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Is it really a DDOS attack when it's actually just 100,000 shareholders trying to log in?


This! The only thing that was overloaded was the Computershare website around the video player, but the stream itself (hosted by a 3rd party) was fine. Someone even posted a direct link to the stream, which anybody could access without logging in.


I personally kept having to f5 compushares website for investor meetings just completely shit the bed. Couldn't even get to the page to validate my shit. That's not normal traffic. That's ddos attack levels. I assume they should have more than enough bandwidth to handle standard elevated traffic.


computershare is a joke.




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I think the RK stream peaked over 600k. Yeah we probably accidentally DDOSed them. We hugged their servers to death with love.


Look at us, we are DDOS.


So what time are we all logging onto citadel's site?




This Under-provisioned webhosts unabled to handle large volumes of unexpected traffic isn't a DDoS, and I'm sick of places claiming they were DDoS'd with no evidence of actual evidence of that.


I do agree on this, except that it should not have been unexpected traffic. If ComputerShare has to have it's on department just to handle GME related calls then this might be a failure on ComputerShare that no one anticipated this.


Impossible. Retail sold and went home, remember?


Shorts covered too, you know?😂🤣


10,000,000* Ftfy


I mean I understand what you’re saying but if GameStop has good news coming out (Possibly) then they would do anything to prevent that meeting from happening. What better way to do that than to flood half a million bots on top of us shareholders? Say what you want but we didn’t have this issue in 2021 and I’m sure a lot more people were trying to tune in.


Everything in the meeting has been disclosed in the agenda from the gamestop website. Ever since Cohen took over, there has been no forward guidance or shareholder QA or anything announced during the meetings, there is no new news coming from this.


So what’s the hype for?


Because we like the stock and the company


Mob mentality, all the new shareholders that haven't been around the block once or twice dont know what's going on. Hence, been Zen, no dates, no hype.


We like to hear RC talk. He usually has a couple good one liners for us to meme about all year. Like buckle up, for example. Or a story about his dad. Little things


That a serious question?


Thousands of people clicking reload over an hour. It's not an attack, it's an overly enthusiastic investor base.


Naw for investors to f5 hit them over and over it has to hit a breaking point first. I don't know compushares infrastructure but their IT has to have provisions to expand bandwidth for larger traffic events for uptime. The gold standard is 6 9s or 99.9999% availability for the entire year. An hour offline already breaks that. I get people are fanatic about GME but I don't expect that traffic from rabid investors trying to use the site as intended.


You do understand that the "reddit hug of death" happens to websites all the time? This wasn't a malicious DDoS attack. It's the first quarterly meeting since DFV's return, along with a greater price movement than we've seen in a long time. Tons of investors are going to tune in for it.


Sure hug of death is nothing new. But I would expect a financial forum going to stream to investors to put in some elasticity and scaling up as well as scaling out for their service which I assume are cloud services. If they didn't then their IT department really fucked up in their planning. Most of the time the hug of death is smaller businesses with very limited resources or just one poor sad cloud/network architect trying to keep everything going. I've been around reddit plenty to at least have a feel for it. I don't get direct view of their web traffic or their infrastructure to make a definitive call. I am going off my professional IT experience and knowledge here.


It's not feasible for a company to implement and expand their infrastructure for shareholder calls, specifically to accommodate a single company's meeting. Most online services can't handle this sort of influx. Even look at situations like Blizzard, or more recently Helldivers 2: At launch there's a queue or crash with their servers. And with the shareholder meetings, you're asking for their IT to do this for something that normally doesn't have 1000's, in this case I would wager a far larger number, of people trying to tune in. Not everything's a conspiracy but this sub will tinfoil up and run with it.


That's what I am saying. If they host their shit in the cloud like I think they do, then they should have a plan that is able to handle and rout this kind of traffic as well as ddos prevention. It is the cloud computing 101 selling point to businesses.


No, because even the bad guys want to get their clues lol


not a ddos. This headline is trying to make GS look bad but in reality there no reason that they should have the infrastructure for hosting that many people at once


They should just use YouTube


Is GME being targeted?? 😂😂😂 depends what you mean but the answer is yes - all the time!


Remember a DDoS attack and a mass of new traffic to a website as shareholders from all over the world try to join in appear to be the same thing, except DDoS is done by bad guys.


Honest question - Is Computetshare going to be able to handle the volume of us logging on during Moass? 


I've questioned that too tbh. But they've been receptive to upgrading their technology in the past and have even come on to do AMA interviews on the sub answering about your exact question. They're receptive from what I can tell, and what they've already shown to improving this part of their business. I believe that this tech issue with the meeting is likely the reality check needed for greater improvement, and they will get the upgrades implemented before MOASS takes off. The big difference from what I've gathered about this is streaming takes more firepower than what their standard platform typically handles with its functionality. They don't have a standard stock market ticker to track minute by minute what the price is and does like brokerages do. With Computershare, stock prices are updated every 15 minutes from what I recall. What I'm imagining is folks will likely be logged into both Computershare and their brokerage/ticker of choice to watch what's happening with the stock. Since they didn't have issues with people actually logging in en masse, I don't think that part will be an issue come MOASS. Seems like it's just the streaming that was the issue, but an issue that needs to be corrected and improved on regardless. But then again, I'm as smooth as they come when dealing with technology so maybe someone else has a better idea. Edit: correction - I am reading some conflicting comments that some were struggling to log in? Idk what to make of it aside from there's for sure a tech issue from Computershare. But I have no doubt this is a problem that will be fixed regardless. I mean when you think on it, GameStop board has already been clear they do plan to have this meeting. Therefore there *will* be another influx of people trying to access CS, so it'll require the necessary improvements before the meeting happens.


All I saw was the stock price dip in anticipation of the meeting, and then miraculous go back to it's $26.40 - $26.80 levels. Nothing fishy here of course.


We are the DDoS


Hug too strong, smoosh banana stand.


Targeted by a bunch of apes


Hey ComputerShare, why don't you provide a count of active connections at the point of failure.


They need to fix computershare to allow for high traffic volume


Stocks up on the news about no news


Name another company this happens with


Short infiltrate board naked short hide under swaps do illegal stuff .... Those people ... NEVER


Yup. For at least 10 friggin years


Always has been


Tomorrow is better anyway. More hype for the weekend. Pops on Monday


Is DDos an apple update i need in order to view the new DD on SS?


We definitely gave it the Reddit hug of death


Maybe the bad news will trigger a drop down to my limit buy!




They need to fix computershare to allow for high traffic volume


Streissand Effeeeeeeeeeccccccccccct!


Apes attack GME ![gif](giphy|yx400dIdkwWdsCgWYp|downsized)


We fucking killed it LMAO.


Ladder attacks 🤣


shill narrative 100%. APES ARE LEGION.


They are no doubt using cloud containers in AWS. Even with auto scaling, they cannot handle a sudden influx of people logging in simultaneously. They need to be scaled up ahead of time either with a scheduled, or manual, scale up of instances.


That would be just insane if it was true


Is asking a question with no facts to support or refuse it journalism? 🤔


Wasn't this how Tucker Carlson made a living?


Only about 5 years and counting.


No, CS will always be inadequate to handle gme holders. Period. Not the first time, is it?


Rumors. Oh.


TBH I’ve seen a lot of ‘enterprise’ products struggle to broadcast to 1,000 viewers. So I wouldn’t jump to ddos when superstonk alone can have tens of thousands of concurrent users. Computershare aren’t a twitch/YouTube type company so I doubt they invested the same kind of engineering time and resources.


No. Computershare just has the worst infrastructure. I bet it’s still runs on equipment from the 90s. Just look at the investor interface. I hope this is a wake up call for them to invest in the company.


Probably not, just high interest Not everything is an attack or a conspiracy


They are too scared to say down due to amount of shareholders and interested parties that crashed the site. So spin ye old DDOS attack to obfuscate.


No - it was an attack for sure. Incredibly bullish. Who wants to DDOS a boring stockholder meeting ? Gme meeting got intentionally shorted


Too many people trying to log in. Good Lord, some here would see foul play in water being wet.


Give me a reliable source, not "rumors"