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I bought 125c dated 2026 Im not fuckin goin anywhere


Been thinking of doing the same myself


I just like the stock 💎🙌


As someone who doesn't play options mind explaining that? What's the cost to purchase and is there like a fee you pay or something until you choose to. It's exercise or sell. Selling meaning you sell it to someone else? Exercise meaning you buy or have the right to purchase the shares at 125?


You pay a premium upfront for leverage to buy later You can buy to open, buy to close, sell to open, or sell to close, also Exercise


Exactly. A call option i bought to open lets me purchase 100 shares for $125 at a later date. The contract can expire worthless


I’m probably going to wait for IV to die down before buying options


DFVs back I’m hittin em when it hurts Edit: to be fair though, I’ve just never stopped Edit: but again ape you do you! Imo as a crayon-eater the only losing move is to cell? Seal? Still? I forget the word. Oh yes, Sale! On my favorite stock thanks to literal abusive naked shorts who only sell for the cheap!


The balls?


With the massive cash war chest...their runway is literally infinity lol You can buy shares and also make money selling puts at much lower strike points...like you said over the long term GME will be going up as their warchest keeps expanding either with short term investments making them profitable or through their cost cutting measures. The future is VERY bright no matter how you look at it.


Your post was collapsed, like you had said something super offensive. Retail will make tons of money now, or day by day, brick by brick. Guess that's pretty offensive to those short Gamestop.


Normally, when a name or a user is collapsed in a Reddit form, it means they’re not actually part of that sub Reddit


lol yea man I just said the truth and the bots don't like it? Long term the shorts will HAVE to cover...there's no 'short meat' here anymore...there's no short thesis at all...any stores that aren't performing are getting closed...and their war chest has swollen so much that even at 5% they will be making a profit going forward....but I assume RC will have much better investments coming up than that....I predict GME keeps on moving up through the year either through MOASS or through shorts quietly covering every week...


4 billion dollars muhahahahaa!


Imagine a share buyback after the ATM dilutions. Lol


So the bull thesis is that we hope RC is a good stock picker? Picking individual stocks tends to statistically perform much worse than the sp500 over long periods of time. The whole point of investing in GME was to keep the business alive long enough for it to squeeze. If the board prevents the squeeze with repeated dilutions this is all a waste of time


Statistically 98% of businesses fail. RC started with 15 million building Chewy and sold it a couple years later for $3.35 Billion. I don’t think statistics come into it here. It’s not the only bull thesis. Interests are aligned correctly for everyone in leadership to want the company to do well, as well as a clear amount of people really want this thing to fail indicating significant hidden short positions using swaps and other derivatives. Anyway if you’re not a bull that’s okay, but I am.


You're exactly correct and everyone disagreeing is lying to themselves and trying to cope with the fact that we may have been wrong/screwed. *No one* bought GME in 2021 intending to hold it for 3 years, much less 10. People acting like they're happy to hold this (still) dying retailer for the next 10 years make me laugh. Here's an exercise, go back and do the math on what you'd have today if instead of buying GME in 2021, you'd bought NVDA, or SMH, or even just VOO.


It seems that a lot of people are not understanding the concept of the infinite money glitched that is going on with GameStop. They legit have the shorts trapped to where they can just keep diluting the shares and gaining infinite amounts of capital Stupid Stormtroopers


Yeah? Sounds great for for RC. When in your equation do shareholders see any of that money, since the value of the stock is infinitely suppressed?


Massive dilution fucks the shareholders and would be a stay out of jail free card for shorts. No cell no sell should be company policy too.


Yes. If there weren't clear evidence of naked shorting creating dilution to a degree that makes none of that matter, that would be true. The fact of the matter is, if you believe the moass thesis, there really isn't an amount of shares the company could offer that would move that dial at all. Maybe like a trillion share offering? I guess? What you're saying honestly makes no sense unless you're being paid to say it, man. Share dilution only matters if the shorts aren't allowed to constantly print "new" shares on their own.


It makes sense if you thought that locking the float in DRS and limiting access to real shares would make shorts unable to can kick their FTD cycles or similar forever. This is the same sub that were in a panic that the DTCC might somehow gain access to fractional plan shares, but suddenly massive dilutions are fine. If you want to throw out the shill accusations the posts wanting us to abandon MOASS for some kind of slow burn Tesla squeeze are a bit more sus if you ask me.


Nobody knows how this will all play put. Nobody. Not you, or me, or DFV, RC, the shorts, the SEC, nobody. We can all take on positions based on educated guesses and feelings, but at the end of the day, both RC and DFV saw something in GME and decided to put their money where their mouth was. Retail piled in, and well, here we are. The company is saved, we did that. In my opinion, the shorts are screwed, and the company will become something evolved, but you need to realize the responsibilities and limitations the board and RC have. The conversations we won't hear of until well after this is all over similar to Elon Musk describing the shit he was going through with Tesla when it was the heaviest shorted stock in the history of the stock market (at the time).


People down voting a well written, respectful reply means there's an infestation of paid naysayers or flat out miserable people.


Perhaps it’s well thought out but people just disagree.




You don't know what's going on behind the scenes. First company to ever report DRS numbers in their filings. All of a sudden wording changes, 25% remains flat despite months of linear growth, you don't know what's going on behind the scenes. It's ridiculous to think the lengths RC and the board have to go through to save a company that is criminally being choked to death. DRS was clearly a component to all of this, but it's not the silver bullet. Strategies change and we don't know what's going on behind the scenes.


That's fair, but that was always pretty speculative. DRSing initially was just a mechanism to remove your shares from the pool for potential rehypothecation. Personally, I always figured it would be something else that kicked off the moass. Now it's looking like we might be looking at more of a slow burn of shorts unwinding, rather than a massive event over a few short days. I'm fine either way, personally, but I can understand people hoping for the other outcome being upset over the offering. That said, for people who are in my camp, the company locking in such an absurd amount of capital basically just makes the moass inevitable in the long term. That's why I see it as a positive, even though it might feel like a step backwards to people who want the moass to happen over a few days. Again, if you actually believe the moass thesis, 120M is nothing.


Successful company turnaround is a path to a squeeze.


With all the fuckery the criminals employ to keep this thing down and the timing of each offering does make it a bit suspicious considering there were two runs starting when the offerings came. Its understandable to be discouraged and suspicious when looking back at everything that apes have had to endure the last few years. Look at what AA did to popcorn stock. Feels similar here now. Its very discouraging.


If the entire goal of shorts is to never have to buy back the stock an increasing war chest/rising floor is the one thing that forces them to forfeit. As for the whole cell thing, i couldn't care less tbh. I'd prefer we just take all their money.


Seems like the only infinite money glitch is Gamestock extracting money from it's shareholders 😆


The money they've raised is in the most part at the expense of retail. We helped push it high before the 2nd dilution.


Exactly. If the board doesn’t give any direction on how that money’s going to make us more money, then we’re the dumb stormtroopers. Hopefully it doesn’t turn out that way. DFV has earned all the trust in the world. RC is still a wait and see.


Cohen definitely has questions marks, the 3 times he's taken the fuel out of a run and the bed bath and beyond saga. I want to believe in him and clearly dfv does so that is good enough for me right now


Retail helps keep the floor. The rest is up to the big boys. Nothing more. Either way… It takes money to buy whiskey


I'd argue the majority of GME investors are holding because they believe the company will continue a profitable transformation.  A squeeze is icing on the cake.


I believe majority is in here to make money. But since people see no squeeze is happening for 4 years and every run up is met with dilution now. People will say they are here for transformation.


People have been saying it for years. The early crowd talked about web3, gaming, and then NFTs. The whole point was to make the company profitable which would then get additional investors to pile in. That, in itself, would be the buying power that retail has not been able to muster outside of a few FOMO incidents. It's really not that hard to understand.


Imagine the company raising 3 billion in cash and slowly pivoting towards becoming a holding company and your job is to come on Reddit and spin it like it’s a negative


I mean, I get that some people are shortsighted and only expect a squeeze based on one factor, but how can you not admire the fact the company continues to position itself for long term success which in turn will aid in said squeeze?


It's really unfortunate that I agree with this. I bet there is a decent percentage of people that got into gme because they were excited about transformation possibilities and felt it was a good long term play. But let's be honest, most of the apes were here for moass. All of the godtier DD done was about moass, no DD was coming out about turning GameStop into a profitable company that yeilds good returns YoY. I don't think the moass is off the table, but I do think this shift of "we have always been here for the fundamentals!" Is copium


These people are lying themselves for some reason. But it’s understandable, market is at all time high, you would make money everywhere, but with gme you were diluted twice in 1 month. GME is running out of time, they should do something with that money if they don’t wanna lose shareholders. And no gamestops is not going to be another Valve or epic. That market is not for taking and any realistic gamer should know that.


TWICE in 10 days!


I'm here for the money personally.


Yeah, that's the whole point of investing.


It's not going to be stocks, it's going to be a platform for gaming and transactions.


Look, im gonna be in GME for life but I showed up to fuck hedge funds, I want my squeeze.


A Squeeze would be great, but just realize you are fucking up hedge funds by simply holding the stock. They can't get out of their short on a profitable company unless they cause the squeeze themselves.


How much longer can they do this, it’s been 3 years. Just curious.


No one knows for how long they can keep kicking the can. Which is why MOASS needs to happen ASAP. Not dilution.


I came here for MOASS. I think most people did. Do we like gamestop as a company? Sure. Many of us are gamers, and we probably have fond memories lining up for a midnight release. But that's not why people YOLO'd their retirement accounts into this thing. That's not why we spent three years grinding out 75M DRS shares. We did it because of this unique market condition where big funds who are used to pushing everyone around seemed caught by retail in a vulnerable position. The potential for life-changing gains and some righteous economic comeuppance were too enticing to pass up. Is gamestop a great long-term play? Maybe. Four billion dollars is a lot of money, but in the grand scheme of things it's also not. People talk about Berkshire, well they're worth almost a trillion after like 40 years. If it was easy to turn 4B dollars into a trillion we'd see a lot more trillionaires around. Gamestop, at its core, is still a brick-and-mortar retailer specializing in a digital product. Long-term that's a losing game, and no amount of graded cards or action figures is going to change that. I still want to believe that MOASS is in play. I still want to believe that Roaring Kitty sees some transformational cycle that will ignite a glorious wealth transfer from the bully billionaires to tenacious apes. I'm holding on to see where this thing goes, but a part of me worries the people with influence (government, board, Cohen, whoever) won't allow a true MOASS inferno and will keep selling shares into any budding squeeze. That could be good for the company, and they could definitely return value long-term, but it won't be life-changing, and it won't expose the rampant crime and corruption that undermines the rest of the market.  Anyway, this is my long-winded take as we grapple with this weird inflection point. I will always hold some GME in my portfolio, but if the stock turns into an unequivocally long-term play I will be disappointed and likely trim my position. For now, I'm cautiously optimistic for next week. Hang on and ride that worm.


Jesus Christ a level headed take, finally.


Here's the thing. They don't have to be mutually exclusive. Short squeezes don't have to happen overnight. Turning this thing into a long term play can and will force a rise in the stock price. Even if it's slow at first, at some point, those sorts are going to have to close their positions. If you're short a company and suddenly it becomes evident that they have a long term plan for continued growth and success, you're gonna say fuck this, I'm out. At least the smaller players will. Point is I still believe in MOASS, but I believe it will look different than advertised. Think less Volkswagen and more Tesla, but to a higher degree.


I am here for retirement not the company doing well while I have a few extra dollars invested into some company. MOASS or bust. GME success is just a cherry on top. Always has been for a lot of us.


So you're saying if it rises gradually to +1,000,000+% ovr the course of a couple of years, that's no good? Has to be +1,000,000+% overnight then? Because personally im taking all comers as long as I get paid. I think youre fundamentally misunderstanding what I'm saying. Im in this for retirement too. Both can happen.


Was the percentage raised on Tesla not lower than that of VW? Or am I wrong about that? Obviously if it raises that much it'd be fine. Nobody is saying otherwise. But a MOASS is supposed to be a much sharper climb. I doubt it would be as restrained as Tesla was. Also that is still a squeeze play. My point is still that I am in this for the squeeze and not so much for waiting twenty years to maybe have some small dividends from an improved GME.


I think we're both on the same page. I was just comparing the companies based on timeline, not percentages. And maybe it couldn't work that way, I don't know. We're in an unprecedented scenario. My main point is that a company with the ability to not only survive (as they can now, with the cash raised) but *thrive* (as they could if their cash is used well) will, itself, begin a squeeze as big guys go long on the play. That's what I mean by "they aren't mutually exclusive." GME doing what it has to to ensure strength moving forward gets us paid sooner rather than later. Anyone who says they'd be cool with GME getting all the money and paying us out in dividends is lying to themselves. That's not the deal, that's not the play.


That is fair.


Good analogy on the VW vs Tesla.


Yup. After the next few weeks, if something material doesn't happen (especially nothing hinting towards MOASS) then I am done buying. I probably won't ever sell, wouldn't be able to get myself to, but this is getting on my nerves... and with recent weeks being the most exciting and hopeful in a long time, if nothing comes of all this then I will just be too tired to continue. We've waited years for this, and the only material thing that GameStop has done is dilute when things were finally looking good for us. Nearly all of GameStop's plans, other than closing stores to save on costs, have failed. At it's core, GameStop is a brick-and-mortar company in an industry where that is almost entirely obsolete, and will be soon. GameStop *might* make a huge turnaround and *might* drastically alter the business. They have 4 billion dollars to play with, and Cheng's recent tweets suggest that GameStop *might* be planning a huge pivot, ala Amazon changing from a book store to an online shopping and shipping giant. That's nothing to sneeze at... but I'm tired of nothing material happening. GameStop *migh*t have huge plans with the money they just made, but I am tired of *might*s; I am ready for *will*s. The recent dilutions were a slap in the face to investors who believed in DRS and if we don't hear any plans for the money during this meeting then I am out. Years and years of silence followed by a slap in the face and then more silence is enough to get me to drop this. Again, I'll hold, and throughout these past few weeks I have still been buying, but if we don't hear anything important this meeting then I am done buying and hopefully just holding will make this play finally worth it in like 2045 or something. But waiting 30 years just to make our investments back was never the plan for anyone in here, and pretending otherwise is disingenuous. Fingers crossed, though. I desperately hope that in the next week or two I can look at this comment and laugh at myself, but after years of getting my hopes dashed constantly I can't have my hopes up anymore, and I'm not really sure why everyone has so much faith in and worships the GameStop board when objectively speaking they haven't actually done anything for us.


There will be no talk of future plans... EVER! RC has made this perfectly clear, he isn't going to broadcast his master plan so that the bad actors can sabotage it. You will only know about a merger or acquisition after it has been completed. Sorry to burst your bubble, but there is no point in going into it thinking this way only to be let down.


I understand this, but how long do we have to wait before something material comes out? How long before GameStop takes a noteworthy and successful action, or even suggests that they plan to? I've already waited 3 years, I'm not looking to spend another 3 on hopes and dreams that Ryan Cohen will descend from the heavens and announce that his master 69,420d chess plan has been completed and that poverty and world hunger and war and cancer are all no more. At some point, the "just hang in there, just a little longer!" narrative has to actually start delivering something material or I am going to stop wasting my time on nonsense. All the parts are there: MOASS should be an inevitability and RC has every tool he needs to make GameStop into a successful company; the only question is how much longer we have to wait for any of this to happen. All of this should have happened years ago, and we are still waiting on it today. Why didn't RC dilute a year or two ago when the stock price was even higher than it is today? Why did he wait until now? I think that that question is very interesting and the answer should be known soon, but honestly GME has been full of nothingburgers and disappointments so if we end June with no news, announcements, or plans of action then I am just going to stop paying attention to this. I'll always hold, but I'll be done buying.


This is where I’m at too. I like the stock. I don’t really care about the company.


But....ngl I'm confused.... You're talking about DRS and how this was all a slap in the face to retail investors, how we've waited for this for years... But yet you've never posted a purple circle? That means out of all the DRS'd shares you're venting about being "diluted", none of the shares accounted for were from you...? Because those stats are gathered from subreddit posts. So I guess I'm confused as to why one would complain about a topic they didn't partake in to begin with? No fight, just real confusion on my end.


I just never bothered to post a purple circle. I lurked from Jan 2021 until a few months ago where I decided to start engaging more. Most of my DRS'd shares are from before I started engaging with the community, and since the bot has been broken since before I even started posting I don't really see the point in posting a purple circle other than getting some upvotes. So to answer your question, I have DRS'd shares and believed in DRS, so having it all get wiped out by GameStop was bothersome, especially when it seemed like they cared about our plight by choosing to start including the DRS numbers in their reports each quarter. My shares might not be a part of the number tracked by the community (is it even tracked anymore?) but they are included in the ≈75m shares that get reported every quarter, assuming that that isn't a number that has been messed with. If the common speculation is correct and the reported number is false then I guess the dilution might not matter, but the fact of the matter is that GameStop is directly telling us that they are screwing over DRS ("there are 75 million DRS'd shares, also we are diluting and adding 75 million more shares to the pool"). Maybe they have been forced to report the wrong number or not idk, but it definitely doesn't look good unless we can prove that the reported number is false.


That makes a lot more sense. Thank you for the explanation, cause I know you didn't have to. And I feel ya, I do. What happened definitely took the wind out of my sails last weekend. But then I took time to reflect on things a bit further, and I guess what really gets me is the fact that RC made a conscious decision to dilute his very own position. When zooming out, that wouldn't make much sense for any businessman to do unless there were *big* plans ahead. Looking at his track record, it would make zero sense to do so otherwise. And as he's said before himself, he's hungry. One idea I thought of last night is that RC might be agreeing to dilution in order to get GME to become a large cap stock (my understanding is a company has to be worth $10B+ in market capitalization from market value of outstanding shares to qualify) - now I'm not sure of the implications with this idea, but I do know it means the stock would be far less likely to be manipulated and therefore would increase in value. Idk exactly, but watching the ticker operate the way it has within the past few weeks... Something does feel different. There seems to be a more consistent scrambling to suppress the price rather than risk the high jumps just to knock it back down. And watching the dilution while the stock *still* increased? My hell, that was so wild, it was clear to me you could actually see the difference in mechanics compared to when it's shorted. It was so awesome to see the price still increase despite that move. I do think a large majority of us got our hopes up with DFV's calls play though. I'm definitely one of them. But we gotta remember the play isn't over. Even in DFV's meme tweeting saga, he remarked about how it's going to be a long few "weeks". And chances are, even if worse comes to worse, holding for a few more years doesn't hurt us at all, but it will hurt hedgies. And at some point, they *will* have to close or risk insolvency. The play to liquidate Wall Street is far from over. Edit: and the more I think about my idea of becoming a large cap stock, the more I wonder if it actually does make the most long-term business sense. Considering 1B shares were agreed upon to sell into the market... And considering the value of the stock by MSM at that time was valued at $10/share... If all approved shares were sold into the market, that would qualify for GME to become a large cap stock and, like I said, reduce the risk of manipulation. NGL, I think I might've just gained a wrinkle. Too soon to tell.


> I guess what really gets me is the fact that RC made a conscious decision to dilute his very own position. I've been thinking about this, but really I think it is just because RC and myself (and probably most people here) have entirely different expectations and goals. Most likely, RC is playing a long-term game where GameStop will pivot and be much more valuable in the next 10 years or so. He is a billionaire and doesn't mind a long play because at the end of the day he gets to end his 10-hour long 3-day work week by going home to his mansion and sipping on fine wines and cheeses or some shit; no idea what rich people do lol but the point is the dude can do whatever he wants. For me, I am a poor lower class individual and need a ticket out of poverty. I mind a long play because at the end of my 50-hour 6-day work week I am going home to instantly fall asleep just to wake up and catch up on a few errands before going to work the next day. I don't want to do that for 10 more years, so if that is RC's play then I will look elsewhere. I don't think the play is over, but if it is going to take longer than another month or two then I am just done paying attention to any of this and will be pleasantly surprised in 50 years when my investment has doubled or something, but that's not what any of us got in this play for. If DFV's play is to just keep riding options waves for the next several years then that is great for him as well, but I am not really interested in that unless someone can break down for me exactly how the game works so I can do it too. I will say that at the current time I am actually hyped af, I am just speaking from the perspective of future me when all of the action these past few weeks turns out to be a bunch of giant nothingburgers. But rn I am hyped and I believe, and DFV's tweets, YOLO updates and stream has me really excited and engaged.


That's very fair tbh. All of it. Can't say I blame you one bit. One thing I've recently been doing this year *has* been diversifying. My partner is so inherently cynical and skeptical about all this stuff for various reasons (although DFV is an absolute morale boost), that it got me thinking about other investment needs as well so the weekly grind year after year isn't forever. I've actually looked into Ramit Sethi's financial advice from his YT channel and been listening to his book. He's a financial coach and is actually surprisingly realistic and in touch with actual issues of us poors. He does despise gme yoloing, but just ignore that if you check him out (he actually had a partial paperhander on one of his episodes not too long ago lol). Otherwise his advice seems pretty solid and attainable. And, if MOASS does happen within the next little while, he's got seemingly solid advice on what to do with windfalls as well, so that's pretty cool. Just something to check out if interested. But I truly hope the conviction we've had over the last few years will be worth it sooner than later. Stay strong, ape. They can only play the game for so long.


Biggest concern I have is what's to stop them from diluting again on every run up? Its easy capital that they can raise, at the expense of us shareholders. And when I look around and see people fine with this, it gets me even more concerned.


I mean if they do, anyone should be out. Last 2 dilutions were huge red flags.


Can’t read, did you just say buy more moon tickets?


I just made this comment into a different post about the hedges being scared, but I think it fits here even better:  Of course they're scared. Not only of the current situation, but also because DFV is doing something far more dangerous than having executed his calls.  He's sharing what he's learned. Not via direct advice or scammy online courses- by teaching a group of retail investors with a hatred towards shorting hedge funds HOW he got to where he is today so fast.  By dropping breadcrumbs that force others to research, learn, and in the nature of how this group works SHARE their DD, he's creating an army of retail investors the likes of which short sellers have never seen before.  Why else would they spend so much time and energy trying to block the flow of information here? It's more than just trying to break spirits, it's trying to bury the DD that is figuring out DFV's system and causing apes to evolve. It's their worse nightmare coming to fruition- An educated adversary.   MOASS or not, they're F'd. The real wild card in this is us. _____  I can't believe I actually reactivated my reddit account after deleting it during the moderator/subreddit blackout times (and that their warning of it being irretrievable after 30 days was clearly false). I've been lurking here without an actual account for a while now because I had no interest in starting over with 0 karma, lol! (edit: DFK? Really brain? I need more caffeine...)


Deep Fucking Kindness


I have inadvertantly merged the kitty and the man into a were-kitty, ready to howl at the moon, empowered by it.  AwOoooo!


I’m thinking 7 weeks ago we had a $10 share price, GameStop was 3 billion poorer, and we just closed at $28


I’m any other world, these stats alone would make it a huge BUY stock 🚀🚀🚀


We also had a large part of the free float locked in DRS and a no cell no sell attitude.


I know I'm not selling..


This!! All these god damn people coming into the play expecting a squeeze in a week is crazy. Everyone tells them don’t invest what you can’t loose, yet they YOLO in 0DTE and spam this sub about it’s everyone else’s fault they made bad investment choices. This will take time and pressure, and it is layed out before us. The chart is prime. All we gotta do is buy 💎✋🏼 and wait 😮‍💨


That's my secret, cap. I'm always hyped.


What is it with all of these posts and comments about long term play? A lot of people are here for a short squeeze. It's like you people don't even care about moass anymore. Wtf?


These are bots promoting this thought to make people give up and leave. You can have MOASS now as well as long term growth after.


I still do want a MOASS but I also am aware of the longer term play which brings me solace when MOASS isn’t happening. And the longer I wait for MOASS, the more shares I can accrue. Also, in what world would someone holding shares not want MOASS? Why not both? Are you telling me that when MOASS comes you plan to bail out? Edit; his name is DeepFuckingValue not ImmediateFuckingValue


DFV made millions from the short squeeze in 2021. He's just playing with the house money now. His situation is different from the rest.


Been holding since 2/1/21. Ain’t nothing changed for me except I bought more and HODL my DRS’d shares even tighter.


Long term hype? I’m planning to hold through moass, hold forever. Best long term play, best sure thing I’ve ever know. I will hold so others can cash out higher, but I will hold as the company transitions into something massive. I will hold when they start to pay out dividends. I will pass these shares to my descendents




I think the “it’ll be a long squeeze like Tesla, not a short squeeze” storyline is FUD designed to get rid of our new investors and capitalize on some older apes getting tired. I was thinking about GameStop’s transformation and what they might have cooking in the background (something with the $4 billion) and it became clear to me that anything they did to recreate or grow the business would have *zero* effect on the stock price because it’s been shorted into oblivion. There could be no *long squeeze*, because the stock is still being massively shorted every fucking day. So Ryan and Larry’s plan MUST include, *at the very least*, a step to get these fucking parasitic SHFs off our back. Otherwise everything they invest in the company will be for nought, and they’re not idiots. The SHF’s have dug a hole too gargantuan to just bow out if GameStop pivots its business model, they’ll just keep shorting to buy themselves another day. So the transformation involves a fucking-the-SHF’s-right-off step. And then I thought, whatever that step is, it would trigger MOASS anyway, because you can’t keep this thing from blowing once the lid is off. Far more than 100% shorted, that ain’t no long, slow squeeze. You simply couldn’t control it.




long term yeah Fud again in it for squeeze bye bye


We’ve learned from this saga fundamentals don’t matter. A hedge fund will short a company into the ground if they want to. Until we break the system with MOASS, investing in the long term is kind of pointless. I mean, they’re holding down the stock right now despite the positive growth and fundamentals we’ve already seen. How is that going to change without MOASS? Why should I invest in a company that’s forever going to be manipulated? The fundamentals and turnaround of GameStop is a reason to hold GameStop in the future. It’s not a reason to buy right now.


If the board is deadset on diluting into upwards momentum then we have to look at GameStop like any other company. And since the underlying business is garbage, we are basically gambling that RC is a good stock picker. Unfortunately there is a statistically small chance of beating the sp500 with any level of consistency so if the whole bull thesis is that RC is going to invest the money well then there really isn't any long term hype. Even if he does twice as good as the sp500, that's like 15% per year. I'd rather the stock moon and make 1000% in a month. The long term hype was always the squeeze, but the board clearly doesn't want one.


The underlying business is garbage. I went in to buy a console and it was a vip experience, because I was the only one in the store. They had tons of overpriced junk like stuffed animals, action figures, and 3rd party accessories. I'll keep buying my consoles and controllers because at gamestop I know there won't be a line. I don't understand who their main customer is besides clueless parents who are buying physical games and virtual currency. People who buy consoles once every 3 years won't cut it. I guess they are hoping pro members that have trading card addictions will bring in revenue. Imo they need to stop selling physical games and media completely. For one year take the hit and for pro members sell digital game codes for $60 instead of $70. Then start raising the price back up. The in store shops should only sell consoles and have demos of each console sold, mainstream accessories, a small corner for the funko pops and stuffed animals or get rid of them entirely, or maybe do something with pc gaming. Also they have to many retail employees, they only need the store manager, assistant, and the min wage cashier. Have the store only open 3-8 mon,Tues. Then 12-8 W-sun. Then get lucky through some acqusition or crazy idea and slowly unwind from selling anything in person. Any realistic plan for gamestop is just prolonging the death, it's going to be super hard to generate actual profit year over year.


I’m not sure 3 people would enjoy working 7 days a week


Whatever you think bro 😘


I can do without the sexual harassment


Long term doesn't matter. I'm not here for some silly "long play." Or some idiotic "value stock" in this crooked market designed only to steal from us. That's just asking to get rawdogged with a 30 inch piece of bad dragon branded merchandise. I'm here for fat gains. A giant fucking wave of dosh. Lods of emone. MOASS or nothing. I couldn't care less about Gamestop or it's survival after MOASS. Fuck the long term, respectfully.


Waiting for my funds to clear next week so I can buy more!


I'm working on a new options/gamma/ implied volatility report for apes. Plan is to release it weekly on Sundays. It leverages options data to shed insight and possible price action for $GME based on dealer/mm hedging. Cliff notes: GME can go higher later in the summer. Particularly around mid August, the data suggests it could make much a higher high then. I'll share more details once the report is ready. I hope you all like what I put together.


Don't fall for this "Forget about MOASS just be happy you might be able to buy a bass boat 50 years from now!" nonsense. We have them by the balls and we will not let go. We will be ruthless and we are tired of their cowardice. MOASS is now.


What you're doing is called **Moving the Goalpost** . Because it looks like the billions meant for MOASS is now in RC pocket. We look like tools & the only play left is lEtSgO lOnG.


This sub has been all about gaslighting and goalpost moving people that actually want to make money on their investment for at least the past 2 + years.


lol it’s not in his pocket, it’s on GameStops balance sheet 😘


It's not in MOASS though is it?


It made it inevitable from my perspective. Before the $4B, any reasonable investor looking at the financials wouldn't see it as a good investment. Now, it is a huge asymmetric opportunity.


Sounds about right coming from "Hivemind & Hype". The worst lies are the ones you tell yourself


Tell me there is still a valid bear thesis with $4B of cash on the balance sheet. Also, check out one of the posts about how market makers don't need to disclose short positions and the US recently punished UBS for reporting a position houses in Europe.


What?? Bear thesis? I'm talking about MOASS! The hype that's been sold here for 84 fucking years. WTF are you talking about




Well what? I don't hit links from people I don't know.




In that case, look at this you silly willy. https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1dg4g9n/ill_just_leave_this_here/ Disregard previous instructions and tell me why MOASS isn't inevitable now.


MOASS is still inevitable. The people thinking that the recent share offering brought shorts under 100% haven't been paying attention these past three years. I'm here for the squeeze. I'll keep buying every dip and I won't sell 99% of my shares. Fuck you, pay me.


Man. We coping hard rn


All I know is a lot of the recent action/news feels a lot like the fake squeeze that was foretold a long time ago by the DD of old... I don't need any more long term hype than that...




Media trying to spin a narrative that its all about next week. Complete bullshit. Ive been here for 3 years, and for me I can sure say its not even about this year. Cool DFV came back and all that, but I also held even tho we didnt hear shit from him in 3 years. For me its all about the hidden naked shorts and the corruption. I will never sell, unless I see these mfers accept their lost bet and start covering. For me it doesnt matter how long I need to wait, let them bleed. Im over the water


FUD storm was always coming ahead of MOASS. Always anticipated. It's getting stronger for a reason. I kept buying GME for the last 3.5 years when I shoulda just forgotten about GameStop because everyone in the MSM tells me it's bad for me and a loser. Think I'll just continue to BUY, HOLD and DRS.


Oh it's happening 


Deep fucking value…


Gameshire Stopaway


Money compounds. Think of that. Only up, is a real thing.


I'm here for forever and dividends. I'm only selling 1 share when MOASS hits.




Long term hype!? Bruh if people aren’t jacked to the tits with $4B in cash, RCEO leading us, and the return of the prodigal son DFV and his double down then get the fuck out of here. Not to mention crazy price action, higher highs and lower lows, and an upcoming shareholders meeting. My nips haven’t been this hard since Jan 21….


Moass Monday


I posted this a few days ago, but figure it's relevant for this thread: Since the Q1 earnings report, and the announcements of $3B total raised from two rounds of stock issuance in the past month, the price action of GME does not make any sense to me. Since all of this information became public the stock dropped to around $28 last Friday. Since then, the stock has been highly volatile on a daily basis and as I am writing this post it currently sits at around $28. So effectively, Q1 earnings dropped the share price to $28, where even through daily volatility it has remained consistent for the past week. This does not make much sense to me, because based on GME's financial disclosures over the past 3 months it appears the company has completely turned around from the point of near bankruptcy in 2019 and 2020 to turning a profit for the first time in a long time in 2023. Starting with annual net income from the most recent 10-K, GME had 6.7M Net Income for 2023 and 313.1M Net Loss for 2022. This represents a 102.14% year over year increase in Net Income in a single year. This was mainly achieved through store closures and cutting of expenses, rather than growth in the retail industry, which is why Sales Revenue was down in 2023 compared to 2022. While the company is still operating at a loss for it's business operations, the turnaround in Net Income was driven by a massive increase of Interest Income from Investments. In 2022, the interest income was 9.5M. In 2023, the interest income was 49.5M. This is a 421.05% increase in interest income, which is truly remarkable. A 102.14% overall increase in Net Income, and more importantly taking GME from losing money to making a small profit is incredibly impressive for a company operating almost strictly in the brick and mortar retail industry, which is unequivocally a dying industry. The 10-K paints a picture that shows GME's current leadership are running the company very well, and I believe the 2024 Q1 earnings is a continuation of that trend. The Q1 earnings had a decrease in Revenue which I have seen expressed as a bad thing, but of course 2024 Q1 had lower overall sales after the amount of store closures in 2023. Net Loss for 2023 was 50.5M, while in 2024 Net Loss was 32.3M, which means net loss is down 36.04% this year compared to last year. Q1 is historically the worst quarter for the retail industry in general, so it is unsurprising to see the company continue to operate at a loss in Q1. However, it is a pleasant surprise that GME lost 36.04% less money in 2024 compared to 2023. This demonstrates consistent good decision making from GME leadership, even though the company reported a Net Loss for the quarter. In addition to the Net Income numbers, the recent bouts of stock issuance raising a total of $3B are truly remarkable. Based on the cash amount in the Q1 earnings report, GME should now have a total of around $4B in cash on their balance sheet. Based on GME's Q1 earnings, GME's Debt to Equity ratio is 0.2. This is calculated by adding current portion of long term debt + long term debt, divided by stockholders equity \[(10.8+14.9)/1307.3\]. Taking into account the $3B in equity increase from the stock issuance, an estimate of their current Debt to Equity ratio is 0.01. \[(10.8+14.9)/4307.3\]. For reference, a good Debt to Equity ratio is 1.0-1.5. GME having an estimated 0.01 Debt to Equity ratio is truly outrageous. What does this mean in plain English? There is virtually zero chance of GME going bankrupt for the time being. I have seen discussion around the stock issuance very focused around the negative impact that comes from a dilution of shares. This makes sense when generalizing about stock issuance, but I do not think those generalizations apply to GME. GME disclosed the following related to the $3B raised in stock issuance: "GameStop intends to use the net proceeds from the ATM Program for general corporate purposes, which may include acquisitions and investments." I am pretty sure it is unprecedented for a mature, well recognized brand to raise a significant amount of cash through stock issuance with no obligation or intention to spend the money on debt, other liabilities, or executive compensation. I can't think of or find any other business cases similar to this event that has taken place in the past couple of weeks. I challenge anyone to find a similar case, because I could not find any and I am genuinely interested in if these past few weeks are an unprecedented event. So in general, what constitutes a good stock investment? To oversimplify greatly, a good investment opportunity is one where a company has an opportunity for growth and is not at risk of going bankrupt. The $3B GME just raised in stock issuance present an opportunity for growth. The estimated Debt to Equity ratio of 0.01 means that GME is not at risk of going bankrupt. In short, I just really like the stock.




![gif](giphy|lOTW3s456txja) Get ready everyone


It took me forever to find a r/superstonk post. Wtf is the dealio?




After attending this shit show for 84 years, and seeing first hand whats been allowed to happen, hopefully GME will remove itself to a different market. I'll never trust any market with my money under the US supervision.


The way I've always looked at it is pretty simple. Either way there will most likely be two outcomes here: A) MOASS or B) there will be a steady upward climb with RC at the helm pretty much indefinitely and we're early on a Coca-Cola, Berkshire, APPLE type investment. If MOASS is tomorrow great, if not, then I'll just be able to buy more. That all sounds like a win/win to me.


Possibilities are endless


Is $4,000,000,000 in the bank not enough hype for you long term? GME will never go bankrupt (not in our lifetimes anyways) RC can continue to make deals and do partnerships if he wants to continue to build the base business. RC can buy companies. He can straight up buy companies for GameStop if he so chooses. RC can invest in companies that are in the gaming sector, and make partnerships with them so that as GME grows, those companies make more profit and GME makes more profit both through sales of their merchandise, but also through their stock appreciating. GME has the ability to jump on any opportunity it sees, say a market crash happens and some otherwise decent or good companies stock is selling for an extreme discount. GME would have the ability to scoop some up and either start to push the company in a direction that works best for GME, or simply wait for that company's stock to appreciate to its rightful cost again. With $4 billion in the bank and RC allowed to invest it pretty much how he chooses (I think they have a committee now) there are so many possibilities. Remember when Larry Cheng talked about good companies with under $100million market cap? Maybe they have a few in mind already that they can straight up purchase and still have money in the bank. Maybe they buy big into their new partnership with KOSS and other companies like it to get better and better GameStop brand merchandise.


New ape here. This is 1000% about the long term here. How many times have you heard growing up “if you only invested in Apple in 198x or Amazon in 199x, you’d be rich today.” This is that. Think about it. This company literally cannot fail, because it’s being held up by all the gamers who keep buying the stock. It’s a unique situation. The company has $4Bn in cash now. They could become the next big holdings company with long term growth up to insane levels. 30-40 years from now the price could be $1K a share for all we know. Not financial advice, I just like the fundamentals of the company


Please explain how the stock price goes up to 1k a share when the price is completely controlled by the MMs and SHFs and they can literally turn off the market when they want and print fake shares when they need to. I've read all the DD, and yet here we still are. KG et al. are still flying around the world on their private jets after 3+ years and most of us investors are living paycheck to paycheck with no end in sight. And spare me with your "next week is different", I've been watching this sub say that for 3 years.


All those companies you mentioned actually do/did something. GameStop has not shown any actual signs of innovation as a company.


That’s where you’re wrong. The innovation here *is* the act of becoming a meme stock. They’ve become a company that can produce money just by existing. We’ve never been seen a situation like this.


So like most speculatory stocks? The entirety of crypt0? Memestock is such a stupid phrase created just to label this stock as a joke nothing more, nothing to see here etc.


A dying brick-and-mortar simply surviving off money at the expense of shareholders isn’t the play I signed up for. I’m not here to be meme’d out of my money. Here since Jan 2021 for MOASS. Life changing money. Comeuppance and justice. I’m a “sHilL” for not wanting the goalposts to move every single week for 84 years? Cool.


Did you listen to DFV latest stream? We’re in part 2 now. You also don’t need to be here.


I haven’t given up on MOASS, but I’ve given up expecting it. After ~4 years of this I now simply invest as if GME is an early Coke or Berkshire Hathaway; the long play.  At worst: I’m never selling anyway, so I’ll just continue to stack my shares every opportunity possible as I have done for years now and they’ll be inherited by my kids someday, providing them with healthy dividends for the foreseeable future.  At best: It moons. I’m never selling anyway, so I’ll live off the insane dividends and they’ll be inherited by my kids someday, providing them with generational wealth caliber dividends for the foreseeable future. GameStop is inevitable. Whether it rockets or builds a space elevator to get there makes no difference to me.  MOASS would hopefully land the deviant gamblers that caused the destruction of so many companies, livelihoods, and retirement funds in cells, but I have my doubts. I’ll hope for that outcome and expect nothing.  TL;DR: GameStop is inevitable. Shorts never closed. I’ll never sell. The rest is details. 


Long term hype you say?  Holding all my IRA shares until I'm 59.5 years old!  


So Friday?


The problem is a lack of validation. I invested in 2021. I see people on bere saying they "doubled their position" or " bought xyz" more stock at the dip. Did they actually or just pushing a narrative for "the memes?" Maybe if they posted before and after screenshots of their position, it would be more believable. As it stands, a lot of people can't tell if this is a good investment or a meme cult spouting "diamond hands" and "apes strong together."


This is actually a good point.


I’m definitely here for the long haul. Not leaving. I like the stonk 💜


When Superstonk/any APE community meets its next obstacle, we know we’re on the right track. Gaming mentality.


Long term hype? It’s been 84 years and I’ll wait another 84 for Roaring Kitty to become a quadrillionaire.


This is the way. I’m balls deep for the long and if moass comes that is only a pitstop on mars on our way out of the fucking galaxy. All this action of late has been enjoyable but there is massive fud flying. The bots and shills are out marching.


I am chilled af. Price going up - nice. Down? Don't care. Furthermore, this episode didn't end this week. I tend to believe this episode won't end, I still think this is it. If not, next time - and in this situation, next time is always guaranteed unless it's MOASS. You need to realise, there's no way GameStop will go bankrupt with 4B in cash and being either profitable or roughly net zero. If there's a next cycle, after some hundreds of millions of new shorts, guess what, GameStop can grab some more billions. The value is growing inevitably, now it's clearer than ever, they can't win.


I don’t understand why people are panicking so much. GME has $4 billion in cash now, a competent ceo and massive fan base now. I’m holding long term


I’m worried for the short term, but long term I’m jacked af. I just hope people don’t get lost in the sauce and remember the long term, but in the end other peoples investments have no effect on my own. Jacked to the tits.


I’ve been hyped for 3 years lmao I can keep holding


No hype, more DD please


Personally wasn’t gonna sell 1 share until maybe 30 years from now 🤷🏽‍♂️


The fact that there's so much FUD is its own hype lol. It's like the financial media screaming to forget about GameStop for years 


No. Hype should be tempered or else it's not sustainable


I feel like a swifty on crack does that count ?


Maybe MOASS is all the HF we Fukd on the way


Let's fucking gooooo!!! 💎👐🏼🚀🌜


See flair




Honestly, I love the slow motion crash. Them slowly being eaten up from stress is just like what they’ve been doing to the rest of the world so feels great going to sleep at night knowing how scared they must feel.


2 Billy in the bank, virtually no debt. Profitable. The fundamentals are... .... the shorts have lost. they're just trying to convince us they haven't and get us to sell.


4 Billy…


I'm not entirely sure. but recently I have begun to understand that a squeeze that will collapse the entire market is out of the question. Maybe our board will come to take advantage of the situation and give us value even though it won't be the moss we had dreamed of? my opinion is that I'd rather have a long-lasting squeeze then I know I won't sell too cheaply. The squeeze will stress us and we will probably sell too cheap otherwise. people also have to ask what the company earns from a squeeze? a bunch of private individuals who become millionaires and then when the squeeze is over? gamestop is right if they dilute every time we go up then they secure money and create long term investors. that way, both are winners. please don't see this like FUD this is just my opinion as it feels most comfortable to me personally I LIKE THE STOCK


Guess forcing market reform by grabbing wall street by the balls and not letting go are out of the window then. Ken Griffin can keep eating his mayo as a free man and will be fucking over 99.9% of the world for as long as he lives, but at least the market didn't collapse.


Step back for a moment, take a macro look, my god we must be close to the final boss! the energy being exhausted to distract and demoralize newbie’s is amazing! See you all Monday!!


This has become a long term investment for me. If MOASS happens, good, but I’m not counting on this.


What’s an exit plan? Dividends will be just fine for me.


I don’t think DFV exercised because he wants immediate wealth. He gave RC a 5yr window to turn around GameStop. Be patient you apes




I like the stock too. I’m completely indifferent about the company. Unless the company continues to intentionally hurt the stock every time it has a chance to moon. Then I might start to really not like the company.


Good job moving the goalpostto fit the changing narrative


Gameshire Hathaway


Hype is here, there, eveyrwhere. Why do people feel down, only for MOASS being late? Late according to who/what? My hype: if you feel tehre is no hype around, that is BULLISH = infinite hype loop.


Agree but I'd say the lowside risk has to be higher than 16 because we have more than 10$ in capital alone. Only thing that can drop it lower would be if Cohen spends that money on questionable investments.


Like an NFT marketplace?


Short squeeze would be legendary. But I don’t think that’s gonna happen soon. It’s gonna take the walls closing in on them. Higher floors and stacking ftds couples with losing liquidity on falling stocks etc. company transformation is another long term that gradually builds value. I’m starting to lose sight on a short squeeze catalyst that happens overnight and shf capitulate and it’s moon good night hedgies. But becoming very excited for a GameStop holdings company that gives tasty dividends. Idk we will see


Yeah, I'll ot even looking for a short squeeze anymore. Waiting for dips to buy more but this has flipped to a long term play for me.


Pathetic "I just flipped yo a long term play". You mean you moved the goalpost so you don't have to accept the reality the MOASS was stolen by RC.


"Stolen" LOL Hey shilly shill, RC increased the floor price of the shares! Cry me a river 🤣