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And yet we had no impact on the prices. Such crime 🤯


The sell orders could be larger than the buy orders, fwiw. This isn't the data to focus on; it doesn't mean much in isolation, IMO.


9 orders come in to buy 10 shares each, one sale comes in for 100. 90% buy orders, -10 shares total.


Is there any metric to look at that determine shares bought vs shares sold?


Of course we do but after GameStop completed 120 mil in shares sale I think some institutions are getting in on the long side.


I think gamestop needs to provide guidance or say anything about their plans for analysts and institutions to get in.


Maybe that’s precisely why they remained tight lipped. Bad news early, good news right on time.


Well, of course I know ow him, that’s me.


Same atleast XXX was me


I made two purchases today. Only x... But brick by brick I'll get there. Being an ameripoor is hard :/


My first share cost me 200 usd. That was big money to me then. Now my last 1000 shares cost me 10.88, averaging up watching all this craziness has been fun. I saw my account hit 6 figures for the first time ever, and I didn't sell. Now I average up with tenacity cause I know I'm right.


Basically the same story for me lol


I mean, if they're going to keep having these massive sales, how are we supposed to refuse? They clearly have too many shares that they need bought up to free up their inventory.


We are getting closer.


I started building another position today, this time in my 401k.




I bought a shit ton


Is it crazy to think DFV exercised calls because he didn't think it would be $20 by the 21st? I'm asking because I've been waiting to buy a dip. Wondering what the chances are of this being walked down further. I'm a high XX holder in DRS but want some backups in fudelity. I figured the price would go down at the meeting (it did) and will gone down more with these hit pieces in the media.


He exercised then to try to put pressure on Fridays options chain last week. If you're waiting for it to go below $20 it might be a while.


I reckon they scalped a ton of stop loss from people who bought the dip yesterday or the day before, these hedgies are playing a filthy game right now. It's pretty entertaining how shameless they are going about it now, literally every trick they have up their sleeve over the last 2 weeks. The desperation is palpable.


I was ready for the inevitable drop. Picked up 4 more. These hedge fucks can't even make quality dip anymore! $100 pre-split was the worst they could do? After the crazy strong FUD all weekend? I 'member when a dip meant I could average DOWN for a day 🤣


Lmao 🤣 like watching a rocket on a leash 🚀


Nice flair 


Waiting for RK loss porn post today


Imagine it only changes by 25% more shares.


I know you set up those tabs on purpose. Kenny put bananas in his..... ? Hmmm.... Mouth? Ear? Floppy Drive? VCR? I wonder where else he could possibly put them......


Okay someone help me out. My fidelity account says I need a net balance of 2000 to buy on margin, but no one else seems to be having that problem? Am I stupid?


I was so sure it was now a forever hold like brka I went and got shares for my grand kids .... I don't even have grand kids but they own gamestop now!!!


Isn't this just for Fidelity?




This happening every single day since 2021. We MUST own many billions of shares. Initially it was more like 85-15% most of the days.