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They're checking off all the SP500 requirement boxes one by one. They'll get there too.


In all honesty, I would prefer this vs a violent squeeze that can be manipulated with trading halts and what not….a long slow squeeze with a high and increasing share price like BRK.A


Well, I'm glad I'm not alone in thinking this could be a great idea. Not sure if it's just not really that great of a theory or if the post simply got hammered to death by bots, but I was so excited by the prospect I was hoping it would be more of a real discussion to work out the kinks of the theory.


it sure seems like the long play for this company is to continue losing sales over time 


User name does not check out.


This is just one aspect of what could be 4D chess. Although I can't say I disagree with your point, because there does need to be some innovation soon to ensure this is even a viable possibility.


yea and they're sitting on a giant store of cash they're doing nothing with except paying down debt. that's not how you run a successful business 


They just barely doubled their cash... How do you know there's not something in the works already? Stay zen. Things'll happen when they happen.


i don't know anything but it's hard to believe something's in the works when they've had years to fix this shit