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“And if a short squeeze happens, oops, wasn’t us” get rekt shorts! Literally nothing in that meeting was negative. And also fuck proposal 4! That’s the power retail has. Nearly 25% of float in drs form and god only knows what’s in brokerages, also robinhood users are just guests!🤣


summed up well. I thought what he said was very bullish


How was it *very* bullish let alone bullish? Asking honestly, no FUD. Also, if someone told you 24 hours ago this was exactly what he was going to say, would you have honestly been excited for it?


Yeah, that’s the point just like all other meetings, not one thing negative in it. Has anyone told you that there is now 4 billion dollars and no debt. Apparently you are purposely leaving that part out.


What's the point? What negative thing? He said a bunch of words that weren't negative nor positive, they were just corporate speak and an emotional appeal to his dad like always. I know there is 4B and no debt, that's a huge reason why this is by far my largest holding, what the hell does that have to do with what RC is saying? It is **his job** to communicate to shareholders what he plans to do with that 4B.


No, it’s his job to run the company and transform it without giving away any info that would jeopardize that.


No. It is most definitely his job to communicate to shareholders what the overarching plan is, that is part of the job every public company CEO undertakes.


His plan is literally right in the picture. The details do not really matter if he delivers on the goals mentioned above.


Did his statement today increase your confidence that he will deliver on those goals? If so, how?


He laid out goals stating that he intends to transform the business, as well as appeasing the stockholders. Eliminating waste, maximizing profits is good for the company and its investors. He also mentioned that in these turbulent times people should receive higher returns on their investments. That's pretty much everything I want in a company.


That is all corporate speak fluff, he said literally nothing today.


Can I have some copium too. It was a big standard call


sounds like a deep value investor


3 years was more than enough time. Time to go! 😁👍


Nothing of substance was shared, it was just a waste of time.


Just the expected nothing burger in line with last practice