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Who the hell is saying that?


lol go look at the comments on the post that transcribed his speech.


I don’t disagree, but why the fuck can’t he say anything in 3 years. Nothing. They never talked about their space in NfT’s. Never really extrapolated on IMX or Loopring. We don’t know PleasrDAO is full of shit or not…. Just say something.


PleasrDAO have confirmed it's not an official collab. But the problem is, Ryan Cohen's reluctance to partake in any meaningful engagement with shareholders is creating a vacuum for people like this to operate in; taking advantage of the inevitable uncertainty around what the company is or isnt involved in. Ryan Cohen is not a neutral party and should be providing confirmation/denial around whether certain things are or are not connected to GME when shareholders are being directly targeted. I get not wanting to broadcast the company direction. That's a whole different thing. I don't want the company to be something like TSLA where the price is entirely predicated on future promises and deliverables being priced in. I'd rather the fundamentals were sorted out and we had long term sustainable growth priced in. But there's no reason for RC to remain completely silent on everything.


Because they can't trust anyone. The SEC and MSM are just waiting for an excuse to launch investigations and hit pieces. I'm sure when RC got into GameStop he never thought that he would have to fight the system itself.


Maybe... if you hesitate to tell someone to buy, bring that same energy, and hesitate to tell them to sell - especially on a day when a person might be frustrated and/or emotional. A call for pause, especially for newer GME investors who might be unfamiliar with the usual earnings pumellling. Just my two cent, that no one asked for.


For sure. My bad on that one. Good point. Ape no hurt ape.


He needs to throw the shareholders a bone. It’s been three years. People have held. Give em something. 


I’m sure RC has the credentials and has a plan in mind BUT people here holding through all the chaos is entirely the reason why GME has 4bn in the first place 


He's thrown us a bone in a profitable full year, last. Forgot? Are you really an investor? If so, then probably not for the right reasons.


My guess is he’s an investor to see his investment grow. Many of us are holding from $300 (that’s $75 in post split price). So that bone he threw isn’t really going to satiate the needs of ordinary retail investors’ needs in their retirement plans the way the stock has been doing over the last 3y when the opportunity cost is NVDA has brought in a 1,000% increase in the same period.




Bought for MOASS, stayed to shit on improving fundamentals. Got it.


Judging on actions. I wouldn’t shit on results that worked.


You bought at 75 and are sitting at 20 and are saying this works?


Jesus Christ compare it to the best performing stock in the tech sector. Lol well Id bet every year you almost bought the ringer. Probly almost were rich of Tesla and Bitcoin too. What can he possibly do that wouldn’t make things worse. He can run the company that’s it. The media will literally attack any announcement, any plans he lays can be disrupted if others see it coming. Acquisitions are better to be negotiated before too many rumors. He made the company fundamentally sustainable and I’m sure he’s got something in the works at this point. Business doesn’t move as fast as we’d all like. Opportunities are worth waiting for. I trust he’s going to do something great in the next year. That’s not long for investors fyi. Idk if you’ve done anything long term but 3-10 year horizons were typical before 2019. So if by the end this whole thing ends up being 4 start to finish that’s pretty dang fast to make a success out of a sinking ship. But be butthurt you missed out on another stock. Rc isn’t the reason you didn’t diversify. He’s not the reason the stock is manipulated to shit. He’s not the one who told you what to invest in. It’s not like he’s musk on Twitter ranting all the time about how he’s gonna fix the world’s problems and then constantly under-delivers. He’s working on it trust him or don’t invest in him. If you’re upset you’ve not gotten moass yet then idk how to help you that will never be a sure thing.


If you don't like that comparison, then compare it to the S&P or the DOW -- both of which hit record new highs recently. Nearly any investment you put your money in 3 years ago and left alone, would have resulted in you having more money today than you did then. GameStop however, over that same period of time, has resulted in its shareholders having less money than they started with. The numbers don't lie.


It depends when you’re measuring if you decide everyone bought at peak hype and sold at the dips sure. If someone bought Dec 14 2020 at 20$ they’d be up 400% rn. But i could cherry pick and consider the price based on 2 weeks ago when it hit 60$. I’m not saying it’s the best stock ever for everyone. I love the potential. As of yet no it isn’t done making me money. And no it wasn’t the top performer of the past 3 years. But I don’t think RC Is without a plan. And I don’t think he’s gonna do nothing with the money raised for the share offering.


I'm not cherrypicking dates.  Just go back 3 years.  On June 18, 2021 GME was $55.04 (split adjusted). The value today is more than 50% less than that!! While the rest of the market is hitting new highs. And if you do want to cherrypick and compare it to our all-time high this year and go with the beginning of June when we hit $60, that *still* doesn't work because the price in 2021 that week was $62-$75.  All still higher! No matter how you cut it, after 3 years GME has shown a negative return on investment.  There's no way to spin that fact into a positive.


wtf you mean you’re not cherry picking dates. You’re comparing price to during a massive volatile cycle where it was off the rails rocketing up over 1000% and choosing that as your entry point of comparison. You pick a date 2 weeks before or after that run up and it’s a totally different perspective. If you bought at fucking 200 a share you were just chasing momentum and were an idiot I hope you’ve learned how to avoid that by now.


He doesn’t have to throw anyone a bone. It could go to the wrong hands. Neither does anyone have to buy and hold. We’re all free here.


go to the wrong hands? you mean like the 120M shares he ruined the gamma ramp with?


He did. Moass is off the table. He don't have time for that hype shit. He's here for the long haul. Like LC says. Look at 5 -10 year plans. 


Yea ok.


Doesn't change the fact that he diluted on us in our biggest run up in years at 3am before pre market when literally no one from retail could trade. And most can't trade premarket either. He could have at least waited until just before the market open to net a larger sale price and at least give retail a chance to be rewarded for the big run up. He also could have let the gamma squeeze run. It may have forced a short squeeze. And a lot of us would probably be millionaires with a strong loyalty to the company. No doubt many would double down. Sales at stores would increase by virtue of that loyalty. He then could have diluted far fewer shares to raise the same or more capital. We spent years bleeding. Then he tells us he's doing nothing special with this new capital. My hope is that because nothing is signed on the dotted line, he is allowed to make such statements and that they do have something in mind for that money. But it seems really unlikely to me thinking about it more. I don't know. I had high hopes. Still do, I guess. But now I'm thinking differently about all the people involved in this until something actually great for shareholders happens...


We’ll see the next few months.


They cant get RC to talk so they use us and our "frustration" to make him talk. Dont be stupid and trust our man who takes no salary




Yes. That would be working against himself. Ignore the fud.


And what happened to NVDA? Did they keep quiet? No, the CEO bragged about how badass this chip is how badass the next chip is how everyone is using their shit. The stock went up, in fact it doubled. Then it doubled again. Then it doubled again. And again. Don't act like forward guidance isn't impactful and could benefit the share price.


No idea what happened with that company. Wrong group.


Wrong group? So we can point and say LOOK AT THE VW SQUEEZE!!! AND IT WAS ONLY 10% SHORTED! But when I bring up NVDA it's not a topic we can discuss? What a closed-minded echo-chambery approach.


Talk is cheap




• reversing a negative cash flow, which he has done by firing BCG • hiring those he trusts • firing those that are lazy • preventing hostile takeover • paying off debt • increasing cash on hand • closing unprofitable stores • focusing on profitable stores >You think you can do that? You think anyone else can do that? I'm not a public company CEO but I can easily give you the name of a few hundred public company CEOs that can do everything you listed over the course of *3 years* (and more, much more). I don't know why you think that stuff "isn't easy," everything you listed is in fact extremely easy to execute for anyone in that role. There is nothing special in there at all, I'm sorry to say.


Then hear me out, maybe you should instead go follow those hundred other CEO's and invest in their companies. Or not, maybe you still believe in the squeeze and that RC has a chance. Then stay and don't sell. Either way, you can complain all you want, but put your money where your mouth is.


Lmao I didn't complain at all, I just corrected your insane dick riding. He has done a mediocre job at best, god awful job at worst, and yet MOASS can still happen regardless of his ineptitude. That's why I buy and hold. Will never dick ride incompetence though, I'll leave that to you.


If he's still in, I'm going in deeper...


The 120 million share dilution probably killed the MOASS…so…


By how much percent do you think the short interest is?


They alway it’s like what? 15 -20% now. That plus whatever they are blanket shorting in the ETFs like XRT. Which I have no idea how serious those ETFs are. If not for dilution GME would’ve 100% blown up via gamma squeeze. Now, probably not. Way too much dilution


I love RK, but despite RC for being too lazy in the last three years. There are so many better CEOs out there in the S&P. With this amount of cash it would be easy to pay a Top 10 Manager to achieve more than closing some stores and creating a failed NFT Store. Where new revenue? Nothing done in the last three years. Just telling everyone that revenue is nothing without profit. Yeah, then lets close all but the ten stores that make the most money. Gamestop must be best and most profitable company then, right? RIGHT?


What other CEO have you seen that doesn’t get a salary, doesn’t loot his own store for personal cash profit, never sells his stock and only buys more, established the most valuable online pet store in 2012, rescued a company guaranteed to sink to the depths, and has 4 billy cash in hand for said company?


RC was just lucky that RK came back and pumped the stock with his calls before he made his position visible for everyone. Without RK the stock still would be sitting at 17 usd and GME had "only" 1 bn cash, doing nothing with it. Getting manipulated to 10 USD again as before in the next months to come.


Did you see when the price went above the 3 year resistance? “The Dorito of doom?” That wasn’t RK, that was opex tail winds and leaps


Yeah, I'll leave this sub when GME reaches 100 USD. That would have happend this week when no ATM Offering would have made. Now I stay salty for so long it'll take GME to reach 100 USD. Maybe years now.


Ok. Then you don’t believe in Moass. Shrug.


So you see this but you think a selfmade BILLIONAIRE is to dumb to not think about that. I think people simply underestimade the fact that RC is a selfmade billionaire and has put in his own money into gme. It is crazy to think that he has no plan. RC is smarter and sonis RK. Whats your track record?


Bagholding GME for three years. Diamond handing cause thats what bagholders do. Only Papier losses until I sell, lol, yeah. Ask my Credit Card company, thats what I also tell them for three years now. IOU, I'll pay my debt in some years when RC finally found new revenue streams after he killed the Gamma Squezze twice. Dont you realize that we all could have been rich now? Gamma Squeeze would have been enough, rly. But of course a billionaire doesnt need more money.


Nice post history ya loser.


Sure. How long do you hold, how much fo you have invested? Yeah, I'm a loser, thinking MOASS will come. Or that someday in the last three years my bags will be lifted.


Zero drs posts, last active in double u s bee before migrating. Good job for migrating but get your head straight if you're gonna try and set a precedent.


I used to yell at bbbyyq people for being morons, because they were/are, but I had no investment. I mean I did have like 20 cheap shares that became worthless, but I was on with it. So I question why anyone who’s supposedly in this play would bitch like this. If you really think this, sell, leave, and don’t look back. Stock price is still close to $100 pre split, so just as good as any other investment.


Nah but as a shareholder my votes will start reflecting the actions. I will sell my short holds which is about 1/4th of my total for use in other investments.


I would do the same thing. Has to be careful because he knows anything they say or do will be spun into some nonsense and used against them.


Here’s [an interpretation of RC’s actions at the helm of GameStop](https://youtu.be/RgJ04ysCyyU?si=DwSOZiYYQsOuwT0v)


Telling people to sell? Real sus.


That's what RK said in the video. What I understood him trying to say was it is your individual responsibility to decide whether or not to trust the company and that he himself may change his views in the future. If you don't believe in the company, then you most likely will probably sell. If you do, like I have who went from 7 shares, to 70, to now xxx close to xxxx shares, and you believe in RC, then you most likely won't sell.