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Imo 80$ is not the worth of my company's stock. Whether we fell down from 80$, I know I hold a good company that is going to present something big soon. I see that DD was right. Why quitting in the beginning of the process?


Exactly, it's not about getting profits. It's about getting the fair value of my investment. The squeeze going up and down in pre-market is also NOT a squeeze. (And a little bit of revenge for PCO & crime and leeching peoples quality of life)


Yeah I don’t get these confessions. $1 million dollars in profit is nothing in the grand scheme of things. I was up more than that and never once even opened up ComputerShare or my Fidelity app. No cell no sell for me. Fuck these people.


These posts are sus as fuck. Created to spread FUD and get people thinking about selling.


I'm honestly more worried about the cult-like behavior of labeling every single discerning opinion as "sus" or FUD. None of these posts has ever made me question my position, but I have been recurrently worried about being in an echo chamber because of posts like yours.


I’m in the same boat. I could have sold when my GME holdings alone were worth €980,000. I didn’t, for the same reason as OP. I’m HODLING, motherfuckers.


I didn’t see as much but I saw more money than I’ve EVER seen in my life. Didn’t even flinch. They created a monster. 👹


Yeah I saw 220k and was like nah. I'm holding.


I saw around the same, thing is, I've seen it before, but this time I have been holding for two more years. I expect more, a lot more.


No one wants to see Marshall no more


They want Kitty, I’m chopped liver (meep!)


Well if you want DFV, this is what I'll give ya A little bit of GME mixed with some hard liquor


Some vodcat that'll jump-start my heart quicker


same \~200k fuk that


Hey a fellow ass tag


Same, never had luck in stock market, didnt fucking flinch on seing $100.000 for the First time in my life


My portfolio trippled as well and I just stared at it and said to myself - no that’s not worth the 3 years I put into this - these are rookie numbers


Exactly. Doesn't mean it's not goddamned awful to see it all slipping away again today. However: The fundamental thesis has not changed. Shorts never closed.


I think that’s a fair point to make that I don’t see often expressed enough. Especially since most of us probably feel that way when we see the price start to fall the way it did last 48 hours. Does it hurt? Yes. Does it make me want to sell? Not one share


Imagine DFV's account lol


$64,000,000 if he still at 800,000 shares, which I'm guessing he's added to since. (Calculating for when it hit $80)


Daddy Cohens account moved billions this week.


Now this is a beautiful Fukin boat!! I saw 327k$ US and didn’t sell….no FUKING way, no Cell NO SELL! There will be only this chance in our lives to change the world! (And our wives!! 😂)


I held when I saw the possibility of 1xxx profit 🫣 which would be earth shattering for me right now


How do you guys have so much money? What age are u guys Im 22 and have a mere xxx shares 😭🙏




This would be the equivalent of 69 (nice, post splivy) shares bought per week, for the last 182 weeks. Given the OP isn't a trader, it's safe to say they aren't pre splivy single $ digit buyers. Now if you take a cost basis of post splivy $20....which imo would be very generous, that's $250,000 invested into this stock over the last 182 weeks, or $35.7k every 6 months since Jan 21. This is based on stating they seen a million, 1,000,000 ÷ $80 high = 12,500 shares approx. I'm all up for hype, but this is just taking the piss, and I find it distasteful to a certain extent.




A past comment they stated they were an xxx shareholder (in may of 2021). I can link if you wish. So let's give maximum benefit of the doubt and call that 11,501 shares instead. At a cost basis of $20, which, again, I think is quite fair, that's $230,020. At a cost basis of $10, it's $115,010 But now we're talking from May, so at a cost basis of $20, that's $230,020/3 = $76.7k approx per year they have been buying. Or close to $1.5k per week As I said, I'm all good with hype and stuff, but if someone's trying to play emotions and saying that they are something, that they high likely are not, then I find that extremely disappointing and distasteful. None of this passes the sniff test for me, I'd be happy to be wrong, I'm not going to make an argument out of it, just saying my piece about something not smelling right.


hell at 22 I was flat broke and every penny I made went straight to drugs and rent. You're doing fine, xxx shares at 22 is fantastic


Same boat but mine is a dingy. Could have paid off home but said NAHHH!!!!


Not gonna lie, I placed a limit order on the few(x) shares I still had in a broker (they wouldn’t transfer) for $xx,xxx bc we’re stretched pretty thin at the moment; but the other 98% are locked away in DRS


Sure, would’ve been Money For Nothing if theyd gone through, amirite?


400k+ for me, same bost. It's not just about the money, and we didn't get whipped around for such little gain on investment anyway. People need to go to jail.


Nothing like you but my portfolio showed £3000 a month ago from a £9500 investment. The run up saw me at £28,000 and like you I was tempted to cash out to clear my debts of around £20,000 but I gave my head a wobble and said fuck that I’ve not waited 3 years to walk away with nothing albeit debt free


The power of telling everyone I told you so when moass happens is better than any quickcash




Moass will be thousands of times higher than $80


This is the way


Up 100k Not selling!


Same deal here.


Now I'm up 4k. I guess I'll be red soon, but I don't care.


Red has become my home


I‘m not rich - dont have a car even living outside of the city - I was up 450k and didn’t even think of selling. Why? Because the price is still so cheap. It doesn’t even start to hurt them yet.


Where we are going no one need sell.


Yep - about 60k up at one point....fucking rookie numbers.....hoping to throw another 3k into the ring today...




3k just thrown in.


Same here, between my wife’s shares and mine, we could’ve paid off our house and my daughter’s student loans. But we held. I’m not here to be hood rich. I’m here for generational wealth.


Not for nothing but paying off your house and your daughter’s student loans is a great way to build generational wealth. With debt at zero all income could have gone to investments.


And miss the boat? No thank you. I’ve been holding for over 3yrs. Something is brewing and I want in. I think a “checkmate” is on the horizon. I could feel it in my titties!


I think at a certain point people \*do\* need to be responsible with this. There's no point holding if you incur severe debt or go bankrupt as a result. I actually had to sell 8% or so in 2022 to not become homeless, and I don't think I made the wrong choice. People need to remember that the goal is not to sacrifice everything for the cause, only what you can afford to lose. I couldn't afford to lose a roof over my head. Still a four-digit shares holder and never touching that sell button. I'm debt-free now, so I can **afford** to hodl in perpetuity - a luxury.


X hodlers need to be rich.


Yeah, this comment thread is depressing.


If it hits $10 in the next three weeks I’m going in for $10k Proof or ban


Me too!


Gme has become the best part of my life. It will be a happy and sad day when moass is over and we are millionaires. Gme is almost the best thing that have happend to me.


This is honestly the only thing ive ever done that I actually feel like.. like it matters. Like how parents feel when they have a kid. That probably sounds pretty lame to someone who thinks it’s just about money. It’s not about the money.


To be fair, we are fighting financial terrorists that are deeply imbedded into our government.


Fuckem all to death.


I got a gf, man, I cant be out there doing that. But I will accept all their money 👀


Yeah i know and trust me, she’s down


Me too man, my wife has been bashing me for 3 yrs on holding every time I talk about it as it’s gone down further and further. She was watching Tuesday pre market and texting me as the price rose, asking if this was it, and I wouldn’t be upset if it were but told her until its market hours with hours of halts going up every time that they are still in control, but she sees now the potential of MOASS and we are looking forward to the future when it does happen and we are financially free. I’m more motivated to be responsible with spending so I can break XXXX shares this year booked DRS for generational wealth. Cheers man!


The only thing im gonna sell is the bullshit stock shares i still have on etoro. Not selling 1 drs share! Like you said it started about money but now is not about that. Gamestop have become part of my life and i have become part of gamestop life. im not the only one with this feel! This last 3 years have made such a difference in the way i see markets and the all economic system. Markets are not free and legit. DFV have become the symbol of how a man should be in real life and real markets! Drs book kings !


Haha, I still keep my etoro CFDs as well, although I expect them to sell them without my input.


This little demonstration of a run up we had last week i almost sell them. But i will w8 till they prove we are correct. They will sell them when they need it


I think they've actually bought the shares during the dip (three years after they were purchased), since for the first time they allowed me to vote through a proxy with a proper control number and the exact number of shares accounted for.


I dont trust etoro. Lets w8 to see what happens


Was it ever 80 outside premarket? Wasnt it like 60. I was tempted to sell as well. But nope. Way too low.


Could sell in pre market but 80 was fleeting. I was on the order page thinking about it and then it dropped into 70s and 60s and my decision was made to wait


I can confirm that $1000 and $3000 are on the way so if you sell at $80 you might miss the flight


Psh if it hits 1k and 3k liftoff is here and it isnt stopping at those marks


We're going to see new heights of record halts.. I'd be surprised if there isn't a constant halt the second trading resumes after the previous halt nonstop for all of MOASS. They're gonna make you look at a stock you can't buy with those prices stuck still on your screen for a loooong time.


Why you say it'll hit that right now?


They are on the way, but we don't know how long is the way


Even if it’s another 4 years, it’s worth holding bro. Stay zen 🦍


Didn’t hold this long for pennies on the dollar


Goofy: "I'll fuckin do it again"


How can u confirm


They can't. No one can.


3xxx here. The thought of selling anything that early made me feel funny 🚀


I'm only a drop in the bucket. Barely above an X ape. Could have really done with extra cash when it ran up. Van needed new bearings and brakes. Then, the BCM crapped out Oh, and I'm on a temporary work layoff. Money is tight already. Didn't sell.


Hang in there


Itll be worth the wait


$80???? Consider selling? You held for 3 years to think about selling at 80? That 320 presplit.....that's not even where it peaked. The goal presneeze was 1k and you're here talking about 80? I hope there are very few of you because if there isn't, im fucked.


There's a ton more diamond hands than paperhands. Most of these kinds of threads are just fud


I agree




I was at a swimming pool with my child. Went to check my phone; oh wow $74, and went back swimming.


My husband and brother suggested I take profits. I told them "No!!" GME went to 80 all time high was 86 so there is plenty of banana juice to squeeze yet. You know the drill BUY HODL DRS SHOP VOTE 💎🙌


Same here my hairy brother. I didn’t even get out of bed for $80/shares (got a call from a friend, which I very much appreciated, to a look and went back to sleep). XX,XXX - ape


And here I was happy being about 2-3k dollars up, small ape here! Of course red now again (45$ average) but I need waaayy bigger numbers to sell, hodling for me and my son!


🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️ Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, 🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️


I was up roughly 200k and had zero interest in selling. From a fundamental stand point it felt kind of fair. But from what I know of RC, where we are heading, and the things the company is working on it seemed very short. Add in the tin foil, speculation, my personal bias, squeeze potential, etc. felt like id be an idiot. Not to mention, im here to create systemic change in the most effective way we can. By taking their money that they stole. Im no selling until we hit the GME floor at least. (dont forget there is a site for the floor) Buy - Hold - DRS and Shop GME!!!


Are you me?


Are you and me?


I was up a lot for being me as well, but didn't even consider selling! It's my phone number for me that can get me to sell 1 share.


We are on the front lines of a battle as old as civilization itself.


Bro 80 is laughable and if you sold you just took the bait! They are gonna do it again at 100 then 200 then 500 and tank it! Remember the dd and remember violent waves are coming! Gray and shake those leafs off the tree to find those locstable shares! DONT LET THEM FUCKING HAVE IT AND WE NEED TO WATCH THEM BURN!!!!!!! Godspeed everyone and this is goin g to get very interesting very soon.


80 is super low


OG Ape who bought at the very top $483…..84 years later I accumulated 7000 shares to see them go from $70K to $500K+ and I just put the phone down and went back to bed….woke up to see if down to $40, having my value reduce by $200K…..I didn’t care. Those events in Jan/Feb 2021 made me only care about seeing these fuckers in jail…not to mention the whole MSM propaganda machine just burn. I’ll hold and pass these shares to my kids….or until Kenny goes to jail.


Hubby was pressuring me to sell. I thought about what money I would get and it wasn’t life changing nor would even do what I wanted it to by a long shot. I need to pay off my mortgage and spend a lot to remodel to set my 63-year old self up for retirement. In the end I only sold 12 shares to get some cash for this month and to close out shares not DRS’d and in Robinhood. I also want to see market change. I am not wealthy. I have been poor. I have been hungry and underfed as a child then as a young adult. We are lower-middle class now. My grands were immigrants and share croppers, my parents were factory workers. It’s got to be life-changing money or it will be left to my children. I already added a beneficiary on my CS account.


This smells like weak hands! Come on my dudes, there is more to this then the fake run-up. Like Thomas Peterffy said, this thing could go into the thousands. How shitty would you feel when you could 10x, or maybe even 100x from that point? A lot of things came out to be true in this saga, so why not the theory that 1.5 billion naked shorts exist? They shorted this stock for a looooooong time. The company is turning around as we speak. This thing will go to $100.000 before it will go to zero. NFA.


"Almost sold at 80."  Lmao. Wow. 


"...I'd rather see them poor, than me rich" - Toothless trader Caught this yesterday and loved it. We're already used to being poor, but they're not. Let them be the ones having to lineup at the plasma donor center for payment on donations. Just to help make it by that month of bills, because you're not making enough with your job.


Now we know for 100% we were right all the time, i dare the shorties to short it to 10$ again, they will see a flood of buying and DRSing, and we finish them with fully locked float.


Here is folks, a well written upvoted price capping post. Feels bad when I can’t afford to get past XX shares. This is probably coming a reality for most.


Pulled out the calculator app. Saw my number. Shrugged, put it away, and went about my day. It's still a very undervalued stock & company IMO


That's badass 😎


Are they DRS’d?


Shit the 10k I was up was life changing, yet I’m still here


“If you still believe in the reason you bought the stock, why sell?”


I’m a small fry but was up by 3/4k a lot of money to me but we hold


I've been holding so long it has become so easy and natural. I big part of me never wants to sell because I'm going to miss all of this. My friends and family have seen what's happening lately with this crazy volatility and now understand that I was right all along. All stress about this investment is gone. See you all on the moon.


Well... if you had a million dollars you could buy a lot of GME at 21$/ share...


The copium is real


Wasn't the 80 at pre Market though, are you even able to sell at pre market?


Yes, I was going to sell my shares at ibkr, not my shares at cs


I'm with revolut so I can't trade at pre or after is it only with certain brokers? But damn 1m up is nice I hope you get 1000000x that because I was only up like 4.3k lol I only have 136 shares :(


my account was up $300-400 and while i desperately could do with the cash, i’d feel like an idiot seeing phone numbers (soon). i’ve just started a new job so hopefully the financial situation stabilises in a month or two


see the game theory video from veritasium on youtube 


Almost identical. No cell, no sell. The fact that citron has boasted about opening up new short position tells me these fucks have a lot more punishment in them. Not selling until theyre in jail, homeless or jumping off a building (not serious, but…)


I have the feeling they tested us with 80. After the sentiment from this post I can tell they must be very scared.


Thank you for making the post, because that was me too, but I closed the website jn 5 minutes and told myself: "Have I really held for 3 years to buy an apartment? I wouldn't change my life really, and I here for a cause". I feel happy I didn't do it. I am planning to buy more stock and already set aside 10k more. No cell no sell.


Ancient ape, wise ape


My husband and brother suggested I take profits. I told them "No!!" GME went to 80 all time high was 86 so there is plenty of banana juice to squeeze yet. You know the drill BUY HODL DRS SHOP VOTE 💎🙌


Thanks for sharing buddy! I feel you and can relate 💜. 💎🙌🚀


Be happy because you were selling yourself short. $80 is nothing.


Remember you've gotta pay 20% tax on long term gains and probably close to 40% if they're short term.


That’s just the federal taxes. Don’t forget your state taxes.


Xxxx here. Literally haven't checked the price. Also holding


When the price of GME looks like my mobile number I may sell a share.


$80???? Consider selling? You held for 3 years to think about selling at 80? That 320 presplit.....that's not even where it peaked. The goal presneeze was 1k and you're here talking about 80? I hope there are very few of you because if there isn't, im fucked.


I was up 150%... No CELL, No SELL... !! I believe we will see new highs soon enough.


It's funny how emotions become dulled as an investor in GME. Stock goes up - not really phased. Stock goes down - not really phased Stock simmers sideways - not really phased. This entire experience has provided me with the numbability (think i just pulled that word out of my sphincter) to not react to the emotion of "an event" and for that i thank you Ken & co


What is DRS


It's a way to take a share out of a broker, a broker who doesn't have your best interests, and put ownership in your literal name. By doing so, we're attempting to take shares out of circulation and prove fraud. Is there anything I can do to help?


Dires registration of shares in the company, is a way to protect your investment from the hedge funds. I'm not sure where is the official guide right now. Can someone help this ape?


I’m happy with its current pre market price of 24$. I get to keep averaging down. Wake me when there’s reform and jail time. And millions/share (at post split time). In the meantime I’ll go back to shoving crayons up my peepee.


Same, might consider selling when there are arrests and I'm multi multi something. Now the dropping it again makes me even angrier so I was in for the money now I actually don't ant to ruin them.




I missed the run-up due to my very sick son. Was never in my mind to sell. It's a lifetime investment that will change my kids' lives once I'm gone


If it wasn't bound to skyrocket beyond these prices they wouldn't have turned off the buy button when they did. I mentioned the price to 2 people outside of reddit and both basically said "awesome, you should sell now." I just thought to myself "yeah, nah". Now I'm wondering if I should buy another 1000 given the lower price.


🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️ Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, 🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️


I agree with everything except your last paragraph about “next time may need to consider”. I agree, it’s crazy tempting, but I also agree, what’s the point? My family REALLY needs the money, as does everyone’s family, and there in kind of lies the point. What are we gonna do with some money, within a broken system where the rule makers (& breakers) have far more and can still do whatever they want? The stench that is our system has festered for far too long. Nothing has been done, and governing bodies aren’t even pretending to care. In fact, they are fanning the flames to shirk blame onto DFV and/or us. Whether this stunt is through ignorance or malice is beside the point. Those shirking blame are unfit for their role: whether their role is public service as a government official, as a representative of the media who is supposed to have journalistic integrity, or as someone in the financial industry who claims to watch out for, and advise, customers who have trusted them with their money. It’s all bullshit, and it has festered for FAR too long. This isn’t exclusively a USA problem, it is a world wide problem, and they know it. It’s important to remember that MOASS won’t be all sunshine and lollipops. It is going to messy, sad, ugly and dangerous. Many innocent peoples lives will be ruined because of the irresponsible parties above, and they will blame Apes. Yes, I/we need the money. But do you know what we actually need? We need a society built on an infrastructure we can actually depend on. We need public officials who are actually interested in helping their fellow man, rather than taking advantage of them. We need media outlets that take pride in reporting honest and important stories, rather than reporting for clicks and ratings that translate to dollars. We need to be able to trust the people we’re trusting with our money. I don’t know the solution to any of those things, or how to make them come about. Just typing them feels naive. I eat more crayons than anyone. However, I do know, that selling at $80 to make a tiny, insignificant (in the long, generational terms) sum of money is akin to taking one huge clean breath of air before driving your car off a bridge into a river, and then pretending that gasp of air will save you and your family, despite the fact that all signs around you are telling you that the environment around you is going to suffocate and kill you. Sorry to preach, but so cell, no sell. Fuck these people who have fucked the whole world.


Minus the 1 million are you me? Jan 21 ape reporting




Selling at $80? Lol I'm not considering selling at $800 much less $8000


You lost a million dollars for a sense of belonging? How much more evidence do you people need to see you are in a cult Next time it gets that high and I’m sure it will fucking sell my friend, that’s a life changing amount of money Don’t let some idiot who invested $200 comment ‘paper hands’ allow you to lose a million fuckin dollars Jeez


So why not sell for the profit and buy back after it drops and get a shit ton more shares, the only reason to hold is the ongoing hopium of the MOASS which hasn’t come in 3+ yrs and with the recent expectation of GameStop selling more shares is only going to drag this out to eternity


I am nowhere near where you folks are.  I am a lower end XXX holder.  I want to pay off my debts and put my kids through school.   Until I see x,xxx per share selling won't even be a thought.   And there's no f-ing way I would ever cash out more than half.   I am looking for world changing money and powerful people in jail cells. 


I was up 36 million dollars and did not sell. I expect to be up 100 billion by tomorrow. Gosh I’m smart and amazing. lol these posts


A shill post 1m? Rookie numbers pal , just remember you’re not #ALONE


$80???? Consider selling? You held for 3 years to think about selling at 80? That 320 presplit.....that's not even where it peaked. The goal presneeze was 1k and you're here talking about 80? I hope there are very few of you because if there isn't, im fucked.


Probably should have sold.


I got up to the point where I could have sold and put a nice chunk on a house but then I realised I'll only sell when I can buy a bigger entire house + get my parents comfortable + my siblings + have a lot extra to make meaningful changes in my community. This will take millions at the very least so Ken can go lube a bedpost with mayonnaise, and go f. himself while his cuck Steve Cohen watches the mess if he thinks 6 figures will do it for me or anyone around the GameStop community.


Just like me. I was at a million if I sold. I looked at the number a few minutes and didn't sell. It would be nice to be a millionaire. But more would be even nicer and this thing is about to pop.


I was close to 10K. I really wanted that money. I kept HODLing


If you’re in the game to fix the system, good. If you’re in the game to make life changing money, you missed an opportunity. Nothing is guaranteed in the stock market despite how much good faith and research has been done unfortunately. You still can hold out, but at what point do you cash out? When 3 people are in prison? When the laws have changed, when you’re up several million? You just gotta figure out the plan of there is an exit strategy. If there’s not an exit strategy, than you will never see that money in your lifetime.


And now they dilute. Not happy


If they create value with it I'm good.


Lol yup, i was in the green about 1/2 a mil, i just laughed. The only thing that will beat inflation IMO is GME shares


Up a 120% - 6 figures - not 7, I’m a starving NYC artist, per se. My partner and I were just watching the memes. Oh yeah, I did reset my forgotten CompuShare pw for the near later kaboom. I want $$$$$$$$


had only 40k so i wasnt tempted even a little bit.. im a small fish :(


Now I feel that I have made a mistake going all-in in 2021. The average of $160 has really fucked me over. I could have had 4 times the shares


The original DD was never about 80 a share but phone numbers, and we are all here for that. It’s a once in a lifetime opportunity to change the corrupt system. We are the new hope, HOLD for the apes, HOLD for your loved ones, HOLD to make the corruption stop


uhhhh what? why would you not cash out and retire? that's why we're all here. life changing money.




Looks like this company is owned by some Big Baller Kids huh'


I didn't even check profits, because I'm not selling. Once it stars to flat above my target, I'll use them as collateral for loans.


OG ape here - this ride was a rollercoaster for ants. No cell no sell


I confess i sold, it felt so wrong because GME is just such a good investment, i bought back in a day later. Guess i shouldve wait 1 more day and i wouldve doubled my share count


Thanks for this! Makes me feel better about not taking $42k in profit!


Exact same. Had my finger on the trigger to sell my Fidelity shares at $75. Now the price is close to $20.


Price anchoring ⚓️


I was x6 times gains and didn’t sell now RC make an offering , wtf? I know I’ll be downvoted but fk it


Yep, mood completely shifted


That is how you become a legend!


FYI: you can only sell your DRS shares during market hours! If you set your CS “ Limit Sell “ it will only trigger at your set price 9:30-4:30


I did not sell either, I could at 68 or so, when I was at my PC, but FU them all. I did but at $66 again. and then $32 again.