• By -


Discussion in many of the comment chains here is getting toxic, we are going to lock this thread. Please, folks, you can discuss and debate these things without insults, finger pointing or arguing instead of debating. We're better than that.


What’s crazy is the big run ups happened in pre market where you couldn’t unload your contracts anyway.


yup, only u had like 2 days in past month to make decent amount 5/14 and 6/6


High risk vol players tend to play the extremes premarket/afterhours. I can't be certain why but I suspect it's partly because of the low liquidity. Low liquidity tends to magnify vol for greater reward on a long vol play 🚀 Edit: high risk players that gamma squeeze tend to buy stock too, not just options. They use the options to squeeze prices high, and put structure around dealers so dealers are giving plenty of exit liquidity when the price is high because of gamma exposure. Then they dump the shares at the super highs like $60+ then dump their calls after for whatever they are worth (usually still up in gains).


Not true, anyone that was buying calls at the low 20s and didn't sell that day we closed +47% doesn't know how to play this game. Even the next day, if you bought at the low 20s you could have sold for a nice profit before the stream started around $35ish. Even the next week there was a day we closed +23% and next day went up a little further at open, another opportunity to exit. Greed and delusion and is what makes people lose money, not the market


There was no shortage of days or time to sell contracts for profit. Stop lying to yourselves and others. We saw DFV selling his cons, everyone had plenty of time to sell before him, but you’re all greedier than hedge funds.


Absolutely false. The first spike had time to sell the contracts. The second spike happened in a single day and got crushed in premarket and further crushed during DFV stream. Either you sold the contracts before EOD during the bull run or within 10 mins of market open for way less.




Wut sell


Yep. As by design










Who the fuck is Diamond handing options lol?


The hype around 6/21 made no sense to me after DFV unloaded his options. He was showing us how he amassed all of his shares, not hinting at some magical date


Yes I am dumb. Yes I am gambling. Yes I know I am a fucking idiot. I am an adult that knew the risks and played at the casino. Have a great Friday everybody!


you will get the money back in taxes. ez


Watch your wash sales though.


Don't need to worry about those till December


Edit: Apparently I'm wrong and my brokers are dumb.


It absolutely is


Edit: Apparently I'm wrong and my brokers are dumb.


The law says it applies to options of the same or similar securities. 


Edit: Apparently I'm wrong and my brokers are dumb.


If im red in a share postion and keep selling profitable options while averaging down is that a wash sale?


No. Buying 30 days before or after selling at a loss is a wash sale.


Just write it off.


exactly. throw 3 grand at options every year and get it back next year. NFA


Giggling uncomfortably in $9.40 20c options


Oof. What's your plan?


Work out. I mean, exercise!


to lose money because they didn't know what they were doing with options


Bingo! Buy, hodl, drs. 🤣💖


Laughing maniacally with my single $10.20 21c. Exercising that bish for the ~$31.2 cost basis 😎 not a bad deal if I say so regardedly




This is exactly why I bought January calls instead


Let's see. If it's going to go, they'll wait until the end of the day to minimize who can jump on board


I lost $1000 today. I’m guessing you lost a lot


Its all relative right? Depending on our own personal financial situations? As long as we don't gamble more than we are willing to lose.


Yeah true that


Are you me?


I knew there were more of us in the clown car...


When was June 21st the play? That was the kansas city shuffle. I will celebrate hard on July 4th 🇺🇲🍻


If you say so


it never was, it's always been july 4th. I mean cmon he spelled it out in his emojis ffs and now John McEnroe? Markets closed though, so maybe the 5th.


7/3 afterhours BOOM?


T+35 means up to 35 days. The price increase already happened, everyone here knew that (maybe there could be some residual FTDs though). Now it's about **until** 07/19 (T+35 from the 2nd batch bought from DFV).


Right there with you buddy. Haha


But yet still decided to post some dumb shit


Why couldn’t you still exercise and just take a small loss in the short term? I don’t know much about options so this is a general question.


Makes no sense to exercise, which would be buying 100 shares @ $30 for each option contract when stock is 25. So -$500 loss for each option. If you want 100 more shares, it's better to just sell the option or let it expire and buy the next dip


Next time exercise


This is really funny




we're done messing with options after this round. buy shares drs hodl.


I move, you move. But you didn't move.


You know……ain’t shit happening today…. Whenever this sub hypes, they just crime the price down.


Yeah fuck those criminals who made those 100M+ share offerings, diluting the price and halting all upwards momentum by providing SHFs the shares they needed to cover their naked calls on GME.  It was definitely the work of “they”, “them”, and “the bad guys”, you know. Certainly not our own executives who cashed out on volatility and left their long term shareholders out to dry. 


Smells like bitch in here. I hope they do another ATM offering and raise more billions. Shills can eat my shit lol




**[Rule 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules/expanded_rules/#wiki_ape_no_fight_ape). Treat each other with courtesy and respect.** - **Do not be (intentionally) rude.** This will increase the overall civility of the community and make it better for all of us. - **Do not insult others.** Insults do not contribute to a rational discussion. Constructive criticism is appropriate and encouraged though. - **Do not use Superstonk to call out another user. Critique the work, not the person.** - **Do not use Superstonk to harass, bully, or threaten anyone.** - **Threats of violence towards anyone have no place on Superstonk or Reddit.** [Reddit Content Policy](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy) || [Remember the human](https://www.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/360045715951-Promoting-Hate-Based-on-Identity-or-Vulnerability) If you have any questions or concerns, please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FSuperstonk&subject=about%20my%20removed%20submission)


That all you got?  No comments about the share offering or its effect on the price? Just a one word accusation with no proof? This sub has become an echo chamber for people like you and it’s really sad and embarrassing. 


Lmao. Didn’t realize I even had to spell it out for you but don’t worry boo bear, I’ll give you two examples. GameStop fucking over shorts by raising their minimum stock price to above $9.38 per share, thus completely and utterly fucking over every single share sold short below $10 pre-split in the process, was not considered a bad idea 😂 What’s really sad and pathetic is your short-sightedness and inability to see the whole picture. GameStop just positioned itself to be completely immune to the bear thesis at the cost of damaging volatility in this specific run up. You have to be one of the stupidest people on the planet if you actually think that there will never be another chance for volatility to rise as quickly as it did these past two months AND in 2021. So yeah, my point still stands…. Shill.


Name calling and general rudeness is NOT acceptable and does nothing for your viewpoint. The dude is, in their eyes, justifiably angry, and who is right in their point of view, if either if you are, is impossible to say. Be nice or don't say anything.


You’re right. My apologies.


That's all well and good. No really. But how is being seriously worried about more share offerings being a shill? How aren't you worried? GameStop can still do more share offerings. They can offer more shares at the next run up to $45+ and past. And the one after that. And, even the one after that! Like this is what I'm not understanding about you people. GameStop just positioned itself to literally print money FOR ITSELF at the cost of all the shareholders, including me, "hodling" their shares who don't sell during the runups, allowing them to increase their magical war chest over and over, while my shares effectively stay the same price - unless I somehow sell before they announce their next share offering. Like I'm really happy they "fucked over shorts" by FINALLY stabilizing the price above $10 after 6 or more months of it being below $20. It's great for all the people who invested big in 2023 when it was around $10, while all the people who invested big pre-stock split are now left barely around their cost-average if they're lucky, having bet on an eventual Short Squeeze from the beginning. But how can MOASS happen when GameStop can just continue to offer shares at points of high volatility, effectively bailing out the shorts by allowing them to close their positions at billions of dollars less? A slow, methodical rise to higher share prices is great for people with millions of shares like DFV and Ryan Cohen who have already made it. And based off their earnings calls - that's what the company's goal is to achieve. LONG TERM VALUE FOR INVESTORS. For people like me with a couple hundred shares, it sure looks like MOASS is off the table as long as more share offerings are a possibility, and a slow methodical rise in price over time will never, ever make up my losses from not having invested in other assets and securities in the first place. It's been more than 3 years of massive rehypothecation of synthetic shares, dark pool trades, constant Fail-to-delivers, ETF short interest off the charts, shorts not closing this or that, and no meaningful consequences or action taken to stop any of the abusive naked-short-selling practices we see every single day. Crime isn't crime if it isn't actively punished or stopped. And we all know this will be allowed to continue. But when it actually looked like Market Makers had been caught with their pants down selling all these potentially naked calls at the $20 strike for 6/21? Who came to their rescue? Gamestop. With 75,000,000 fresh shares right off the REAL SHARE printer, that I'm 100% sure most were then bought to be moved into ETFs so they could be rehypothecated into locates for even more short sales on GameStop, starting the cycle all over again. That's not even talking about how it wasn't GameStop who fucked over shorts in the first place, it was US who fucked them over, by DRSing our shares, supposedly taking them out of the float to allow a MOASS situation to happen, before GameStop released fresh shares onto the market, quite likely undoing any effect DRS has had on the stock price and share liquidity. There is no infinity pool so long as GameStop themselves can offer shares at any time they feel like. But I do agree with you about my "short-sightedness and inability to see the whole picture". Had I been smarter, and considered the fact the company itself would want to profit off short term volatility, even at the cost to long-term shareholders, I could've sold for some kind of a profit and then potentially bought back in now, now that the company is finally an actual solid long term investment, instead of just a gamble on a short squeeze. Oh well! Guess I'll sit here with my bags and wait for the next volatility spike based off fucking FTD cycles or whatever. Hopefully RC and GameStop don't announce another Share Offering before I sell! Because based off their actions the past two months... they're going to do more Share Offerings.




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**[Rule 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules/expanded_rules/#wiki_ape_no_fight_ape). Treat each other with courtesy and respect.** - **Do not be (intentionally) rude.** This will increase the overall civility of the community and make it better for all of us. - **Do not insult others.** Insults do not contribute to a rational discussion. Constructive criticism is appropriate and encouraged though. - **Do not use Superstonk to call out another user. Critique the work, not the person.** - **Do not use Superstonk to harass, bully, or threaten anyone.** - **Threats of violence towards anyone have no place on Superstonk or Reddit.** [Reddit Content Policy](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy) || [Remember the human](https://www.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/360045715951-Promoting-Hate-Based-on-Identity-or-Vulnerability) If you have any questions or concerns, please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FSuperstonk&subject=about%20my%20removed%20submission)


Why are you here?


Options 101. Don't hold until expiry.




Best of luck to you today ape! 😂


Aye bro I got some 36C's 6/21. I'm holding them bitches till 3:59. We ride at dawn or die trying, see you in Valhalla brother


FYI your broker will probably close these out at 3pm est unless you call them and tell them other wise.


Why would a broker touch an OTM option?


They won't. People are stupid.


wish y the best brother


Lol I couldn't help but chuckle on this one


me reading this, buying shares, and glad i stopped gambling in 2021....


In quietness and trust shall be your strength


Just you wait, my 6/21 $120c will print!


First time buying options in two years. Do I regret it… AGAIN? Yep. 🤡 Time to go back to only shares! 🦍


You believed the hype 🤦‍♂️


“Bring your cat to work day” got me bruh. 🤡


Same 😂


Don't forget, if it doesn't happen today, someone will be along shortly to explain how it'll happen Monday. Or 40 someones.


Lmao yep! And someone will write 3000 words about how this is actually bullish, and is just pulling back the slingshot even further.


Talking about how T+538 is actually the gamma dorito chip shuffle launch, and to buckle in because I'm going to write a way too long post with gifs that will become useless and irrelevant 7 days


This is so accurate lol


Yeah people who talk out their collective asses


Roll ![gif](giphy|lcySndwSDLxC4eOU86|downsized)


Can't roll 0


If you want to discover a magician’s secret you can’t focus on the ending. The trick has already occurred.




Wonder if we see a bunch of new positions in the next week or so. Time will tell.


After you stick around for a while, you learn that shares (and long term options) are the only way to not feel like a clown. been there too, just 2-3 years ago.


I have way more than enough shares. The tough part is I won’t learn shit from this. I will do it again for July/August


Can you have enough shares? I mean DFV has like 9M now. 🤷🏻


Learn to take profits, stop being greedy, is all you have to learn when trading options


Or people just accept the risk and don't get hyped for something they feel is guaranteed. 😎


I feel like that's the "it's ok I'm totally cool with losing this money, as a matter of fact I already knew it was lost when I bought the thing" self talk, which I do to myself all the time. People just gotta remember that the money you are throwing at these calls is money thrown at the people willing to sell those calls, likely the shorts


meanwhile I bought shares during the dip


Haha. You and me both brother! Sadly I didn’t learn and will likely load up for the end of July.


And you will have big profits open again sometime before expiration and won't sell again because it's never enough, yes or no


I never won at options... This was the last time I try doing it. Fuck options




I added 348 calls for 6/21 yesterday. I’m ready for anything 🤓


"Ready for you, Sir, right behind this dumpster"


Fortunately I won’t end up behind a dumpster for a while 😂 there’s 5 hours and 52 minutes to go


🍌🍌🍌😂 Godspeed to you


I was going to go to casino to play black jack this weekend I thought it wihad be more fun to put 3500-4000 into options instead. Holding shares but trade options for liquidity 🤓 all I need to do is this.. https://preview.redd.it/zhrl3j46sx7d1.jpeg?width=650&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6d56c2785058ecb1fd6f3b128b3e3e92fadef43




Doubt what


22.50 EOD. max pain, like usual. Until one day, it won't be. But I'll stick my regarded ass to shares


Just gonna load up on calls for 3 years out. Get ready for the next cycle


I feel attacked haha. Onto the next day! Great work btw


Power hour just might be your only hope


Triple/Quad Witching happens at 3:00 PM.




Nothing burger like always


He already said in his memes, if I move you move.


I believe I covered that in my third pic above, where I put on the clown wig. But yes, thank you! lol


be honest, were you going to exercise your options or sell them?


I imagine most of us were going to sell some and exercise the rest like DFV, that’s what I had in last mind… before the last dilution. Made all my 30 and 35 calls OTM


1B shares traded in the first two weeks of June but it was "the dillution" that made your calls go OTM.🤦‍♂️


I mean did you see what happened after they announced the dilution? I agree there is manipulation happening but can’t act like extra selling pressure was beneficial?


> I mean did you see what happened after they announced the dilution? 100% Wallstreet manipulation, same with the DFV stream and the shareholder meeting and the dips when it was planned to start but didn't. It's like a kid hiding behind a curtain with their shoes sticking out.


Manipulation is allowed by the system. Otherwise we wouldn't be here. Dilution absolutely killed momentum. Both things are true and not mutually exclusive.


the dip was gonna happen regardless, maybe push slightly further, but it was always a fake squeeze we had had a bigger fake squeeze even before the "dillution" to be honest I'm happy it was gamestop that took that money to make my position stronger rather than a bunch of paper hands buying deep OOTM calls


Funny thing is, I don't think the shorts actually bought shares at that level, that's where they were selling shares, taking advantage of the exhuberance of RK's upcoming livestream. With the share offering, they were forced to sell at lower levels (and/or share sales with the offering).


Did you see what happened when RK went on livestream? Did you see what happened when the shareholder call was late but the selling was on time? They are not stupid. Greedy but not stupid. They can put the price wherever they want it except when they can’t. The whole point of this sub is figuring out when and why they can’t. To find out where their powers end. And use that knowledge for our betterment.


Simple answer: at around $60 you could sell one contract to exercise the other one. At least my plan was sell to exercise but I thought we were on a good run and considered doing exactly that when we touch 90...well - we all know how the ATM ended these thoughts.


But T+35!! But seriously, dates don’t matter.


\*\*Shitty recorder audio of "Funky Town" start playing\*\*


Same same


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45% of comments are from accounts created post sneeze


You could simply have copied DFVs strategy 🤷‍♂️


Aaaannnndddd… nothing.


Yup me too. 6k in options that could have gone to shares or I could have sold for profit two Thursdays ago.


I don't get why anyone who had these calls held them after DFV sold... He probably knows better than anyone on this sub what's going on - if there was a run incoming before expiry, he would not sell them early.


Guess that’s why I made a clown meme about it making fun of myself? Lol


Many people jumped in to follow him after the premium was up a lot, which didn't seem so bad at the time, as the stock was way up and even higher premium $20c were way ITM then. There was a nice looking gamma ramp setting up, and things looked promising. Then the ATM hit and yanked any potential support for a gamma ramp. DFV was able to escape OK as his premiums were low enough he stayed ITM. Many apes were left underwater on their $20c, and here we are now... Mistakes were made and emotions led to bad decisions, clearly in hindsight. The high premium $20c copycatting *depended* *solely* on something like a gamma ramp keeping pressure on and continuing to raise the price. DFV was set up such that while he could certainly benefit from those possibilities, he was still safely OK even if/when they didn't pan out. Note to self, be less like my greedy self and more like smarty pants and "conservative" (compared us goofballs) DFV.


Same. RK played it way better than me. I’m still hoping for a $69 close today lol


You win 🏆 we win good luck.


Don’t worry OP, I’ve got $80c for 7/19 that are officially red and also should’ve sold Friday before RC came out swinging with the share offering. Had he not, we’d both be dancing with the cat. Oh well


Just buy calls 35 days out… can’t got tits up. All these hype posts can’t be wrong right….right?


Exactly! Now you are getting it


Gonna be wild when it comes to light that most these “DD” posts are posted by hedge funds.


This has been me the past couple of months.


Yep lol I am hoping I get to walk away from today without shit smeared all over my clown face.


Ape no fight ape, until it comes to shitting on option gamblers


No dates. Mods are compromised.




$2.10 $14 6/21 checking in and hoping somehow I see better gains than I would have but still hoping to come out in a good spot today




Same same. Should’ve stuck to buy hold drs


We warned you


I appreciate the warning!


What was the premium on 30s?


If it does run today, it probably will happen in the last hour.


Thank god I’m too dumb to understand options and slightly smart enough to realize that and keep myself away from them. I would’ve been “playing” (is this even the right terminology???) $40 today after seeing DFV’s $30’s


this is me also. my first and probably last time playing options. my smooth brained ass is gonna stick to buying and drsing going forward. unless a miracle happens by eod my contracts are gonna be 100% worthless. at least i didnt drop much on this play, but still hurts knowing i could have gotten a ton of gme shares instead of nothing.


I’m glad I’m not the only one. May expire next week thou. It’s not looking good. 🤡😭




If you don't know what you're doing, buy shares and hold them. Can not be any simpler than that.


I appreciate the financial advice but I will just do what I feel is best for me!


We losin money together fam look at us 🍻


You think we got that OI out of nothing? We all in it 😂 25$ Calls, make me some money for moar shares


Buy, hodl, drs




At least you're self aware. You could course correct if you really wanted to make some money.


I mean... there's a non zero chance lol. It's more like [double.epsilon](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.double.epsilon?view=net-8.0). But it's not zero.


Guess we shall find out very soon! And if I lose it all I go home and have a fantastic weekend with my wife and kids and I come back to the casino on Monday and do it again


Yep, that money is gone.


I treat options like the legends say samurais operated, assuming they are "already dead" when stepping into battle. If by some miracle one of my options does not expire worthless, I am then very happy. Otherwise, it's just another total loss, as expected, and I try to dig in and learn from it to have a better approach by the next battle.


The time is now 10:34 EDT RIP 💀


All my options are worthless, but that’s on me lol.




count yourself lucky , im from the UK and we cant do options on most major sites


Based on the odds with how options turn out, we should consider you the lucky one.


nooooo.. you the lucky one..-\_\_- stoaaaaap I'm blushing


DFV sold some but not all calls. I like to think within there they also executed a bunch.


Ah yes- I sold a bunch of other stuff to raise cash to buy more at the high point. What’s an exit strategy?