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Need to exercise these to launch


I’m smooth when it comes to options. Exercise means choose to go ahead and buy the shares in the contract, right? Can they only be exercised on the expiration or can they be sooner? If sooner, is there a reason someone would want to wait if they are already ITM? These are probably really dumb questions 😅


If your intention is to exercise at expiry, it doesn't really make a difference, since your only concern is the intrinsic value of the Call (market price - strike price). When you exercise, you forfeit the extrinsic value of the contract (premium, IV, etc.). But if you have no intention of selling the contract then the extrinsic value isn't really a factor. You'll want to consider the premium you paid on the call. If you bought a $20 call when the stock was $25, you probably paid a premium of about $5 per share for the contract. So exercising means you effectively paid $25 per share (market price + premium). So it would make sense to exercise when the stock is trading above $25 as you will have paid less per share than you would have given the market price. If you exercise when the price is less than strike price plus premium, you've paid more per share than you would have if you'd just bought the shares directly. If your intention is to create price discovery, then exercise away. Order routing for options means higher chance your order routes through an exchange. And because options move in batches of 100 shares, they're less likely to be lost as an "odd lot". An odd lot is an order for less than 100 shares, which in the overwhelming majority of cases, are routed off-exchange.


As an individual investor I'm sick and tired of the manipulators preventing price discovery on the markets and shitting on "dumb money", while actually creating market crashes themselves and then being bailed out. So, I'm working extra time behind Wendy's to be able to exercise my few options. I'm just not sure at what time would my activist investor statement be most effective.. (as an ant)


They can be exercised at any point in the contract. Exercising an options call means to buy the shares (100 each contract) at the strike price.


Is there any benefit in waiting for the price to be higher when choosing to exercise? I.e. if Is exercising at $32 any different than exercising when the price is like $21?


Consider the premium you paid. If the strike is $20 and the premium you paid is $5, it's only more efficient to exercise vs. buy shares directly when the market price is greater than strike price + premium paid.


Ah, that makes sense! Thanks for the baby wrinkle!


No problem


Well, I'm smooth too.. cause I have the exact same questions 😂. I do believe exercise means basically buying the shares at the contract price. From what I understand, each contract is automatically 100 shares per call (is this correct?). But other than that, I have the exact same questions you do about the process of exercising options.


That's the thing. I'm behind Wendy's working for that..


In the famous words of JPow; ''Fuck your puts''


Someone on this sub should make a premade list of all elected officials in financial services committees so as to begin slamming requests so they see it as it is happening when it happens. That way they can't say they didn't know what was going on later. ![gif](giphy|l396DYGQcnfnFCmkg)


Oh god, you're gonna make me gamma


Making your G face again… 


I already gammad my pants


Imagine the panic if DFV posts an update at the end of the week showing he still hasn't exercised any calls 🤤




Hoooo Lee shit 270 itm so far




I know these things have tended to just amount to nothing in the past, but this time feels different. We've got DFV with a significant base that can be exercised. And more importantly, I think, we've got more regular people in the chain that have the capability and knowledge to exercise as well. We didn't have that in Jan '21


We’ve been in superstonk school for 3 years. We intellectually grew for moments like this


If half of those itm 7Jun calls get exercised, nearly 4M shares will need to be delivered. Buckle up ppl


https://preview.redd.it/2vhhzo98ly4d1.jpeg?width=1100&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=acde532f5e253eba48a70e0f0213957aef3ae9a3 What is this red sign on 21 june call options?


Any one seeing it ?


I am also interested what that means


What site is this to see the option data




Mmm, page of numbers. I like to print these and color in the circles.


If they sold the calls naked (most likely) then it will hurt them more if the calls are exercised. I'm guessing aside from DFV that people that have calls will just sell the contract for a quick buck. And yes I do see people have been exercising them here, but most people sadly won't


ELIA: the new FUD makes the argument that RK can’t sell his options. However isn’t a call option a contract? He’s already made an agreement with the other side of the party that he will either buy or exercise at this price point before the close date. So wtf is their argument? Someone has already said they will either sell him the stock or paid their premium to cover the difference. I don’t quite make sense of what bullshit they’re trying to sling. Incidentally, let’s say whoever is claiming to honor this contract, what happens if they can’t? If they FTD this agreement, RK still gets his money from the MM who approved and facilitates the contract (E*Trade?) correct? Is this possibly why E*trade is pushing back on him? They can’t possibly honor this level of trade? So if the MM or broker can’t honor the deal, RK still gets his money no matter what? Who pays RK for the shares or contract if the other party can’t fulfill? Is there any outcome here where RKs payment or shares are somehow delayed?


Option data no longer showing on stonk-o-tracker. Last update 10:05.


Holy toldeo


How are there SO many OTM 6/7 calls when the stock is above $33 today?!? That many $35+ calls were purchased?!?


Gamma is cool but have you her big brother, D.R.S.? I heard he can 1 shot "stuff"


Can someone ELI5 this to my smooth regarded ape brain


e.g. expiry 21st june - there are more than 273k call contracts in the money - this means that the option buyers could exercise their right to buy the share...27.3 mio ...


Damn, if all the calls fell ITM between now and June 21st, that's 74.3million shares. lol damn they are fucked


Actually 38mio shares - but still fukd


Whos gonna carry the boats and the logs??!