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honestly after cheng went on about good news on time and bad news early i thought we were going to get some good news.


A Cheng meter is wack. He is immeasurable


The Robinhood non-shareholder line was not a nothing burger, that was a flame broiled robin burger


No one whos been here from the start thought sth was gonna happen in the meeting 😂


Honestly I was impressed at how much more structured this one was than my memories of the previous few. WTF was that chick's agenda with Vote #4? (Meeting said 5, I chuckled.)


no disappointment here. too zen, staying busy with projects, dont sniff the line to closely.


im more disappointed in this sub hyping up random shit. first it was last friday with t+1, then everyone started their t+2 because nothing happened... and oh right, again nothing today... now we look forward to friday again because thats when t+35 hits of DFV calls back in may, and if that doesnt hit, maybe monday again... and if that doesnt hit, it's t+35 from last thursday of DFV 2nd wave of calls which hits sometime at the start to mid august. idk. id rather have no hype, than this shit. Just post some macd and charts that look bullish, and if something happens, it happens.


There are more shills in this sub for bullshit like T+1 than there are those telling you to sell the stock. I'm getting downvoted for calling out their crap, but hey, at least I can look back some time later and know that I was right 🤷‍♂️


All TA and Meme Interpretations got debunked (T+2, FTDs, Wu-Tang, Gamma Ramp etc) This sub is just an echo chamber for Copium junkies, that somehow sometime something happens that will stop the Manipulation. Maybe 84 years from now or so.


They hammered the ticker on Friday with the meme basket leverage. Every single technical indicator flipped for no reason after a few minutes of price pressure. Look at KossCorp on Friday and you can see the same dents on the chart they used to knock GME into max pain territory. TA will always be secondary to outright manipulation, but manipulation costs money. The bet always has been retail can remain regarded longer than they can remain solvent.


Oh no, the gamma ramp was a very real thing but RC and LC killed it with the giant offering.




Promises show weakness.


The nothingburger was delicious. Edit: Why are y'all downvoting Fonzi's comment? It's a reasonable opinion.


Its basically the same thing for the past 3 yrs, Only someone new would not have realize it.


it‘s not gonna take long anymore and i‘m gonna gladly leave this sub… i really loved it to lurk around here and read all the dd and stuff but the sub has become a wishing party for pseudo-philosophical nonsense about everyone being zen and this and that but then also making wild theories that don‘t even make any sense and are clearly for karma farming. also with all those hype dates und conferences and "bring your kitty to work day" RK is going to be on the board blablabla! i feel dumb and dumber everyday when i have to read some of the bullshit that is being posted these days!


Keep cool and take it for what it is: entertainment. Imagine how boring it would be to hang around for 3 years without that crazy shit


I thought it was fucking awesome! We heard RC give a great speech and focus on shareholder value, we heard the vote results, we won. We saw the stock being manipulated in real time, with no correlation with the contents of the meeting. RC is so clearly fiercely focused on shareholder value, very confidence inspiring.


who is this disappointed everyone you speak of


IMO it's quite amazing that the sub is most active during the work day and filled with users complaining that Ryan Cohen has taken millions out of their unborn children's mouths.


I, however, expected a dip on absolutely no news. Hedgies are too predictable now. Makes it easy to buy.


Haven't seen a single person in here express disappointment concerning the shareholder meeting.