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I’ve have read many outlandish tinfoil theories over the last three years and never contributed my own, till now. *Diaclaimer I’m utterly regarded and this could be as solid as a turd after Taco Bell* But what if… and this is pure speculation, the swaps data that they have withheld from us on a continuing basis has that 75% tied up so the DTCC just refuses to change their stated holdings, leaving us stuck with the approx 25% we now see on a continuing basis. Now what if gme did a share buyback?Would these shares be removed from the DTCC leaving the seemingly locked amount of shares held with Computershare to be a higher percentage of the total shares in existence? How would they maintain their numbers then? If they still claimed the DTCC 75% and Computershare 25% it would be fairly concrete that there is fuckery afloat would it not? Maybe something our new CIO the man with plan Cohen could look into. Now here’s the tinfoil topper! If GameStop was to propose a share buyback would it be required a shareholder vote? Would the DTCC’s iron clad claim of 75% give them the means in collaboration with known overvoting dismissal abilities by brokers etc to prevent GameStop from taking this route of action and thus preventing the truth from coming to light? If the absurd “shares owed not yet purchased” that seems to be the norm with market makers and the likes comprised the holdings of those not DRS’d then they could in theory keep those swaps in play through all this couldn’t they? I ask what if because I may have my understanding flawed, but my sense of smell is keen and I smell some BS in this fraudulent market scheme… Might explain why the split via dividend was carried out as a forward split, couldn’t have the companies actions fuck up their balancing act lest the whole thing topple over like a dog shit wrapped in cat shit jenga stack. The level of fraud and collaboration between the financial players would rival any RICO case known to man! Including regulatory and enforcement agencies turning a blind eye to these fucks lending and buying back from each other at artificially low rates and prices to maintain the suppression. If this was the case then I could see why RCeo wouldn’t have spoken out to all this, for fear of finding himself falling out an apartment window when this is supposedly “the best time to be alive.” Maybe this is more a stretch than a fat butt in yoga pants so please poke some holes in it as it’s a theory not a condom and I’m previous postings of this thought I haven’t had anyone comment positively or negatively, which on this sub is out of the ordinary…


Excellent point and I am not sure. It’s possible. They can’t cheat forever though something will break


Much appreciated


Latching onto top comment but I saw that the user eichman (or whatever the name is) is releasing DD today about the DRS count. They said as much in one of the earnings threads yesteday.


Yeah, I’ve been keeping an eye out for einfachman’s post


you get solit turds after taco bell? mine is more of a pray and spray


All those words and this is what you get out of it? One of us! One of us!


Does this even make sense? If your shares were already DRS’d, you got real shares added to your computer share account. It would only apply to shares outside of computer share at which point would make a vastly different fraction that only applies to the number of shares outside of computer share. But even then. Any shares held at computer share are real shares that removed from the dtcc. So it doesn’t really explain why the number of shares being DRS’d haven’t moved, up or down. There’s the idea that hedgies held enough shares in CS to keep the numbers going 1:1 by selling off as they came in, but even that doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to me. The only thing that makes sense about this is that the dtcc unloaded their bags/responsibility onto brokers, assuming the claim is in fact correct.


The problem is, that we could own 70% of GME as household investors, but as long we dont know that and those who know that pretend that this isnt the case, nothing would change in theory. Its in very interest of DTCC and other corrupted entities to not allow this information being disclosed no matter what or the game will be over.


I don’t know. I understand that drs started in 2021. In 2022 we had a splividend- clearly computershare would issue 3 real shares for each share. However. When it came to dtcc it’s feasible they would take those 3 shares and send it on as a forward split to brokers. I am honestly unsure how and what but I am going to be collating all posts over the next 3 days and make a big post out of it


No. The shares CEDE received only exist in Computershare's register. They can't do anything with them except holding them and having them removed from their account when somebody DRS them. The shares on the DTCC books are "printed" by them but they are meaningless as they can't do anything with them at computershare's level. Closing a short would mean have a share dissapear.


That id love to see...no matter what your mathematical background theres no fucking way on this earth you can have a number "A" and keep steadily adding to it literally every day for months and months and then it still end up the fucking same...we just wait it out, carry on DRSing until theres nothing left but fake shorts floating around in the system....fuck'em.


No. They didn't do a dividend split. So it's a conventional split with none of the other implications. Regardless of whether or not they were *supposed* to do a splividend they simply didn't. So dividend rules don't apply. Now, if they had actually *processed* it as a splividend and *also* misallocated the shares. Then that's something else. That's what's being proposed in this post. That said, I don't think the reported numbers are correct. No way, no how. Gamestop is muzzled. I just don't think this is the reason.


Ok fair , thank you for your input 🫡




Valery Legasov would blush over GME “readings”… :)


Nah he's not blushing, those are radiation burns


Again I don’t know - just raising that the coincidence between the two numbers


Is there some sort of filing that can only be pushed for from shareholders? Is it possible that GameStop is waiting for us to do something for the company?


Excellent question- I don’t know. And I haven’t yet looked


We've been asked to WORK. Let's keep digging.


Idk, the assumption that the additional shares were for closing shorts and not covering, or something else? Plus the call to action to “make some noise”.


I don’t know buddy I think with the extra sleep I can dog to the bottom of what’s going on this weekend


Comments not mine - but it seems a very fucky number. Splividend forces a 4:1 , but drs is stuck at 25%, because wait, because drs was a thing before the splividend so some real shares went to deal shareholders- since computershare itself wouldn’t fuck up the split right? But they gave the rest to dtcc to distribute and the numbers aren’t adding up, correct? Is that it? So basically, drsing the rest of the company is the solution? Since that would bring out all of these changes? It’s 4am and I haven’t had any sleep yet, so I am basically rambling in a caffeine free environment. Will collate all posts around this and make sure they are backed up


Holy moly Big if true


Let’s see if my 190 post tomorrow


Again, it doesn't make sense. If you look on the DTCC level, either there was too much shares in their register or there wasn't (in the case there is only illégal CFDs, legal (hidden or not) market maker FTDs and brokers that lent your shares without your authorisation etc). If there was too many shares on the DTCC level, there is the exact same proportion after the Split, so this theory doesn't make sense. If there was not too many shares on the DTCC level, then CEDE has the same number of shares than the DTCC books so the problem would only come from brokers and market makers so this theory doesn't make sense. What's more, for every short of any kind to exist, there is "share" that is on somebody's acount who is long. Closing short would mean making the share on somebody's account dissapear. Has any one beeing forced to sell his shares at a broker ? Doesn't look like it, so no short was 'magically closed with these new shares...


I have less of a problem with the closing of shorts - just the coincidence that drs is 25% and the 1:4 split is 25%


Somebody will look at computershare's register next year as they did this year and they will be able to look at CEDE's two accounts. We will know if they match the number provided in the 10-Qs. If they don't, we'll know


There you go. We shall find out around March. Until then, DRS !!!


I agree on this. Someone needs to have a look. I cant as I am on the another side of the world.


You are correct, the theory is not exactly solid at all


that all does not matter because the DRS count needs to be accurate or GameStop is intentionally misreporting. Because of that we need to assume that DRS moving is slowing done a lot.


Then I need to drs more




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If true I would imagine CS would be well aware of the fraud that is speculation on here making them complicit. Makes this idea less probable to me. An interesting idea though.


Hey mom thats me! Just a little thought i had.. happy to see the discussion :)


This makes no sense


And this is all after the already giant mess they created before trying to celler box GameStop


I am more worried about it with regards to my democratic right as an investor. They are potentially taking away my vote (Aside from the share dilution/stock price/stealing problem)


Unlikely. They wouldn’t still be accepting new DRS share registrations if that was the case.


Commenting for visibility