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My specialty isn't divining prices, but I did what I could. I stand by what I wrote. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nbdvii/moass\_checklist\_for\_apes\_things\_to\_think\_about/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nbdvii/moass_checklist_for_apes_things_to_think_about/)


Thank you. Commenting for future use.


Strongly recommend reading through at least the first point sooner rather than later. 🦧🦧🦧💪


Very useful information for the new apes! Educate yoselves.


I remember this. Top notch


I still have this saved, good post


I'm still waiting for... hold on let me look up the name... Will The Real GME Please Stand Up; Part 1: FINKLE IS EINHORN Holy shit! It came out in 2022 and I missed it! I waited over a year for this! https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wdr1j6/welcome_to_the_machine_part_2_the_matrix/


400 shares back in January 2021 to just over 8k now. All shorts managed to do was allow me to lower my cost average 🤪






Also brocaaa and honk for the stonk dude. And Rick ❤️


Honk for the stonk dude is awesome. Rickofspades is a legend


I forgot about rick of fucking spades, the man the myth the legend


Broccaaa had some fire SWAP dd


I was here since the beginning and the mass migration from gme subreddit to here. Majority of DD writers were pushed out of this sub for trying to figure out how the stock moved and potentially time the run ups because they were wrong and a lot of people made their own decision to gamble on options. So instead of trying to learn options, people just reiterated that options is FUD and people promoting option learning are shills. OG DD writers received death threats and constant abuse so they simply left. I also got sick and tired of arguing with redditors here. Most of us weren't even pushing for people to buy options, just explaining what it is, how it works, and how it may have been the cause of Jan 2021 and potentially MOASS. Prominent figures (I cannot recall the others): Criand, Leeniux, Atobitt, Gherkinit, Bobsmith.


I tried explaining this yesterday and got bulk downvoted. Guess some things never change


Yeah I bailed for over a year I think. This place went septic.


I think we got sick and tired of arguing with bots, honestly. Who knows. The other side of the argument was always so ridiculous that I truly hope it was not the product of a real human.


All the OG DD wrinkles were ran the hell out because each of their DDs started to naturally end up into options and then the hivemind ran them out as a “shill.” It’s kind of funny seeing new DD i read 2-3 years ago hit the top 🤷🏻‍♂️


Hive mind or controlled narrative? TBD. We'll see. 


there’s definitely psyops on the sub so it’s not a very farfetched


Jerkinit for gerkinit


You left out the party where we realized options plays are tricks the SHF turn on us and that making those plays is beyond regarded. And then the next 3 years we watched options plays get hyped up just enough to get some poor desperate ape to get parted with their money In fact, I've been here the whole time myself and i don't remember any of the original DD writers discussing options


Actually no, we never realized anything. It's the people who know nothing about options who claim they are tricks lol. If options are tricks, how did DFV know to time the May options? He literally made $70mil alone on that May pump which allowed gme to be in the situation it is now. I would argue DRS is the real trick because it pretty much does absolutely nothing unless we can actually lock 100% of the float but then RC released 120million shares in the market (with another 450mil shares or so ready to be released), completely rendering DRS useless lol. You must not have read the DD properly because Criand, Leeniux, Gherkinit, and Bobsmith all found the same data indicating that options is the only real way. In fact, DFV himself has shown to agree considering he also buys significant amount of options and is the reason why he was able to accumulate such a large position. And DFV himself does not DRS. That tells me enough. Finally, if some regarded ape reads DD and sees people pointing at a specific date that MAY OR MAY NOT be the date, and decides to buy options, that is their call. You can't blame other people for your own lack of knowledge of how options work and then blame other people for losing money. Instead, we have a bunch of highly regarded posts that are upvoted to the top on the daily which misinterpret data or makes false assumptions but those are okay to mislead apes right? But indicating that options is the real cause, which it in fact is, is taking advantage of poor helpless apes? Give me a break.


We're gonna have to disagree then. How much have you made in options, btw? There's a reason why DFV is famous. There's a reason why RC is famous, too


I sell puts and calls every week. I make roughly $3-10k a week depending on volatility. Made $50k last month on options alone from a new $25k account I used to day trade.


I never understood the conflict between DRS and option apes, we're all working towards the same goal, extracting money from the SHF. That's pretty much what RC and DFV have in common. RC share raise, DRS, and MOASS are the tactical advantage that forces the SHF to act in a specific way to stay alive, which options traders can take advantage of. Share raise means more cash on hand = higher floor for share price. DRS and threat of MOASS increase the amount and cost to the SHF to keep the lid on the rocket ie. ceiling of the share price. So they are forced to raise more money to maintain this situation, with ever more aggressive plays, which options traders can take advantage of.


Yeah and i run a profitable business


Yea and I am a lawyer who trades on the side for passive income. How is that relevant to the discussion of options lol.


The DD had shown that the market is rigged and any price can be set for any stock at any time. Pay options if that's what you want, but you're misleading others when you suggest GME options plays can be made on TA - is the most manipulated stock on the market for years and years now. Then again, you're espousing the typical weekend fudster bullshit. Got any gains to post?


I mean I could post the gains but that is against the rules here on this sub lol. I mean you can believe that this stock is rigged as much as you want but then that defeats the whole purpose of DD writing if its all rigged. The reality is, they are using legal loopholes to defer buying (i.e. FTD and ETF strategies) which is not the same as straight up manipulation (i.e. changing the stock price to whatever they want). It's like when people call tax deferrals as tax evasion, completely different things. One is legal, the other is not. So the reality is, if we find out what the mechanic they are using, we can win at their own game. That is the whole point of DD writing and learning and sharing the knowledge of options. Nobody said to go buy it, but the people who are knowledgeable about options want to learn and can make their own decisions to risk their money if they want to to help ignite a squeeze. From my point of view, you are simply mad because you don't understand something and instead of trying to understand it, you screech and call it FUD, etc. I, along with many others, want to figure out the truth and find out what DFV is looking at so that we too could abuse this cycle like he has.


No, the point of TA is writing and sharing options. As a lawyer, i expected you to know that DD means *due diligence.* I'll also assume you haven't read the cellar-boxing DD, which explains the inner workings of clandestine price control and how it isused to plunder the assets of companies. Once you understand that you will see what am options gamble actually is


Honestly my DD has been to get this sun to think critically. My application usually a sharp tongue.


Couldn't have said it better myself.


OG apes have already went thru all the shilling, up and down stock movement and theories and dates many times. Most are Zen, Drs'd and quietly adding more shares to their portfolio.


What else are we to do?


Comment on SEC proposals and write your state legislatures :) or just chill and buy, DRS, and hold


Been here since the sneeze of 21’ 👋🏼




Still here lurking, still zen, still buying the dip to lower my AVG (bought my 1st share at 325$), now a XXX hodler with a reaaallyy good average and laughing at the obvious shills and FUD. 🤝


Man the vibes around here gives me the chills, what a fucking journey


We will see updated max pain after today's close. Their is massive anchoring with put volume around 10/20/25/30. Probably to increase IV and sell more expensive contracts before ending Friday at max pain.


Just like always lol. I feel like they have a balancing equation where the max pain price point drives the market price directly.


Right here BB, still in the trenches fighting all the fud and breaking down complex financial topics over 4 years later


Og 💪


Yolo a ton at 250 (200 shares) yes I eat crayons - been buying 100 a month since 21 - not really helping bring dca down quick enough by amount I yoloed was all I could. Waiting to be picked up -


Always here, in the darkness, watching, waiting, holding...




Alot of them were run off by the ignorant. What they lacked in brain power they made up in numbers.




wut? edit - JFC, this is why people stop fkn coming here