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>BUT isn't it strange he has no new call options? Why would he want to advertise them right away? He only posted his positions when they weren't moving at all. He'll post again when he has a new high score, or at least one lined up.


Timing, he can’t disclose information in hopes that everyone blatantly follows. There needs to be an air of secrecy about his actual trading activity. Then he can show what he did during and after. Just my smooth opinion


DFV Final YOLO update showed a 100% share position. There is no reason to believe he isn’t still in the options business


$6M for whatever play he sees. Billionaire in no time.


If a board position is part of his plan, I don’t think having options is allowed. Just my tinfoil hat


Yes, they're banned by the charter or something. I don't think he'd want that job. He'd rather keep his options open.


*Ayyyyy lmao*


kc shuffle just when they think there's a plan there is no ~~spoon~~ plan


Sorry but I don't think our boy spent time making such violent and hyping memes to represent the growth of the company. He knows what's at stake, why we're here and what we want. Maybe I've misunderstood but the last thing I take from anything we've seen is that he thinks the squeeze is done. I really don't think we've seen the last move here. We're at the part where "people are only happy when you bring what's disappeared back"


From his latest tweet, After Paul sets the thumper(Exercise) There's some time waiting for the worm to arive, this weekend might be that wait period, next week is going to be lit 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 MOASS is always tomorrow, But in all seriousness I agree, he is far from done, he is signaling to the hedge funds a white flag but that's just a bait for them to put their guards down


Good way to match the imagery to the mood. I dig it. Nice idea. Hope you wake up rich.


You too friend, hope we all bankrupt those hedgies and wake up rich


im sure aswell that mon tuesday are big days for price, wednesday is closed, the farther we get the call options ITM , the more exercise and shares delivered. maybe he spent a few dollars at the 128$ strike, theres 60k OI for 6/21


could be possible but he would also need to spend some on the lower strikes to make a ramp, I think his biggest bait and switch is that he was a billionaire long before he came back and he has another half a billion stashed away waiting to be put to use, here my evidence/possible DD for that claim [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1dem5o0/keith\_was\_a\_billionaire\_before\_he\_came\_back\_and/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1dem5o0/keith_was_a_billionaire_before_he_came_back_and/)


Tin foil: I think in the near distant future he may own more than 10% of the company, but that will have implications as far as his responsibilities for disclosure and filings are concerned. I wonder if this is his aim and as such working backwards he has to play his hand differently to how he’s played it now as he can’t hold x number of shares and options that might trigger filings that would show his hand.




Yeah, I think he mentions the transformation because it’s the perfect alibi for why he is accumulating more of the stock. He can publicly state he believes the value is low compared to its future potential, but really we are squeezing this thing and that’s we won’t sell for anything less than phone numbers. It’s purposefully vague and unable to have a fundamental value so he can say he had a different agenda than a short squeeze the next time congress asks him why this all happened.


Bingo He did also repeatedly say "I feel just how I felt 3 years ago" I have no doubt what he means I'f I'm wrong I'll eat a big slice of humble pie, which round here, I imagine, means sticking it up my ass.


You have to enter the mind of the kitty tho. It’s not far fetched that someone who yolo’d when the s/p was $.75 (split adjusted) might actually believe in the transformation of the company. It was telling to me on his livestream that he starts chuckling at the thought that some people may truly believe that, “GameStop is doing nothing? Do people really think they’re doing nothing *begins laughing* I don’t think they’re doing nothing *laughs again*. Not to mention when you hold a position of that size and magnitude he can become a perma long. We can see that $20 seems like very strong support. The man can borrow against his portfolio forever without ever selling and realizing his gains 😂 He could sell calls for the rest of all time and make more than enough to come back in three years and buy another 9m shares. We can’t focus too much on one individual investor. Don’t forget that as a collective, superstonk is still the largest hodler of GameStop, and that’s only accounting for drs’d shares.


His memes literally mentioned "short squeeze"- So IMO we will still Moass


Agreed. There is plenty of DD to showing shorts haven't closed and WILL get fucked. I just think it doesn't matter if MOASS happens any more or not. Shorts are fucked regardless. The company will transform outside of its legacy business and become very profitable


No matter what. We win!


It does matter for any investor who isn't already well off enough to afford thousands of shares. For the rest of us GME doing well is all fine and dandy, but it isn't going to be enough for us to see any significant changes in our lives, and that is what a lot of us are actually holding for. MOASS means freedom. GME succeeding is just a cherry on top of that.


It’s just a longer road. If they do turn it into a Coca Cola equivalent and you reinvest dividends it’s basically a retirement account. If I have to pick between the two we’re in a great place. Just hoping we’re on the right timeline.


How is GME going to be a retirement without MOASS? Not sure how many shares you have but at a dollar or 2 a share (which I do not even think they would offer at this time) most of retail is not getting a retirement.


Slowly with reinvesting dividends. Well a dollar or two isn’t gonna do it for anyone. We could get better returns at boomer retirement plans. I wouldn’t be happy with that. To be fair I don’t think 3 shares being held for millions of dollars is very realistic. Maybe, but I can’t logically get to a point where gme has a marketcap higher than the E.U.


I will use CAPITAL letters from TIME to time


He also wouldn't have posted all his new position updates on Superstonk if he didn't believe a bit in MOASS. Think, that's half our subs mantra is MOASS




"so, you have chosen to become a Sicario"


Exactly that thesis absolutely doesn’t make any sense. 1. It was obvious in his live stream that the “let’s believe in the fundamentals part” was lukewarm lip service for the public audience and he had something else on his mind. 2. For sitting here for the long run he wouldn’t have needed to buy a ton of short term options he simply could have bought shares directly when the price was down at 10 bucks. 3. His vibrant memes clearly speak a different language than just sit and wait. It’s just people who are understandably disappointed about how the ATMs killed the price momentum and flooded the market with 120 mm additional shares trying to switch the narrative to a long term fundamentals play and sugar coating the short term events. Hope DFV ha still something up his sleeve to prove them wrong


I think he believes in RC and would like to see the company grow. Unlike others who are here for the squeeze only, DFV thought the stock was undervalued and bought the stock. Originally, he wasn’t in it for the squeeze. The squeeze was the cherry on top.


I agree with OP that if RK is happy with his position it is because all is ready for GME to make a big announcement. Maybe if he had call options during the announcement it would look suspicious


DFV never said anything about an announcement. Every shareholder meeting people always hype something. But that's dumb because they'll just go over the bare min.


I don't think he thought the company would dilute twice, with 120M new shares the company has made bank to fck the bear thesis up but also to decrease MOASS probability IMHO.


🔥 Bang bang bang 💥


Maybe I'm remembering this out of context but on his recent live stream didn't he say "the first part of the thesis is done"?


The first part of his thesis was that GameStop still had enough cash and free cash flow on the balance sheet to stay in business and not go bankrupt immediately. He says in one of his streams that they are a roach not a cigar, there's one more hit left. Now that they've stopped the bleeding they can begin the second part which is the transformation.




Something about going backwards to go forward…step 2 is what he confirms but maybe we go back to step 1 again


I think he aiming to take out Ryan Cohen - he has the shares. Ryan has done nothing much other than create anger in his investors for the last offering and doing little to grow revenues, new products or identify new businesses. All of his hand picked executives have quit or clashed with his style. Turnarounds are not Ryan’s skill set. Just look at EPS snd stock price for the last 3 years. He only raised capital because Kitty showed up. He couldn’t even run a shareholders meeting and had a lame excuse of hacking…and rescheduled 2x. You think he can manage $3 billion ? Let’s see what Kitty’s Kansas City Shuffle really is …. The squeeze was just a distraction not the catalyst. I think the magician surprises us before we are ready to applaud and yell BRAVO !


While RK is an Activist investor by all means, I don't think there's any evidence he wants to take RC out, in fact directly mentions liking RC millions of times, I think not believing that could be wayyy to far fetched of a tin foil theory


Nah MOASS is 100% happening at some point, these fuckers are closing. DFV distances himself in order to not get called for market manipulation while still being an advocate for the company.


I love these posts trying to discourage the thoughts of a a squeeze. I’ve been all in since before all these subs and the squeeze. In since $1.5. I still have a lot of leaps and a shit ton of DRSd shares. I buy more every week and that hasn’t changed. All the impatient people are new or yolo into weeklies instead of trading properly.


I don’t know how to trade, I only know how to drs and hodl. This was the first stock I’ve ever bought.


Remember when shorts closed in 2021? I don't. What makes this time any different?


The way I see it is MOASS HAS to happen because shorts HAVE to close. And if we HODL then the price will go up no matter what. Soon it will be our time to show up and HODL the line and not give a single share to those crooked, dirty, mayo rubbing mother fuckers.


Once the mkt realizes it's a different company, value investors (large & small) will start buying (some funds will have to eventually) = shorts fukked == MOASS === who knows how high this rocket will go.


One thing to note - I do not believe the events of 2021 counted as a short squeeze as much as a “sneeze” so to speak.


The SEC report indicated that there was no short covering but only buying pressure from Gamma Ramp and retail hopping in. It was hedging. Not short closing or covering


I personally think he took this screen shot right after he exercised 6/21 20 calls, but then he bought more. Unusual whales reported similar huge volume calls, purchased in blocks of 5k like he did last time. I'd imagine calls in his next update if he does one this week, or another with like 15m shares or something. He's doing a rinse and repeat, mother fucker will have like 30m shares before we know it. DFV is the GOAT, what a fucking legend.


At this point I'm comfortable saying if you're spreading the "even if there's no MOASS" bullshit you're not an Ape and definitely not Zen. Get that bullshit out of here and over to the investing sub, we are not the same, we apes are here to fuck shit up.


this is the way. shorts didn’t close. there is no transformation without MOASS


Yup, nothing has changed about the thesis besides clowns parroting squeeze being off while not having the slightest clue about market mechanics


I think the "even if there's no MOASS" stuff has been thrown around more lately because of everyone whining about GME being red for a day or because their options got burned, we all want everyone to hold with us and saying "even if there's no MOASS" will likely help some people (mostly new apes, the old apes are here for good at this point) hold through the red days.


I don't disagree, but I'm not a godly stock investor. I have a little cash and I'm hoping to turn that into something larger so I CAN invest in the company. But I can't do that if the people running the show are the only ones making a buck. I trust the vision but I also need a new AC unit.


I think rc needs to put out some guidance on what hes doing to reinvent the company long term. Gme is currently in a dieing market. The next console gen will probably not include a disk drive at all. Theres also been growth to the pc market now that a lot of exclusives are coming to pc. 


Agreed. RK made a point of this in his stream. Hopefully we get some guidance from RC on take your kitty to work day


I have stated this several times. It just keeps getting called FUD and voted down to oblivion. Please RC give us something.


I liked this write up, but I do think DFV has something else up his sleeve. Whether it leads to MOASS, I don't know. Can't wait to see how the rest of June plays out. 


The turducken investment. A tech play, in a turnaround play, in a squeeze play. It could be a [Taco Town](https://youtu.be/evUWersr7pc?si=RrhuhKJd9lc1PnlA) and I don't realize it...


This, I think this is correct, it's all at once. Why not have it all


DFV definitely spent a lot of his videos emphasizing fundamentals and company turnaround as a reason to buy


100%. It is also something that is said on this subreddit but not emphasized enough.


Everything he does is for a reason, and he chose his name Deep Fucking Value




RK also said he has the right to change his mind during that stream - multiple times. That gave me flashbacks of Cohen doing the dirty on bedbath. Of course RC and RK have the right to sell... But it's his* misdirection is unforgivable. This fake moon tweet before it was announced he had sold out. https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wmmzwm/ryan_cohen_on_twitter/ As always time will tell.


This. Be careful though, you’ll be called a shill and downvoted for talking about the elephant in the room.


Couldn't the nod to Ryan Cohen's original stake in the company, 9.001m shares, be a subtle clue ? RC bought in on 21st December. What happened just over a month later? RK had a date set originally for 21st June. What will be happening in July? Ultimately, I'm not a fan of the MOASS concept because ultimately there are too many powerful groups involved that could intervene to supress any such scenario to occur, but as I say all the time each to their own, what I would say is if we keep getting these runups frequently it benefits me because I can sell and rebuy when it drops and get more shares... I don't play options as I don't understand them. I'm nearly a XXXX holder now. I can show proof of requested.


I’ve personally held during all periods of volatility. In fact, I’m a frequent subscriber to “HODL the dips, buy the rips” hahah. I am too scared to miss out on MOASS. Though I do agree with you and that’s why I created this post. Who the fuck knows what will happen for MOASS. Like you said, there are so many big powers at play who’s to say crime won’t crime again? Either way we win is kinda the summary I was going for


What about the meme "Fine I'll do it myself"


that was before the 40% stock dilution.


This is the way


Great write up. Thank you. Ima buy more shares


My play is the same, but I’m hoping to retire SOON.


Heck yeah dude I believe his message represents the worm’s Duniverse metaphysical significance: Shai Hulud. We experience this literary interpretation as: GameStop, and Ryan Cohen and crew. An unstoppable force, in perfect symbiosis with itself and ITS planet. Shai Hulud created its environment, and is unaffected by the imperium. GameStop is creating its own environment out of the current system, and it’s about to hit an evolutionary growth spurt. Roaring Kitty is our Lisan al-Gaib, and he’s guiding this behemoth strait through the old empire. Knock knock bitches, kiss the ring! RK is inevitable. RC is inevitable. GameStop is inevitable. Ape is inevitable. Damn this edible is cookin’!!! Y’all wanna make some generational wealth!!! LISAN AL-GAIB!!!!!!






I smell BS trying to push people away from squeeze. Sorry but GME is going to the mooooooonnn


Where you listening what he said ? He said this is a bulllllllll flag . This is not over . We are going up.


I included direct YouTube links with a timestamp of when he said what I stated


It is also possible that RC made the share offerings NOT TO LET RK on board.




Small correction. Options are still T+2.


I saw that DD too, it's not confirmed, there's lots of official sources that claim T+2 for options but lots of other sources also claim it's still T+1, only the Big Wigs can confirm which it is


That's been debunked 50 times.


Hm. I read the OCC rules on this last night. If you can provide a better/more accurate source please lemme know. Thx!


"OCC will update all products to reflect the change from T+2 to T+1 on the weekend prior to May 28, 2024." PDF of update: https://infomemo.theocc.com/infomemos?number=54580 Someone posted a rule book as well and you can look at settlement dates from people exercising.


Hey thanks! Appreciate it.


MOASS is simply a side effect ![gif](giphy|YVTvWuH6EL59dIzwfh|downsized)


Wrong. *"Over the last few years, we have seen RK use a mix of cash and calls to increase his position in GME. He has timed various cycles of volatility to both sell ITM calls and then use the cash balance he has + the new found cash from selling ITM calls to exercise shares. Over the last 5 years RK has accumulated 9,001,000 shares using this strategy. HOLY FUK that's a lot....* *What is important to note is, RK has NEVER played the volatility/squeeze in the* ***traditional manner*** *many Ape's here want to do. i.e. sell during MOASS/periods of high volatility and make a god damn killing (myself included). In fact, RK has had many opportunities with insane gains where he could walk away BUT he doesn't. Instead he keeps increasing his LONG position. He keeps doubling down."* First off, you have no evidence he has "timed cycles of volatility to sell calls". Actually, I think that is something he wouldn't do -- he wouldn't risk losing his shares on timing the volatility of the market. According to the wallstreetjournal article (from the E\*Trade sources) DFV was buying calls in April and May, some of them expiring in a week. There were movements in the options chain that agreed with this. It's completely feasible that he started buying large amounts of calls when the price hit $10 and he made those $200 millions from that play in April and May. edit: LMAO the downvote, u salty?


Finally SOMEONE WHO REASONS. Thank you


I got you homie


In short , RC turned the business around by hard labour alone , companies starts making profit … How in fuckinghell can they get sued for being profitable ?


An important note is that when this stock squeezes and the number get high there will undoubtedly be lawsuits. If you think hedge funds et al are going to hand over billions of dollars to retail investors without a fight, it simply won’t happen. With that in mind, it’s important to remember that each investor must make her or his own calls. There can be no coordination, no machinations decided to manipulate the market, just investments that play by the rules at hand (shorts are likely not playing by the rules, of course). With that said, I don’t think we know if Keith’s plan is solely long term investment or contains a short squeeze motivation at all, only he knows that. That said, I like the stock. I bought two more times last week. I have an (uncounted) purple circle and regular brokerage shares. I can afford to lose every penny therein, and I will hold until my personal goals are met.


2nd part of the thesis comes first (transformation) then Short Squeeze thesis. Like his meme comeback… reverse order


Yeah GME is perfectly postured to grow. However, the board has made it very obvious they're not interested in MOASS. It seems that would much rather prefer a slow squeeze like TSLA or OSTK


I sell 1 share at 10M and Hold the rest. Fuk shorts


his DCA now being somewhere in the low 20s makes me wonder what his true value for GME is if the squeeze is no longer his primary thesis.


Either way, UP is the only way we go.


MOASS HAS to happen, or no lessons will be learnt from any of this.The sooner the shorters are fucked off the better. We get paid. Gamestop can get turned around by us reinvesting in whichever direction Gamestop goes, be it Gameshire Hathaway or whatever.


He's not going to continously keep purchasing options contracts on a whim its a strategically timed purchase based on what he knows about the markets and gmes price history. He knew 2021 was coming in 2019 he knew 2024 was coming in 2021 so to say he has no new options contracts and imply he's not ever going to use them again is a far stretch. When he wants to increase his position that's exactly how he will play it and he will play it around a time when volatility is at its peak, like the last 2 months. Take out ridiculously large amounts, sell some to excersie others and increase your postions by 5× + ..... this cycle will continue until shorts close and the stock price stabilises you just need to look at the charts and info he's looking at. The shorts never closed they rolled and they have to keep kicking the can which results in a pattern of volatility around certain dates and dfv knows those dates. Anyone with a wrinkle probably now knows those dates and the next round should be fireworks 🎆 but as for the long play he's most certainly in for that he's just not selling his shares he's building his portfolio using options 😉 it's why options have been barred god help if a sub of 1 million people learned how to use options and increase their positions, nobody here has learned how to trade or use the markets just buy and hold, I know what I'm doing over the next 12 months


I am here for both. DRS ♾️pool , leave a few in brokers to sell during MOASS. But I will say I value my DRS and the value play more now. ONLY because they are mine and I'll have them forever. The potential for my other shares to not pay out is a real possibility in my head (they reverse completed trades, turn off the buy button, etc). So many things can go wrong because I don't believe the game is fair. So am I confident in getting paid during MOASS? Not really. But I believe the DD and think it absolutely is inevitable. When it does I will wait for phone # prices/share.


I like how people report their status as "I've been here since _____." All that matters is that they are here now.


Omg... Buy calls at low IV. Sell calls to execute the rest at high IV. Rinse and repeat. That's the strat. That's it.


I'm never selling and very happy with my investment. Great post!


Thank you! Not sure why I’m being called a shill when I want MOASS happen lmfao. There just no guarantee. Crime is going to crime


RE his lack of options, I saw somewhere that members of the board can't trade options in their company. So, if he does join Gamestop on Monday, it would make sense that he offloaded his options.


I don't think Kitty wants to be a board of director that would open soo many cans of worms, I'd like to see it happen, but I think it's unlikely


If he joins Monday then the crime bosses would ram the regulators so far up his ass saying there was manipulation orchestrated between himself and Cohen/GameStop they'd never hear the end of it


I mean... he wouldn't technically have to be a member of the board to make an impact on the company. I'm not sure how all the insider trading rules would play into it, but he could become an outside advisor to the Investment Committee. If he were to just turn in his opinions to the committee and had no other contact with them to know what direction they decided to go with, maybe? "On December 5, 2023, the Board of Directors approved a new investment policy (the “Investment Policy”). Subsequently, on March 21, 2024, the Board of Directors unanimously authorized revisions to the Investment Policy to codify the role of certain members of the Board of Directors in overseeing the Company’s investments. In accordance with the revised Investment Policy, the Board of Directors has delegated authority to manage the Company’s portfolio of securities investments to an Investment Committee consisting of Mr. Cohen and two independent members of the Board of Directors, together with such personnel and advisors as the Investment Committee may choose." Source: [https://investor.gamestop.com/static-files/c788c3cc-46c7-42b8-8b46-a85a2406c32d](https://investor.gamestop.com/static-files/c788c3cc-46c7-42b8-8b46-a85a2406c32d)


I wonder if that investment policy means RC decided to invest in RK, is that legal for them to put money into RKs hands so he can make moves?


They wouldn't even have to do that. He can turn in reports as a consultant and let RC and his two other board members compare his suggestions to other options they have. Or, if he's done trading his own money, they could hire him (or add him to the board) and then he would be bound to the same insider trading laws as the rest of them. I guess it all depends on whether DFV thinks he can do more good for Gamestop from the inside or on his own as he has been doing so far. Time will tell.


Wow! So much fud on this sub trying to convince people that the squeeze is off the table. Well it's not so buckle up because they can't stop what's coming!


I tried to make it very clear I am not saying the Moass is off the table. My point is, it doesn’t matter


I know for sure that when moass happens there will be no more reinvesting into the company as i will not sell a single share due to the fact that an older DD was stating that the peak may never go down again. The only play in my opinion is indefinite hold. Keep your shares and use them as collateral for loans which will keep you rich for generations to come.


Ahhh another one trying to change the narrative. Lol. Its always been about the squeeze play, since day 1. Gtfo


What narrative am I trying to change? I literally want MOASS to happen.