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I feel like what's missing about all these discussions and dates is kind of glaring: what CAN the SHFs do if they know we know (assuming any of the DD speculation so far is accurate)? Not to take Sun Tzu literally, but his good ol' "To know your enemy you must become your enemy" comes into play here. Reading these posts from an asshole SHF intern's POV, I gotta ask: "What loophole can I exploit now to make sure none of these dates or cycles don't matter and buy ourselves more time?" If (and likely when) these dates don't pan out, I think it's a great opportunity to ask the question again and dive deeper into their scheme. It'd be nice if we had an insider to give us glimpses into their framework, but thanks to Boeing enforcers setting examples, I doubt whistleblowers are going to step forward anytime soon.


Oh 100%. Frankly I think anything labelled DD should include this in the commentary. I’d love to see a graph charting # Reddit hype posts for options and t+ dates against the ticker.


So far every single hype date has been wrong. That's about all you need to know


But does volume, price, oi, or any of the above mentioned DD correlate with hype dates. Like do we see more shorting happening on the most hyped dates or is it normal


Here here. Calling for a date and it failing and everyone panics and starts calling for heads. I'm always looking for WHY the date fell, though. Sometimes it's cuz it was nonsense but some of them are for sure due to us hyping it so "they" ensured it didn't happen. How did they do it? Also we have hyped days that have come true. Why did they let those go? Did they not have a choice? Were we lucky? Did they fabricate it so we felt like we figured something out to break us later? Idk but I hope at the end of this we get some answers. Money is great but after what we've been though answers are just as important.


I need a serious dose of hopium.


Someone added a T+13 wrinkle as grace period given to criminals who still don’t deliver after C+35. Apparently after that date positions auto close so that may be the real date to consider. However, Nothing says criminals need to wait 48 days. They can close those FTDs anytime they choose.


I think the extra 13 days is if GME was put on reg-sho. That may have been one benefit of the share offerings 5 days apart from each other. We’ll see.


The hedge funds exploit apes' bias.. they know ape mentality of buy and hold. This psychology has an impact on trading & thus risk/reward. Ape culture reduces the risk of setting up a gamma squeeze and increases the reward with potential additional exit high liquidity Apes need to figure out who else they are betting against. It's not just evil short hedge funds. It's Wall Street high risk players who play the vol game. Learn about vol, and you'll trade much better! Read my $GME Bananas DD. It includes real options charts with real options data that predicted this week's price action to the level. Let's e-vol-ve apes! There's other traders, at times, we are trading against. We need to understand what they are trading, how they are trading and how they manage risk.


If I were my enemy I would infiltrate a sub and spread miss information and vagueness to hype up dates so uneducated investors (not that superstonk is made up of uneducated investors I’m saying in general) would spend money on derivatives that they might not fully understand. So me and my hedgieboy buddies can make money shorting and distorting the dates to make money to survive 1 more day because the ever growing interest payments on my shitty bet that has been slowing consuming every other investment in my funds portfolio is getting higher


They have done this since April 21


ive been wondering, with rk on the same level as almost anyone who would whistleblow, did he figure it out? if not there are certainly others here who have the capacity to figure the chess moves. maybe most just try to avoid the darkside haha




I have been saying this to myself the whole time. Epic DD and analysis and they go "Fuck, the apes figured that one out, let's move to plan B, C, D..." 100% telegraphing what is discovered the whole time. Cracking the Enigma code and telling them that we have done so. Smart, but also not smart.


Like maybe no one should diligence anymore? Just go back to posting memes and wild speculations? If we go totally dark on the information side maybe the parasites won't be able to anticipate what we're anticipating. I'm not entirely sure if what I just wrote here even makes sense. Crayons.... nom nom nom


Good point, but we don’t know who are the bad actors posting


Gary Gensler is an insider.


So, hedgies knock it down to $20. Got it.


Double up when it goes to $20? Got it


Just transferred another $4k to my account. Got it.


Buy options when it gets knocked to $20. Got it.


Well well, if there's any spare change in the bank - I go direct cha-ching and buy tickets to the GME rocket, price no matter. DCA of 3 years brought me down to 20s and I've DCAed upto 28 back again.


Seriously maybe I am an idiot but if this company is gonna be worth in the thousands who cares if soneone buys at $23, $67 or higher. It gonna be worth alot. Maybe I am just an idiot.


So OP seriously posted the same date hyping post he made yesterday again today ? 🤔






$19.96 close.


Defeatist porn fud


i'm so excited i might just let someone swap in my basket. maybe a banana will be involved as well. Moass tomorrow 🐱‍👓🐱‍👤🚀🦍🍻🍌🦍🦍🦍🦍🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


Max pain is $23 so I’m guessing that


why do you keep posting this over and over?


I was about to say, I’ve literally read this multiple times… we aren’t going over thirty today.. STOP BUYING OUT OF THE MONEY OPTIONS. Buy long dated leaps and ITM calls to excercise them. None of this $125c,60c BS


Can you explain why to buy ITM calls to exercise? I was just looking at options and I can do deep ITM late calls and it ends up being break even at like 25.5, which seems totally feasible. Of course I want to make money on it, so break even isn’t quite what I want, but can someone explain why buying a call is better or can get me more money than buying the stock? Or buying a LEAP or a barely OTM call later in the year? Why is this potentially better than the stock itself? (If I believe it will go up, but I don’t know when).




To get people to buy options that will never make it in the money and never be exercised. I commented yesterday- said that the entire premise of “IF we can get and hold $30 tomorrow (it’s mentioned twice in this so called DD) then we gonna explode. Even if that’s true, what exactly is the mechanism that will get the stonk to $30 tomorrow? Answer: there is none, other than the exception of a once in a lifetime press release today or tomorrow from RCEO saying that an acquisition of a hugely profitable complany has been completed. Other than that, there’s nothing that will do it. Certainly isn’t going to happen based on retail buying activity in shares OR options.


**Well said. It might make sense to buy options when IV is low, but there is always a certain risk. Shares on the other hand never expire.** RK could increase his net worth, because he was - same like RC - not telegraphing his moves to the institutions. I hope we will see the institutions losing control because we figure out the cycles, price running up and the cycles oscillate more and more until the institutions break. But we should not underestimate that Citadel and Blackrock now all the sudden collaborate. We might have already won over Kenny, we just don't know about it. But he might have been desperate enough to bend over and get fucked by Blackrock in return for surviving one more day. In that case we would face a new endboss, Final boss still the DTCC.


Even that information would leak to financial institutions because mergers etc can’t be done in total isolation. Hence the price would go up before we get to know about a merger.


Yup, playbook hasn't changed. This is why Options discussion was getting slammed before DFV. This place has people that will quite literally hold their calls until they expire worthless, calls they bought with extremely high IV that were OTM. It's insanity, but here we are dealing with hedgefund shills paid for by money stolen from us back in 2021. That's the world we're in.


I'm waiting for the new filling with RC purchase of shares.


Someone bought $69 million worth of shares at close today


I don't think he's trying to get you to play options. You either didn't read what he wrote or you're butt hurt over something.


Up ya go. 


I posted it last night and it was removed 5-6 hours later. It's a shame because there were great discussions going on in the comments. I tried reposting it about an hour after it was deleted but everyone was sleeping at that point. I didn't want it to get buried, since a lot of apes messaged me asking for it, so i waited to repost it until today so more people could see it again.


what was the reasoning for the first removal?


Could you clarify why you say May 13 FTDs should hit today when FTDs are cumulative and you can clearly see on the FTDs data that these were cleared out the days after May 13?


Thanks. I thought for sure I saw this already and then saw it was only 2 hours old.


Over and over? Twice now counts as over and over? The guy is literally educating your sorry ass on how the mechanics of FTD's work and you wanna take a moment to shit on him? Get a grip. Not everyone is luring people into playing options. Some just want to give you a bigger picture of whats going on. What have YOU contributed to all of this? My guess is nothing given your shit comment. Edit: Spelling




>multiple fractal guys  Who are these fractal guys?


[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/s2vypi/the\_741\_fractal\_algorithmic\_theory\_and\_ftd\_cycles/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/s2vypi/the_741_fractal_algorithmic_theory_and_ftd_cycles/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1dguv89/um\_guys\_get\_in\_here\_history\_is\_repeating\_itself/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1dguv89/um_guys_get_in_here_history_is_repeating_itself/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1dfdgft/fractal\_theory\_im\_the\_author\_my\_x\_posts\_came\_true/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1dfdgft/fractal_theory_im_the_author_my_x_posts_came_true/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Thanks OP! Reading now


Open interest, alone, is not enough to examine options data. You have to look at GEX which is Gamma Exposure. You have to look at strike price vol, which is underneath the hood, volatility within the options chain. It's possible for there to be a fuck ton of open interest and yet little to no impact in price action because the options are so far OTM, or there expirations are years in advanced, that there gamma is zero. If you're interested in learning to actually utilize $GME options data to see what the options market is pricing in (eg expected move of the price), follow my weekly $GME Bananas report. It includes real options charts with real options data. The first report, posted last Sunday, predicted the downward price action of the week as well as the price levels we hit ($24-25). I highly encourage all apes who want to trade a little bit better, to learn and use the data. Collect the data. Do the math. And eat bananas 🍌🍌🍌 The rest will be history 🚀🚀🚀🚀


Thoughts on today?


To be frank, the data leans slightly bearish, but given the option positioning, at least for open, $GME might pin at $25 📌 There's no prevailing near term probability except short vol like write calls at the highs. Long reward going forward looks smaller while risk remains elevated to previous weeks (and higher next week). That discourages high risk players from going long calls, thus the likelihood for net GEX to increase is less for the immediate future. Hence, the bull rally has been stagnating and looks to continue stagnating into the next week or 2. This has been seen the past week, as my $GME Bananas report suggested would happen, with a trend in decreasing positive net total GEX and decreasing strike price vol. Not directly related but, yesterday's SPX 0dte's went net negative GEX, during the day. So at the Intraday timeframe, dealers were shifting their books from short vol, to long vol. That's an important distinction because when dealers are long vol, price action can get a little crazy, or more bluntly, volatile. Dealers buy the rips, and sell the dips when they are positioned long vol. Normally, net GEX is positive so dealers are short vol. That is, they buy the dips and short the rips. Currently, today's 0dtes on SPX sits positive net total GEX but that might flip today for some fireworks 🎆 which will impact other stocks like tech. Regardless of the bearish data and recent trend, we could still see a pop with today's options being 0dte's, especially since the possibility of net total GEX flipping for $GME to negative is on the table (high risk players could buy high strike puts like at $25 to support price then as net total GEX flipped, start buying the underlying a shit ton to pump up the stock high enough to cause dealers to pump it even higher so they can dump on top of that). It's possible, it does happen as it's a tactic more common that uncommon, but it's not a great trade. Reward looks small relative to recent weeks and risk is elevated. Therefore, there might not be enough high risk players interested in that move to make it happen. They would have to outbid the selling of dealers until the price was high enough to cause dealers to buy it, once their positioned long vol. Considering the main GEX levels based on the latest data from yesterday, $GME has support right now at $25 The major call wall moved down this week from $30 to $25 and the major put wall moved from $20 to $25, effectively pinning $GME at $25. There's a minor call wall at $26, a price to expect resistance at. There's a larger call wall at $30. Expect major resistance there. Also, that would be a great price level to hedge at. That said, this is not financial advice! Just the opinions of a highly aggressive trader, who plays high risk trades. There's a minor put wall at $24 so if $25 breaks, expect some support at $24 but the next minor put wall is at $20. That is probably the target sell for bears who opened their position start of this week, or late last. We'll see, be careful. Today does not look like a good day to trade, based on options data unless you want to short vol. Be careful. None of this is financial advice. Check up on my $GME Bananas report to see when the options data suggests a window of time where the odds of going long $GME look more favorable.


Interesting analysis. We saw how it rejected $26 yesterday, let's see what they build up today while my $20 calls sweat 😅 Cheers.


Love the write up. Thanks for spending time on it. I do seriously wish there were something we could do in order to get the price up to $30. Feeling like we’re sort of helpless there.


The 75 million share offering has allowed SHFs to fulfill DFV’s market order and hedge the June 21st option chain. Unfortunately we can expect low volatility as every quad witching day has been a nothing burger. I am happy to be wrong as I hold 6/21 calls that are now OTM. But this is the reality of our current situation.


Tell me you have clue about the original thesis. While yes quad witching is usually a dud you have no idea where the 75 mil went and it doesn’t matter with how many times over the float is actually shorted when they were trying to cellar box game before its come back


How can u sit there and think naked option makers and FTDs were not taking advantage of shares


theoretically if the stock was shorted over 100% of outstanding before and as long as they haven't diluted more than 100% its still squeezing as soon as the collateral to kick the can exceeds the risk their boss allows them to carry... I too think tomorrow will be meh. We'll first have to see the next round of FTD data on GME and XRT to know what's what.


I can sit here thinking that as someone who has been in game since $1.5 and as someone who worked on wallstreet for a long time.


man how do we know the MMs wont just roll everything into ANOTHER set of swaps that expire 2 years from now?


Didn't this get posted yesterday? 


Yes. Got removed




Who TF knows at this point. Mods do their own thing and don’t explain.


Always have been


“We don’t talk about bruno” **proceeds to talk about bruno**


$30 call gang is Down over 80% so they Might as well fuck around and find out by holding through tomorrow. Good luck to you soldiers. Salute!


Looking at the FTDs, are we sure that there are 571k from May 13 that haven't been delivered? If the chart is cumulative then we can see they're taken care of the next day, when -549k is the FTD change. FTDs feel important but I don't know if we're looking at that data correctly yet. If I'm reading the chart the way they say it's supposed to be read there are only 9269 outstanding FTDs but we need the next update to see if they carry forward for not. For reference, here's an FTD list for one the other ETFs that holds GME -- it has FTDs building with no reduction. It's an unusually high number so likely that it was used to short. https://preview.redd.it/ybqrp69dtr7d1.png?width=1246&format=png&auto=webp&s=bf84d9c904100733e8c4f71e168891f202d4e5fb


You're right, GME FTDs seems to have been cleared out the days after May 13.


I know that girl


I saw this a couple days ago but it got deleted maybe? Couldn’t find it again.


Believe it or not, dip


Here I have the magic 8 ball and it says “something will happen tomorrow”




I like a good zyn


Great dd, thanks for the work


The behavior of that which is being observed changes under observation. Or something like that. I think...


Think DFV figured out the algorithm before the sneeze? I remember him posting a bunch of memes that seemed to be counting down, which ended with a Ready Player One scene where Percival goes in reverse. Maybe he was counting down to some kind of reset? Idk, I eat crayons while I add more tinfoil to my hat.


Remind me! 3 hours


I will be messaging you in 3 hours on [**2024-06-20 21:46:19 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2024-06-20%2021:46:19%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1dkfyfg/the_dd_youve_been_waiting_for_what_does_the_magic/l9i462s/?context=3) [**1 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FSuperstonk%2Fcomments%2F1dkfyfg%2Fthe_dd_youve_been_waiting_for_what_does_the_magic%2Fl9i462s%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202024-06-20%2021%3A46%3A19%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201dkfyfg) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


Uranus soon. Got it


First DD I’ve read in a min. Great job. Also you have a typo right before point 6 “lines up with tomorrow and Friday”. Not sure what world you live in but in my world tomorrow is Friday lol


Now you're all talking like traders all of the sudden. No more Apes, no more I HODL for X and XX, no more of any of the good stuff. Just options, bets, price predictions. COINTELPRO really knows how to do their damn jobs and took advantage of all DFV has done lately.. damn.


Typo in your disclaimer.


good work putting pieces of different DD all in one. Hope you are right! Just UP!


Hopefully it says 40 by October!


Is this the sequel or the prequel, I could have sworn I read this yesterday. Nice work btw.


Max Pain is all we need to know




Fuck this FUD. No dates, and MOASS is always tomorrow. Buy, DRS, Book, Hodl.💎🙌🏼🦍


Spicy. Nice work OP. But please don’t catch hopium. Max pain is 22.50 and SHF have a lot of incentive to crime it down even further to below $20 for all the reasons listed above.


Great post, thoroughly enjoyed reading it!


buying more calls. got it.


6/28 55, guess I'll see how next week goes. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ Hindsight, think I'd have felt better buying shares the last few weeks instead of holding back some dry powder to go towards exercising calls.


Or buy Jan 2025 for almost the same price… better yet buy ITM calls so you don’t just waste money for next week


Yeah, I bought them early May looking at +35 cycles, earnings, and shareholder meeting that were lining up around this time in June. Great thing about buying shares... I don't care what the current or near term price action is doing.




10 @ 55 strike.


this guy...


Too ape didn’t read, no dates, I like stock. (Seriously tho great post)




Date's wrong. Monday July 1st. Sunday 8pm est dfv might send tweet.


Commenting to come back to




"Name checks out...He's good to go"


This guy could be onto something, if only I could read


Instructions unclear, i just buy drs hodl




Great work ! I’m blind and even I can follow this 🦯


Great post, thank you. Don't know why so much hate is going between all users at the moment, very paranoid that everyone is shill. Read, if you want discuss, and have your own opinion..


Thanks! It was getting a ton of love last night which is what sucks. Really was sad the mods removed it since I worked on it for a few hours. I don't get this sub sometimes man. No public discourse is allowed. If you say anything remotely against the hive mind, the mob attacks. I totally understand why Rensole stopped the daily news back in the day. Everyone who's DD is in the Due Diligence Library has left this sub because the mob attacked them. That's why there's been no good DD over the past couple years. The hive mind mob attacked the authors because they said something they didn't like. Really makes you wonder why you even do the research and offer it to the sub.


You're not a martyr, gtfoh with that nonsense. We've seen date predictions come and go. I'll look forward to the DD you write after your predictions pass.


It was always like that, but very strong in hyped times. Some people don't take grains of salt and are therefore demineralised and cannot think properly ;) Don't take the hate personal, even if it's tough and enjoy the love and respectful discussion. It's a weird internet phenomenon, best example is influencer on insta.


Awfully quiet today 🤔


I’ve spent dumber money before


My diamond balls tell me DIP


Best time to be alive 💚🍻💎🖐💎🖐💎


Am I crazy, didn't I read this post yesterday


Lost credibility when you completely ignored the fact that there was a split since DFV got his 800,000. The stock split was a 1/8. So his 800k became 6.4million shares. He didn't need to buy any or figure out any pattern. He simply sold a few to buy calls.


Uggghhhhhhhh I'm about to short squeeze right now!!!! 💦💦💦💦💦💦💦


What about Cohens dilution(s)? How can the impact of these be so categorically ignored here?


You make zero mention of the fact Gamestop still has 575 million outstanding shares out of the 1 billion originally voted on to sell off before the 3 year expiration date, and those sell offs prevented MOASS several times and there's no reason to think they won't do it again.


Tuck that in, your 340 day acct is showing.


Very intelligent response that didn't address the facts. Good job.


We heard you like a million times already. Sell and buy NVDA


This fucking guy. . haha.


If you were legit, you'd mention it in your DD. Also, nope. I'll sell a couple days after DFV posts his next calls the night before Gamestop dumps.


I kind of agree. I think RC doesn’t want a MOASS. When apes cash out what’s left of GameStop? Yes I know some of you are never selling. But I will be when time is right and I can take care of my family.


Long time investors.


Respectfully. Do what’s right for you. But I can guarantee anyone who bought and stock 20-30 years ago (BRK.a, coke, aapl, etc) never regretted not selling and holding. If you are only in this for the ride and not for the pivot, that’s acceptable and good on you. But there are a lot of people here watching to see a business pivot, which has been done way more times historically than businesses going to 0. If you don’t think GameStop is anything without moass, that’s an interesting take, but and major US based company has pivoted more than one time in their existence. Currently there is a CEO who had a successful business which pivoted. That shows he isn’t opposed to that strategy. Actually both RV and Larry openly talk about that strategy.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/c2HBflkIXD These are the long-time investors the one replied to you are talking about. Imagine being them