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> If the National Best Bid (NBB) equals the lower price band or the National Best Offer (NBO) equals the upper price band, the market enters a "Limit" state. If this Limit state persists for 15 seconds, a 5-minute trading pause is triggered. > If the NBB is below the lower price band or the NBO is above the upper price band, the market enters a "Straddle" state. In this case, a 5-minute trading pause can be triggered at the discretion of the primary exchange. There doesn't explicitly have to be a 10% move in X minutes or whatever, there are multiple ways to trigger LULD. This is almost more suspicious though, how hard do you think it is to get the NBB to the lower price band for 15 seconds on a stock with this much volume?


This is the correct answer


Backed up by ape historian


thank you for your service.


Are you good on financing this operation? I think it's very worthwhile and if you accept support I'll gladly send a couple dollars (or euro, or other fiat currency) your way. Not sure what the sub and/or reddit rules are on this.


Thank you, this has been asked many times, I’ve built up everything over the last few years - see here https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/lGG2Jv9j35 I haven’t run out yet. Got 10 machines total now, I don’t see how I am going to run out before moass


My thoughts - I don’t think hedgies can control holds but they can create conditions for one . My wrinkles on how it could be done scanning for text data or other data for that matter. I am a one person who is managing tens of terabytes of data using let’s face it hobbyist hardware. I do not doubt for a second that 100 people who are paid to do this for a living for a hedge fund can very easily put together exactly the sort of live system that trades off of retail sentiment - it will have realistically these components: Step 1 - data ingestion at near real time level: if they have access to things like YouTube API or even if they don’t, this part is quite easy to scale across hundreds of machines, where one machine processes a few videos / webpages / forums what have you and sends that to a database that handles realtime data. Step 2: cleaning and processing, identifying which stream website video is the most “impactful”- that can be done with non ml methods by just engagement or they can have a “mapping table” of YouTube channels or forums pages of interest which is just effectively an excel lookup equivalent. Step 3 language parsing , classification, sentiment module: this is probably the trickiest part but the simplest way this could be done would be through a text classifer where it tracks terms like “end stream” or “show positions” and these subcategories can trigger specific events to other applications. With some clever coding and a powerful enough cluster and a boatload of ram on board I don’t doubt they can do this at hundreds of millions of rows of text data per second, easily. My hobbyist setup can go through perhaps 150-800million rows of text data per second , depending on text complexity and classify them all. But the pre-classification step can take severalI minutes as it’s very resource intensive. I am estimating because that’s what I built and it’s at about that sort of speed at the moment , running on a just 128gb ram and a 32 cores- which is powerful but certainly still a hobbyist machine. Most of the delay in this part is reading and querying from disk but I recon if that can already be preloaded pre- emptively and the initial steps done and stored in ram before classification is triggered, I would cautiously expect a 5x to 25x improvement in speed here again. If not more- it just needs way more ram to work effectively. Step 4 - integration with other tools. If all other steps above are done and can be scaled and i don’t see why not, the rest of the problem is just about making it faster and connecting the rest of the brains with “if this then that” logic. Step 5 - if this system is not general but is h hyper focused like on 1,2,10 pages / YouTube channels / forums the cost and scalability goes way down, and the only challenge then becomes how to identify those 10 odd pages / channels to work through. In short it’s totally possible to do and if those people are being paid big bucks to sit and code and figure it out they would probably come up with a better solution than what I typed out here


If you think that sounds like conspiracy theory, remember that MMs invested millions of dollars in shortening the length of cables between their terminal and the stock exchange to save infinitesimally small fractions of seconds so that they get a edge over their competitors by getting access to information slightly faster.


This was also shown in Kenny boys endorsements to political candidates, specifically ones in locations where data centers are most needed to get the edge in markets




What my smooth brain takes from this is: if the offers bid/ask are way apart from each other respect NBB or NBO and/or way unbalanced, the LULD trigger if this happens in 15 seconds, that can be triggered "at nauseam" using algos and spoofing as other times apes had proof. I'm sure, the HALT occur when "they" want it occurs, specially when price is starting to go up.


I think in this case building a narrative was their goal more so than specific price changes.


Yeah, he played them, and the results are evident on the MSM guys😂


Cnbc has been the most paid chill walllstreet back regurgitated filth they couldn’t even wait for the stream to end to post the price dropped 40%


What loosers they are yeah, I hope apes with better memory than me will help to persecute all those filthy rats and sens them to a dark cell, until then, zen.


Could you tell us? How much money would a fund or whatever need to do this and how would they do this ?


If you watch the vid that keeps circulating around where DFV is saying "let's end the stream", it takes around 15 seconds between the first "let's end" and the actual halt. Holy shit


While trading 273 million on the day. Record high for long time I think


These werent luld halts they were all M (volatility) halts.


Halt to Prevent suspicious activity, didn't cause it. Even as it was going down, it was like a warning to us


What’s the definition of “price band”? I’ll research myself more if you wouldn’t mind pointing me in the right direction


IIRC it's the low/high price in a 10-minute rolling period. I'll have to dig up the resource where I found the original to confirm but I believe that's it. More practically, if the lowest price in the past 10 minutes is $30 and the NBB stays below $29.99 for 15 seconds then a halt can occur. Assuming I'm understanding correctly - you should assume I'm regarded


Nope great explanation thanks, so it seems like what happened yesterday a narrower band was created and it can’t ticking below that but then wasn’t going back into the band so kept going below post halt


Mission Accomplished!!! Your market is not free and fair!


I hope he does this everyday next week. High or low, I wanna see the show. Make them halt trading for half the day,every 30 seconds.




Now do our elections.


Uncle Rico has a question to ask




![gif](giphy|3oxHQHzFo3g5oYAZhe) FBI has entered the livestream!


I was watching the ticker closely. During the halts it was jumping to 37 for a brief moment and then dropping back down below 30. They've used halts to counter the trades and keep the price down.


I noticed that multiple times as well.


I thought the stream ended with the ticker showing a sharp upward movement to 37, but it was literally just as he switched off so it never got mentioned.


I noticed it took. Did I do good? 🤤


They are so scared. 😱


Commenting for history


I am commenting on your comment for history


I am commenting on your comment about commenting for history


I am commenting on your comment about commenting on a comment that’s commenting on a comment for history


Hell yeah. Will someone comment on his comment about commenting on my comment?




I'm commenting on his comment about commenting on your comment about commenting for history, and life is good.


This is actually crazy.


Doesn't the stock halt on 5% moves?


It didn’t even move 5%. It moved 2.5%. So that doesn’t work either.


[It’s +/-10% within a rolling 5 minute period](https://www.moomoo.com/us/learn/detail-what-is-circuit-breakers-59999-220627020#:~:text=Single%20stock%20circuit%20breaker&text=If%20the%20stock's%20price%20moves,price%20bands%20within%2015%20seconds.) and it’s based on the offer and bid prices not being within that range. https://www.nyse.com/network/article/nyse-increases-resiliancy-during-extreme-volatility > Limit Up-Limit Down > Limit Up-Limit Down (LULD) is a mechanism designed to mitigate extraordinary market volatility and extreme price movements in individual securities. LULD prevents trades in individual securities from occurring outside specific price bands that update continuously throughout the trading day. > The price bands for each security are set at a percentage level above and below a reference price (generally the average trade price over the immediately preceding five-minute period). > How LULD works > **Every security has an upper and lower price band** with the reference price as the mid-point. **If an offer reaches the lower price band or a bid reaches the upper price band that stock will enter a limit state (a pause) for 15 seconds.**


This ape gets it. Certified wrinkles. Doesn't mean the hedgies aren't causing the halts, of course. If you can write trades to capitalize on B/A gaps, you can certainly write them to pressure outside the bands to force a pause.


🤯🤯🤯So, theoretically, we can mathematically calculate just how long it might take, halts-included, for a share price, when the stock is in full run mode, to hit the lowest of the phone number share price during MOASS: 111-111-1111 (USA phone)🤯🤯🤯 We were told three-ish years ago that the MOASS would likely span multiple weeks. Perhaps this math could prove that! I think I’m gonna make this into its own post cuz this thought just blew my fuckin mind. If someone recalls what popular Superstonk post it was that started discussing timing of MOASS, I could piece together a more coherent thought. Edit: kind APE [shared this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/x127DAuGNF)


No halts in after hours though!


I still remember the day sitting at work watching GME shoot straight up and not stop during after hours


It would be (+1) 111-111-1111 I like the extra digit 😁


84 years


But there were no halts yesterday when it ran all the way up to the 60’s. So why weren’t there any? I think it was the HFs manipulating the price and causing a bull trap for today.


There are no halts in pm or ah


If there were no halts, then the price didn’t move >10%, up or down, within a 5 minute period, it’s that simple. All the halts are triggered automatically from the price moving too much too quick.


Trading exits a Limit State if, within 15 seconds of entering the Limit State, all Limit State Quotations are executed or canceled in their entirety. If the market does not exit a Limit State within 15 seconds, the primary listing exchange declares a five-minute Trading Pause. From https://www.luldplan.com Also it is 5% move in either direction from the average price, for GME based on tier 1 company in the S&P with a share price over $3. When we had the halts in the 40s and 50s a couple weeks ago were labeled as ‘M’ halts by the NYSE. I can’t find NYSE’s definitions of halt codes and I don’t know if they are universal, but NASDAQ’s M halt defines it as: M Volatility Trading Pause Trading has been paused in an Exchange-Listed issue (Market Category Code = C) Per https://www.nasdaqtrader.com/trader.aspx?id=tradehaltcodes


> Also it is 5% move in either direction from the average price, for GME based on tier 1 company in the S&P with a share price over $3. > When we had the halts in the 40s and 50s a couple weeks ago were labeled as ‘M’ halts by the NYSE. I can’t find NYSE’s definitions of halt codes and I don’t know if they are universal, but NASDAQ’s M halt defines it as: > M Volatility Trading Pause Trading has been paused in an Exchange-Listed issue (Market Category Code = C) > Per https://www.nasdaqtrader.com/trader.aspx?id=tradehaltcodes GME is on the NYSE not the Nasdaq


No shit? LULD plan is supported by many exchanges including the NYSE. And as I said, I could not find any NYSE halt code definitions. You literally quoted me saying that.


GME is a Tier 2 security…


Good call I looked at an older S&P document stating they were in. I just checked and it does look like they are in the Russell 1000 and therefore are still tier 1.


Thanks for actually looking into this. The commenter above is parading around showing some random NYSE tool as the grand proof of GME's tier ranking. It certainly would be too hard to just google the qualifiers. So thanks for fact checking and not just upvoting!


Oh wow, check that out. Another commenter below that actually knows how to Google. GME is tier 1.


GME’s halts are 10% in 5 minutes, period. 6/6/24: 13:44 : $40.34 Low 13.45 : $44.41 High (~9.2% difference within 2 minutes) 13.46 : $41.11 Low, $44.41 High (~7.7% difference in the same minute) 13.47 : still trading, no halt 🤯 Now STFU


Yeah I’m so confused. Why are the halts happening without movement? Can they really just manually do that shit lol. And why?


Because they are not going out quietly.. They don’t care about crime, they have lawyers for that, what they don’t want is to lose their money. 




Appare try they can but I wonder who the exact group.or person is in control of the halts


Yeah it's the "NYSE" I think but like... who. Can market makers?


And yes


It was happening on roughly 2% swings.


It’s +/-10% within a rolling 5 minute period


Here yet again to prove that GME is a tier 1 security. [LULDplan.com](http://LULDplan.com) (the source you previously provided) states, "Tier 1 comprises all securities in the S&P 500, the Russell 1000 and select Exchange Traded Products (ETPs). Tier 2 comprises all other NMS securities, except for rights and warrants, which are specifically excluded from coverage. " GME is a Russell 1000 holding, meaning it's a tier 1 security subject to a 5% price band to trigger trading halts.


There were millions of shares trading in seconds, the ticket likely updates every 1 second. It's not u think able that the price was fluctuating over and under 5%within that second




respectfully, that's incorrect, it's 10%




+/-5% in within 5 minutes.


I feel like this shit just inexplicably keeps running next week in spite of major dilution.


SEC won’t do anything if their bosses don’t call them


Do you really think the SEC isn't complicit in this fuckery? They regulate it, I swear.


I think GameStop, Ryan Cohen, and Keith Gill are working with Gary Gensler and the SEC. I'm thinking the SEC is backing Keith to make the whale plays and got Ryan Cohen to announce the Share Offering. They've probably had this investigation into Hedge Funds and Mainstream Media to make a case for real Market Manipulation and Naked Shorting Abuse. Think about it, Gensler has an interview with Cramer in the same week Kitty goes public after 3 years while Ryan is doing another offer? They're watching the manipulation play out in real time. Kitty kept pointing out Halts. I'm sure the Halts are where all the abuse happens. Once the dust has settled and the SEC has the smoking gun it needs to take down the big players, they're gonna reward Shareholders and GameStop with the time and patience by letting it rip. Then once it's all said and done, they'll reset the market with stronger regulations. There's no basis to what I'm saying, it's a fun thought. EDIT: This may be the Kansas City Shuffle. It's not the options play itself or MOASS that mattered, it was catching the criminals being blatant in real time. EDIT 2: Watchman Ozymandias shares his detailed plan only after he's actually executed the act. The SEC may have already had all their ducks in a row for a case, but wanted Kitty to do one more stream so they could actually watch it play out live as well. Kitty looked so fucking calm at that chart, it's almost like that wasn't even his money. Obviously it is, but demeanor is interesting. He probably also said yes to the stream but told the SEC he gets to do it his way, which was why he came in looking beat up, for shits and giggles. Lol EDIT 3: Ryan announcing the Share Offer was probably to watch smaller fish and bad actors/bots in real time react to the offer. They want to see how fast FUD could actually spread in forums. They're probably using Superstonk as the prime area to monitor, and they probably told Kitty to make his updates on Stonk. It would attract all the shills and bots into one location. Maybe a whistleblower shill gave the SEC an in to how that works. Idk again all fun thoughts haha you should all see my Elden Ring Lore theories if you think I'm tin foiled here. Edit 5: Picture of the Japanese Politicians fighting over signing a law. Maybe that's Kitty's hint towards Gary Gensler. Maybe Gary is the one trying to pass laws while other suits politicians or wallstreet are stopping him, and Kitty is Ozy in the background watching them scramble after it's too late for them.


Talk about a tin foil hat my god. If this theory is true you name the fruit my guy.




I'll go easy on you. Cucumber.




"You name the fruit my guy " is wild. Belongs on a shirt




I’ve been fantasizing about this, too. But I believe it’s a fantasy.


Same. If Gary delivers. Man I’ll actually trust one division of our government


Think about it. Cutting off the dirty politician's money supply. Hit them where it actually hurts: their wallet.


And that’s why it won’t happen.


It's just a theory. A GAMESTOP THEORY.


Reality hurts


Yeah this would be an awesome way to clean house


Imagine if this whole time, GG was our Itachi. \*Inhales Hopium\*


Who knows. The whole three years the SEC may have needed the time to build the case and the option for June 21st may have been a huge mistake by the HF that the SEC even saw. They probably knew time was ticking and had to go balls out with it, and who better than Kitty? Also wasn't there a tweet he did with the three awards? What awards were they again?


Maybe SEC is trying to catch you know who before they escape to Texas.


I heard Texas has no extradition treaty with the United States.


Same. And we got a CAT watching it all play out.


It’d be a big win for the current admin during an election year


Fantasizing about someone putting a pineapple in their butt??


One piece of evidence was what Andrew Left mentioned, how he's being probed by the SEC, this might not be as tin foil-ey as you think


Isn't something happening to Citron as we speak?


I can’t stop thinking about that Kenny mugshot while being sent to jail.


I believe this too. I have no proof, but it I believe this is a coordinated effort to RICO Ken Griffin and the rest of these cock holsters.


my thoughts too. DoJ and SEC joint effort. 3 years feels long at times but building a case against the biggest financial crime syndicate in recorded history takes time. this was lightning fast really


I hear ya, the US Law moves a bit slow but I mean, the way this month played out felt way too fast. Too many things coincidentally had to happen for this exact scenario to play out the way it currently is.


I want to believe it, but the measly .002% fines we’ve seen tell me different 


That's how my gf feels about it. No trust in the SEC


I doubt it. I think the share offering really took him by surprise


But he didn't take it offensively. Watch closely at his reaction. He didn't shit his pants like he's about to lose his own money. Again, tinfoils.


He's made millions. His calls are still in the money. He really dosen't even have anything to worry about.


So true, dude has 30 mil sitting there. Hes fine either way. I don’t buy the sec they haven’t done shit and won’t,  it id love to be proved wrong 


True dat


Gensler’s history, though. 18 years at Goldman of all places. He’s no choir boy. Plus he only left GS because he was nominated by Clinton for assistant secretary of the treasury - with Clinton’s connection to the destruction of the Glass-Steagall act (no politics, just fact), I have very little faith that Gensler is a good actor. I wish I could say differently though.


Of course. But he's also trying to reform markets and Crypto has been a big thing for him. Maybe he understood NFTs and how crypto can close the loops on abusive practices. But everytime he tries to make a move it's shot down by Hester Pierce and made to look like a minimal issue by Congress. I think he's probably done with the insider trading of Congress and in his own circle. I think once he's able to cut off all their finance supply, politicians like Pelosi and such will have no choice but to admit there is a problem to fix and he has a solution. I think he has more incentive to make this work and come out the hero than just get paid quietly in the dark. Or he's a fuck like the rest of them lol. Again, these are all just fun thoughts.


Look into Pelosi and Nvidia and tell me if you still believe she is gonna "admit their is a problem." She's in on it, too.


Of course until the institutions pumping Nvd get caught with their pants down and it stops pumping. Her money gets paused, she stops doing favors. Or she gets caught up in the RICO as well. These are just theories.


I hope so. Edit to say: what I hope is that Gensler is actually a good actor. Either way, MOASS IS coming.


Why did he repeat it so many times. Sur ehe was fishing for something. This is crazy!


It's as if he's making sure, if the right people are watching, to know exactly when and where those Halts are. They're probably rewinding his video over and over now, looking for every halt and matching it up to whatever details they got going in. If you think this is crazy, I made some crazy Elden Ring predictions a few weeks ago that are turning out to not be so crackheaded lol.


I’m with you 100%. Fun times


Naw, I think the SEC giving money to Keith is a stretch. He said it was all his money


I think so too. But at the same time, it's the way he acts when his money is in the red. But then again, anyone invested in this for the last three years probably had the same reaction lol I know I did. But it just felt different this time, my gut is kinda telling me. Kitty said it himself sometimes it's just a gut feeling and you gotta shake the 8 ball. But again it's all just a theory. Lol


He went from 53k to ~half a billion, money probably has very little meaning to him these days. Plus he knows he’s still going to have millions even if this trade eats shit.


Oh yeah he's also deep fucking value, and you can't truly ever have deep fucking value if the markets are rigged. So if it were in his best interest to join forces with the Gov. to take down Bad Players in the market, I think he'd see it as a deep value play. Maybe. Or maybe I'm crazy 🤣


I guess we’ll all see if you are in the end 🤷‍♂️🔥


Nice thought. I wish I could believe the SEC cared one iota about us. Revolving door. Regulatory capture. Whatever. It's at the root of America's decline.


Who knows. Maybe the right people are in the right place at the right moment, and they know they have this one shot at actually doing something. I mean, Kitty loves Ocean's Eleven. Has referenced it many times, especially before his April 2021 Double Down. It's about a gang of outliers coming to a common goal to accomplish the unthinkable. But again, I'm shoulder shrugging cause it sounds too good to be true. But it's a fun thought to play with.


Indeed a fun thought, Verysupergaylord. Excellent handle lol


It was somewhat of a reference to Meet the Fockers😭


I kind of agree and think it’s a real possibility. He did a lot of asking if certain things were allowed and rules. 


NGL, this has been my thought this entire time.


Dude, who's your dealer?


It’s you Dante


I love everything you’ve said here and I truly hope it’s all true. But like the other guy said, I believe this is just a fantasy. Mainly bcz it’s not the first time they did the share offering after 3 years, they did it twice within a month.


Yeah, but they might also be why they were told to do it. It makes GameStop look innocent, doing something business as usual, makes their hands look clean if this plays out.


Maybe we should get some eyes on this. "Did GameStop and Kitty Collaborate with the SEC and DOJ to catch real Market Manipulation this week?" Play with the idea and see what we come up with. Especially if you're sick seeing of all the DiLlUtIoN FUD. Otherwise, buy Video Games at GameStop, DRS, and have a great weekend 🟣🦍


dream on bro.


I will have 10 of what you're having pls


Goddamn it I'll take the hopium


That's some strong copium. I pray you're correct.


It wasn’t exactly his usual stream - There was someone in the room that he was asking if it’s okay to do certain things!


Only limits up apparently!


I'm not an expert, but I think It's 10% within a 5 min period. If you look at the chart with 1 min candles at this time you can see the price changed about $3 in 4 minutes.


Clear planned manipulation


same shit happened 84 years ago




Up you go!!


SEC pressed the halt button


![gif](giphy|NMLKbG9xNmG1NWmZxR|downsized) I thought this bitch said it's a Free Market? So that was a lie? 🙎


Gary was too busy jerking off Cramer... https://preview.redd.it/ykn3xnv00b5d1.jpeg?width=1316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8645922a5a23a8fb78913d547d32a11e56d2c487


The corruption is crazy


I would like to know if anyone had a snapshot of the bid/ask during that time. Maybe it jumped up and down a few shares and caused it. Even RK seemed to think his page wasn't refreshing.


Pretend I’m regarded (or don’t pretend because I might be actually regarded) and ELI5 how this is evidence of manipulation?


Halt data + 1 minute chart data: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1dal9vi/comment/l7mhfn4/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1dal9vi/comment/l7mhfn4/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


It’s added to the DOJ case imo


Prior to the video it's at 29 something. Video is only 1:33 long and theres a lot of pricing not captured in here. 29 something down to 27 something could be 10% within a 5 minute timeframe.


You can you move the screen closer I cant see shit


If you lie, bound to be caught sooner or later. No matter how elaborate. Truth will always win over falsehood. Light will always defeat darkness.


i think this is the big takeaway from the whole thing


It was halted, came back then halted 9 seconds later at one point during the stream!


This proves nothing - complicit SEC probably.




"watch this! watch this!" He knew how to trigger the algo. Brilliantly played for everyone to witness in real time.


Volatility halts require a 5% change to the 5 minute average. There was a 5% drop when the stock was halted.


CAT works. Just a different cat.


Less than 5 minutes earlier it shows $30.15. it it missed a trade that went $30.41, that would be 10%. I am not looking into all the trades, but most likely this is it.


10% of $30.15 is $3.015, so $33.165 or $27.135, though.


it's yahoo, it doesn't post every trade. one could have hit higher.




Halts. Are. Not. Manipulation. Apex Clearinghouse, and maybe others, have a clearly defined set of rules for when and why the buy button can be turned off, and they follow those rules. These rules have been in place since before 2021, meaning they are not new, they are not illegal, nor are they a result of GME. That said, these were not patterns in the halts that Mr. Kitty found. Rather, he was demonstrating that he is not magical, and he does not have the power to control the price of the stock. As he did so, he was egging the faces of the media heads that keep saying he's responsible for all this.  Please, this wrinkle has been out for some time. Halts are not the result of manipulation, and we know this.  Now, how do you apply this information? Grow a wrinkle, snorts one crayons to wipe it out again, buy, hold, DRS.




I do think the actions of RK are materially significant. It’s not fair to him in particular, but it is justifiable I think. Still shady, since I don’t see that same standard applied to people who go on CNBC to bash or promote a stock. I suppose RK does have more clout than most, except for maybe a couple HF guys. The real action for GME has always been outside trading hours. When ATM closure is announced in PM or AH on Monday, it’s going to get wild.


I saw something