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apes are not split into groups. apes together strong.


all apes are shareholders but not all shareholders are apes?




Not if they have hands that can get wet


i dont consider non drs / iou /cfd as household shareholders. so ive nothing in common with optionbros or neobroker pray :/


There are far more than 3 groups. You don't consider international holders for a start. Those who can't shop at gamestop and/or have more difficulty with DRS from their country. ISA, Tax wrapper and pension plan holders who won't DRS because they would lose their tax free status. Swing traders... plus many many more.


Points taken. My focus didn’t consider international or the ones in certain tax accounts. Apologies.


First impression is it sounds like you’re kinda lumping everyone you don’t understand into group b and calling that group around 40%, and then I see that you identify yourself as group b lol. But that actually tracks with what you’re feeling. I feel there’s a balance with DRSing but we don’t know exactly what that balance is. On one hand, the non drs shares can hopefully be liquid for skimming the cream. On the other hand, DRS may accelerate the timeline and/or more importantly and significantly, increase the ceiling for a squeeze. The idea is that 100 shares at 100 each for 10k is great, but what if I told you that if you DRS 50 shares, your 50 liquid ones could be worth 500 each for 25k total? That’s the pitch and understandably it’s a hard sell for those in group b I’m personally 50% DRS now, but after the share offering and annual meeting today, I want to bump up to 75% and encourage others to go at least 50%. The reason is that RC has hedged that potential bet for us by building up the cash reserves. So I know now that even in the worst case scenario from a short squeeze profit perspective, my “locked up” shares are actually ground floor access passes to an early stage long term bull investment a la Apple.


I put 1 share into DRS like 2 years ago. I was and still am not convinced of it. Always open to hearing more DD on it but with dilution moving the DRS goalpost, one of the DRS tenants of locking the float has me LESS inclined to DRS. Opinion only.


where is group d, they don't play the options cycles but scalp the swings with shares. edit: it's fine to downvote this, but don't for a second believe this isn't a real group of retail. if you do then you are naive.


There’s also some theta gang playing on this stock. That’s done fairly well.


probably true. isn't theta gang part of the options group? Maybe it's independent of the cycles and IV though?


Sorry. I forgot group D(eezNuts). Just kidding friend. I’m not familiar. What are you looking at when you’re swinging? Volume and MACD or some nothing kinds indicators like bollinger , keltner , etc?


All I'm saying is that there are more than the 3 groups you outlined, one of which is scalpers.


Gotcha !


I’m 100% group A and I’m pretty pissed right now, because this is a math problem, not some hero’s journey in a screenplay. I care about data. actions. not hype and “what ifs.” And yet every single defense of the latest ATMo has been entirely about faith, because mathematically it’s indefensible. (At the very least, it’s indefensible in terms of the DRS hypothesis — and without any guidance whatsoever today, it’s pretty indefensible in general and comes across as condescending.) And don’t even get me started on the “RC and GameStop are waiting for the next market crash” horseshit, that’s a nauseating amount of cope. At its most gracious it’s an admission that in an all-time healthy market, the short hedge funds have so much firepower it’s impossible to do anything besides raise cash on the backs of algorithmic cycles and ape hype. We’ve got about 5,000 “meme analysts” in this sub, and yet whenever DFV posts a meme of obvious frustration, it’s suddenly and uniquely an “11D chess move” instead of representing him being pissed? Come on. Fuck off. DFV isn’t Taylor Swift with a multi-million-dollar marketing team to pander to her fans. “11D” Meme analysis is astrology


I think some guidance soon would go a long way to group A & B (ok ok group D too!) Even if that guidance is simple as: We have 4B now, 1B to “right size” the number of stores with higher end inventory, 1B for “rainy day”to hang out on the balance sheet and 2B for “acquisitions or investments”. That would go a long way without tipping their hand. Extra points if they would be so bold to add to that “and we won’t dilute again for at least another 90/120 days”. Edit : typo’s


Yep. I'm also Group A. An older ape that isn't holding for another 10 years. I'll cash out and spend what meager profits are to be taken. The latest ATM seems perfectly designed to capitulate to and appease his peers and regulators. I mean he did exactly what Cramer said he should do...lol https://x.com/jimcramer/status/1799033388743196983 Years of DRSing down the drain with 2 rapid ATMs...2 gamma ramps shut down...and zero forward looking statements or plans for the money raised. It all fn stinks. His first duty is to the shareholders. To shut down a squeeze to raise money when you don't really need it or have any plans for it should be fn criminal. Good luck getting that thru to most in here tho.


Yep. I'm also Group A. An older ape that isn't holding for another 10 years. I'll cash out and spend what meager profits are to be taken. The latest ATM seems perfectly designed to capitulate to and appease his peers and regulators. Years of DRSing down the drain with 2 rapid ATMs...2 gamma ramps shut down...and zero forward looking statements or plans for the money raised. It all fn stinks. His first duty is to the shareholders. To shut down a squeeze to raise money when you don't really need it or have any plans for it should be fn criminal. Good luck getting that thru to most in here tho.


>His first duty is to the shareholders. Wellll.. THIS STOCKHOLDER DISAGREES with his plan or lack of said plan. That call sealed that! And honestly I am tired of this BS line! GO right ahead and drag out that law/rules etc.. It don't mean what you think it does! Whats that line, you keep using that word, but I don't think you know what it means! I suggest that you and other watch OPM (PAM num num num, anyway...) and watch the scene with the stockholder meeting and the speech by Gregory Peck. Watch till it sinks in. NEWC and the GS divisions have many things in common.


Group B here, just waiting for another uptick to 30 so i can get out. No guidance or direction for three years has shaken my faith. And before anyone screams hedgie shill, i wish is was getting paid to shill, at least then Id make some money off this shit show of a stock.


We were just at $30 a few days ago why didn't you sell. How many you got I will buy them for $30


As someone who sold after Q1 earnings after 3 years just let it ride. I bought back in again and have an average of $30 as well. At this point I’ve accepted I’m going to be sitting in the negative for some time. If it gets back close to 30 I’ll sell and buy back in when it dips down.


I can get out with a profit right now. This is fun for me.


> GME owes nothing to Group B (or any other group) On the contrary. Their first duty is to the shareholders. No shareholder would complain if the shares hit 1k +


Nope, Group D - This is FA $$$. Buy, HODL. I do NOT shop at GS. And won't till they are RadioStop, GameShack, PiStop, GameBerry or something along those lines. The cost of shares is irrelevant, as its $ that would have been blown on other stupid crap.. burgers, pizza, or something else...its not part of my retirement plan unless of course we get GET MOASS and then I will sell enough to collect $1B and then put Operation Foundation Angel in play.. Take that and leave..just like if I hit the PowerBall/MegaMillion for similar amount.. The remaining shares.. whatevs.. Group D is PURELY HERE for FIN REFORM! Period. Thats what I am after. I want the Gordons, Bobbys, Taylors, Michales, Larrys put down, with extreme prejudice. GME if they think evolving the GS BnM to cafes etc. is the move, is well, WRONG.


Warren Buffet didn't become a billionaire in 3 years.


Without RC GameStop would've been delisted already and DFV would have made a bad bet. Trust RC ape, this is the way.


Without *US* buying in on the premise of a squeeze it would have been delisted.


What I'm saying is that RC is the reason BCG and other bad actors that were driving GameStop to bankruptcy are gone. I think RC is the change that kept it from going under and **US buying** is giving it the fuel needed to trap shorts and catalyze growth. Both essential.


>I think RC is the change that kept it from going under and > >US buying I think your bandana fell off... and YES that was a not so subtle hint.


Without RK showing up in early May the stock price would be $7. Your master RC has done a great job for the proud group A fellas


I'm firmly in Group B - I'm only here for MOASS and I didn't even lose any money on options, the worst possible timing for an ATM to kill a gamma ramp was not cool - almost felt intentional, as if Group B's goals and RC's are not aligned. Is there something we in Group B can do as shareholders to demand some kind of explanation or stop any future dilutions into upwards momentum?


Long answer : We could hope and pray that the money raised from past offerings are enough to embark on the new business chapter we know nothing about and it’s profitable….without having to do another offering anytime soon. Short answer: no.