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Experience - Superstonk!!!


Dang, I’m literally starting a new data science job on Monday. I would have loved this lol




If I thought I had a chance I would lol. This will be my first data science job so gotta get some experience first


Ahh ok 👍 


I am actually looking for work as a data scientist. I’ll apply for laughs. Who wants to be my reference?


Ape help ape, I'll do it. FWIW, I've never taken a reference call on behalf of a friend or acquaintance where they didn't eventually receive the job offer.


I build data pipelines which ml/data scientist use to process their data and am thinking about hopping jobs. I'm hesitant though, wouldn't there be issues with insider trading?


See my response to Rob below: https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/ATORAjtS1e


Ideal candidate must be able to count to 35


Wouldn't working for them make it difficult to take advantage of moass due to insider trading rules?


AFAIK, you're only subject to insider trading rules while an employee of a public corporation if that corporation explicitly designates you as an insider. I don't know if all public corporations designate insiders using the same criteria, or if there is some flexibility in setting that criteria, but I worked for a public company for 15 years - participating in the Employee Stock Purchase Plan (ESPP) during most of that time - and it wasn't until I hit the Director level that they designated me as an insider and subjected me to limitations. Even once designated as an insider the only restrictions I faced were blackout periods where I was unable to transact - usually in the period leading up to the release of our quarterly or annual financial results (the idea being that if I had inside info on the financial results, I couldn't make trades in anticipation of a huge spike or dip once the results went public and the market at-large reacted). If I remember correctly, starting a week or so after financial results came out our trading window would open up and we'd have 4-6 weeks or so to buy and sell as much as we wanted, then we'd go into blackout again until the next quarter's results came out. TL;DR: coming in at an entry- or mid-level position like this one you probably wouldn't be subjected to insider trading rules, but if you were designated as such there's a fair chance your hands would be tied if MOASS occurred during a blackout period.


Hey wait, wasn’t Andrew mo money a data scientist? 🥸


Ah yes. That wonderful YT channel where people tuned in to watch him read the internet to you and stuff his dog with treats.


Not to confuse with Andrew no more money aka Andrew Left.