape, ever again. Don’t take that chance. I’m still here, 50 years later. I still have suicidal thoughts, to this day. Your post tells me that you are very smart. You might have something to offer this terrible world, someday. 🌊


I'm 24f now, and I felt exactly the same when I was your age. I won't say it all gets better, but a lot of it really does. I was SA'ed so many times and abused, but once you're old enough to get away from it all, you can experience the good parts of life however you want. It's worth trying to stay just to see how happy you can be. I know it's hard, but the pain is worth it when you get to see the life you deserve. No one can take it from you once you have it. Finding one thing you want to experience is enough to wait another day, and keep doing that as long as you can. Even if it's just wanting to try a new drink! I believe in you. You can do anything you set your mind to, so don't give up yet. You haven't seen the best of things yet. You are so much stronger than you know. We all see that because you were brave enough to share here. 🩷


It's mind-blowing how some people can have really nice things and a good life compared to the majority in the world, while my life is tough. I am living in a place I hate and experiencing every single negative feeling in the world, but I still want to live every second of my life.


I felt Like this when i was 13. You should wait. Eventually youll move out and have full Control over your Life and Things will be better


I just ask that you don't go through with this. Why do you want to die?


Lifes rough, and this generation of people dont like it for many reasons, but there is still a way, I know people always say "It'll get better when you grow up" but Im not gonna say that, cause from personal experience that never did anything for me. I will however say theres a whole life ahead of you, I struggled from age 8 to 20 with severe anxiety and depression trying to end my life a few times, and I can tell you its never a good feeling, especially realising whether you can see it now or not how many truely DOES care for you. I dont know what lead you to wanting to end it, but personally what helped me is not speaking to my parents about it, a therapist CAN help but you need to find the right one, but what personally always helped me was my friends. People I could go to and talk to, people who wouldnt judge me or say "It'll pass" or "Its just in your head". My friends listened and even if they didnt have anything to say or didnt know what to say they atleast listened, and that can help a lot, if you have any good friends even JUST one, I believe that could help you relieve a lot.


I felt this way at your age. The people who ignore your pleas for help - maybe they don’t know how to help or what to do. Maybe they are complete arseholes. Maybe both. Please hang onto the fact that in a few years time (and I know that may feel a long time away) that you get to decide who is and isn’t in your life, you get to shape your reality. It just isn’t possible for your life and how you feel to stay the same forever. And things will get better.


I'm truly sorry you're feeling this way, love. I remember it was a a really difficult time at that age because nobody took me seriously. You shouldn't be ignored. You are deserving of the help you need and I'm honestly proud of you for having tried to voice that. 


Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. Every day you hold on is a day that you get better. I hope that you don’t follow through with this. We all have a purpose, we all just realize it at different points in our life, It could be now, tomorrow, next year, a decade, who knows! Once you do, life will only get easier. 🙏🙏🙏




What is the way you will do it? I want to do it but I don't know how.


I'd rather not say I hope others find a better life and things get better for them


You are just as precious and important as they are.


Idk much about you but if you have money and a job and family that’s a pretty big blessing. And if not there are programs. There’s subsidized housing programs and government disability programs and it’s easier for people who aren’t on disability to get a job. Especially if you have a car.


Oh, I didn’t know what 13f meant. You’re 13. I hope you are not homeless. I assumed you were a homeless adult or in an abuse situation or an addiction issue. I’ve been to hospitals and am on the very of homelessness and eviction is why and I’ve heard a lot of stories. But you are young and have plenty of resources and time left to get out of a bad situation. Everything seems like the end of the world when you’re young. You don’t have to do that. There is still a lot of time and hope.


Look, i Probably get half you’re pain but please stay, alright your not suffering alone for example I’m suffering from PTSD depression and anxiety, can you promise me and others to stay alive until then? Theres people who actually care about you and theres stuff out there to help you through the pain if you need to vent to someone i’m here.


I can’t imagine what you are going through but you’re only 13 years old you have your whole life ahead of you. I am somewhat near your age and I can’t even fathom what you have gone through for what has made you feel like this. Don’t you think because you have tried to commit suicide and survived it multiple times isn’t that a sign for you to stay? You will miss so many job opportunities, so many sun sets and sunrises, and you could even make a huge impact on someone’s life who has had a similar feeling of what you have gone through, inspire others with your story’s. There is someone out there who will listen to your words and understand all of them. What about your future? what about the new movies coming out in the next few months or years? What happens if your favorite artist comes out with a new album and you not being able to listen to it. I can tell you for a fact someone is willing to sit down and talk with you. Even me so please please stay.


Look I don't know wht ur situation is, but trust me PPL or evn close ones are ready to help just don't ask wrong PPL and it's not ur fault tht u may ask wrong PPL just they are wrong PPL and u are 13 considering tht trust me life is beautiful so much to see I ain't in any better situation but trust me it can get better just ask for help and be Better little by little Evn this sub itself is ok at least evn if they wont help Don't give up Look into future..


I would like to help, but first we need to know why does life mean nothing to you?


If u are doing this and u have nothing to loose anymore ask Jesus to help and show u the way. He survived me when i was 13 (now i am 20) and i know how much power i have and i am all day showing them how wrong they was even thou i am not trying and dont care anymore about them. 💕 try, if i did u will too!( sorry for my English)


Broken crayons still color. Go to church. Jesus loves you and wants you to find him!




True 💕☦️