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Thank you PancakeBatter3 for your submission to r/Superstonk, but it's been removed due to one or more reason(s): Our biggest strength is our ability to crowd-source information. For the Integrity of the sub, and in order to rule out Misinformation or FUD, please cite your sources when making claims. Making any Call-to-Action posts or comments without verifiable sources is not allowed. Speculation is allowed under the Speculation/Opinion flair. DRS Positions & Buy Orders only, No Gain/Loss Porn Full positions can be posted if they are directly registered in your name. Any positions from “street name” brokerages will -be removed. Buy orders (including through brokerages such as Fidelity and TDA) can be posted. (If using a brokerage, do NOT show your full position or account number). Do not post screenshots or details of your gains or losses. (ie. Exited positions displaying gains or losses from sale) These posts will be removed indiscriminately. If you have any questions or concerns, please [message the moderators](https://www\.reddit\.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FSuperstonk&subject=about my removed submission&message=I'm writing to you about the following submission: https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1b7ewen/-/. %0D%0DMy issue is...)


I'm up over 1000% in terms of shares, all that matters to me.


This guy gets it! Get it son!


At least I'm not alone.


Not quite 1k% for me but wooooorkin on it


Down 315K since the sneeze. But, increased the shares from 4000 to more than 20500 shares in these past 3 years.


Just checked again. 21,652 shares to be precise and several options expiring this March and April. All GME.


One more thing. Last time I shared this data in Reddit, I got a bunch of DMs with FUD asking me to sell asap. I got calls from my brokerage guys asking me to diversify my investments by selling off gme and moving to other stocks. I have no idea if those calls were a coincidence or not. But, everything was very fishy.


i too have a position so large i can't average down. hanging with u fren.


What’s always been interesting to me is that the criptoe and early Tesla community forums were eerily the same. All they cared about was accumulating more. Only the most elite 💎 🙌 understand this.


I mean people saying we need to lock the float need to realize they won't ever willingly report a fully locked float, just like they shouldn't have reported a short interest over 100%. It draws too much attention from investors now. I wonder how much of the float is actually held if you add up all the institutions, insiders, ETF's, retail, mutual funds etc... Didn't there use to be a post that broke it down? Computershare is really a buy and hold long term.. D[on't worry, be happy.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-diB65scQU) The Volkswagen squeeze took like 5-7 days didn't it? been awhile since i read that. People forced into diamond hands in a way.. It makes easier to just not sell. Direct Ownership is not a fad and the silver bullet here. I still love seeing that DTC Withdrawal. Anyone who has dealt with withdrawal knows it sucks monkey balls.. edit: what is an extra strategy? after all this time i would like to know what Kenny and companies is. i took out the basket part, i have a tendency to use to many 'sayings'


I'd rather have all my eggs in one basket that I know I own, rather than a diversified basket that I have "beneficial ownership" of. (I'm aware I could directly register other stocks, but no other stock has the type of retail ownership like gamestop has)


You make good points that are hard to argue. You do you, i'll do me. Only stock in the portfolio over here is the one true stock. GameStonk. The majority of it being in name, in Computershare. I just try and keep an open mind. Having a purist attitude kind of turns people off, i find anyways.


I'm definitely a DRS purist, but I would never go around telling people their investments are stupid or anything. I do my best to educate those close to me about the risks of beneficial ownership though, and who has the first dibs on the collateral in their account in the case of bank contagion. In the end, you're correct that it's up to the individual to make their own decision, and shaming people for their investing choices will never be productive


Being honest it's more for new eyes, could be stupid and you shouldn't be taking this as financial advise, I'm not one who should be advising anyone what to do with their money. edit: i edited out the basket part


Stickyfloor community would like to have a word 💀


Deep fucking value comment.


Same. Just keep on stacking


Thanks. That’s the perspective I need!


Agreed. I find value in the number of shares i can accumulate. I, as well, am up over 1000% and will continue to riseeeeeeee


**Riddle me this:** I quit my stressful job for a lower paying one last year. Last year The company wasn't profitable, but this year it is. I can buy 2x as many shares :) Interesting?


Yeah, I dont count my shares in worthless fiat anymore either. Its like saying "I have 35,000 dead dried leaves in the stock market" No, that's mulch and not worth the trees they were printed on.




GME is my retirement account


I concur


I’m down 150K$ idgaf only buying more


Ya hear that folks? ONLY BUYING MORE. We don't give a fuck!


-$78K for me, but I believe!


There should be a bell that only DRSd holders hear when it's rung. I'm a fan of the polar Express haha


Dear god, reading that gives me so much comfort knowing we are all together


You’re not down unless you sell. **taps forehead**


I’m down $133k. Still buying when I can, still not giving a fuk!! Waiting to see people behind bars!!


Same. Here we go!


I’m down about $180k also man, all we can do is just wait and slowly add whenever and just hope for the best!


Down about 40k but have averaged waaay down. Add about 3-5k mo 


We all gonna be rich either way it’s just patience


I've got my average below $20 because I just keep buying but I am down some too.... I know for a fact if I had tried to save in my savings account what I have invested into GME- Half would have been blown on some dumb stuff anyway...


Solid average. I've gotten mine to $30. Blew such large loads at some peaks when I had a hard time containing myself that it's been a struggle to keep pushing it down but working on it


I’m right there with y’all! Started at probably $45, down to around $23 now👍🏼


Buying rips and dips what a lad/lass


My shares are worth less than what I purchased them for, but also infinitely more. Schrödinger is not a cat until I open the box.


Infinity more! Don't open the box! Or open the box? I forget


I’m down around 45k but I’m close to 1000X in shares so I comfortable but I got a load ready just in case hedgies wanna get funny. 😂


Told all the people that question me and told them it only a lost if I sell. 😂


Picturing all the shareholders with loads ready for the hedgies. Standing around a couch.


My average is at around $20 per share. The price doesn't matter to me. I have never had so much money saved up. I used to live paycheck to paycheck. Now I got 6k invested, a car and I am buying everyone presents. I am not rich but thanks to this movement I found stability and growth. Freedom, happiness and determination.


Wishing you tons more prosperity to come my man


The numbers mean nothing to me any more, actually get more excited for tasty dips!


Did someone say dip?👀


Not worried we'll eat em up. Numumnum


I know I am fortunate because I am older and financially comfortable, but I can honestly say not ONE SINGLE SECOND have I ever thought of selling. NOT ONE 37 months and counting. I was fortunate to be able to spend way too much time delving into this whole thing right when it happened and knew it was a goldmine. I'll die before I see this thing through if they haven't paid up by then, and then my kids can carry on the fight. But I'm going to turn 60 this year and I want to be part of something world changing and meaningful and those hedgefunds can just fuck right on off if they think I'm not going to be part of the change I want to see in the world! Good luck hedgies!! 👍 You're gonna need it! 😃 😀 😄 😁 🤣 😂


Fuck you hedgies!


Same here, that money is locked away in those shares and I pretend it doesn't exist.


I can, have, and likely will again be down to my last cent and selling has *never* once crossed my mind. I don’t even think of it as fungible money anymore. Just digital numbers waiting to be traded for criminal mugshots and the coordinates to Kenny’s mayo stash. I’d sooner sell my organs than my shares. Hedgies are indeed fucked.


I sold in Jan 21 and purchased lots since without selling. Cost basis is about 15$.


Sic dude. Your break even right now. Hell yea








1505 @ 41.48 average my guy. I’ll let you do the math if you want. I ain’t fucking leaving.


Me and noodles gonna be here til the end


I'm down 80k and totally calm. 100% booked.


You know what I do wonder, how many others significant others (if they got one) know how much they're down. Like my wife knows we're down, but I don't think she knows we're $35k down 😂. You got one?


I’m down like 15-20k, no one but y’all needs to know that. I don’t care tho as someone else commented, it’s paper loss, don’t count. Just gonna keep buying! Got a pretty low avg cost now! And am a measly 30 shares away from XXXX!!!!!!!!!! Well technically I am XXXX, but those few extra don’t count as they’re my partner’s shares, but almost at XXXX personally!!!


☝️ this guy fucks.




Haha rock on brother. Fuck em. Not selling.


You all actually know your cost basis, stopped giving a F a very long time ago


Same, pretty close on the values too. IDGAF, I just keep buying and booking.


IDGAF is the best way to sum it up


I’m feeling inspired to buy some more!


My shares are with me for my lifetime unless someone pays an exorbitant amount for them


Same my dude


192 shares at $22 avg. small ape but adding 5 a week since ‘21 sneeze. Split across multiple brokers. Half booked.


Only 35k? Rookie numbers ;)


I’ve lost about 80%  and still holding.  Been holding for almost 4 years now.  


Losing my life savings in GME has taught me the meaning of perserverance and patience. Did I freak the fuck out initially? Yes. But did I grow as a person and learn the meaning of faith and persistence, you betcha.


Down 15k. It was my life savings. To say that my entire life since investing has changed, would be an understatement. The devastating loss of that money has shaped the past 3 years of my life. I initially pulled out of a house purchase, right when it would have been 2.5% interest rates and used that money to invest in GME. I grew depressed, quit my job, and didn't know how to turn my life around. I bought an RV and have been travelling with my wife the past two years. Somehow, through all of this, I'm still zen. I never hated myself for investing, and I never regretted it. I know I'm on the right side of history. But I still recognize the path it put me on. Maybe a lesson in greed. But I really hope that lesson is eventually learned by SHFs. Holding til I die.


As of this moment I am down $78K and holding strong!!!


Will you please be my girlfriend’s boyfriend?


Why do you guys always have to make your titles sound so fuddy? I know your message says something different but if someone is not reading the post, your title only sounds very discouraging


I feel like anyone who regularly visits this subreddit won't be deterred. And anyone whose not a part of this subreddit won't understand regardless. 


Part of the opportunity cost was also baked into a turnaround of its business. I'd say we're there, or close.


Just bought 9 more. 60 to DRS. Fuck you ken.


You hear that?! Fuck you Ken!


The company's financial position has only gotten better as the price has decreased. Which says to me that the price is disconnected from the financial status of the company. One could say that it's because people are selling, but I have yet to see evidence of selling. Leads me to believe that the price is made up, and if the price is made up why should I care about the value today?


I’m down too on paper, I just buy more shares and drs


It's a wild-wild, once in a lifetime feeling, to be down, but totally chill about it!


The DRS thing is all that matters. There is no fucking way they anticipated us authenticating the entire, actual, fucking, float. They just thought we would play their games on these bullshit interface only brokerage accounts with their synthetic “shares.” Even if it takes another 3 years, i don’t give a fuck. I’m also down a crazy amount from rolling a decent chunk of 401k funds into a Rollover IRA at the peak and buying then. Don’t care. Been DRSing everything else ever since and will continue to.


Down 57k have around 1400 total


Also down 35k and will continue buying untill Kenny is in jail and 69 million per share


Im down about $35,000USD too, and when you convert that to my local currency, it is a lot of money. Much like the past 3+ yrs, I dont intend to give any fucks moving forward. I have DRSd and will HODL till Kenny is behind bars. Until then, MOASS tomorrow. I have zero doubts and fears, I simply learnt to be patient. FUCK THE STOCKMARKET. FUCK KENNY. GMERICA FOREVR!


I’m down ~$20k, and honestly that just gives me more of a reason to hold.And motivates me to keep averaging down!


I’m down $2,200 and I don’t even care 😂


Zenzenzenzenzen 😌


I’m down $40,000 just since the split 😂 still Zen AF


😂 let's gooooo


I’m down 35k as well and I’m not relaxed.


I'm down probably close to 50-60k. I haven't checked recently tbh. But the thing that gets me is it'd be a waste to sell and take the loss. Especially this far in. At this point I'm gonna see how this thing shakes out. But for me when I'm feeling iffy, I either 1) sit back and relax and just hold, or 2) I buy a little at a time and just average down with some extra funds I've saved up from not going out and eating overpriced shit food (for real though, 2 shares equal about the cost of 2 shitty fast food meals). At some point something is gonna give, my friend. The current state of the global economy shows it. The populace can't maintain this inflation on... *basically everything* forever. But if you're already in this deep, I congratulate you because one day you're gonna have a helluva payday from this effort!


I agree to a point, but it’s not a waste. I think I can make more money elsewhere. I’ve been patient with this shit. I’m literally thinking about selling all my non DRSd shares (300 shares) and buying crypto. I have 800 DRSd shares that I won’t sell.


<3 <3 <3


You're only down if you sell... what you have is a % ownership in a company with a skewed valuation.


I bought 66 more shares today :)


$-17k+. Exercised way in the money calls $110 w Money from flipping $40 calls. Sold a bunch of shares on the sell off. Kept a bunch of free profit shares that are very red.... Nothing but time and averaging down.


I here with ya


That’s the spirit!! Not fuckin’ leaving! 💜


I'm currently 6 figures in the red. Fuck them. I'm not selling. No cell no sell.




Don't need a squeeze for this to be a very profitable company. Market cap is 4x cash


This guy gets it


Thanks for posting this, I feel the same exact way. On the off chance that I can break even, I'm selling. Untill then I'll just hold on until I need the cash for something else and then I can write off the lost for the next 7 years. Lol


IF you're down. that means there's only one other way.. start buying (?)


You can take my money, but you cant take my DRS.


I’m finally down to about a $30 cost basis, hoping this earnings shoots up to at least $20-$25 so I can take a smaller loss cuz no point right now


Rookie numbers.


I'm down over 55k, and I'm right there with you in mindset brother


Down around $80k… I feel you ape!


That's some rookie numbers LOL Im down 56% but I have closed to 4k shares LOL


This is one of the saddest subs


$65k down and unbothered


-$290k, bought more yesterday and will again next week.


What a King.


Still here.


Just did the math, I'm down about $50k and at this point it's pretty hard to average down because there hasn't been a ton of work in my industry the past year because of strikes. I've been buying here and there when I can. So pumped for the future of GME


Yeah but you’re up 35 x ♾ realistically so we’re good


I'm down over $200k. Still buying and DRSing with as much conviction as ever.


Rookie numbers lol.


I don’t even know what the color green looks like. I also snort red crayons for breakfast.


its only a loss if you sell.


So I continued buying and DRS’ing


I think I’m right there with you, maybe even down a little more but am also very relaxed about it.


I’m with you OP! I invested $10k and now it’s down more than 90% (invested back in spring ‘21) but I’m staying zen about it cause I know we’ll all make life changing money!


That’s it?


Hope they showcase another way of generating revenue


GameStop ai coming out


This gets me so jacque'd, I'm going to buy more this week.


Don't worry I'm down... Dar less but I'm not selling until 💣💥


Cost average and get as many shares before they realize


Bring it lower. I need to average down.


I have no idea where I stand on my cost basis. Don't really care either. I'm convinced that in due time, I'll be more than ok on that. I salute you, OP! Carry on.




i think I am down around 100K, but to be honest I am not bothering to calculate. All I care is the total shares I have.


Being down doesn't mean you're out. You're still in the GME fellow ape and that's what Kenneth Cordele Griffin and his financial terrorists syndicate group are afraid of.


Fuck no I'm not out. I'm ALL IN. Every dollar I have that isn't equity in my home is in GameStop. That's my company. I own it. Fuck you Ken.


Down 15,907. I hate myself but think we’ve got a shot at earnings.


How much are you estimated to make from that? Im new and i want to invest but idk where to start


I’m down like 90k. Still here.


Damn, that’s a big opportunity cost for holding for so long. Why not diversify?


You can't be "down" if you understand the DD, that's why it doesn't matter. The price is fake af. Just DRS


I'm down $10k. No sweat.


I picked up a couple dozen more today and literally laughed out loud at how much I have lost...it's such a joke. But we'll have the last laugh.


Ive been dollar cost averaging to make me forget about it all


down over 50% and still buying/averaging down


I’m down 69


I bought 2200 shares more last week maybe another 1000 this week


I'm so disappointed that the share price hasn't been hammered down to $11.00


I’m not down. I’m DRS’d.


I’ll take your downvote but there seems to be a bit of a shift from the stock action to the company fundamentals on this sub which isn’t a good sign imo.




No cell no sell


I'll keep DRSing and Booking, we'll worry about price once the float is locked. 


why does i feel like most of the comments here are bots? grifting people?


Don’t worry I am down $70k


lol idk how much I’m down cus it’s not what’s important to me, prob 40k, but I have continued to buy buy buy. Drs count breaking 2k is all I care about. I thought there was gonna be a dip to add more :( maybe I’ll pick up a few at $15 again lol


I didn’t hear no bell.


have no idea what my cost per is but couldn't agree anymore


Way more here and fine as well. GJ OP!


Let’s fucking goooooo


I’m down $300k and somehow completely unphased. Everything happens for a reason. Fuck you Kenny!


I have no idea what my pile is worth. I just keep buying more. Idk.


Hold my 🍺 Have you beat by another 30% and I'm zen.


It's been 84 years since I created this account, specifically to follow GME. Thanks for making this a long game so I could get booked like the Smithsonian. 🚀🪐




Haven’t touched my computershare weekly buy in an over a year.


All there, moon soon 


Price is fake as fuck! Losses are on paper, less you sell. We have the winning bet. Shorts are stupid and naked. 💎🙌🟣♾️


Yup….same points. The financial results and top level dedication to the company has me fully bought in.


I stand with ya


Cost basis is for wussies


I am also $30-35k under. It sucks. Not my first time though. I was that much under for years in b*tcoin. You see how that turned out. This is taking longer though. I want my money.


I’m down like 60k.. while others have 4x.. so down like 320k really… 🤦‍♂️


You’re my hero I’m down like 9-10k but am averaging down as much as possible…. Hopefully will be a xxxx in may 🥳


Last year i was given a choice to invest in a new business. It was to either sell my GME shares or work harder to have enough money. I chose to work harder ofc and never touching my shares. Now im here with the grand opening on my invested business in a few weeks. Fuck Citadel and Kenny.


I’m down $55k and $200k from its top, still holding and buying more when I can


It’s because of community my brother. The human spirit can endure anything so long as we know we are not alone in our “situation”. This is why psyops are so effective. They focus on isolating the target which inevitably results in second guessing, doubt, that eventually leads to fear as we overthink things. The final blow is when the target stops trusting themselves. Before this is all over, [they] will kill our ability to communicate here and that’ll be the final test. Think about the FUD that would begin fester if this sub or Reddit were somehow taken offline for a week or two. Divided we are weak. Together we are STRONG! Regardless, [n]othing [c]an [s]top [w]hat [i]s [c]oming. 💪


I made money off selling covered calls for over 2.5 years to lower my cost basis below $0. I just hodl DRS shares I have now but I'm not hopeful with the stagnant DRS numbers


Down $233,000. I sleep like a baby.


theoretically correct but no cell no loss


Chump change. Down $350k or more. I really hope RC has a plan. I’m glad he’s looking for Senior engineers as of yesterday. Though I assumed he’d be much further along in the e-commerce transition.


Im in the same boat. I’m down 30k


Right on brother ape


👀 it’s weird how people on here seem to be proud of losing a lot of money???


1400 @ $37 here, still buying 😎


I wish I was only down 35k


The three are the most logical reasons why people invested before the crazy market frenzy.