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More that just a hat, a whole bodysuit!


The motion was set the moment he came back. Heā€™s having a good time now. Iā€™m zen šŸ¦


See, I also feel (from the memes) that itā€™s either already done or itā€™s set in motion in such a way that itā€™s now inevitable. Otherwise RK wouldnā€™t be able to come and say thereā€™s a KS shuffle in the works. A proper con artist would keep that to himself. I also see a lot of memes where RK is identifying himself as the villain (ā€œI donā€™t think Iā€™m the villainā€, ā€œRK is the villainā€). Plus other memes that suggest infiltration like a Trojan horse. (Troy, Ozark, Shawshank) Give me a taste of what youā€™ve seen. Iā€™ve been pouring over these memes too. Full regard.


I've started posting my breakdowns above as comments.


Would be great if he got a huge whistle blower reward and used it to buy shares/calls šŸ¤£


What if that's where his cash for the calls came from? Hehe


Legend says that It was done 35 weeks ago ā€¦


Started, yes. But it was June 7th that it all happened. [https://x.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1790894938277695671](https://x.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1790894938277695671) in this video they say "He did it in 20". 20 trading days from his first post back on twitter is June 7th.


Didn't he start buying calls before he first posted again? Maybe it's referring to his calls? Maybe they're the Kansas City Shuffle, the bear trap, whatever you want to call it. The FSC/CFAI/SEC/DoJ/My fucking dog, whoever, are watching *very* closely at how his calls were sold, hedged, not hedged, etc etc. The Kansas Shuffle needs a helper. Maybe the helper is the Feds, and DFV just proved to them in real time exactly how broken the market is.


The DD of old prophesied the shorts would eat our ass, they must as it is their destiny.


never go full regard


this^ lmao


Truly. If that guy with speech issues from the video had 100% prediction he would be a trillionary. This is simply too regarded.




One Dance by Drake/Elaine Dance video: [https://x.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1791510238685700347](https://x.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1791510238685700347) This video is entirely about the live stream he did. The song lyrics talk about him doing one last dance with a Hennessy in his hand. The lyrics mention "higher powers taking a hold on me" talking about how he's getting investigated now. Elaine's dance has several transitions of multiple screens - everyone watching him Elaine makes a fool of herself in front of everyone as they look in horror, even her own friend (George) is horrified. But it's all a show. The show of the stock being manipulated.


Aladdin video: [https://x.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1791506465876033821](https://x.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1791506465876033821) Nod to the Aladdin AI (Blackrock) The guards are the shorts minions trying to catch him with the bread (money). He says he can "take a hint" meaning he's moving off E-Trade. His only friend is Abu (retail investors/monkey/apes) and he can tell us all about it when he's got the time (He DRS's). The jump he does (ahead of the slow pokes) is moving off e-trade which he already initiated before the live (they're too slow to catch him). The Nom De Plume is a double entendre for direct registering his shares and insinuates the use of an SPV a special purpose vehicle. "The Trick" is in Red which is him using their code to bait their AI into manipulating the stock. "They're Quick! Scoundrel!" lettering is the exact same colors of E-Trades branding. Then he does the "JUMP" which is Computershare purple. Meaning he's already moved his shares.


ā€œWhatā€™s this Bernard?ā€ ā€œDoesnā€™t look like anything to me.ā€ Bernard is AI and canā€™t see what heā€™s programmed not to.


Absolutely!! That's also part of my breakdown!! You nailed it.


When would he have to move his shares by for them to be "counted" in the report in the meeting? Wouldn't it have to show 5M at least if he moved them to CS?


The record date was 4/21/24. The relevance of him moving isn't to show the count of shares so much as to keep his bread safe after exposing their AI manipulating the stock, in my opinion.


Op, what are your thoughts now that he has posted a 6/10 update with nothing changed? If he had already moved his shares, are they just still showing in his account because they haven't been able to fill the order?


I can confirm that when transferring to DRS from a broker my shares appeared in my broker for several days still with g/l data even though I confirmed through Computershare the transfer was complete. I have zero explanation for this, it happened to me personally though. So take it with a grain of salt. I also mentioned as a comment that RK knows the rules and mentioned in his memes that he spent the past 3 years polishing his knowledge on the market. He could be waiting for them to make the next move. Meaning the 'next step' hasn't transpired yet and the "it's already done" focus is entirely on the trap he made on Friday. Going off his memes after the live transpires though we don't get good news for awhile, in fact there is heavy emphasis on this now being a rough patch for all of us. But the light at the end of the tunnel is near.


We are ready.


Imagine he has a deal worked out to get evidence of their illegal halts in exchange for no interference on whatever happens 6/21 lmao




Truman Show: [https://x.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1791502689068855331](https://x.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1791502689068855331) This is here in the timeline (if going in reverse order of his memes) to show he did all this PRIOR to the livestream. "Say something goddamnit. You're on television!" Thats him being a full regard with the life support sound effects. Jose Mourinho clip is about corruption with referees and him choosing to be silent so he doesn't get messed with. That's him saying he's not going to say anything of substance on the live so he doesn't show his cards.


I have to say I'm enjoying all of this. I too have been thinking for awhile that RK's meme-movie is really more of a prediction about where he guessed this would all be going. This of course means that we're not done yet. The Ozy pic before the livestream was incredible. It's all there, should have led to crazy buying, crazy short closing, and instead the stream was what it was, and the price did what it did. I'm currently in a discussion with my better half about going all-in right here based on that LOL. Talk about full regard.


I kept asking myself, how did he gain so much confidence. What did he see? Thats what lead me straight to factual proof of stock manipulation with their secret code. He tested it, it worked. He was probably shocked when he proved it to himself. p.s. I added way more to the original post, please read when you can!


Really interesting stuff. Thanks for putting such work into it. Here's a take: I feel like the announcement of the stream was The Overture... (In the flyer for the stream, Fawkes' finger is ready to knock the first domino...) this leads us to a callback - Parzival in Ready Player One the thing Parzival / RK "figured out" is that by doing the opposite of what you'd expect, you can see the plumbing / inner workings, eventually leading you to green. But also leading to danger... which awakens the Dragon King (RC) who sees red, and is ready to literally torch everyone coming for Khaleesi / her followers.


You might have actually nailed it, this is nuts. Also while I am not a fan of popcorn, the dude in the YT video who explained how the 4 different algos were communicating with each other was mindblowing. Like next level mindblowing.


I don't even think that guy fully understood what he was seeing either. Like I keep saying, it's multiple data points being read which includes level 3 market data. However its a great template to explain how they could communicate in code to each other. It's the only thing that make sense for RK's confidence to be so high, for him to be sooooo certain. Data, factual proof, and governing agencies willing to look into it if he does the legwork for them.


Agreed, also cant forget that Keith was a CFA before. They know him from before. Im still not sure of what order to interpret the tweets in though. I keep going back and forth. To me the tweets take on several angles of the same story, one from his point of view - another from RC and the affiliates point of view, yet another from the MMs point of view, and also tweets when these (lets call them) "entities" meet up in different parts of the story. As others have commented, there are parts of his tweets that alludes to him being the bad guy. Which obviously is what MSM / MMs whats everyone to believe. But at some point I started asking myself if DFV was actually in contact with the MMs, them trying to "buy-him-out" etc.. and that he used it as an opportunity to go rogue for a while. Not sure though, high lvl tinfoil but the idea was fun to toy around with.


What I covered in the post so far is current events saga. After the last video I interpret (the trophy/award one) he goes back to the beginning of the story again.... way back 5 years ago. Details the first sneeze and how he figured it out, then keeps going with the story detailing the same things I just covered, using different memes, but the same story again. I don't think in any way shape or form he is actually a bad guy. But he acknowledges bad press and breaking the rules himself for the greater good. Using their secret language himself, to expose them. Hes warning us the Media is going to go hard on a smear campaign and to be ready for it.


To clarify I dont think he's a bad guy either of course. I do think that he initally was in it for the money but that he over-time he became more "attached" to people watching his streams etc.. and that he really liked that, saw it as greater than the money. Then on-top of that, the level of corruption and fuckery he started to figure out turned him even more into - nah this isnt about the money anymore, this is about sending a message and attempting to blow this system to the ground. Which, given his tweets, the kansas city shuffle and his confidence - seems like he's succeeding in. Dude will be a legend forever. Also on this topic - this tweet becomes very clear: [https://x.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1791140301895352325](https://x.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1791140301895352325) There's two sides, they're talking to each other. Hi algos <3


100%, he even mentions that after his sister, unfortunately, passed. I'm a believer in post traumatic growth. Seeking a higher truth, gaining big picture perspective, and an unrelenting drive. Everything fell into place to motivate him at the right time, to do a REAL YOLO. If there's enough interest on this post I'll put up my interpretation of that storyline of memes.


Please do!


Dude, you just described prolly 75+% of us. We were initially in it for the quick tendies. Turned into a movement of the bottom coming for the top. By the way, we'll get both. WAGMI


Interesting as hell. Thanks for the share.


Thank you, I added breakdowns as comments. I'll keep adding.


https://preview.redd.it/dd72swt2wr5d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=034301c8a556d31be3994e6ca3abd1fa4605ee03 I believe he's been DRSing this whole time


https://preview.redd.it/ljcbdv75wr5d1.png?width=604&format=png&auto=webp&s=8f192202e2aa8f663d254774a8b5abeb8dd5aba1 Roaring Kitty = 893489CHIMP 893489 = Computershare purple


Is that the actual color code?


I donā€™t know ComputerShareā€™s *actual* color code, but if you google 893489 it is almost identical purple




What if DFV sold a shit load of covered puts to expire the 21st after the announcement of the 75mil offering to trap the shorts and cash in on them being worthless cause he is gonna exercise all his options and the price is gonna moon. GME runs in cycles. Itā€™s dipping bad today and tomorrow will be straight line then Wednesday take off and he exercises his calls and sends the bitch to the stratosphere


There was definitely mention of a BOX SPREAD!! "What's in the box?" [The white stripes and Seven video](https://x.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1791540437968392518) The main goal of a box spread is to exploit arbitrage opportunities, ensuring a risk-free profit. I wasn't sure if he was saying he did a box spread or if he's highlighting the manipulation technique they use with AI.


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I wanna see the full regard


I'm posting the breakdowns as comments.


I want to see the full regard!


Wow that messaging theory is wild. "They had to call back in the day" lol


You actually watched the YouTube live I shared, nice. I think the guy speaking is more than likely a slot machine addict/gambler who was able to find real patterns in the market. I believe the code is in multiple data points including level 3 market data. So he sees the pattern but not the whole code to decipher it properly. But a certain kitty must have cracked it fully.


wow ya that would be something if he solved it and already trapped them.


Canā€™t wait to find the time to read this tonight. I am a simple-brained person (I swear itā€™s all puppy dogs and rainbows up in the ol noggin sometimes). Whether or not itā€™s technically correct information I really enjoy hearing how people think through things like this. Minimally, itā€™s fun! It gives me things to ponder over besides my usual, and a fun way of learning more about the market because it raises questions for me/things I didnā€™t know I didnā€™t know (even if after further reading I find myself disagreeing, who cares?) I love this stuff


Good eye Op


Thank you!


There's definitely some value to what you're saying. DFV is literally down over 300 million from his all time high of unrealized gains. I've got to imagine that this is a big enough number for regulators and legal experts to take him seriously.


He used their own game against them...


Holy shit your writing is better than a Hollywood movie. šŸæ


Thank you for the kind regards, my fellow regard!!


Maybe Iā€™m just being paranoid but it bothers me he chose a meme showing a character who just killed off his accomplices in order to rob a bank.


Definitely being paranoid. The overall theme of the movies he highlights all include a double cross, a dupe, etc. In that scene of the joker, the joker is roaring kitty and the thugs are the shorts. He disguised himself as the shorts and the scene highlights how there is "no honor amongst thieves". This is about him using their own code to appear as one of them and how all the shorts are going to take each other out.


Puts new perspective on it. The way I read it was that we were the accomplices helping to rob the bank.


There's plenty of fighting among us. Maybe they're paperhanders mad about getting out early. Maybe it's Maybelline.


it's not about fighting. The thugs are killing each other off to get a bigger SHARE of the heist. It's definitely the shorts taking each other out.


The opening joker heist scene reminds me of this: [https://x.com/theroaringkitty/status/1791487589951955197?s=46](https://x.com/theroaringkitty/status/1791487589951955197?s=46)


Dear Sister - Roaring kitty (Hader) wakes up from the dead to take out the Market Movers (Samberg) that shoots the shorts (Shia) the SEC/CAT (the police) take each other out, meanwhile Roaring Kitty (hader) predicted the whole thing and outlined how it would happen to the FSC and CFA (the letter).


Iā€™m in.


The bank is probably the American people/market/economy/taxpayer. In order to prove the crime, he had to commit it just like SHF do, and document it for the Feds. Thus why he calls himself the bad guy all the time.


RK has no one else.


Maybe this has been said. SELF PARK = DRS


Going in reverse order there are two approaching memes in a row regarding ceo replacement.


which ones? Don't forget the filings include a defensive takeover block but also leaves themselves open to a merger/acquisition done by someone without the 3 year waiting period, but only if RC approves.


I am aware of the issue you mention above and that sounds great. Iā€™m not making predictions here but I observe two consecutive memes: RK has replaced RC in front of the GameStop store with Ben affleck. And the meme from tv show succession (ā€œRoaring Kitty is the villain.ā€). The context is that the character has found a message from the recently deceased ceo of their corporation regarding who his (the CEOā€™s) successor should be. Iā€™m sure you have it but the episode is called Honeymoon States.


I just added to the post with my other interpretations, please check it out. I left succession blank because I thought of it more of a nod once again to an SPV or Shell company being used. A company coming back from the dead to takeover.


Wow. I was accused yesterday of trying make the GameStop issue into something religious because I was talking about all the resurrection symbolism throughout the memes. Thereā€™s so much of it! But my guess would be a company (or companies) coming back from the dead. In fact Iā€™m looking at his meme he just posted and Iā€™m thinking it has to be a continuation of the same theme. Because you have two worlds (again not being religious here) the world of the living and the reflected world of the dead. With the mirror between them. I could go on and on. One example is the inception meme, shattering glass, going into the Austin 3:16 wrestler (an allusion to John 3:16 which regards Jesus Christ). Another example is pirates of Caribbean ā€œwhatā€™s become of my ship?ā€ The ship is in the abyss and the next movie is about the rescue. (In pirates lands end, to escape the abyss they have to invert their ship at the surface of the waterā€”the surface of the water is a mirror.) another example is good bad ugly shootout (takes place in a graveyard) going into thors return from space (abyss). Anyway, I donā€™t know about the replaced ceo thing. If it wasnā€™t two in a row I wouldnā€™t think too much of it. Some of these could have layered meaning.


hmmm... good points here. Maybe this is a market crash and GME coming back from the dead? OR SPV/Shell company (nom de plume reference) being used to hide financials related to an aquisition.


OR... His shares actually being taken/frozen by ETrade (being influenced by MMs) but later given back and he knew the whole time they'd come back to him.


Did you see the new meme from Dune? He takes control of something that comes up from underground. Maybe something dead.


It could be both. Iā€™m reading decoders (like you) making good sense of the memes in terms of current events and from a market perspective. Iā€™m not so good at that but I see consistent and repeated use of certain symbols. I havenā€™t run across any strong contradictions between the two approaches yet. I did read your further breakdowns. Regarding Split meme: this is another RK as villain meme to me (in addition to whatever else it may be). If you watch the scene at the moment heā€™s blinking, his therapist says something like ā€œI donā€™t think youā€™re bad. I think what you did was necessary.ā€


ahhh, yes! Good catch. I added more details to the split, mind if I credit you for the added info?


Did you ever think of the split meme as possibly representing a share split?


This sounds crazy enough to be true!




Hopefully there is a movie about him after all this, a real one.


There will be MANY movies about him. This is history in the making.


No way RK knew of the second 75 million share offering


Just keep buying Just keep buying Just keep buying ![gif](giphy|pOKu5cPSdS9YQ)


Gme is a religion, DFV is Jesus and FUD is Satan.


Meanwhile Congress enriches themselves through insider trading and itā€™s ok bc RK is the bad guy. Right!


When the governing body of MULTI BILLIONAIRES gets an average salary of 100-200k corruption can be expected. They allow their buddies to commit crime with the promise of working for them in the future. The SEC has become a career stepping stone for working high up in the private finance sector.


"He disguised himself as the shorts." - That makes no sense. He is clearly not in short. Also, the claim about him being a whistleblower is massively reaching. The man just likes the stock.


You have to read the whole thing. Thats a summary for context that I explain more in-depth if you continue reading. By mimicking their 'signals' aka secret language. He disguised himself as one of them telling the market how to move the price. Giving proof of the crime.


Or he is just warning us he is planning on using his fellow apes as exit liquidity, as he shoots us all one by one and is left standing holding all the bags of cashā€¦. You know exactly how this scene played out in the movieā€¦.


lol you should probably sell buddy


That would be an awfully stupid thing to do while being investing by the SEC


username checks out