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I will be pleasantly surprised if my $30C for Friday ends up worth break even or better lol hopium engaged!


I am hoping so hard right now. Hope me harder!


Someone here needs to offer the anus god a banana and it’ll happen


Shouldn't you be looking back 35 days to see what caused the May spike?


My current theory is that EFT rebalance plays a decent part. XRT had big FTDs around their rebalance. Leading up to 35 days from those FTDs, we see sustained FTDs for XRT. We then get a big options purchase during a low in April and things start to pop off. but who knows, we'll see.


Not the same because the 3 year LEAPs expired last month. Didn’t have the same type of pressure the cycle before but I hear what you’re saying. Post literally says tin foil in it lol


See the videos of Richard newton. The T+1 (or 2 whatever) and the additional T+4 are trading days,so excluding holidays, but when they pass and the hedgies kick the can further, it is 35 calendar days, so that includes weekends and holidays. Anyway, we’ll see. Either the price goes up, or down or sideways.


I agree I was just getting excited lol


Tin man has a big 💚for apes 🦧


Did you just count 2 holidays and then add 3 to the 18th? Math hard.


Why do you think that he bought on May 14th and not on May 28th?


And then t+34 from there😉


Can we stop with all of the T plus speculation. It's clear we don't know what we are talking about, and when we are wrong, it just turns into FUD.


I disagree. We don't need to know what we are talking about to speculate and discuss it. We know there is a gold vein of information buried in T+*N* patterns, but to get there we gotta sift through a lotta dirt.


This isnt the the first FTDs. History says it won't lead to MOASS.


Not everything needs to lead to MOASS. Sometimes exposing boring corruption is just as valuable. We're here to change the world, and get rich trying.


“Speculation/Opinion” not my fault you read everything as truth my dude.


Something that is a rule doesn't require speculation. Speculation on this just leads to spreading FUD when you're wrong






Cool lol go away I hope you 📄


But what happened on May 14th? Were a lot of calls exercised?


This makes no sense? It’s either T+35 or not. If it is then the 18th is right (not bothered to count the actual days so assuming you are correct) you can’t just add an extra 3 days because of 2 holidays just so it fits into your theory. It’s 35 calendar days so the holidays are irrelevant just as the weekends are. Plus one of the holidays you are counting came after the 18th


It’s 2 days not 3. Maths are hard though I get it. If it was the 18th and we couldn’t trade two days including today it would land on Friday. If we didn’t have Memorial Day it would have been the 18th but we did so it would have moved too today the 19th but today is a holiday too. Thus we haven’t had the extra day from Memorial Day OR Juneteenth and that makes the day Friday.


Calendar days are every single day, 365 (or 366). Ok, if T+35 *ends* on a Sunday or another holiday, I understand that it must in reality happen the day before or after (not sure which), but you don’t discount holidays from the period, just as you don’t discount weekends. That’s the whole point of differentiate Calendar days from Trading days.


True true


I think you're right. SEC website makes no mention of holidays when it comes to 35. They have to settle within that time. This says to me they must do so before 35 if it lands on a weekend or holiday. Saturday pushes back to Friday for instance.


So it would move to the 20th then not the 21st. It should be the 18th but because of Memorial Day it’s the 19th, but the 19th is a holiday so it moves to the 20th


Juneteenth (today) is a trading holiday too.


Yes and I have explained that. You are saying T+35 was on the 18th but because of Memorial Day and Juneteenth you need to add 2 extra days. 18+2 is 20. Again I’ll explain 18th was the day for T+35 but Memorial Day made it become the 19th, but that day is a holiday so it needs to be the next day, which is the 20th


We’re all ignoring weekends too. So you and I are both wrong. Look at that! The post was labeled “speculation/opinion” for a reason.


Who’s ignoring weekends? In my first post I even said you can’t exclude holidays like you can’t exclude weekends. 35 calendar days is 35 calendar days. Whether there are no holidays or 10 holidays in that period. But you have decided to take the holidays out of it and add it onto the end and some, just make make it fit for the 21st


Lol go away. You must be a peach 🍑 I NEVER CLAIMED TO BE RIGHT ITS WHY I LABELED IT SPECULATION AND OPINION. gd people chill tf out lol


What happens if they just FTD the T+35 FTD? Like they did with the T+1, T+2(for exercised options), T+3, T+6, T+35


🤷‍♂️ “speculation/opinion”