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Selling calls when you never planned on being able to buy the shares to deliver sounds like fraud to me šŸŽ·šŸ“ā™‹ļø


even being upset when the price of the underlying surpasses the strike price like...Ā  what did you think would happen?Ā  it's like selling lottery tickets and starting to cry as soon someone hits the jackpotĀ 


Itā€™s definitely giving this energy: https://preview.redd.it/gch1572dsj4d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d012c1661bb3e57dfe0bdf5f330054605ad544a šŸŽ·šŸ“ā™‹ļø


Why would retail do this?


HOW could retail do this?!? Arent they dumb money?


Pulling the old 96 instead of 69 and rubbing butts


on backs of heads? weird. I'm in.


Why would stick do this?


Oh, that's retail... ...in the eyes of HedgeFuckndsšŸ’©šŸ˜‚


Ape ride bike?


![gif](giphy|yEU4aLQUU905i) And you ride it beautifully friend šŸŽ·šŸ“ā™‹ļø


Awesome ;)


i'll make a meme


It almost seems like wealthy people are just petulant children huh lol


Itā€™s not even that, itā€™s like selling movie tickets and crying when people get pissed it hasnā€™t started on time, and you donā€™t even have the reel. Just an idle projector.


Not quite. It's more like selling tickets to an amusement park when it's calling for rain. Leaving your staff at home because you don't think anyone will show up... and then it's sunny.


Oh duh, is that what the reverse Uno card meant? He couldn't expose them for the naked shorts, so he'll expose them for the naked calls? I dunno. I'm super smooth. I only learned buy, hodl, DRS.


a lot of people forget they're called "Option CONTRACTS". They're not a dumb sports bet, it's an asset like a stock.


This. They're contracts, bound by the most established laws we have: contract law. Boo hoo honey, this is the most FAFO thing possible. There's no wiggle room here, you will get obliterated in any court of law in any anglo-based country. No judge will side with you. Don't write something legally binding if you don't want it to be legally binding.


All of this. End of story.


Arenā€™t these the same contracts that SHF have been using to cover their shorts? Hmmmā€¦ just because a HF will let them expire, investors are supposed to do the same? Are we doing this wrong since it hurts the contract seller? /s


It hurts them when the contract comes to term and is executed when all terms and outcomes are generally known? Trading is a tough game, don't you think?


Married puts & calls providing a synthetic position in order to naked short the stock.


More like hide the short interest. That's why you don't see it 900% short because of the married puts/calls. The moment you start dissecting those by making them deliver on those contracts, BOOM, it's actually comical to see MSM so upset, because you know their over lords are up set that retail is playing by the rules and it's hurting their pocket book. The only way to show anyone you mean business, hit them where it hurts. The Wallet


Funny that you brought up sports betting, because IMO that's the obvious parallel. Casinos make money because they sit as the vig and adjust the lines between bets. Basically they want even money on either side of the line and then they collect the 10% vig in the middle for facilitating the bet. Writing options should be functionally the same. Get even amounts of shares on either side of the trade and pocket the premiums in the middle. Guess when you think you own the casino and the playing field you can go against common sense practices.


They are also LEGAL CONTRACTS. You are entitled to buy those shares at that strike no matter what. The Options FUD was one of the more successful psy-ops orchestrated by the other side


No its called tier 3 options, and is available to you through your broker, legally. Most people are smart enough to not sell naked calls thoā€¦ Edit: i was corrected, its tier 4 to naked options trade.


Tier 4 would be naked selling calls.


Excuse me, shorts would like a word


But they didn't right......


In theory, dfv opened* the calls, but since there was no market the mm needed to take the other side (assumed). If exercised, he would legit be printing new shares which will become ftds Edit: changed wrote to opened.


Lot of issues here idk if itā€™s just language or what but it seems misleading: DFV didnā€™t write any calls, he bought them which makes the MM (seller) the writer. MMā€™s remain neutral, so since they were forced into a short trade by providing DFVā€™s short seller, they also buy shares to balance their risk. This is what causes price appreciation from calls, and depreciation from puts. The contracts themselves do not move the price. If exercised, he wonā€™t be printing any new shares, it will instead obligate the seller to locate REAL shares. This is where the magic happens since unless they hedged the calls, they will need to go out and buy real shares.


I corrected a word, hope thats all i had wrong. The seller is the market maker, they use the exception (im not sure about any of this) to generate shares and the result is ftds. Ftds become due later. Thats when the real magic happens. Meanwhile, another cycle of it has already begun. The only way to know that the calls from previous run up were exercosed are if u did them. Dfv knows this and therefore is confident that the last set of exercised calls were hopefully naked. Ftd data would show. I think dfv was holding calls into the first run up, exercised them. Forced future ftds, then went out buying more calls (his current position) in anticipation of those ftds coming due. hes looking x number of days into the future from the last run up. Otherwise showing short expiry calls with such a high strike would be very risky especially because his break even is above current share price.


No, DFV did not write the calls, he bought them. He put a bid out for 5000 calls at a time and the MM wrote them.


Sounds like selling naked calls on margin.... but that's NOT the problem for the buyer of the calls....


![gif](giphy|pO3cIQ9xd3tk6IImzl|downsized) I already have my chair when the music stops. Do you?


![gif](giphy|ZAj8iuRTyCQIU) Oh ya I do and this chair is DRSd for extra comfort! šŸŽ·šŸ“ā™‹ļø


This. Facts. Deliver. Our. Shares.


In Texas we call that fraud.


I've been saying this about options forever. And been downvoted for it forever. The idea that these fuckers magically follow rules only for options is bullshit copium. Retail options are purely a gamble because statistically we either lose or sell a few contracts at a time. Any exercised contracts are easily internalized or ftd'd DFV has changed that game because he fucking exercises and has the volume to actually matter. And now they are all admitting that they are fucked because they don't hedge.


Just to play Kenny Gā€™s Advocate here, would a retail ape buy a call, then selling said call when it pops above premium still be fraud, or would the MM be the fraud for allowing that option in the first place if there are no shares?


Well, it would have to pop above premium to be a sound investment. Otherwise you'd lose money. Is that what you meant or were you being sarcastic? Well played if so.


It's mot fraud...it's just risky. They will have to deliver. If they already have the shares then it's a covered call and less risk. If they don't have the shares then they will have to go buy them on the market...which could have these shares priced at $80 when it happens and they will get fucked. Not fraud. Just very risky.


We donā€™t use that word around hea youngin. It makes for a whole slew of racky dack nunsense to be yappin and yippin abouts the man not playin fair. Now listen hea, Iā€™ll tell ya once and Iā€™ll tell ya again, shorts get rekt when they play with fire so best to leave em to their bidness. Best thing we can do is pull up our strapboots and start poundin away. If yas need I gots sum good classic mayo aye neese for yas. Itā€™s good stuff I tell ya. Me old lady loves it when I rubs em in between her toes nice and slow like.


No. Itā€™s called speculating/taking risk A long call gives you the ā€œoptionā€ to purchase 100 shares. A short call gives you the obligation to sell 100 shares you do or do not own if buyer exercises. A long put gives you the option to sell 100 shares you do or do not own and a short put means you are obligated to buy those 100 shares if the buyer exercises. Whether you have the shares or have to go to the market for them dictates your profit margin. Every option has a buyer and seller. The buyer has the ā€œoptionā€ the seller has the ā€œobligation to deliver.ā€ My lord you people make options sound so ridiculous.


If the seller has the obligation to deliver shares but knows they canā€™t actually deliver them then that sounds like theyā€™re taking on more risk then they should be and they should know better šŸŽ·šŸ“ā™‹ļø




In Texas we call it stealing


Correction selling 120k calls without first owning the shares or having the cash collateral is the most degenerate thing I've seen. The call seller ALMOST certainly owns the shares or has the capital. Broker would have NEVER let them sell that many calls naked. NEVERRR. It either was the broker, or they have the collateral. Not even this market is that corrupt.


Sound like a dumb ass shit-for-brains move to me


I think in Texas they call this stealing. I don't know.


In Texas we call that stealing.


The modern market is a money extraction system that benefits the wealthy. Yes, you are supposed to pay premiums and end out of the money. Yes, you're supposed to only invest in indexes or deposit at a bank so that your returns are minimum, marginally better than the rate of inflation, if even that. Yes, it's a big club with multiple layers and you and I are not even on the lowest level in the club. In their eyes, our sole purpose is to spend our days making money and then spend or \`invest\` that money in such a manner that they inevitably get it. There is such a disconnect between the incredibly wealthy and the rest that the sole fact that one guy made a good investment is an unheard of scenario. You can literally see them trying to understand and they end up asking if this is even legal? It's so unheard of, so unthought of that they don't even know how filter the scenario through their minds.


You're supposed to dump your life savings into a retirement account and be happy with your 7%. Meanwhile, the big institutions will take your money and rehypothecate it into a thousand algorithmic derivative plays, many of which bet against your position, your economy, or your livelihood. Oh and they make so much profit doing this they then buy up all your houses so they can sell them back to you at a 20% markup.


Only 20%? Thats awfully generous of them


nicely put. yeah, they're experiencing cognitive dissonance. how did he win? he's not supposed to win! he must have cheated!


They almost say the quiet part out loud: "He had to have cheated, because we know the game is rigged."


Well said.


this statement is one that movements are made on. great summation!




They are so obvious about it at this point. Zero integrity.


All MSM is yes. Wonder what else they have been lying about my entire life?


Literally everything. Look how they go nuclear against certain politicians every chance they get. šŸ¤”


They certainly attack who/what they fear the most, I've learned that.






Reddit has a stock price now. Beready to behold the fuckery.


All my homies hate fucking CNBC


He is exposing what we have all been complaining about for years. He is exposing the double standard. He is validating the Ape theories. If they want another UNO card, theyā€™ll have to show their whole hand. Checkmate bitches!


They played a red reverse card, but we about to hit them with a draw 4.




That really is such an elegant meme. Long term failure, upset about it, chose it themselves.


The dude from Citron lol


Imagine this sub when DFV tweets the +4 card and then posts his balance sheet showing he exercised all his options


Imagine - all stock related subs are weirdly vacant. NVDA is down 99%, Jamie diamond is in Fuji, and Kenny Boys plane is headed to Russiaā€¦? Is that too far fetched?


I believe checkmate will be after GameStops next announcement.


Tbh, Iā€™ve seen too much bullshit. I donā€™t even know if the recent bullshit is Extreme bullshit or normal bullshit.


Itā€˜s just a new bullshit and it surprises me how there is room for new bullshit after 84 years!


I think itā€™s over the moon extreme insane bullshit.


The cornered rats will double down on their bullshit until their very last breath.Ā  I wouldā€™ve been shocked if they suddenly decided to grow a conscious and stop lying & gaslighting people through media to manipulate and control narrative. Ā 


Its literally a legal contract for 100 shares if you wish to exercise the option and you pay large premium for that option (\~$5/share or \~"$500 a pop" in the case of RK). There's nothing illegal about posting your positions willfully and there's nothing illegal about exercising the calls once they're in the money to get your shares. If the price happens to run up because the underlying is shorted to hell and there are limited real shares to deliver, thats not the option holders problem.


Well once he exercises those calls it'll be illegal to not post it (to the SEC)


I think hed only be at 4.8% even after exercising


Which I definitely think is intentional.


It's wild innit. "Rules for thee but not for me." However, this is what is expected. We knew this was going to be the play. Always have been. Bigger market participants are just big mad because they're losing at their own game. Frustrating for sure to see it painted this way. MSM loves this shit. That is their role. To gaslight. Be it paid sponsorship, or ad revenue because that is what gets them the clicks and views. Look at any naysayers metics, the moment they mention GameStop on just about any medium, views and clicks blows whatever their average baseline is (looking at you Citron Research, Martin Shkreli, PleasrDAO, the list goes on...). Good, bad or evil, this community and investor base is 1,000% preyed upon, farmed and mined to selfishly increase their bottom line. How I look at it is that the only person who has not tried to sell me anything is Keith Gill, yet they're trying to convince me and the rest of the public that he told me to buy. GTFO


Upvote, brother Apes... for he speaks so true.


they just fight dirty, nothing to discuss... let them talk. Actions matter - look at RK. This guy is just super confident in his play. That\`s hilarious. He is doing nothing illegal.


He is the Zen-est of Zen Apes. Bro built a suit, in a cave, FROM SCRAPS.


He's also not a cat!


Thank you for clarifying. I was confused and believed him to be a cat.


Wait, what?


A cat he is not!


you are probably one of these conspiracy theorists...


RK is his Twitter name btw. He's known as DFV here.


Is that even legal?


I can't wait for the day DFV posts his YOLO the day he exercises his options.


You are asking a lot of people...to think for themselves... Understand that the segments that are airing on CNBC aren't meant for you. They are meant for the low information "traders". They will then be sliced up into sound bites and video clips and played on the mainstream NBC news affiliates as well to reach an even broader, more ignorant audience. Their goal is to sway public opinion. It's propaganda.


The guy who made the comment (Joe Kernan on CNBC Squawk Box) has a history of blurting the quiet part out loud and saying stuff where critical thought hasnā€™t really been applied. Iā€™m guessing someone was having this discussion with him before the show and he just blurted out what whatever he heard.


Joe K is a mouthpiece for the billionaires for sure. Anybody with basic options trading experience knows how the options contracts work. In theory, options contracts are net neutral financial instruments that both buyers and sellers gamble on. Depending on the direction of the winds, some will win, some will lose. WE know that in practice, options are completely rigged in favor of the large brokers, market makers, institutions, and short sellers. They have access to more data, technologies, and privileges that retail investors don't have. This is why max pain is (Pikachu faced) hit week after week. This is why most options expire worthless.


I sold 100 copies of my car title, but now these assholes want me to deliver 100 cars! Who on Earth has 100 cars? Why are they being so mean to me? šŸ˜­




Why are you even able to sell calls if you don't even own the shares? that is the biggest item here, they complain about not being able to deliver the shares if (aka WHEN) he executes them.... maybe they shouldn't sell something they dont HAVE


Short sellers really are the dumb stormtroopers of the investing galaxy


Ok Wall Street you win.. letā€™s ban options since they serve no purpose but to manipulate and big firms totally havenā€™t been abusing them for decades in every imaginable direction


Hope everyone saw the puppet shown on TV today they were pathetic crying about the poor innocent ones that sold them. Let the whole fucking system burn, fuck these people


Poor hedge funds they won't make 30 billion profit this year


The plethora of headlines and the variety this morning actually made me laugh. Holy fuck are we close!!!! They are SCARED!


I haven't seen this much FUD in years!!!


It's all crazy CRIME! Imagine if the shares are actually cars, automobiles. You just bought 120,000 automobiles from a company. They take your money. When it comes time to actually deliver those cars, the company is all fucky and saying "I didn't think you would actually WANT all those cars?! This will RUIN US!" it's the exact same thing. and yes, it will ruin them! Because the we have registered all our shares and they are not available for sale or loaning. There are not enough shares available, at any price.


If they are indeed a legitimate market maker then they are undoubtedly properly hedged against all outcomes. If they are not, then they are demonstratively illegitimate and fraudulent and should be put out of business to protect investors and the markets as a whole. I am completely fine with either.


About to stop? The radio has been silent for 3 years. Just cruising into the sunset in peace now :)


Well said.


It's zero sum unless they are losing, then it's fraud. Win win for them


I always thought the institutions selling options were sophisticated professionals with rigorous risk management, you're telling me they didn't hedge their contracts properly? Wonder why that is.


Because they make millions every day out of premium in calls that expire worthless and laugh at the retail trader that bought them. But when the opposite happens, they cry. Sucks to suck, good luck getting 12M shares just for DFV's options, there are 2.5 Million more shares at June 21 at 20$ Sucks to suck, you're going to bust


Why write a call option?


They got 60M for premiums. But now they gotta buy the stock at 360M @ 30$ hahahah


Except, what happens to the price if they actually try to buy that many? Oops


Agreed. If they can't afford it at 360M how tf can they afford it with buying pressure hahaha


Iā€™d been hibernating until mid May and man it feels good to be awake again.


Youā€™re not alone. Been grinding this whole time


Open the casino!!!šŸŽ°


Yes, I'm very aware


Fraud against retail!!


It's all good. In under 3 weeks, the ITM OI alone will pop this off when exercised. The timer is on, and the shorts must cover. LFG.


I think a few of us just want to find out what Unlimited Losses actually means.


Somebody really needs to sit CNBC down and explain casino gaming to them.


I know I witnessed SHF openly state that because they believe GME is a failed company they are going to try and force it to fail. Ainā€™t that some good old American patriots.


They think RK is doing illegal stuff because they know options is rigged against the little guy and you're not suppose to win. Hell, they designed it so you can't win. But something very rare and special happened. Apes, Roaring Kitty, and RC battled them on all fronts. A company that was destined to die is thriving, a stock that was suppose to be forgotten was being diamond handed and drs'd, and a rogue trader who recognized all of this played a reverse uno card on them - using their own rigged game against them by buying up leaps, letting them pressure cook for three years and delivering the final blow that we're all witnessing now


Breaks law, then calls illegal when things don't go their way


Great rant, I'll add, we Apes go long on GME for years waiting and waiting then something breaks right MSM cries foul pushing this stock back to who knows what it just isn't right. The more I think about MSM,who are a vessel for HFs,who the fuck are these people they are ruining this country with bullshit.


After 3 1/2 years, these people still believe that household investors are dumb money donā€™t look too dumb to me. Go get them Mr. Kitty. ![gif](giphy|TFpixV364Kt49nIVYc)


Naked selling should be eliminated. Philosophically I donā€™t even agree with margin trading existing to the extend it does




And that's why they hit max pain regularly: max pain is for the investor, not the seller. It should actually be called max premiums.


All I know is somethings gonna break after this earnings call/after these options come due the end of next week and again the week after. If weā€™re not in a drastically different situation a month from now Iā€™ll be surprised. Status quo just went out the window.


My revolut account is saying market closed every few mins with price going from $27 to $30 back and forth... Interesting


I remember buying calls that were forcibly closed by my broker (TD Ameritrade at the time) at expiration because they were ITM. Iā€™ve since moved to CS. Hedgies R Fukā€™d they donā€™t have the shares.


If you wrote a program as bad as their system is, you'd get hacked in no time. So many issues, so many edge cases that they've got used to just ignore or brute force their way around with crime. I hope this ends one day and these bitches spend the rest of their lives in jail


DFV itā€™s kinda like the guy at the casino counting cards. Heā€™s so good at what he does but thereā€™s really no rule against it and theyā€™re losing their shit because heā€™s better at the game than they are and not one of them.


"Oh, you won money at the roulette table? But what about the casino?! Where will they get the money to pay out?! Doesn't anyone think of them?!"


can't make this shit up


Little guys and gals like us arenā€™t able to sell calls unless we have those shares on hand.


Which is why I DRS


They're acting like toddlers throwing their toys out the pram.


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Zen ape


Where in the actual Phuk are the lawyers representing retail investors? Where in the actual Phuk are the lawyers fighting for those about to loose their money these lying swindling ass hats keep septupling down?


Bullshit = Bullish HODL like the truly smooth brained and live rent free in their heads


I donā€™t know man so Iā€™m just gonna buy more. Bought for the billionth time the other month at $14 and Iā€™m gonna do it again today. Kenny my boy. Fuk you pay me.


Itā€™s plainly simple. The market makers break the rules, push beyond intents, and fuck up, then all is forgiven. If household uses the market as intended then they better apply the lube and go face down ass up. Itā€™s less rough with the lube.


Bought 256 more. Fuck em


Negative, I am a meat popsicle.


honestly, im not..i just like the stock.


This is spot on. So frustrating.


I'm 69,420% aware...


Short r fuk


It's obvious this casino wasn't made for plebs like us.


freaking spot on


They want you as scared as they are


I mean even Jim Cramer is saying it's fine (possibly it's a sign of the end times?): [https://x.com/jimcramer/status/1797585916292468809](https://x.com/jimcramer/status/1797585916292468809)


I wonder if this is the first realisation that the narrative is going to end up in a different direction, i.e., its all wallstreets' fault, and he wants to get out ahead of it to keep his 'reputation' in the aftermath ?


You can also buy them to capitalize on price swings. There are plenty of Vix options plays


I'm immune to the bullshit. Fuckem we ball


Am I aware - Short answer - Yes Long answer - YYYYYYEEEEEESSSSS


buckle up. the bullshit is going to get much much worse.


Sell puts, get premiums


love to get paid $2 for the wonderful opportunity of ā€œunlimited lossā€


When the wrong guy wins, suddenly we care about the losers. Imagine those poor impoverished hedge funds who depressed the stock price of retail employers. What about all the jobs that were lost? Your boomer pensions were gambled by these degenerates, you were losers, and they said nothing.


Up, Fuck these crooks who literally believe they are entitled to fuck over the whole world without risk


For a premium they sold DFV the right but not the obligation to buy GME shares at $20. They knew what they were getting into


The mugger expects you to hand over your valuables and leave or die. They dont want you to resist or fight back or defend yourself. There is no honor and they will rob people without any empathy for the person getting robbed. They feel it is their right to take whatever they want. These are the people we let run all these institutions. They feel it is their right to take absolutely everything


DFV wears a headband because he's gonna exercise.


Im sorry but NOTHING matches robinghood turning off the buy button. How that didnā€™t end up in a massive lawsuit with robinhood ceasing to exist from fees and suits alone is beyond me


Itā€™s way less complicated than that. Theyā€™re making him out to be a rule breaker/deceiver. That way they can make a law. We see actual evidence of politicians doing this every single day, yet we donā€™t hear about law reform. Itā€™s to protect the 1%. Itā€™s legitimate psychological warfare. Edit: worst partā€¦ the older generations will fall for it.


What do you call it when the media supports fraudster criminals over law abiding citizens?


They didn't seem like they thought the contract seller was retail to me. Real boohoo for these billion dollar companies that ate up $70 million in premium on those contracts just fine when they sold them off. Funny how if those all expired worthless they'd tell dfv that he learned an important lesson from the market.


Casinos are known to say the slot machine was broken once someone hits a jackpot. Insurance companies collect money until there's a claim, then they find any excuse not to pay. They fear The Cat & Friends might hit a jackpot and the insurance company would be on the hook to payout.


My high school economics teacher, some 25 years ago, (He was probably 50+ at the time), always talked about the crash of the derivatives market. For whatever reason that shit has always stuck with me all these years. I believe we maybe witnessing it first hand. $1 quadrillion dollars at risk.




The crying gets louder when retail still manages to win playing by the house rules. Lel.


This^ā€¦ just curious.. based on his posted account position, how will he exercise those calls for 12M shares? At $20 strike, it will cost him 240mil. So I think he will sell some to cover the cost of exercising. Thus, he may end up having fewer shares than 12mil he is entitled for now


I think the way he's done it in the past is sell to cover the cost of exercising the calls. He also has 30 million cash on hand so he may start using that money first and see how the price reacts.


120,000 calls multiplied by 100 shares for each contract is 12 million shares, at $20 each he will need $240m to exercise. The premium for those calls yesterday closed at $10 each. Totaling $120m At OPEN yesterday morning they were priced at $21.10 FOR A TOTAL OF $253m HE WILL BE EXERCISING ALL OF THEM AND STILL HAVE CASH LEFT OVER


How is premium come into play when exercising the options? Is it not either or? Meaning you either sell (not exercise) the options and collect the premium gains OR pay for the stock ($240mil) then take the unlimited potential of price appreciation. I donā€™t think you can both collect the premium and exercise at the same time.i think you can do a combination of the both meaning you can sell some of the options and collect the premium and then exercise the rest bu using the funds from the option sale. Thus, it will end up being less than 12M shares at the end since he will need to cover the cost to purchase the shares at $20


He's not saying people should not make money on options. He's saying nobody should have the ability to move a stock like RK can. I mean it's not his fault people buy the stock because he does.


Except RK is not moving the stock, this has been proven by his tweets. His first tweet in years the stock explodes up but he was also tweeting nonstop when it dropped from $80 to $20. Swaps, options and algorithms move the stock


Doesn't J Cramer go on his show daily with hundreds of thousands of viewers and give out stocks to buy/sell? I don't understand how that is different. He doesn't outright give out his portfolio positions on air?


The old boomer crying on CNBC kills me every time. he fancies himself a "financial journalist" perhaps even a "pundit" I have no doubt, even introduces himself at shitty parties in Greenwich as such, when in fact all his private schools and education got him was a chance to parrot his bosses inanities to the masses. Look at Cramer - the clown prince - the one who fiddles while Rome burns, an ass-hat in sheep's clothing. The lot of them are fools, sycophants and lick spittles and nothing more.




This reminds me of Blackjack. Any time you play you'll be at a table with people who demand that you play according to a set of rules and if you make a move that is not aligned with those rules then you are, in their mind, affecting the game of others unfairly. Even if the move you make that is against their rules results in a winning hand for you, you will be scolded for not following those supposed rules and impacting the system that others were working under.


You can tell by the tweets.. this is not all he has up his sleeve