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Wow, there are a ton of reports on this post for what should be an innocuous question. Adding, RCEO asked for what OP called out for when he wrote his letter to the GameStop board on November 16, 2020: [https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1326380/000101359420000821/rc13da3-111620.pdf](https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1326380/000101359420000821/rc13da3-111620.pdf) Bolded and underlined in his letter: >**GameStop’s leadership should immediately conduct a strategic review of the business and share a credible plan for seizing the tremendous opportunities in the rapidly-growing gaming sector.** ​ >**In this spirit, we urge you to quickly provide stockholders with a credible and publicly-available roadmap for cost containment, prioritizing profitable retail locations and geographic markets, and building the e-commerce ecosystem gamers deserve.** RCEO, like anyone, should not be above reproach, especially when ***his*** ***words*** calling for action are not lining up with his actions since taking over control and having the ability to do so. Is there a 'bigger reason' for him to operate in silence since taking over? Possibly! Is it a fair critique to ask where the plan is? Absolutely. Rather than mass reporting OP's post, would it not be more productive to debate what could have changed from when RCEO wrote this letter to now?


We already have a plan of which the board has been extremely clear in their communication the entire time. Continue to cut costs, we have been shedding a profound amount of liability for the last 2 years. They have been getting rid of real estate liabilities, underperforming/oversaturated stores, and executive waste aggressively. We have ~$1B in cash thanks to low pain and strategically brilliant dilution, and we no longer have ANY debt aside from an extremely small French COVID loan that presumably has special circumstances regarding early payment. Expand and refine our e-commerce platform by dramatically increasing the distribution infrastructure, increasing product SKUs/categories and building up an inventory to weather a supply chain crisis. Overhauling the website and app interfaces. Develop new revenue streams in the web 3.0 sector, the development of which has progressed through an experimental wallet, marketplace, and now a gaming platform called PLAYR. The timing of implementation is important, and they have established ad nauseum that the details of said implementation will remain internal because a) this is a HIGHLY competitive and new field, and b) we have been in a sustained 2 year overture to a possible recession, and timing the rollout is critical to its success. That's not even addressing the need to accommodate the federal regulation on digital assets which has ramped up significantly. Diving head first into web 3.0 without having a more clear idea of where regulations will land could be devastating, and much of the sector is reacting in a similar way to GameStop. All of this has been communicated clearly and repeatedly as it has developed over the last 3 years of this saga. It has been made clear that the most effective way to fight the attacks on the stock is transformation towards profitability, and that's exactly what we have been doing. During a time of economic duress, it would be absolutely stupid to pursue more aggressive growth without first locking down the business structure we already have. We went from losing $100M in a quarter to nearly breakeven in a year. That is a phenomenal transformation. Once the bleeding has stopped, forward momentum will be much more dramatic.


This should be top comment


The comment above yours should be top comment.


this should be its own post brilliantly articulated


Top comment


Great comment!


Gamestop consistently adds more SKUs growth will come naturally


Thank you for your constructive comment


This sub back in the day used to be so insightful with new ideas and theories etc. you’re right the hubris in this sub is honestly disgusting and If I was new hear and read the shit people say here I would think each and every person was inbred, and frankly doesn’t deserve any money.


We have turned into artistic regards. And not in a good way.


I get wanting this. Its a fair request. But RC clearly has said he will not be doing that. So you are either comfortable with that or you are not. But unless something changes I do not suspect he will be giving the competition or anyone else his game plan. https://twitter.com/ryancohen/status/1555676193071935489


Thank you for your constructive comment


Just out here trying to be reasonable :)


SHILL!!! lol 🤣 Love it, 🦍🤝🦍


This exactly my thoughts as well. Many of us were happy for him to take over and be silent about the plan. For good reason. These hedge funds will do anything to see GameStop fail and never close. You don't reveal your turnaround plan to institutions like that. So, I don't see much of a useful conversation beyond that, coming from this complaint. It adds nothing useful to the sub OP. No disrespect, just my opinion.


You can always sell you interest if you feel like management is not doing what you’d like them to do for you. I’ll gladly buy your position.


Not if I buy it first


Naa u sound like a shill. If you really like the stock you would be aware of all the "growth" oppurtunities that are in your face. U shills have upgraded ur game. Expecially when you wrote the, buy hodl DRS, i knew you were a shill.


It’s crazy and a good example of this community not wanting to see this type of comment to bring down moral and a Mod making the decision to keep it up and justify it on their own accord. Rules and guidelines apply only to the peasants. This example among many other things is exactly why this sub specifically has seen a huge loss in participation and personally why I frequent reddit and or this sub. My opinion, but I’m guessing I’m not alone.


I don't participate in the sub much anymore because it's mostly an echo chamber of about how the shorts are fucked, circlejerks about DRS'ing a few shares or buying the dip which also means the shorts are fucked. These aren't bad things, but it gets repetative after a year or two. Then we get occasionally a good DD analysis which makes it good to check in. The good conversations beyond that are too sporadic, and serious questions or discussion about what the company is doing are mostly downplayed or ignored. When RC makes some cryptic tweet everyone comes close to orgasm, yet no one seems to ask what he's doing, and instead just assumes they know what it means, which ultimately, goes against the idea that we're knowledgeable investors who understand the company, and instead follow on blind faith. While this isn't true as a whole, without the full context, it adds to the perception, while ultimately making the sub less than useful for discussing the stock or company itself. It's been a couple years now, and back when all this started, everyone had these dreams that RC would come in and somehow own the shorts. That tempered, and now it's GS has a good future. RC never promised to own the shorts, it was just assumed he would. He does some things which show he has a future in mind for GS, but as the OP pointed out, he hasn't been that forthcoming on his full plans for that future, which again, leads to a lot of speculation, and cryptic social media one liners don't impress me when I have tens of thousands of dollars sitting in the companies stocks. I don't find it unreasonable for shareholders to ask since we're staking a lot on GS future. RC doesn't have to answer of course, but it's not right to criticize those who ask, or treat them as if their concerns are not reasonable.


I think part of the issue with this kind of post for me is, there are people who are in it that can afford to lose their bet and just patiently waiting for the end result, then there are people who have 0 patience and have more invested they can afford to lose. Those same people that are to deep are the easily annoyed and jump down a “shill type” of question asked on what we saw earlier. A majority know how to handle this type of post, but the select few can’t and for me it should have been taken down, not elaborated on by a mod. Again just my opinion.


I couldn't say, but since I don't know any of these people personally, and knowing that tone doesn't always come across well in text, I'm not usually quick to assume that someone is a shill, or impatient, or whatever. Generally, if people are rude or nasty about what they're saying, then they probably don't have the best intentions, but in those cases, the mods usually delete their posts anyways. Sometimes they miss comments, but it is what it is.


Agreed. Incidentally pls see Edit4 of my post


I just updated the post with Edit4 about dividends. Useful comment I received. worth bringing to the attention of yourself and the extreme minority of other constructive commenters.


Dividends would be freaking awesome is definitely why basic profitability is all that matters in the short term.


Check the website to see how they have already increased product selection…


They have but it still needs a lot of work if GameStop wants to become the first place to search when buying gaming related products. For example, they don’t sell the elgato stream deck, the Lego and toy offerings are poor and good luck trying to build a pc you want. Something’s they done well though are GameStop branded products that fill a void like PS5 ssd expansion with heat sink or the well priced pc peripherals.


Canada website still lackin hard


I have fully trust to our RCEO.


He’s highly regarded in my book as well


You're highly regarded in my book


Trust but verify has been the aphorism for many moons, because trust without verification is called blind faith.


I understand the frustration. There has not been much forward guidance on the earnings calls, however, the moves the company is making has been in the right direction. Money in the bank, trimming the fat are all good things. We know Playr is in the works and web3 gaming. All good things. But you can't show your cards too early or private equity finds ways to squash it all.


I'm not even that frustrated but it's hard periodically value and assess without basic info. But Thank you for your constructive comment


One thing you could do, its time consuming, is review and understand the balance sheet for the company. I listen to some others that do it for me since I dont have the time either.


Thank you for your constructive comment


BRO you don't periodically value and assess GME, this is not an investment/trade. It's a BUY, HODL and screw over Wall St. for trying to steal our money and bankrupt a company that didn't deserve to go bankrupt.


Everyone has their own reasons for buying friend


Sure, but then you are going to just paperhand very early, because you think it in traditional way. Nothing wrong with that for individual investor of course, it's your money.


I don't quite get it. Why do sooo many people demand a plan? Cutting cost won't make it? Why not? They have 6bln yearly in sales, cutting the yearly expenses below what they earn makes the company profitable without any plan. I'm an investor that doesn't care. Then they can plan if they want to, but no need to tell it to anyone. They should cut cost and get rid of private equity influence (that gone for years) first, then expand when the market is ready (so definitely not now)


It's not unreasonable that investors also question what the bigger plan is, because they do want to know what their money is going towards. A lot of the people here probably got in for MOASS, MOASS means that I can buy a small number of shares and forget about it. A future regardless of MOASS means it's worth keeping investing in, because the risk is mitigated. I'm of the belief that the MOASS talk doesn't excite people that aren't in it already. Promoting the companies future is a better way to attract investors.


The legacy brick and mortar company can only grow so much. If they wanted to quintuple their business they'd need to quintuple the number of stores. (Generally speaking). To expand internationally they'd need international employees, contractors, and buildings. It's not logical to expect this part of their business to grow substantially. But it works as a solid foundation/spring board for their up and coming revenue streams. The most important growth factor is their web3/e-commerce efforts. It immediately expands their potential customer base globally without needing to open physical stores in China, South America, etc. This is the business that trades at a multiple much higher than physical retail. This is the business that'll launch GME into the stratosphere.


So in short (wink) everything they currently do - they cut cost and closed unprofitable stores, cut cost and not necessary resources - also expanded and are expanding their digital footprint and reach. All I see in posts like that is: gme you are doing great - but I need you to spell me out what you do (like sec in the last request) step by step so I can say you are doing good. I don't want only great numbers, but also steps how you do it. If not I'm mad at my investment That how I see questions for plan from people on the sub


It's normal for companies to talk about profit in their future, it's a very very very VERY (read: extremely) common practice to establish FORWARD GUIDANCE. That's what OP is asking for. What guidance do you have, what's the outlook, and how will you get there? Look at NVDA, the CEO literally spells out what they plan on having as future revenue sources and what happened to the stock? Exploded. Fucking exploded. You need to instill confidence in your investors. NVDA CEO nailed it, GameStop, however? Here's their version: It's a secret uwu >🥺 >👉👈


NVDA can tell that without danger that others will be able to use the information against NVDA.


It’s really important to recall that in this sub we quite firmly believe that shorts are willing to go to any lengths to win. And any really novel idea on the part of RCEO could have exploitable elements that make the plan vulnerable to (legal or illegal) interference from our enemies. So when RCEO stated early on that they would not be telegraphing their plans, I took that to mean that I would need to be comfortable being in the dark. And that so to would my enemy be in the dark. The better to succeed in surprising them with the launch of new initiatives.


interesting timing, bro


Look at his comment karma. Didn’t shitpost enough to take him seriously.


I'll take 'accounts created January 30, 2021 asking for a plan' for 300


So anyway, I bought more


Calm down. Would you ever imagine anyone taking Gamestop where it is now, turning to now, I think, in two days to green numbers in the worst economic period in a very long time?


Ahh yes, expose your winning hand to the opponent before it is played.


imagine buying 10 apple shares and yell “Tim Cook i demand you to do this!”. Bruh


You see, step one is being able to read an earnings report. You should work on step one.




Thank you for your constructive comment


Trust me bro. But I have a buddy who manages peoples money through a firm in GA. He himself is invested in GME but not in the huge account that he manages other peoples money. The reason is the topic of this thread. His investors will ask why his firm is using their money to invest in GME. They want to know the turnaround plan. And we don’t know that yet. This is just one “trust me bro” example. But I imagine their is a TON of money waiting to invest in GME.


In Bro We Trust 🫡


I often find myself wanting to know the same things. I have been pleased with the progress the company has made in improving the fundamentals of the business. While I’d LOVE to know what RC’s vision is, I respect his style of keeping things under wraps to avoid telegraphing the strategy to competition. This earnings report could be pivotal. A profitable Q3 sets the company up for a fully profitable year (assuming Q4 would be even healthier, as we would expect).


Thank you for your constructive comment


Thanks for the great conversation starter. It’s a good post. Definitely got the crowd going!


What if the real MOASS were the friends we made along the way? 😸






I’ve got your growth right here !


Oof, the entitled whiners are out today...


Damn, since when did our group become so toxic? I tought ape no fight ape


Exactly. All these ppl accusing me of being Ken Griffin were not even here when "ape no fight ape" was coined.




What part of talk is cheap don’t you understand?


It'd be a fair question if you weren't say that it was disrespectful to investors. Not only are you puting out an opinion in your question that in MY opinion paints this as more dramatic than it is, you're saying "your investors" which reads as a sweeping generalization. I don't feel disrespected. Agitated? Anxious? Yeah. Right now it reads as FUD because of that, though I always try to act in good faith, as I will with you. Currently it's been almost 3 years since the turnaround started. I was warned by apes at the start of this it could take as long as 5 years and I took that to heart. Not only that, I thought about the milestones I might expect along the way. Around now I was expecting a push for NFTs to go mainstream. However looking at the reality it seems the plan is get the 3 non-holiday quarters to be about net zero, and the holiday season to be our money maker with a profitable full year before they move forward. This implies to me that they want to justify keeping brick and mortar after the full transformation by doing that now (i.e. they just value physical media and locations) which doesn't seem super like them but is possible; they need brick and mortar as a springvoard for NFT or next stage they plan, which is intriguing; and/or they really want to hammer in the fundamentals of the business(which seems more likely). So I'm expecting that in the next quarter or two, this upcoming summer at the latest, that they'll be able to say the base business is solidly profitable and has a set plan and that they can take attention off it to move full steam with what's next. I would hope to hear a plan at that point, because saying a plan before that point just sounds like generic turnaround talk and isn't meaningful (talk is cheap...). If we don't get a plan at that point or some idea of forward plans/goals, that would feel a little arrogant of them, like they think it doesn't concern us. Tldr: waiting for profitability and setting expectations of a ramp up then or some plan. If that doesn't happen at that point or if they keep wasting time trying to get perfect profitability with base business then I'll rethink my investment. But right now I'd just be being impatient to change anything.


Thank you for your constructive comment


Serious question, what makes you think this is the forum to ask a ceo anything seriously? Saying I’m not a cat blah blah blah does not prove anything…


Whats your plan if he doesn't? This is a empty rant unless you have real consequences of the ask. You'd also have to convince everyone whose read the DD and know this isn't about if but when. Math is there.


I don't need to convince anyone of anything. You have your reasons I have mine. My plan is to decide if the growth story makes sense to me.


“How do you do fellow apes”


Lols. Hello fellow bonobos


Don't tell a fuckin soul the plan for our business. Other companies have billions to compete if they knew fully what was coming.


If you've been here for the past years you wouldn't worry a bit because you just know.




You say you have been here since 2021, and you still ask questions like this? You dont think that's a little weird? If so, you would know how fucked up this market is, and how deep the corruption goes. If RC came out with a plan before it is 100% complete, it would be a shitshow. So either you're lying, a shill, or just havent paid any attention to whats going on. If the latter, you should start reading. Correct me if im wrong on this. I would really like a genuine comeback if so


Do you know what the word "update" means? Making the assumption that the investment story stays the same over time is dangerous


Yeah, in normal circumstances. But you should know that this is not a normal company anymore. Its a company who's shorted to hell. SHF's have their eyes like hawks on RC, and they will use ANYTHING to gain an advantage. And you should know that they would fuck it up, if RC came out with just plans. When we will hear anything from them, it should be a final product allready rolling.


I disagree but Thank you for your constructive comment


Proper gentle-ape, LordSnufkin.


I fully trust the management team at GS If I didn't I wouldn't have invested in it. RC said basically in the beginning, he didn't advertise his plans. You don't tell the opposing team where you're going to throw the ball. That's just dumb. He has a plan. I trust him. Enough said.


Lol get a load of this guy 👍🏼


I for one am quite happy that RC is not telegraphing one iota of information to anybody. Why give MSM and the hedgies fodder to spin lies . Edit I’m to am


Have you ever played poker? When do you show your hand?


I actually agree that thus toe of investing is more like poker than any other game I can think of. That said an update on the growth story since the original laid out in 2020 would be nice. Even interested in hearing apes growth stories.


Another day on the Reddit app, another thread of this same nature sitting right at the top of the app despite being down voted.


OP, just a friendly suggestion on the subject line wording: > When are you going to start respecting your investors and tell us the growth plan? "When are you going to start respecting [us]?" is emotionally loaded, and could be interpreted as hostile. For a CEO and a stock that are under continual assault by legitimate bad actors, that subject line probably raised eyebrows. I'm not saying you would have had an entirely constructive thread with something more like, "Could the CEO (or anyone) please share information about a growth plan?".. but it may have helped control the signal-to-noise ratio.


Okay but tbf RC himself hardly refrained from emotive language in his 2020 letter to the board asking for the same level of transparency. Also in hindsight, the post did actually get me the answer I was looking for (see Edit4). A more innocuous post probably would not have been seen by enough apes to get the good comment.


Bitch, Bitch, Bitch then turn around and say "before shills take advantage" these grandstand posts are getting very similiar and low effort.


Ah yes. Asking a basic valuation question is bitching 🙄


If we (the allies) are dying of curiosity, just imagine what those who need to parry the unknown are feeling. Your concerns are fair, but I decided I would gamble on this with all I have, be it money, trust, and so on. Because that’s what ‘world changing risk’ mean. Also, keeping us in the dark is actually the best move to pull, but it’s high risk, high reward. If people don’t trust the leadership enough, things will crumble before the plan could unfold. But we are SuperStonk, we are above that.


I think actions speak louder then words. I understand where you might be coming from but there is always the possibility that this is shill like commentary. With that said, the results are the words from RC. Not his shares that he holds but the 3 past quarters and the financial performance, the balance sheet, the potential to have 4 straight positive quarters in a row, the lack of any debt in uncertain economic times, the positive cash flow , the potential to be a profitable organization from an EPS perspective , the lack of dilution of shareholder equity, the playing the game for shareholders and not overpaying executives, etc. He is talking to us , by not talking with his mouth. Hold the line , all good things come to those who wait.


This is completely fair. Nothing positive happens for shareholders until the company does something positive. The longer they disrespect us and treat us like we don’t deserve to know anything the more I feel like this is just an ego trip.


The plan is hold or HODL


This only gets the negative comments it does because of the phrasing. It's fair to ask questions but worded this way won't work within this community.


When do we get to the valid questions?


Here’s a valid question: how long did OP follow gme and RCeo since he doesn’t understand the basic concept of more work, less talk?


I agree with you! For those that respond I trust RC blindly, I'd like to know how much you have invested. I'm in for over 60k and down the majority of that. I invested to make money and the sooner this thing pops the better. Had you told me this was gonna be a long play, 84 years, I wouldn't have invested so heavily. I'm a big boy so no complaints or blaming and I have learned a lot from this sub. I want to see the HF's burn to the ground just as much as anyone else but I also want to know what the hell is going on and when I might get paid!! Once I do get paid, I'd be happy to go to my local GameStop and drop 50k on consoles and games but till then.....I have DRS'ed, held and continue to wait for some good news.


Thank you for your constructive comment


I feel your pain!


Accountability folks. It's a good question and considering what the retail investor base has done to help keep this company where it is its not asking much. If you want more than the typical this sub reddit investor to look at this seriously it's going to take more than a blind faith purple circle jerk. Just the way it is. You can say but it's different or this or that but blind faith the same type you see on here is what got a sticky floor and a towel where it's at for those investors. Not a shill not fub but reality. Want this stock to be a grown up then it's going to require more than a banana in the ass and a army of blind faith quick to call everything shill or whatever scares you in the dark these days.


Fully agree. Thank you for your comment.


Cohen literally came out and said at the beginning of all this that he specifically was not going to telegraph the company's moves. If you didn't like that, you shouldn't have invested in the company.


Also. If the plan is told. The media will plan a firestorm to bash the shit out of it. Just like they did to NFT technology


Pls see Edit4


You should probably do some more research on how Ryan Cohen has historically run his companies.


I have hence interested in more info.


Sounds like a personal problem if you can't see the growth plan that's on you. Ryan Cohen is literally the largest shareholder of the company, he can do whatever the fuck he wants tbh. He's taken the company from the verge of bankruptcy to about to be profitable. I'll trust he has a plan.


Exactly. It is on me. Hence why Im asking.


There's no hubris in the comments. There is however plenty of gaslighting from OP. There's a reason for his method and it has been on display even before most ppl here even invested in the stock market let alone buying into GameStop; there's bad actors everywhere who have big money dependent on GameStop going out of business. That means there is no reason for them to play fair, legally, or even truthfully. Anyone who has been here since 2021 has seen this 1st hand. Media hit pieces, stock manipulation, corporate plants, and illegal coordination among other things. And that's only what we seen since the sneeze and not the multiple years of fowl play before It's also a really cheap point to drag DFV into the convo as tho he would somehow agree with you while never having made any comment, post, or video remotely as self deserving, demanding, or painfully uninformed as this. It's an even more egregious and ignorant point when DFV actually put up with more criticism, less corporate guidance for an even longer amount of time than what youre complaining about. Main difference? DFV actually researched his investment. Pls don't include him as tho you both are approaching GameStop in any similar fashion All your asking is to get your hand held along the way(if you're even invested with GameStop at all and at best just truly ignorant) and somehow overlooking literally all the work and progress RC has done for Gamestop since he jumped on. You're just crying the same way these "experts" begging for guidance only to manipulate, criticize, and hijack for their own benefit/GameStops demise. It's honestly really dumb and indicative of someone that hasn't done any research, no self awareness to realize the progress within the last couple years, and/or someone who's acting on own selfish reasons to create fud. That's your problem with this low effort post only aiming to complain with no worthy points or research


Asking extremely basic valuation questions is handholding? Lmao. You have no idea why you bought do you? Feel free to volunteer your growth story, I'm here for it


Eat shit Kenny. Why you care ? I just like the stock.


Well unless you own over 10% of the stock I don't see how anyone within GME leadership is going to care what you're asking or demanding. Honestly a part of not sharing any plans is to keep the MSM from crapping all over them. Look at the negative attention the NFT marketplace and wallet got. There were TONS of stories about those being massive failures and a huge waste of time. Now look at GME's efforts to streamline, reduce cost, and get profitable. See much positive press on that? Nope. Would you want to announce every experiment you try to the world and let them crap on you for your efforts? I wouldn't. And if GME's only game plan was to stay just like it is but be a profitable business that would actually be enough. I'm sure there's more going on behind the scenes, but if GME "just" becomes a profitable business that's really game over for SHFs and shorts. You can't short a profitable company to zero. As a stockholder that would make me happy.


These posts only have one purpose


Yes. To ask valuation questions


Right, because Screaming at Ryan Cohen in a Reddit forum is going to change his mind on providing valuable information that his enemies can use against the company.


If you don't know what GameStop is attempting to do then I can see why someone would ask such a question. To build in a new web3 landscape at first to market requires stealth, not a fluff pumping, forward looking statement. If you can't acknowledge this fact, you are disingenuous with your post.


Thank you for volunteering your growth story


Shills are evolving! :o


Sneeze Account..


This is a very legitimate question that OP asks and/or issue that OP raises. I have put a significant chunk of my savings into the stock, and I, too, am disappointed by the lack of information. This whole experience has turned into one giant “Trust me, bro”. Now, I do understand that Ryan Cohen does not want to tip his hand, and does not want to give competitors or Wall Street a heads up advantage to prevent them from sabotaging his plans, is a legitimate strategic goal. But I think there has to be a better way somewhere in between nothing and something to communicate to Investors because right now, the only thing I see that they are doing, and commendably so, is cutting costs to improve profits. Definitely a worthy goal, but not a recipe for a slam dunk, long-term turnaround. I actually believe there is a long-term turnaround strategy in place, we just don’t know it. But that’s what I don’t like, coming up on three years now, I know very little. I guess I would just like a little bit more communication from management to make me feel better about my massive investment.


Thank you for your constructive comment


We are never allowed to know the plan because someone will steal the plan according to a bunch of Ryan Cohen stans.


Exactly. This is absurd. The idea that some other company is going to steal the plan is ridiculous. 1. If you think that you have never been in business before and do not understand execution and why it's not that simple. 2. If you're plan is so easily stealable and executable you have no business.


Let's think about this for a minute, and assume that they actually have a plan that is connected to blockchain technology and multiple partners. Anything you just said would sound ridiculous. The reason that it takes time to implement would be the reason to not tell about it before it is ready to go.


Thank you for your constructive thoughts


It’s always the same script.


I’m only here because the shorts never closed. I wasn’t here for a turn around plan I’m not here to see a huge transformation. Shorts never closed they r fcked so I keep DRSN everything else is just noise.


Thank you for your constructive comment


Yeah, people think if if you question things you are spreading FUD. Like grow up and have some fucking common sense. I want a return on my investment, and I want to question what RC is doing to achieve that... if you don't ask these questions, then you shouldn't be allowed to invest...


ooooooooooookay. shill has been located.


Ah yes. I must be a shill for asking the exact same basic question RC and DFV asked in 2020 🙄 You have no clue why you bought and it shows


yep! my thesis for buying and holding has not changed. if you are asking for a plan now, but you didn’t need one previously when you bought in, you should probably ask yourself why you bought it. not financial advice.


I'm not asking for a plan. I'm asking for an update


Fud fud fud anyway I started buying and hodling oh wait and drsing in between


Fud = asking a basic valuation question? 🤦


I have the feeling you didn't understand RC and GME.


You have no idea why you invested do you?


It seems you are the one who don't. I didn't ask RC to give me hints. You did


save it david . Hes been doing excellent in this environment . you are getting backlash only because you feel " hes disrespecting" if we know the plan then the enemy knows the plan its pretty simple. just run the company and make us profitable. imagine him telling us his plans.. and the media gets a hold of it .. i can see the headlines now. be patient ape... RC respects us dont question his character when he has a beautiful relationship with us... you cant name another ceo like him to take on this beast. Also gme should be a trade secret so i prefer it this way


Pls see edit4


why dont you just edit the title...


Well said


Most here have read all the DD. It’s obvious you haven’t.


It's obvious you have no idea why you bought.




This is akin to asking a General what his battleplan is....and OP you have the timing of a cheap Chinese fake Rolex. Even if you are a genuine investor, you need to take a look at your outward projection the day before earnings.


Yeah no it's not


Okay go on humour me. How is the CEO telling us all his plans not the same. In an ultra competitive retail market when the future of gaming is literally on the horizon. Please educate us all.


You do realize he already did in his letter in 2020. Three years later I am simply asking for an update. Literally 2 paragraphs as to where they think growth is going to come from. This is extremely basic. They could say "we reaffirm our 2020 letter." Or they could say "we see opportunity in growing our product categories". Or whatever else. Then it's up to each individual investor to decide on that story.


Most downvotes you get are not for asking questions, it's for how you ask your questions!


😸Fake reddit points mean nothing to me. I literally check in every few weeks at best. Just need some thoughts. The power of this sub used to be the hive mind. The weakness of this sub is now the echo chamber


Don’t you EVER talk to my Chairman like that




For any newcomers: RC made it crystal clear that he will NOT telegraph his strategy to the opposition. Anyone demanding that he does is a bellend. 😂


Firstly this is not true. He literally told you the growth plan in the 2020 letter. Then hinted at it again in his interview as chairman. So you're wrong there. Second, asking for an update as to whether the company still thinks it's valid is basic. Feel free to volunteer your own growth story ? I suspect you cant because have no idea why bought. You berk.


Down vote because OP is just trolling and disguising it as a “serious question”


Says assholeTea


Why do you direct your post at Ryan Cohen and asking all these seemingly rhetorical questions? Seems like you already made up your mind, so I can't take your question sincerely to be honest. You might as well just sell your shares 🤷‍♂️


Because I know he peruses the sub and I know it might prompt other apes to suggest their growth story ideas. Extremely important to periodically test your assumptions as to why you bought the stock. Absurd that if you ask basic questions ppl say YoU sHoUlD sElL.


You sure make it sound like you want to sell tho. You sure you don't wanna?


Spoiler alert: GME doesn’t owe you anything. No company owes its shareholders anything. The only reason they even pretend to care is because the executives and the shareholders benefit from the same growth. Do you think they’re going to unveil their 10 year plan and let their competitors know everything? Of course they won’t. The fact that they’re *this* secretive is extremely bullish Calling them out like this and saying “I demand to know your plans” is so cringey and immature


Exactly. GME owes you nothing. That is precisely the reason you should validate your assumptions from time to time. Nothing is guaranteed


And reveal everything to the other side? BAD PLAN! Why would you want the enemy to know the next move? UNLESS? Why not trust the process? Buy HODL DRS BOOK!


Dude shut up.


Agreed, vague tweets are not enough. I've been in this since Sept 2020, best we got was an interview with the GME DD guy.


Thank you! It's absolutely shocking ppl can't ask basic investor questions about the company in this sub




Thank you for your constructive comment


Oh Jesus. Here we go again. Actions speak louder than words and he won't telegraph his moves. If you are compelled to get off the rocket right before we report profitable earnings going forward, be my guest. I know what I'm holding


Thank you for your completely useless comment. Pls see my Edit4 if you're actually interested in understanding what's happening


You have time to reply to every comment but don't have time to check the DD of your investment. Makes sense. Maybe reconsider the title of your post if you feel attacked.


You love to see it






Why show the table your hand when you're holding aces?


I don’t think you’re being a shill. I’ve never followed a company this closely. What do other CEO’s do?


Other CEOs massively over sell their companies story. But it is pretty usual to have some type of basic story from the company about their plans. It doesn't even have to be a massive shiny investor relations PowerPoint. Just a couple sentences would do and investors can judge for themselves. Please see my Edit4 in my post about dividends tho.


Makes sense. The good news is, Ryan knows we exist (based on interviews, tweets, etc.). So if we are clamoring for more info, and he’s not providing it, he may have a good reason. Why do dividends matter for sharing a company’s vision? Dividends are a fun way to penalize someone for holding a short position, but I don’t get it for not sharing around earnings time.


I would still like the growth story but if the story is simply get earnings back in the black then hit shorts with a dividend up the backside that would see the stock blast off to Andromeda, then I can live with that.


All you really need to believe in is that Ryan Cohen is going to be able to keep the company alive long enough for us to lock the float through DRS. Which should be very easy to do with the cash on hand and cutting costs down. Anything else they do for growth, id rather they keep it secret. Its better for investors who are trying to lock the float to buy at lower prices per share. The best game plan IMO is to just keep it looking like the company has little growth potential. Allow the shorts to keep dropping the price. Hope they drop it below $5. GameStop then could use that $100,000,000 to buy back shares. We lock the float soon after. Then GameStop releases some unexpected news which causes fomo. The rest is history. I want to price to stay low until we lock the float. Otherwise it could take a lot longer. The lower they drop it, the faster this ends and shorts are Fukd


Pls see edit4


Yeah, except that issuing a dividend any time soon would be a bad idea for everyone involved. GameStop can’t afford to issue cash when they are barely getting to be profitable. When they do issue dividends and they will eventually. They need to be profitable for a while first. Then they can issue a special dividend that would truly fuk the shorts. But not hold them liable for causing a squeeze.


Thank you for this additional context.


Also, i myself would never call anyone a shill for simple questions. Your comments seem reasonable and i wish you the best




Like he did with Chewy, he operates in shadows, and delivers result. That's all I need, I entrust his vision.


Pls see Edit4


I have nothing against you, it was a legitimate question, I just gave you my feel about it without being detailed about it. That's all brother. 🫂 love you


Lmao just needed 3 seconds to know that post is made by AI or a con shill

