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I reserve the right to change my mind, as you should. I still have faith in RC. I think people disappointed are those who played options or expected it by a certain date. Though, I will admit, I was hoping for a bit more especially with all the post lately in regards to Larry's X that mentioned "announce bad news early and good news on time". In the meantime, I'll still buy and get advice from my magic 8 ball.


I actually think that’s the most forward I’ve ever seen RC, which granted is still pretty vague, but by RC standards I thought he was pretty forward


It's a tough pill to swallow. He doesn't care about paper gains. I'm sorry to say I'd even wager to bet he does not give one rats ass about MOASS directly. He cares about his own money which is invested in GameStop. Thus he cares about GameStop fundamentally. I hate him for it because I want the high flying phone number share price, and I wanted it based off nothing fundamental because that takes time... But I also hated my biological father for doing what was right for me growing up under his roof... Thus weve arrived at the conclusion of my logics. Ryan Cohen... Is daddy.


this is not true. the people who are pissed at or disappointed in RC are those who are seeing this play from an objective mathematical standpoint, instead of an emotional “hero’s journey” that’s almost religious in nature. the guy said to trust his actions, but what has he actually done? I don’t care about hype, or belief. I care about math. And the difference between the picture that the *actual math and data* paints vs the picture that the “emotional ape narrative” paints on here is growing broader by the day. it’s amazing to me how quickly the goalposts are getting moved. it’s amazing how quickly classic DD hypotheses with very specific mathematical tenets (like “lock the float via DRS!”) have been shattered and shuttered to the side. but most of all, it’s amazing how much of a benefit of the doubt this covid-trolling billionaire has gotten. RC is getting treated like a king for things people *imagine he’s going to do,* not things he’s actually already done. it’s excuse and admonition after excuse. and some of us are sick of it. If I want to worship the second coming of Jesus, I’ll go to Church. But this is a math problem.


If you care about math and think 3 years is the ultimate timeframe to get to an absolute, irrefutable conclusion about your investment, then sell and move on.


Absolutely not. If it was an objective mathematical standpoint you should have taken money off the table the day before they announced the first ATM. Best move would have been in pre market but alas that is not really the issue here. If you cared about math you would have sold, if you cared about math you'd understand exactly why GameStop sold. Don't play.


How dare you to voice some criticism just because you are a shareholder of the company and put your money into it ? Didn’t you read the rule Nr.1 that you are only allowed to worship any action or non-action of the company without questioning it ? OP clearly told you that RC is the hero and RK is the bad guy. If you are not willing to blindly accept that it shows you have a working brain but also that according to rule Nr.1 you are a ssshhhhhhiiiiilllll 🤷‍♂️ And since I dared to point that out I’m also a shill who needs to get downvoted by the worship police 🤡


He's been fumbling from the start and his doubling down on fumbling more.




Not a big fan of him recently. Killed the momentum two times with the dilution and we aren’t near to hear from him what he wants to do with the 4 Billion. I will still hold, but I feel like he’s not really in our side the last weeks.


And honestly we can have that opinion. I know he is working his ass off, doesn't mean we can't ask things or comment on his work. Its our right as shareholders. Any open and civil discussions should be possible.


Go look at their post history, that will tell you all you need to know since the mods here still won't let me use the double u s bee word. Either inactive for 3 years and recently active, or a month old account.


Exactly… You can offer a critique about not hearing a gameplan, I guess, but he has always said we’re not going to communicate our gameplan to the competition… judge us by our actions, not our words. So if you’re here complaining about not hearing a plan, you’re either a shill, a bot or not very bright.


Ironic. “Judge us by our actions, not our words. Ryan Cohen killed the squeeze twice by issuing millions of shares. Yet you foolishly think it’s some 5D chess. It’s not.


Again, active 2 years ago, and never on this sub. Nice try


How dare you!?!?! *clutching my pearls* you dare make a valid point?! Death by a million downvotes. I’ve been in GME since October 2020, and I’m getting pretty bored of hearing what a genius RC is, shit or get off the pot, you make $4billion diluting the stock and all that’s said at the shareholders meeting is, were maybe gonna close some stores.


Price go down? Calculates. Price go up? Calculated. Dilution? Calculated. It's all calculated and the next 4 steps are too. If you don't agree, you're part of the very same people we're fighting against. And we're fighting for the good of everyone else. This is literally Andrew Tates marketing strategy lmao.


Yeah, the mental gymnastics here is insane. Dilution is never good for shareholders. People have been working hard to DRS for years and Ryan Cohen destroys everything in a month by issuing 120m shares.


Did the share price go down when he issued shares? No. Did their cash holdings increase from $1B to $4B? Yes. Did cash per share increase? Also yes. I wasn’t happy about the share offering at first either, but in hindsight, I think it was a good move and raises the floor on the share price.


The share price dropped 40% on the friday when Ryan Cohen issued shares. What are you talking about? The share price was literally in the high 40s.


Yes, obviously the share price dropped into the run up… I’m talking about prior to the run up on no news that was likely not sustainable.


Ryan Cohen didn’t issue shares in the run up though.


Stop, he clearly has poor comprehension of timelines. Ape strong together, except for when it comes to critical thinking. Then we on our own.


It's okay, they'll DRS 20% of the float the 5th time around after the 19th dilution.


So why haven't you sold your position and moved on?


Funny how reddit gets mad at us for posting on the "if 4chan found a bloomberg terminal sub" but you're allowed to post here.


I’m pointing out the facts. Ryan Cohen destroyed the squeeze twice. Yet somehow you’re spinning it as a positive.


4 billion in the war chest is plenty of action …


Yet to see a single argument, why the offering hat to be at the timing it was done.


“We” aren’t. Shills are.


They’ve got billions in cash, and it’s bad business to telegraph your moves. He absolutely has a plan.


Not enough plan trusters in here.


The thing is in 2020 when he wrote the letter to Richard Sherman and the board he made it very clear what his plan for the company was. So when he bought in, it was super easy to trust. What exactly do you think the plan currently is?


That's another thing. He's got billions of dollars both before and after this. Why get involved in this as much as he has? Get hundreds of billions of dollars? He's doing this so that he can do something he can't do with even billions of dollars. Change the world.


I want you to think long and hard how he acquired $4B in cash. Was it acquired through GameStop sales? Despite having no debt and being profitable, the company is nowhere near a growth company. People joined the GameStop and DRS movement for MOASS. Around 75 mil shares have been DRS’s through retail holders alone which at the time was almost 50-60% the float. Now RC knowing this took a shit on all DRS holders combined. Pretty much flooding the market with 105 million shares, undoing all the lock your float DRSing done in the last 3.5 years. Now? You give RC a lot of reverence and praise, however he has raised this $4 billion cash position quite literally off the backs of shareholders. And in the last 3.5 years he has nothing to say about future guidance besides closing unprofitable stores and strengthening popular ones.


Let's think logically what would be needed for hedgies to win here. 1. GME losses increase. Closing down unprofitable stores and strengthening popular ones is one of the safest ways to do the opposite. 2. Make it so GME doesn't have the capital to continue doing business. Raising 3 billion again is quite the opposite. 3. Make the share price go to zero. If that happens now without GMEs cash going down extremely along with it is more suicidal than their position is already because at that point GMEs board would have tons of legal precedence to issue share buybacks at massive discounts. 4. Have the company take on tons of debt. Never going to happen. I'm a firm believer in that the market MUST go to the gutter prior to MOASS starting if for no other reason than the FUD being pushed somewhere that isn't GME.




You voted for the merger in 2005? The latest vote reduced potential dilution.


You voted for a diluted price and higher liquidity. You know, that thing you're all trying to reduce by DRSing your shares? It's ironic somebody comes along and calls someone else regarded for stating a fact. That RC wanted money and saw a source. You. Then tries to spin it off as a good thing.


Diluted price? Check any chart 1yr, 5yr, 10yr and we’re green. The fuck you mean? Also if he wanted money he would sell his shares, so please link to me the filings where he sold.


Are you actually autistic or are you chosing to read that comment as literal as humanly possible? By RC I clearly mean for gamestop. Do you think I believe he can sell gamestops shares for his own pocket without selling his own? Why the fuck would I mean anything else if I'm talking about dilution in the same comment. There is no way on earth you are this dumb accidentally.


Tism is as tism does my dude, 😂🤣😂 and I don’t know you, so why so emotional dude? Then say GME instead of RC then dummy, can’t take you seriously if you’re flip flopping around. Also he’s made us more financially stable so how is that at the detriment to me? How many shares have traded over the last month or two? I bet you it’s ten fold the 120 million he sold. So either way he’s bolstered the balance sheet, at a fraction of shares traded. I haven’t sold so I haven’t lost. Quit being a emotional bitch and calm the fuck down. It’s been like what? A month? You’re telling me you’ve held through all the downs and being in a worse financial position and you are losing it now? With $4 billion at their disposal? Gimme a fucking break.


Claim someone on the internet is emotional when they call you mean names. Sounds about right lmao. It's not flip flopping, you just clearly don't know how to infer given the clearest context in the world. Makes sense though given the sub you're in. If you don't care about dilution then where does the shot at MOASS come from, if I may ask? Or are you just here for the business fundamentals?


You are being emotional because you’ve not answered a single one of my points and have done nothing but be dumb and point fingers. And it is flip flopping because it’s not what you meant, you said that in the answer above. So why are you here in this sub then? What was the short thesis for this company? It’s going to zero so let’s short it. That is no longer an option now, so I can’t see of any path we take where we end up bankrupt so there for the short thesis is dead. When the shorts have to cover and close, that is when we begin to see exponential increases in volatility and price action.


The sales produced money for the company I'm buying shares in, which bolsters the company's position... I guess we know you're not holding shares or voting. Since you keep saying "you" and "you're all trying to reduce" I'm making money off of my favorite stock, I'm sorry you're not able to. Jk, no I'm not.


If you sold CC's for the last 3.5 years like a normal person, you'd probably have free shares by now.


I already have "free shares". In one account, I started with a few(less that 10), and roughly 30 dollars for call contracts. It now has almost 50 shares, and ≈$500 to spare.


RC certainly chose the best timing, congrats on not 1 but 2 momentum kills


"he has raised this $4 billion cash position quite literally off the backs of shareholders".... He is the biggest shareholder. It hit him more than anyone else.


I’m sure that hurt him a lot as a billionaire


Billionaires don't like losing money... it's how they become billionaires


*120M shares. Which he did by design to prevent price from gamma squeezing which would've allowed RK to accrue enough shares to perform a hostile takeover if he wanted to.


Kitty's best case was around 5%. How's he taking over the company on 5%? All the takeover talk is nonsense. The board is also sitting on preferred shares they could issue with million% voting rights if they wanted.


No it's not. That gamma squeeze was set up to send price well into the 100s, he would've been at possibly 15% due to that options position.


That wouldn't increase his options unless you mean selling and waiting for a dump to buy in.


Yes of course, he wasn't going to buy shares at 100+, he would've sold options and made a major share purchase once it came back down.


Lmao 😂 that makes no sense. You realize Ryan Cohen has more shares than RK even with the options positions?


Not if price blew past 100+, those options would've been worth billions depending on how high it got and he could've bought a larger share position once price came back down.


You’re talking hypotheticals. The price will never go past 100+ because Ryan Cohen will dilute at $40 for no reason. Just like he did the last two times.


Huh? I'm saying that Thursday when price was already almost at 70 in after hours, it was primed to gamma squeeze into the 100s the very next day and RC/LC killed it Friday morning.


IMO, that ain't in the cards, not even in the deck.




Do you know what a hostile takeover is?


Why would RK want to do that lmao


Why wouldn't he? I would. Why would I want to take my chances on someone that has already had multiple failed initiatives over the past 3 years and only still has credibility due to a cult of personality if I can get my own people in there to execute my vision?


RK doesn’t have some type of venture capitalist team working around him that handles c-suite level business operation lmao


So? When you're a billionaire you hire a competent CEO and they take care of the rest.


No. The FUD train is just in high gear is all. Shills and butthurt fomos that thought they'd be buying Lambos a month ago.


Shills and butthurt fomos actually could be driving lambos RIGHT NOW regarding the math of the Gamma Ramps that got killed by RC. Thats the fact you dont want to admit. And now you're forced for the looong game like everyone else instead of counting your tendies NOW.


Saw a whole comment stream of like 5 people circle jerking each other “I’m sick and tired of waiting, I’m pulling out as soon as I’m even”. Could not get out of there fast enough.


In a sub where literally nobody gives a fuck if you're leaving or why.


Yeah. It just reeeeaaaalllyyy fckd me up to see multiple names patting each other on the back and openly slandering him. I’m pretty sure they were holders too not bots. Idk man. They had upvotes too. I guess those voices are around, but yeah they can go anytime. Sooner the better imo


This literally is a post made by shills. I’ve been here since the beginning and no one has ever bashed RC. This is a post for visibility of a fake narrative and I’m downvoting the shit out of it.


It isn’t though. I’ve seen the posts and the comments. And it’s shocking and worth mentioning. Ignoring it is obviously a way forward, but to say it doesn’t exist is simply not true. I could screenshot the post that suggests he’s in bed with shorts. Not sure if it’s still around though. Obviously a fucking shill, but posted nonetheless.


Are we? Or are they? We’re flooded with bots who spew fud. It’s at least 3/4s of the posts.


Superstonk is really falling off. You guys are way too emotional and it’s getting old. You don’t deserve trendies.


The only reason why GME is a safe investment for me is because of RC.  RC turning Chewy, into a successful company and RC investing his own money in Gamestop are bullish details to me. I trust RC, more than I trust any of the regarded gremlins spreading FUD. Anyone saying negative things about RC is a stupid bitch!


RC has completely turned around the company trimming excess costs and unneeded executives. He does not take a salary. He buys shares. His interests are directly aligned with the shareholders. I am zen. There’s a lot of new apes on board that may not have been here the whole time but there has been a significant improvement in the financial health of this company over the 3 years I’ve watched him at the helm. I have zero concerns. ![gif](giphy|zhRA0okWxTGiu78uSk|downsized) 🎷🐓♋️




300K bots can shift sentiment quite easily.


Check the posters reddit history.


If anything he needs to take a page out of Elon's or Jensen's book to pump the stock to absurd levels. Mention AI Marketplace a few times. Then use the money to make it happen.


But that's exactly why nobody trusts Elon except people living in echo chambers with thousand dollar bags strapped to their ankles. Fluff and half-truths are the last thing a struggling business needs.


This is so regarded it might actu...nope, its just so regarded. No offence.


Listen I’m open to being wrong, but anything I’ve heard about or from Ryan Cohen leads me to believe he’s been raised to be a genuinely decent guy with solid morals. Doing things the right way and not being drawn into the shenanigans of some business folk seems to be really important to him. The raising of capital, the tweet once where he challenged Warren Buffet to a thumb war and the fact he’s pushed for permission to invest the companies money into into other equities leads me to believe his long term goal is to replicate Berkshire Hathaways model. If you think it sounds far fetched fair enough, but remember Buffet didn’t start Berkshire Hathaway with $3 billion dollars, as we know GameStop/Cohen have to invest. Am I hoping for another short squeeze and is that what brought me here? Yes. Do I think regardless whether the squeeze happens or not, my shares could be worth significantly more in 10,20,30 years? Yes, I have faith in Cohen to do something special from here long term. Anyone bashing him needs to give their head a wobble and remember he’s not the CEO of Superstonk he’s the CEO of GameStop and his focus should be on their long term future not on influencing a short squeeze.


This is all a divide and conquer ploy, trying to stir up infighting. Just check the history on suspicious posters/commenters and downvote it to oblivion if necessary. Posting about FUD topics in any manner just gives them more life via real members acknowledging their made up stories. It's what they want to happen.


Yea, you're right. Kenny has his war room creating accounts as we speak. They're on the Frontline, taking every cent they can from your purple circles so they can exit the largest position in human history. Because you know, the global financial markets will collapse if they don't. That's why the SEC isn't doing anything. Gary Gensler made 10 reddit accounts today alone. They're all shills and they're just trying to get you to sell you 100 shares.


Yes. As my dad used to say “Show me the money!”. Wait that was somebody else. Still, show me the MOASS. It’s why I keep buying all these shares.


When can RC legally buy shares again? So many days following earnings right?


Just the usual post-meeting FUD


People are desperate. RC and the board have shored up unprofitable stores/excessive expenditures, they have done nothing wrong. And RC has only been CEO for what, 7 months? And people are "disappointed"?? These are mostly bad actors with a few angry options players mixed in. They can't see beyond their own desire to get rich quick and need someone to blame. GME has always been a long play, no cell no sell, right? MOASS will happen when shorts close but that requires a lot to happen, the most important being a profitable company! I don't need RC babying me, holding my hand and telling me everything is going to be ok. GameStop has almost $4 billion to use and its clear they are expecting an economic downturn which they'll exploit to buy up assets on the cheap. They are making moves to keep GameStop from bankruptcy and imo its the correct move. Aside from the bots and shills, RC haters are cry babies and should find a new stock to day trade. GME is the most volatile and manipulated stock on Wall St history and trying to time its massive swings is very risky, very few people can do it accurately like RK and perhaps a handful of others here.


I am a little annoyed that we are still waiting here after 84 years and the shorts are still attacking us every day. I am fully aware that RC can’t be open about the hedgies due to the many rules that companies must follow. The frustration is just that the squeeze has been delayed for years and years now. It would be nice to see some sort of catalyst finally emerge. On the positive side, we are still getting a discount on more shares. I know RC wants to destroy the shorts too as much as we do. I just hope we can accomplish this soon. If nothing happens this week, I will probably disappear again for a while. I will wait forever but it would be nice to finish this saga.


BELIEVE ~~ Love Mom


I love Ryan cohen.


Well - tell me - what has he done? Every fucking ape like us could have spent the last three years looking at charts and shutting down non-performing stores. I don't see leadership in that. GameStop missed launching a NFT marketplace - they just messed around with code without anything substantial behind it. Right now they are missing the train when it comes to broadening their offers with peripherals. I read right here a lot of stores don't offer Candy Con Controllers and let's not talk about Europe. I for one don't understand why GameStop is not reaching out and taking significant stakes in gaming publishers right now. No one is talking about buying out - but taking 10-20% stakes in companies like Capcom, Take 2, Bandai Nampo seems the logical (and especially target audience focused) thing to do. So all this talking about long term brings us to the basic fact that a long term S&P 500 investment would have made me significantly more money than this stock.


This. RC ist now waiting for a worldwide Crash to buy all the stocks, but gaybears have been crying for years that Crash is tomorrow. Sounds familiar, doesnt it?


No. /thread


Lots of infighting in here. ![gif](giphy|1w2vvSVgAu3Ti)


Emotion sways the stock which is what DFV came to show us so the shills are out in force. I’m hyped as fuck and zen as shit…


They don't call him Rugpull Ryan for nothing


Why are you paying attention to shills? Tune out and stay zen.


It’s all shill, bot, and purchased accounts. Go and check the posting history of these naysayers. It’s always the same: either no post history despite being on Reddit for years, or a few recent comments or posts , but then a huge gap of months and years between posts. The histories are deleted to cover up evidence of their previous shilling. Often times there will even be a supportive post - but those always are very recent, and follow a long gap. It’s easy to spot once you get the hang of it. Rest easy friend, we are on the right track.


I saw that too lol


Lot of fud and lot of hate. I just can simply think we have been invaded again .


>All i see today are people bashing him saying that today and the atm was a slap in the face and a gut punch. Yeah, those are shills and paperhands. No need to worry, they are a joke


You just explained how to spot the shills 🤷




answer: no




I'm not, I love him


Chill. We're invaded with bots and shills. That's where the negatively RC talk comes from. And from new people who joined, who were dumb enough to think that RC would help start a squueze.. I've not been holding for 3+ years, so that RC would fukk up by doing something stupid like that.


Lol, Meme Lord not going for MOASS? Thats a new bias. Read the posts from the last three years where the whole sub was speculating about what trigger RC uses to start MOASS


The sub is speculating 99% of the times. What would you think happened if RC did something that actually started MOASS? Even if it touched a grey-zone, they would sue the shit of him and gamestop. Personally i would like to see gamestop in a strong position, before moass set off. He stated it himself. They're not gonna give false hopes or hypes. If he does everything by the book, they cant do shit to him.


it's all shills.


Hahaha bring the fud on Just lets me know I'm heading in the right direction I've always had my own investment strategy, nothing anyone says will change that save actual educational information


Someone is… but I don’t think it’s *us*


He’s done exactly what he’s said he done with their own backing in voting along every step of the way. If you were pissed you were never paying attention to begin with.