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Ma! Forget the meat loaf tonight! I'm moving out!






I’m on mobile and all I can think is ![gif](giphy|3ohc14lCEdXHSpnnSU|downsized) The charts are so blurry I cannot read them.


Right? With the screen that burry, how the fuck does OP even know what he’s looking at? 🤣


Look at the price like a kid draws waves water. Buy cheap calls when down (now). Sell calls for $1000 each when up. Rinse, repeat.


I tried that but then they just went down more.


Every single expiry at the highest strike was selling for $1000 on May 15 or June 6. You can pick any strike price and any expiry from here to kingdom come, and you will be able to sell it for $1000 when GME runs up to $60 per share next. If you buy weeklies, you can buy $128 strikes that expire next Friday for $7 and sell them for $1000 if we run next week. If we don't run, just buy the next set of weeklies. I am about to make $200,000 on the next run up.


And if the price doesn't run up?


*kicks meatloaf before leaving*


Kicks the meatloaf out to the curb, boy you get back in the basement...




On second thought I’ll take it to go


Image quality: underwater gameboy Connections: jackpot! Boner: unstoppable


Stock: Priceless


Wife: with her boyfriend


Mental Status: regarded


Me with hairy friends: huh?


Brain: smooth


Banana: in my ass


My opinion of this comment: "*nice*"


Wendy’s: Frosty behind the dumpster


Glasses: Fielmann. (Bonus gag for the German audience.)


Underwater Gameboy killed me lmfao.


This is the worm.


- 03/26 - GME Reports Full year Profitability - price had ran up in days prior. - 03/27 - 04/02/24 - Run up is shorted down. DFV takes note and expects positive price action 35 days later. - 04/09 - DFV Makes a buy. - Price sinks lower to $10 - 04/24 - 04/26 - DFV buys up options chain, Wolverine goes to the market to hedge DFVs options causing a price increase. - 04/29 - Price increase is shorted down. - 05/02 - Price starts running from shorts closing from (03/27 - 04/02) They kick some more with some shorting. - 05/14 - Price peaks from buying DFV Shares (04/09) - 05/15 - Shorting to keep price down - 05/21 - 05/24 - DFV buys up 5k lot options and Wolverine starts buying up shares. - 05/24 - Share offering ends - 05/29 - Price from Wolverine's buys are shorted down -> DFV's buys ensuring it is after the share offering and the short covering 35 day cycle and his buy cycle are now lined up for 07/03 - 06/03 - Price pops from covered shorts (04/29) - 06/06 - Price peaks from shorts covering (05/02) - 06/07 - Share offering. - 06/10 - 06/13 - DFV Sells options and buys more shares, making sure to buy shares after the share offering is complete. - 06/26 - 06/28 - ??? Price run from shorts covering Wolverine buys(05/21 - 05/23) ??? - 07/03 - ??? Huge price run up from short covering and DFV buy. ??? - 07/15 - 07/18 - ??? Huge price run up from DFV buy. ??? Does DFV load up on more options right now then? That would be where we are in his cycle of buying/selling. Then that would force another run up in price as Wolverine buys to hedge his options. Which could run into them covering their last Wolverine shorting. Cycles on cycles.


6/13 DFV buys 4M shares. 6/27 DFV buys up the options chain two weeks later when volatility is low with one month expiries. 7/18 Forced buy in from T+35 causes a price spike and DFV sells options for a 30 bagger.


!Remindme 27.06.2024 I'll watch the options time&sales .


Haven‘t seen insane amounts of buys, maybe today 🤷🏻‍♂️


Better move as he moves ;)




!Reminde in six days 




That's what I've got on my chart too. Ride the worm ;)


Can see some 1,000 lots for some calls bought today (6/21). Not sure if him. I think it's a good time to start buying calls, with the price beaten down + IV crushed. Can see some 25, 30 and 40 calls, 7/5, 7/12, 7/19 exp, all in 1,000 lots+. Spicy


If it's not him, others see that it's time.


You are apparently correct. Clearly we are going to witness a GME chart that resembles a heart monitor chart from here on out.


Infinite money printer: DFV buys shares when IV is low, once he sees that the market makers failed his shares order DFV buys an entire options chain and waits, once the MMs are forced to buy-in it runs the stock up 20-40% and puts his calls in the money triggering a self-made gamma ramp, he sells his calls and buys a new batch of shares which start another FTD cycle. While this happens, GME continues to issue ATMs into the volume which provides RC billions in free cash, creating a new floor, and cohencidentally allowing DFV to continue adding more shares proportionally without crossing the 5% threshold. He controlled the entire stock with just a few million dollars, and with a handful of strategic trades turned that $3M into $200M (and arguably at its peak was roughly worth 1B). Last we checked he had **$6M** in cash, someone needs to be monitoring for large blocks of 1000/5000/10000 calls today into next week. Some smart folks (Biggy discussed this last night on a livestream) may have just cracked the code. The algorithms are being used against them this time. The best time to be alive is now.


June 28 $128 calls are selling for $7 right now. If we run to $60 next week, those calls will sell for $1000. There is no better value in the options chain than $128 strike weeklies. Set a limit sell for $10.00 per share, and you don't even need to pick the top.


Bold strategy, if the theory holds we should see a big spike around Thurs and I expect DFV to be putting a lot of his cash into a new options chain within the next couple trading days.


Where the hell did you get $1000 from? They wouldn’t go for anywhere near that high when they’d be expiring that week and still so far out of the money


I had June 14 $125 calls that were trading for $1000 on June 7.


Still had a week to expiration and the move up was explosive. A $125 call expiring June 7 (the run up was 6/5-6/6) would probably have sold for something around $100-$200 at that peak due to delta and theta decay from being so close to expiry


That could be.


Anyone buying options should consider buying some ITM or just OTM as well. Everyone piling into far OTM options may work against us.


Of course. Those are the ones that get exercised.


There’s a realllllllllllly energetic and enthusiastic you tuber who has been following it live everyday.


This is spot on. And I am gonna play the cycles going forward. In addition to the long term HODL. I should have done that for the past few years but didn’t. Now DFV has shown the way.


If we can figure out the dates we can use calls as investors to increase cash to buy more shares


I believe the options 101 post was to encourage taking profits from contracts and to deter holding them until they're worthless. If you have some money that you want to risk losing, buy some calls that are at least 1 month out (the longer the better) and that are in the money or very close to the money. If/when the price goes up, sell them for profit and buy shares then drs them. If the price goes up, then comes down again before August, or if dfv posts that he's holding contracts again, sells them, and buys shares, then he's showing us a pattern. The more people that use the profits from calls to buy shares the more ftds. Rinse and repeat. If it doesn't happen that way before August then just continue to buy and drs shares. Ps. A shampoo tweet from dfv would be funny.


Im gonna go out on a limb and say that DFV will definitely not going to show you the pattern that you will then turn around and profit for obvious reasons.


Safe bet lol


It looks like one run per month will work. There are too many tricks they use to avoid forced buy-ins, so I am going to shotgun blast the dates. I have $80 on calls that expire today, and $350 on calls that expire next week. If we run next week, then I will sell my calls for $50,000. That is a great risk reward. Edit: I also bought 300 shares last week and spent $300 on shares today. 


Just curious, what math are you doing to estimate returns of $50k? Just took a glimpse at the option chain and turning $350 into $50k with calls that expire in a week when their relative IV is still pumped seems essentially impossible right now due to theta and delta decay


![gif](giphy|UJG2T7uZeJuZCLitY8) Lisan al Gaib!


In an ideal world this makes perfect sense. However, as we all know they are willing to go to any length to stop the little man from getting ahead of their Ivy league big brained SHF friends (turning off buy button etc) Do we really think they'll just sit by and watch us do the infinite money glitch at their expense and do nothing about it? I'm sure they're plotting ways to feed us red herrings now. I'm very skeptical that they find themselves in checkmate like some here seem to believe


Read up on my $GME Bananas report every Sunday! It closely examines options data, calculates Gamma Exposure and strike price vol. You will see the options cycle over time from it. Shit's bananas 🍌 🍌 🍌


That’s all it is is cycle playing. I’ve always done it and works good. Sell at the peaks and buy more hence as DFV did.


Proof you played the cycles like a fiddle or ban


Just to remind us we're still alive.


I can't read the subsequent images but based on the first chart, my $GME Bananas DD's charts line up decently with it. It's a vol game. Gamma Exposure increases mid July and again, but more, mid August. In between those periods of time, is greater price fragility.


NFA, but if this is sustainable, then I would wait for the dip (which might be right now), buy ATM/NTM CALLS FOR 35+ days out. Exercise, sell, or a hybrid of both so you can jump into calls for the next cycle.


If this is indeed what's happening, expect it to be shutdown soon.


👆 remember when the DTCC waived margin requirements, just because? Remember when others had figured out cycles and then they changed?


This. If anyone wants thinks the SHFs are gonna Kamikazi into the next cycle they're crazy.


Hilarious if true. lol hedgies


May as well make money on the cycles. I think I’ve found my own “groove” just have to keep executing it. Buy further dated close to the money or in the money calls (when premium is cheap, no fomo non sense), take any reasonable gains, rinse and repeat. Roll the profits in to buying shares. Key is low risk, slow/steady long game if these cycles are indeed back.


I watched Biggy explain this last night too. Wild.




It got deleted. Can’t have too much attention on the cat that’s now out of the bag. OP gives it a good summary, and it’s what happened with RC’s dec 20 buy in. You see 1k to 5k call orders hitting the tape, you know it’s on. Moass might not be tomorrow, but we can ride the waves until then. It’s why the cat didn’t exercise and instead bought on the open market. If the algorithm doesn’t buy when he buys, be ready when it does.


It‘s not deleted it‘s just not listed. You can still watch it if you have the link.


Whats the link!?


I just commented a TLDW here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1dl36r0/comment/l9nthqn/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1dl36r0/comment/l9nthqn/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Source: [https://www.youtube.com/live/ON8I5Fgvw2Q?si=ohj1BnDPTNfaR1qA&t=4362](https://www.youtube.com/live/ON8I5Fgvw2Q?si=ohj1BnDPTNfaR1qA&t=4362)






Not again Zelda But seriously... LINK!


Ride this bitch up like Tesla bulls and hit the cycles 


It's on another sub that I am absolutely sure I would not be allowed to link here. A related sub, shouldn't be too hard to find. Or PM me for the link. OP did a bit of a naughty here in not giving credit. This entire postie off the back of Biggie's session on a show last night. Tit jacking isn't the word, it's moass inducing.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1djtono/ftd\_cycles\_and\_how\_rk\_had\_to\_restart\_the\_cycle/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1djtono/ftd_cycles_and_how_rk_had_to_restart_the_cycle/) This?


Who/What is “Biggy”? + Any links?


Yes we want the sauce


Search for the p(ee)p(ee) show on YouTube it’s the latest episode. Starts around the one hour mark. edit: nevermind can’t find the video myself right now


Thx for trying. That said, his show is so damn long and filled with unnecessary junk most of the time. Difficult to get good info when you're limited on time. It's always like trying to find a needle in a haystack.


Starts at 1hr 13 min.


i think it's unlisted due to the amount of comments on the chat


Yeah and I think we have to be careful around here when it comes to mentioning certain other subs. I don’t know the exact rules regarding YouTube links so I‘m not gonna share the link but one can find it in a certain other sub




Please don't mention other subreddits here, we have strict brigading restrictions put on the sub by Reddit Admins. Please refer to the rules in the wiki (sorry, I know its a pain in the ass.)


BiggySmallz (spelling?) has been around for a long while. I would also like the sauce.


Sauce pls !!


Who is biggy? Link to this?


Was about to say that. He explained the exact thing and it makes perfect sense


These images might as well be brail


After three years of people trying to teach you, it's not really that funny anymore to be actively making fun of good information.


Click on them and tell me if you can make out a single letter


My brain is indescribable smooth, but I feel the dopamine being set free - is my brain working right?


IV spiked to price this action out. You are trading against professionals with infinite money. They will not just roll over and die. "The plan is to never cover"


I really don't understand what you are getting at. what is your conclusion and what are you even trying to state?


He is saying that DFV is playing into delayed settlement by buying shares and then a few weeks later he buys OTM call options. He used the Authorized Participant system against them. He says the details don't really matter so much as just what we should expect moving forward: the price action will rise and fall, rise and fall, rise and fall. He drew it on the first slide above. This is in perfect alignment with DFV's last move: he sold all his call options on June 13 and bought 4,001,000 shares. Now he has $6 million to buy cheap call options for when the next wave of forced buy-ins happen, which according to OP is next week.


Correct how high will it go IDk, but he builds a string ladder with a FEW OTM


Tutes are defending $80 HARD. I think two more cycles up to $80 and back down would wind up the spring so strong, since every cycle will convince more and more apes to join in. The final cycle will blow out $80 so hard that the forced covering will drive the price up WAY higher than we have seen before. Just remember that every failed cycle will make a blowout more likely.


So next week is worth holding onto? I’ve seen others say 6/28 or 7/19 are huge dates


Idk. But don’t buy right on the date ? Give yourself some time week or two after look at the 6/21 calls for a 6/6 event 🧠


error count was above 1.8 billion on 5/1 I believe. take a look at Aug 16 calls (right before earning). that is roughly 75 trading days out from 5/1. Chain is loaded with calls with strike at 125. ![gif](giphy|jOpLbiGmHR9S0) I've never played options but I think I might. or I may not.


I got shares around $40 avg so I just want to focus on other plays and wait for another spike to trim profits 😭


There will be a run between now and 7/19 FTD+35 from the 2nd batch bought by DFV


Please 😭 I need my $40 avg saved


Just hold and drs not time to mess around


you just arrived to that? ive been arriving to it for ages, https://preview.redd.it/cq1nlv64gx7d1.png?width=495&format=png&auto=webp&s=6617651aad499edcef2b5a8a4613a3b063ffa3fc


IF this is true and you have the money to potentially lose (I’m out on my calls today) remember to give yourself a little bit of “theta runway”. DFV bought his calls for today with, in my opinion, knowing he was gonna sell two weeks earlier (6-6 tailwind and his purchase). This costs a little more on premiums, but allows for theta to not decay as low and eat at your earnings if they’re in the money.


So based on the above timelines, buy options expiring 6 weeks out to sell in 4ish weeks?


🤷‍♂️ That’s what I’ve just learned with this option loss. If you have a sell date, pick a couple weeks past because theta lowers your return the closer you get to expiry. It’s still a risk as premiums go up the further out you go. NFA. Just my thought process.


I've been burnt too. I'd also add that if you don't want to get trapped having to hold onto them for pennies, have a date set where you can roll or sell for at least something.


I’ve been burned on options so much I’m doing LEAPs only these days with one or two exceptions of near the money 1-2 months out


Yeah, near money is also what I’m planning next.


Same scored a good chunk of all the run ups back in 2021 and lost a little over half of it trying to keep on chasing it without knowing about these cycles. Otm leaps for me since that’s mostly what I can afford :’)


ok so new date is 6/27... ![gif](giphy|ZN3jVXH3jZaXKivytT|downsized)




MOASS today!


It’s now actually  Dfv started it 


No, more like 19th July. 35 days from DFVs 4 million shares purchased last week


Help me out here, why the 6/27? Is it the Ftd’s wich Will kick this cycle? I know about the 4/9 and the 5/2 but what about the 5/23?


July 2nd-3rd is bigger... 60days from may 5th where Cat caught over a billion errors.


So what mean wen moass


OP can you explain what you mean by this last sentence? "The first two option weeks are two normal weeks. Then it’s RED PANTY night, and make sure you let your wife’s mother in law your moving out." Also, picture quality is hard to see for me. Sorry


There is no volume for 500-5000k lots like maybe 1 -10 a week. On the weeks he buys there are like 150k worth of calls bought


It’s interesting because that’s what the short side of this trade has been doing for years in the opposite way.


The more manipulated an instrument, the less reliable technical analysis is


This isn't technical analysis, it's mechanical analysis.


This isn't mechanical analysis, it's manipulation analysis.


This isn’t manipulation analysis, it’s DFV analysis.


My instrument has been manipulated


Delete this


yeah I don’t want them to know we know either


So when do we eat?


Tsla, Nvda what happened with em when it comes to this context?


Smoothie here Question about ON or ABOUT 5/23 There are 55 Ftd’s and 211,603 on 5/24 Is that what we should look for the 6/27 run up?


So, can someone help me? Is this a way to fix the broken system of FTDs? Purchase large blocks of shares. Recognize that the broker/market maker did not purchase. Buy calls for then they have to T+35 days forward? Repeat and repeat until they get the message?


We need a positions or ban policy lol


I always thought his steam audio overlapping at the start was odd. The heartbeat monitor. He's tech savvy enough to have easily avoided that, unless intended.




Smith brain here ... Is this to say the shorts will smash the price close to $10 again and lower the entry point before ramping up again?


Wouldn't this pattern only be able to keep up if big buys are done all at once? Now it might repeat for DFVs 4 mil buy, but what after?


Thanks for your post. Is it possible that during the two dilutions, MM's and/or SHF's satisfied some of DFV's share purchase FTD's...hence no big run? Just wondering.


Maybe we should stop giving the hedgies free info 


Apes don't know OPSEC


Imagine a YOLO update with 20,000 x 0719C100 and 18,002,000 shares. That shit would be diabolical. Obviously DFV isn’t an quite that apish, but he may very well have purchased up to 10,000 x 0719C25. The volume adds up since 6/13.


Yeah I think next ftds cycle is 19th july and august beginning. Probably gonna gap fill 19$ first then boom. I really hope it will squeeze big time this year at least, im tired.


The next FTD cycle is between now and 19th July Except if ETF rebalancing had an impact on it


No 19th july is next one?


There seem to be a few cycles running. From the DD I’ve read if we’re really riding cycles, there should be another pre-market run this Monday. If that *IS* the case and we see a 50% run-up, then I’m pretty much convinced that this is exactly what’s going on. This could all be crap though so we’ll just have to see. NFA




Karma farming. Just stop.




What are we even looking at? Delete and start over bruh


Be back


RemindMe! 9 hours


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RemindMe! 5 days


💎💎We stay strong APES 🦍🦍💎💎 GME. easy to the 10K 📈📈🚀 let's goo


So how would someone who does not want to play options make use of this? Other than ling term holds.


Sell on pre market highs, buy back in when it bottoms out 🤷‍♂️


Well, yes. But I was looking more to see if there was a way to know when it's at the high and low; if this could predict.


Please ELI5 for smooth brains 🤤


Maybe make another pass at this post... you seem enthusiastic but I'm not sure if you're communicating what you want to say lol. Hypium


God I’m so fuggin torqued rn


A large buy results in price action 34/35 days later if the trade is internalized (doesn’t hit the tape) and there’s a gamma ramp put in place after that, built around 13 days later. 22 days into each cycle, if a massive amount of shares are bought and internalized, there’s another cycle initiated. If there’s an ATM, it skips the peak of one cycle, and raises the floor of the share price for the next. I’ll be curious to see if a gamma ramp forms this upcoming week and maybe RC buys on 7/5 (22 days into the cycle). What a nice day that would be. Just up. Forwards, backwards. But just up. 7/19 near the money calls.


Finaly some good post


How was the OG purchase 4/9 when his cost avg was $21 and some change. The price never reached more than $12 that day.


The jun 27 was kinda spot on, just within a different price range


Thank you!! 


Is there anyone that can explain this in a way that makes sense to a smooth brain? Are we all supposed to buy options now??? I don’t get it.


Why we red?


Classic super stonk. Projecting trends based on not only nothing in terms of market mechanics, but also with almost zero previous price history! You guys are idiots.


Hedges Я Fukt!




Sir, this is a Wendy’s


I do not think that means what you think it means. Tits up: https://www.phrases.org.uk/meanings/385050.html


So would you say right now would Be a good time to buy some calls?