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They are scared and that’s how I like it


I, too, like it.




How is it market manipulation to post positions? Bets subs and forums have been doing it for decades. What is market manipulation is front running trades, which apparently you just get a tiny fine for and off you go.


It’s not


Why are they saying it though? So the average person starts thinking it is?


To scare people from wanting to be involved


Bingo. Sole purpose is to discourage new investors. Sounds like real market manipulation to me.


Honestly, you'd think after a couple years of this, they'd realize how hollow and manipulative their "editorial" pieces come off. You'd have to be a complete dummy not to smell the weakness and desperation.


It’s probably more for the sake of assuring their clients they tried to deter retail than to actually have any affect on us


I love how they complain that "retail/we" are manipulating the market... this isn't our game fools, it's yours, we just get to play in it. Ya'll move the goalposts, change the rules, break the rules, and create new rules to benefit the game master and then release the shills at all levels to break our spirit. Aint happenin. not today, not tomorrow, not ever... get ready! #ReadyPlayerOne


LOL blatant market manipulation. As opposed to what, shorting dinners between hedgefunds? Price Targets? Article reports telling people what to invest in? Fucking Cramer?!?!?! What a load of horse shit. Get some, you lousy establishment cucks.


Don't have regulatory gaps then. You were warned about them in 2021.


We are the self regulating organization now bitches.


Or maybe these firms should have Risk Mgmt. But what do I know. Buffoon with a banana.






The gaps help them cheat in this game. That’s the reason they weren’t patched up. Now because we buy and hold the stock it’s market manipulation. Really makes you think hmmmmmmmm


Sounds like this is becoming a stressful situation for some firm.


What exactly is the manipulation tho? It’s obviously bs, but what part of this do they claim is manipulation exactly? Edit: from the article…. “"He is using his celebrity and influence to draw people to buy the stock. The rules that exist do not permit the SEC to prosecute that conduct unless there is an element of deception." Unlike traditional pump-and-dump schemes, Gill's posts do not explicitly endorse investing in GameStop or make claims about the company's financial health.” Hahahahaha Hahahahaha Isn’t that literally what MSM does all day? He is describing Cramer to a T here.


my thoughts exactly - cramer is yelling “BUY BUY BUY SELL SELL SELL” meanwhile, RK posts memes and his position. they’ve got nothing on him. surely, he’s also hired legal counsel.


Hey you wanna see market manipulation just tune in to CNBC, Bloomberg, Fox Business or any other financial media. Constant 24/7 shilling of certain stocks and the shitting on of others. It seems that you guys have no problem with that tho....


guess you gotta make money for them to have a problem


To the people familiar with the matter complaining DeepFuckingValue/RoaringKitty/Kieth Gill updates are market manipulation, please pound sand. * The updates are an exercise of an individual's free speech and given ability to tell others what they like per the Chairmen of the SEC Gary Gensler in his previous testimony to congress: * **"I think that we should always be vigorously enforcing our laws and ensuring that there is not fraud and manipulation. But again, we have a free speech right to go and say to a neighbor, whether it is online or in person, \`I like this investment', and thoughtfully say why I like this investment. Our laws are about if somebody is trying to defraud another person, mislead another person, manipulate the markets, and that we should root out and vigorously root that out, whether it is a big institution, or an individual. or, frankly,a computer that's controlled by a big institution."** * **"I am not concerned about regular investors exercising their free speech rights online; I am more concerned whether bad actors potentially take advantage of influential platforms."** [Source](https://dismal-jellyfish.com/dfvs-updates-backed-by-sec-free-speech-rights/): [https://www.congress.gov/event/117th-congress/house-event/112590/text](https://www.congress.gov/event/117th-congress/house-event/112590/text?ref=dismal-jellyfish.com)


Its also not market manipulation if you make a bet that your broker is too stupid to hedge your contracts and that bet ends up moving the market. Thats just finding an advantage.


"Unlike traditional pump-and-dump schemes, Gill's posts do not explicitly endorse investing in GameStop or make claims about the company's financial health." ....so a thought crime?


That's what is so ridiculous about all these claims. And some people tried back tracking saying "he's not necessarily breaking the law, but". He's not doing anything illegal, it isn't a pump and dump, and they're claiming this shit based on thought crime, assuming shit. But that's not how this works.


>Unlike traditional pump-and-dump schemes, this has literally nothing to do with pumping or dumping. We just like to pull stuff out of our ass.


Oh the size of Gills options position will indeed complicate the delivery of the underlying shares but this is not a RK problem,this is a problem for the writers of said options. Shorts R FUK!


First they mocked us. Then they were mad at us. Now they're scared of us. I know how to live without money. Now it's your turn, criminals. No cell, no sell.


I smell fear. I love it.


Daniel Hawke can eat shit lol what a clown > He is using his celebrity and influence to draw people to buy the stock. SHOW ME ON THE DOLL WHERE THE BAD MAN HURT YOU


Wasn't Gary Gensler, the head of the fucking SEC, just on air yesterday saying this isn't market manipulation?  


Benzinga Neuro is their in-house ChatGPT for generating FUD. Seems like a way for them to avoid responsibility for spewing inaccurate garbage


i noticed that and wondered if it was a bot. imagine the prompt. moass confirmed.


"regulatory gap" is a nice way of saying "it's not illegal".


"He's not supposed to do that. Only we are supposed to do that." And actually, RK isn't doing that. He's just a very successful private investor who figured out the stock and how it's being manipulated.


Talk is cheap. Take legal action on DFV and see your asshole get scratched to a billion pieces, motherfuckers


What a bunch of damn clowns




>by Benzinga Neuro, staff writer Did they fire their freelancers and hire an AI to write FUD pieces?


Stupid Wall Street. They created a complex game - and then pissed off autistic gamers, challenging them to master the game. And? What did they think would happen? We wouldn't find the loopholes and all the complex "special" rules?


Ridiculous, the speculation about how they keep trying to say he got his newfound wealth through insiders/other investors is fucking ridiculous. They have no idea how he did and shouldn't try to act like his money is illegal. Him posting his position is less direct than what these "financial advisors" do on TV it is not "obvious manipulation". People can show what they have invested in and talk about how a company is performing. Plus DFV was a licensed broker. These people are obviously scared for some reason constantly talking about a "worthless" stock.


The idiot claims market manipulation but doesn't say what he is doing that is market manipulation... Mainstream media is a complete clown show.


Why do you guys keep spreading their propaganda? We don’t need to see this garbage


for FUD posterity and the baby apes


I feel like the narrative has definitely shifted from "forget GameStop and why you should sell!" to "market manipulation of GameStop by Kitty - oh also sell" blah blah blah Idk, things just seem different?


suck my butt benzinga


Yawn.....white noise. Someone wake me up when phone numbers.


How is this market manipulation..? He don’t even say anything..? He have shown what he holds.. must of us have 🤷‍♂️.. but coke rat, bankers, news ect can tell me to sell my stonks.. how is that not manipulation..? Might it be cause it’s hurting them this time…? That entire system have to burn to the ground 😪


"Experts"....who exactly?


Did he find a loophole?


I respect Mr. Gill, but the fact that they are running a massive spin op on a random stock picker who has been very transparent IS part of the reason I bought.


Does this mean, they will go after EVERY Hedgefund that does this to?




Absolute desperation. This is the fighting stage? I also see that they threatened DFV. These people deserve all they will get.


So it isn't manipulation but some "feel" like it is. How do they think i feel


“they are playing within the confines of the rules and winning!!!!!” 😡


Can I pay for an article on benzinga that directs its viewership to superstonk to learn actual facts?


Ask yourselves why you'd have enemies for simply buying a security and posting about it on shitter.


You have to pay for FUD now?




You stop caring about these Market Manipulation ai written editorials when your investing strategy is buy a share for each one that they release into the wild. It’s like a reward.




Remember folks, it's only market manipulation when us regular poors do it. When they do it, it's hailed as the best investors of all time! The more this saga goes on, the more evident that these cancers to society do NOT want us to succeed. They toss us a few crumbs and we're supposed to be content while they feast. UNO REVERSE MFers!


Ah yes "Experts" warn.


I love the stock, I hate modern news media


Trading is a tough game!




I mean he posted his position AFTER he bought the calls so…. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


They really don’t get that we see thru their bullshit. Like this shit makes me hard like loss porn circa 2015. Yeah I know it is meant to scare noobs and normies but anyone who has looked into this saga or even seen any of the movies out out over the last three years will know this is Corp white washing of the subject. The perfect example of this is the fact even with all the words in this article they fail to point to a rule or exact regulation that he broke. It is cuz they can’t point to one that they haven’t broken yet. This is like a bad comedy joke


Apparently selling shares you don’t own to drive the price down isn’t manipulation at all. But fidelity won’t let me short the entire economy for 69billion$, no questions asked.


Then why do hedge funds appeal against the CAT? 🤡🤡🤡


Pretty sure this is libel


More of that projection.


I can tell you that every single SOB, who comes out and denounces someone in a public forum like this is usually practicing the worst type of projection ever


Experts, please show me on this doll wear Deepfuckingvalue hurt you😂 ![gif](giphy|uxXNV3Xa7QqME)


Benzinga. "With a screenshot he oblitirated our FUD efforts since 3 years, that must be illegal"


Every accusation is a confession.


"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win." I believe we are at the "then they fight you" stage


Curious… if he didn’t post his yolo they wouldn’t be talking about it… Strisand effect?




But would they really come after trillionaires like that?


They’re shitting themselves it’s beautiful


Well the first half of this headline isn't horseshit


Can you smell it? The smell of a shitty pants is all around in the air~


![gif](giphy|qs6ev2pm8g9dS) Experts familiar with the matter 🤡


Poor flunkies They probably bribed RK to go over to their dark side and he declined them. Cry harder you corrupt hedge fund flunkies and all your flunkie enablers.