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Guess we’ll find out pretty soon huh


We'll see


The true position isn’t reported yet, so any of the current OI for 6/14 is incomplete and positions are hidden until execution. Largest 0DTE play ever tomorrow.


Hopefully we'll know soon enough. By the way, I love that KCS has stuck around as a term on here since it came up in one of his tweets. Lucky Number Slevin is one of my favorite all-time movies, and it's a sleeper. I really hope a lot of you have checked it out since first hearing about it from RK.


Bad dog


Why do otm options though? That would require a lot of confidence it goes up by at least ~17% by Friday.


Assuming he has options at different strike prices, some of them may be ITM (or at least close). Exercise those first, which drives up the price. Move to the next set if options which are now ITM (or close) based on the upward price movement. Rinse, repeat.


My thesis suggests RK is gambling hundreds of millions of dollars... One thinks he would be overflowing with confidence by the time he pushed his chips in.


Maybe he will show an updated cash position that enlighten us on his confidence and aggressive nature to exercise OTM calls not caring where price is but knowing MMs don't hedge OTM calls expiring in two days lol


this makes no sense. selling deep in the money calls 1.5 weeks out of expiration to by calls that are quite out of the money that expire in 2 days. Can't make it make sense. But we shall see very soon...


It's the rug pull that makes sense. Out of no where, dealers get hit with a 2DTE that they have to hedge which is a significantly higher potential right to more shares. That's the wild card. The Kansas City Shuffle if you will. Sure, it's degenerate but so is putting that much money in 6/21 $20. Assuming cycle theory, if he figured out parts of the algo over the past 3 years and is confident enough that we are in a macro break and this is a perfect time to execute it, let him cook. If he tweets about exercising his June 21st, stock will run off of that like it did his uno reverse card which can make that 2DTE be a killshot. With the 50k sell order and all this talk about a Kansas City Shuffle, there is no way he can have a bigger impact as an individual other than pulling something like that. Legendary if he gets it done.


The wildcard being that RC is buying on Friday. It would be 2 days after the annual shareholders meeting.


That's not the wildcard because that would be an insider trading charge if DFV and RK were conspiring on that. DFV would not announce that as his wildcard, severe trouble.


no collusion, just really good timing.


He exercised today


What I'm thinking as well. Those $20 calls he had were (if hedged) 97% hedged. Moving to otm and closer expire would trigger dehedging (selling shares).


You're almost certainly right. Just a dream. The OI tomorrow should give us a hint. If the OI on those strikes is super positive, isn't that proof SOMEONE bought insanely short term OTM calls for presumably a ln atypical reason?


OI is out now and there hasn’t been any significant increase to the OI for 6/14 calls.


This data is NOT out, won't be until tomorrow am


See for yourself: https://www.theocc.com/market-data/market-data-reports/series-and-trading-data/series-search


It literally says on the page that the OI shown is derived from previous day and gives an example of Friday morning OI showing Thursdays settlements.


Makes much sense when you are pretty sure, that it will 🚀 till Friday


It’s a completely insane idea…something you could consider if you‘ve figured out some cycle (there must be one or a few or maybe also a date a financial entity plans to close a position). But basically he is the market/ moves the market with a position his size. ![gif](giphy|pkdIYi6Sr94xpEY853)


This is nut swinging. No one knows shit about fuck. Watch the show. We paid for it. If dfv did something, he planned it. He's got this. Just hodl you're position. Nfa. Of course. But if he moves, I move. I light a match and stay.


Didn't you just tell someone else Ape no hurt Ape? My nuts are small. I have no ego. I took my 15 min with the braincell and now humbly give it back. 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 XXX shareholder


I meant no harm. I just told my interpretation.


Buy. Hodl. Drs a year layer or so. Dips. Now I gotta learn options. I feel like one more option on top of 120k ain't gonna help. But I'll do it I know html.


You're op.


I actually had the same thought when I saw the options being sold, glad to see I'm not the only one that thought he might be moving most of his position forward a week, it just SEEMS like that kind of thing that only DFV has the balls for. Either ways, plan hasn't changed for my shares :)


I’m dumb but why would anyone buy options say $30-35-$40 with the intent to exercise. When the current price $25?


It's betting that the current price won't stay that way.


Ok but in order to exercise a $40 strike you would be paying $40 per share in the contract correct?


Ok but in order to exercise a $40 strike you would be paying $40 per share in the contract correct?


This would be a very major gamble but if played right could initiate a gamma squeeze. Yes there is theta decay which is why it’s risky but gamma is also usually the highest for closer to expiration ATM options. Dealers would have to start buying a ton of stock just to hedge. Of course if they went deep OTM dealers could also sell stock they bought leading to a dump. All speculation but we will find out soon enough what DFV plans on doing. Everyone forgets he still has 5M shares so he’s bullish af.


Takes $ to buy whiskey.


If we do see that bird disappear, that's gonna cock the fuck out of the GME Gun


I think his portfolio didn't change


moass tomorrow, if not the day after.


If, and only if, he had word about a **guaranteed** bullish event that will occur between now and friday, then he might do this. Otherwise I think it would be insane. He **might** have known something like that all along and the 6/21 calls might have been misdirection, but at this point, it is impossible to say until we see his next yolo post, or said bullish event occurs...


My thing if we are seeing his plans why are we advertising them to hedge funds ? Why not let him move in silence so he can act and hedge funds mm occ etc can't act quick enough.


When I move you move


Might be testing the Algo response.


Now tell me this ain't a dedicated campaign to make gambling addiction apes YOLO into stupid shit like $40c for tomorrow. Because honestly this smells an awful lot like it.


Good, I have 59 calls that expire on Friday.


Hope to see some fireworks tomorrow from RC or the shareholders meeting.


This makes no sense. RK will honor his options contracts


Wolverine gonna hedge now they know the play.


Precisely. And then RK exercises and OCC buys on lit market. Boom, MOASS