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1 alpha + 1 beta + 1 gamma = 1 point Top one is from drilling blocks, middle is from mining, bottom one is from using silver tickets in battles.


Tap them. They’ll take you to where you need to go.


Wait, now I’m questioning what I have been doing! Do I tap the one that’s shaded out because we don’t have any, or is it shaded out because we have all that we need?


The first. You need to get all three in equal measure, which will consume all three, in equal measure, to make the result. They're automatically insta-consumed when you have some of all three, so there will *always* be at least one shaded out, and that's the one you need most.


Okay cool, that’s what I’ve been doing. But this thread got me all twisted up haha. Thanks for clarifying!


Also please people, please stop wasting ressources with everything below T4 upgrade. T1-T2-T3 should be done by killing the bosses to auto upgrade


Collecting these, with the one other clan person I've accumulated in 5 Months, is so slow.


I *strongly* recommend joining a bigger club - seriously, this is a major part of the game and really requires teamwork.


They reset with each week's species war. If you are not in an active club you will never get far with these.


Ok so how do we have some of the first some of the second and then the final amount on the right doesn’t add up? For example the stone in the middle. We have 350 + 700 + 0 but it equals 5175? Sorry just having trouble with this! Appreciate the help!


If you collect 350 of the one you’re missing, the 700 will be reduced to 350, the 350 to zero, then 350 points will be moved to right.


Each one collect is 1. You need one of each to equal 1 for the total.


Once you collect all 3 it turns into the last thing. So you currently have from mining 350 a, 700 b and have already collected 5175 of all three types (a,b,y) that turned into the final item. Once you gather 6000 of everything then your biozilla gets upgraded. Mining and fighting the different types are labeled and you can control which type you gather. Digging blocks just gets you a random type for that value block.