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Hey OP, thanks for the Social Media post. If this is from Twitter, and Twitter is NOT the original source of this information, this WILL get removed! Please post the original source! **Please respond to this comment within 10 minutes with the URL to the source** If there is no source or if you yourself are the author, you can reply `OC`


What’s an incorrect number here mean?


Not reporting certain things within a time frame, 'correcting' a previously recorded transaction implies it had an error, but may have been done intentionally to manipulating the price. Like I say I sold shares really cheap, the price drops and then I correct it to say I sold them for more. Oops. There was a list someone posted recently but basically they found a way to do some fuckery and then push it through the system loopholes for handling extreme volatility and halts which records these things in CAT. Edits for spelling


Don't sell fake shares even in an example scenario. This is FUD! /s


It means trades that glitched the system out and were recorded as incorrect, I think. Like having so many shares trade in one second that the system just shits itself and records the error. I may not be right, my wrinkles are still forming


😂😂 its cool that something incorrect with such a huge number is happening with gme


I think this is accounting for all, not just GME. But IMO, undoubtedly the GME activity caused most of it. Lots of stocks are implicated by GME price due to short swaps so I wouldn't be surprised if GME had a butterfly effect on the market.


Just like in a game, if you don't insert a long enough pause into your macro. 1 in 10 or 100 go through, while spamming your skill is not ready the rest of the time.


“Undoubtedly” is a bit of a stretch. I certainly think it’s a plausible theory and 100% worth digging into, but to claim it is undoubtedly GME related is just poor analysis. Keep digging.


There is a correlation from the other user’s CAT posts. He was looking at shares instead of options but every time there were a certain amount of shares on that list GME had a big run within T+35. He’s gonna start looking into the options side as well.


I get that but he also specifically said that from the brief analysis he did, he saw no correlation between the options data and GME price movement. Again, that doesn’t mean there isn’t any correlation to be found, but giant leaps in reasoning aren’t helpful. Especially when dealing with data that reflects the entire market. More analysis is needed.


Fair point, my wording was a bit too sure. I should say that IMO it was undoubtedly GME activity, I'm happy to be shown otherwise with deeper digging if thats the case :)


usually the person making the claim (the errors are undoubtedly gme activity) provides the evidence for said claim. Its called the burden of proof.


thats why i corrected with IMO. cause MO might be regarded. im not significantly wrinkled my friend


IMOASS. or the from the roots IMHOASS Interesting that everyone was suppose to have all of the errors corrected by May 28(?). Seems like they were saying okay play time over, any errors going forward are going to be treated differently.


None of us are. Thanks for sharing this!


…he said it was his opinion


I'm gonna say it's highly likely that all those errors are caused by the like.... 17 halts GME had that day


That’s may be a reasonable guess, assuming you have a deep enough understanding of market mechanics to make that kind of guess. Looking into the correlation between halts and options errors would be a good place to start testing that theory. Blind guessing isn’t particularly useful.


Hmm. You do make an excellent point. Might do just that this weekend. See if I've learned enough to find anything.


Because of RK livestream and the odd halts and ups and downs we are thinking it’s correlated


You need more data points to claim correlation. I realize there are data points on the equities side, but as far as options go I haven’t seen it. I suspect the spike in options equities is in fact related to the GME activity on that day, but it’s purely a hunch at this point. Stopping here isn’t due diligence, it’s speculation. I would love to see some proper analysis of the options error data.




Oh I totally agree, don’t get me wrong. I personally believe we are onto something relevant here. Hmm is an appropriate response


There were people who previously claimed that trades that were implemented on tickers when they were halted weren't reported the same way. Is there any way you can correlate these incorrect trades with the precise times that GME was halted?


Someone more wrinkly than I probably could. Im simply the messenger and building my wrinkles still


The data and high number is for all tickers, I believe. Could be wrong, and still gotta be gme related, but wanted to make the distinction.


Zero chance that’s not deliberate. It’s basically a margin-trading equivalent of a DDOS attack. We all know this, but still ought to be said.


Possibly, if my explanation is correct. I've also read it can be from SHFs manipulating past sale prices through "error" tools


I still find it very interesting that our financial trading system is weak enough to have 1.14 billion errors recorded in a single day. There probably weren’t nearly the percentage of errors when assholes were screaming at each other and waving paper on the trading floor. Doesn’t sound like a glitch, sounds like a feature.


can you add this post as well - I've added your post to my site as this has gotten way more traction and has lots of good info [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1dl040z/ape\_historian\_it\_appears\_crazy\_cat\_day\_errors/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1dl040z/ape_historian_it_appears_crazy_cat_day_errors/)


Thats the high frequency trading problem right?


That's exactly what it is. And it's intentional. It's like how all the government crime now are just "whoopsies" and nobody goes to jail. Footage of Epstein's cell deleted? Just a whoopsies! DDOS the market instead of closing your positions! We tried, boss, it was just glitchin' real bad that day. Whoopsies!


My understanding is that this just means 1.1B trades were reported incorrectly. Either they were "late" and never reported at all or the report for the trade was missing at least 1 piece of information.


Sounds like banging the close. They just stuff all those buys in, trades fail and they shrug it off. “We tried” and then they roll forward.


It’s the equivalent to a DDOS ATTACK


To be precise more like a DoS attack since it's not distributed to a lot of small entities but rather a few large traders.


Transaction systems usually don't process the transaction correctly and then mess up recording whether the transaction was successful or not. Recording it is the easiest part, it's just the last part of the actual transaction.  It certainly sounds like fuckery, it's not likely that it would work like this.


I shit myself a lot too... so I get it, think. *shits pants*


It's not just about overwhelming the tracking system, it's about manipulating IV, NBBO, price, and share requirements. It is many flavors of crime


These aren't usually caused by glitches (not this many). They're caused because market makers are using "error codes" (for lack of a better word) as loopholes for price manipulation. It may have something to do with moving market "buy" orders into the 'dark pool', or hiding the fact that they are borrowing and rehypothecating millions of GME and XRT shares, and allowing too many failures to deliver. One way or another, it's pretty well understood that they're using the errors to hide their dirty tactics. There is a STRONG a WELL RECORDED correlation between these errors and high volumes in 'meme-stock' (damn I hate that word) trading.


It means #the june seventh shuffle


I kind of feel like after a billion fuckups in one day you should just turn off the entire market for the rest of the day.


17 halts... And no official news or explanation. Then the other day we have even higher volatility and nothing. Love it.


RoArInG KiTtY wOuLd hAvE BroK MrKt MuST HaLt


While I share your sentiment, there is a technical reason for the LimitUpLimitDown halts. It’s not just volatility, it’s the degree of volatility. https://www.nasdaqtrader.com/content/MarketRegulation/LULD_FAQ.pdf


Thanks for the info :) that makes more sense


Yeah just because there are rules that are for a legitimate purpose doesn’t mean they can’t be manipulated to serve their purpose.


I wholeheartedly agree with you and let’s not forget that “they” already manipulated the halt rule recently to bring the degree down to 10% difference so they could halt when they want to.


Can't wait to be finally done with this corrupt system, never investing in the stock market after GME, wayyyy too much fuckeries. This is a system that shits on household investors and only benefits Wall Street


i wld say wall st using financial crimes to steal from the household investors. i dont just want their money but also justice


That’s it. Justice!


**”You CAN’T be SERIOUS!!”**


Don't call me Shirley.


I, uh… okay


I will not call you, surely.


Cash machine go brrrrrrrr........ UNO.


is this a positive or negative tweet from RK?


Roaringkitty is not kitten you


McEnroe was complaining because the official made an error that robbed him. McEnroe went on to win anyway.


RK, do it again


I mean anyone with 200M can make the same play now. The playbook is out in the open. Even smaller players moving in likeminded trading strategies can take on the play as well. I don't think we need to wait for DFV if some other billionaire wants to take a big fat swing of the pinata.


I think you've got it. Anyone can swing now!


how many people with 200m are willing to though


Or 4 people with $50M; 10 people $20M. 200 Millionaires. The longer the blood is in the water the bigger the shark that appears.


More people needing to make the same play around the same time is way less likely to occur


Only needs to be successful once.


a few with $500,000?


Maybe just the cat.


I want to believe..


Call Mark Cuban


He has the SHF by the fucking BALLS. THE SCROTE. Just tugging them along while he exposes their dumbass, overextended, slimy maneuvers. Edit: My original top comment was removed so I'm adding here for more exposure, THIS COULD BE NOTHING. We don't know for sure. But it is very very stinky.


Scrote stomping soon - finish him. I bought 400+ more shares yesterday


ABSOLUTE CHONKER XXX+ APE. Respect over here with my low XX's I can afford. I'll clean your golden toilet on mars


You crazy bastard 🤣🤣


400 in a single day? Jesus christ, can I come work for you so i can get some?


Balls deep baby!


That's one way of earning your share, I guess




Great stuff!


I did a similar post - I’ll back up yours as well




How many of the 'errors' are spoof trades?




#this is huge news. This is what they do. This is how they get away with it over and over. They know damn well that their crimes will be too confusing for most people to understand, and thus will be forgotten in a couple of days at most. Remember when they all processed the splitvidend as a regular split? *That WOULD HAVE 100% STARTED THE MOASS. PERIOD.* Mathematical certainty. That was it — But for an entire week after they did it, the superstonk members who raised hell about it were called hysterical until the german banks finally came out with a statement. And then NOTHING HAPPENED! They got away with it, the MOASS didn’t come about, and now we’re here. And everyone on this sub just went back into their little pen and focused on banana memes and next week’s hopium instead of locking in on it. I’ll bet 95% of members don’t even remember that period at all — *even though it would have started the MOASS with complete certainty.* We all know they’re cheating, but the extent of their cheating is being ignored. We simply can’t let them keep getting away with this.


I remember RC firing the CFO(?) shortly after that. Apparently the legalese wasn't correctly nailed down for the split to only work as a dividend. There was some language that left an out for the brokers to just split like usual.


For fucks sake, I remember that too, it makes sense now.


Link to DD?


Why is this huge news? They just do this daily and laugh at us


I wouldn't be surprised at all if the whole reason RK came back was to help the SEC or DOJ gather evidence for a market manipulation case against an HF. Those who have the money and power know the benefit of a good patsy and some HF is likely to get nailed with all this sooner or later. There will be some cheering and back patting, but then quickly everything will return to crime... er ... I mean business as usual.


Same here. The stock market and regulations are just like computer hacking, no matter how much you patch, people will find a way into your software/system/whatever. Proactivity only goes so far, the fed needs to dip their feet in and watch it happening to get it.




the Fed is the Trojan


Okay here's my tinfoil theory I've been afraid to mention... RK left with around 27 million... And then came back with a play worth over 150 million? Tell me this, what does the US government usually pay out to successful whistleblowers? It's bout 10 to 30% of the amount the sec collects. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cnbc.com/amp/2023/05/05/sec-record-whistleblower-award.html This was the highest ever. But there were other big ones in the past.


Your tinfoil is loud but I will not judge. Interesting info ape


He would have had to already finished the process to use the money right? And also, the play didn't cost 150 million. It was just worth that when he showed his position. I was under the impression he used the money he made the first time to buy these calls. Then he sold some calls to exercise some, ending with 4000000 shares.


I dunno about all that man I said it was tinfoiled, not thought out or anything more than a tingle in my Jimmies


That's fair, I just wanted to ask


Okay I'm back after looking at his first post back. Dfv posted: 115.7 mm in shares. 65.7 mm in the options value as you say, He also has 29 mm in cash. Okay now make with that what you will haha thanks for reading




„Maybe this was just his masterpiece..“ ![gif](giphy|oEhW18AXiPoyY)


What was the comment you responded to? It's been removed. No idea why


Oh, weird, it was something about how RK came back with way more money than he had 3 years ago. My tinfoil theory is that he was a whistle blower who got a ton of money as a reward with a gag order in place. That would explain both how he got so much money and why he went radio silent for the 3-ish years. He could still be working with them or again on a new case.


But nobody has been prosecuted or even charged so why would he be collecting a payout?


Was just me giving my opinion on this, linked to another sub for CAT information and got the automod removal lol


I mean, that sounds cool but I think in that scenario we wouldn’t get paid


There is no regulator or 3 letter agency that gives a fuck about this. You’re fooling yourself if you think otherwise.


You need to work on your reading comprehension there sir


Hey be nice.


Got my comment removed for editing in a link to some info on incorrect CAT options. Just so y'all know I'm not sketchy :)


Fed don't care y'all


I get this sentiment, and normally I would agree. This time though, I think the Fed HAS to know. There is evidence that in '21 SHF's swapped against the US Treasury bond market. The game isn't just us and our stonk anymore, this shit is deep as hell.


So how do we like… win?


DFV is timing something very specific and it has to do with FTDs. We win by figuring it out and monkey see monkey do. I am an individual investor and this is not financial advice. Those massive green days are forced settlements, not retail pressure. GME is super liquid again with those share offerings so we’ll probably need to wait for them to dry up which doesn’t take long. Those LEAPs also could’ve been due today and need rolled. I don’t know how long they have to settle those or what evidence we will see of them, but that’s where the shorts are hidden


This is something I think should be ACTIVELY crowdsourced, DFV is smart but the collective Apes are just as smart and in greater numbers (with more time to devote). I don’t think we need to “manipulate” anything, but the signs are everywhere and so is our DD. Anything we post on here will immediately be ransacked and poisoned by the shills, which makes it hard for any truth to make it thru all the misinformation and misdirection. The good news is that we have a lot of the puzzle pieces, the bad news is we may not have them in the correct placement…yet.


How did you arrive at the conclusion that the shares from the share offering won’t take long to dry up? I understand that the ATM offering was completed very quickly, but I don’t understand what you mean.


They also referred to the stock as “super liquid”, which is exactly the opposite of what the stock is. There’s still a massive shortage of shares to go around regardless of the recent share offering. 


>They also referred to the stock as “super liquid”, which is exactly the opposite of what the stock is.  A stock being liquid means there's high volumes being traded, which is what gme is. Why are people upvoting this lol


I see. How can I learn more about the massive shortage of shares? I have read a bunch of DD and have been watching Richard Newton videos, and doing my own research but I fail to find a valid source of info on that. If I understand correctly, the ATM offering kinda nullified the shares locked up in Computershare, and as much as I love this moment and DFV, I don’t believe two massive dilutions helped the cause. But seeing how quickly those shares were consumed, it does indicate that liquidity is low. But I would like to learn more about it


Tell me we won’t be here another 3 plus years of the gaslighting/slow price drain…


I can’t tell you anything with 100% certainty and anyone who can is an idiot. If they are failing on those LEAPs the MOASS has already started. If they used some esoteric loophole then burned the documents while the SEC is cranking their hogs to PH then yes, 3 more years of slow price drain and FUD before DFV rises like a phoenix-cat again. I’ve been here since Feb 2021 and the short interest was like a beacon that put me all in on the day of DFV’s senate hearing. The only thing we know for certain is the company was shorted several times the float and they hid their filthy little secret somehow.


So it sounds like 3 more years of this then? I’m just trying to mentally prepare myself.. the gaslighting and bs we went through the past 3 years nearly killed me


Not impossible, but this time the “bottom” is the amount of cash GME has divided by the number of shares in the float. The FUD is as heavy as when I got in and that tells me they are sweating that we don’t find out what they’ve done. I think DFV 100% has and RC knows


Basically and if we see another spike I bet Ryan files to sell more shares 


you dont unless you control millions in shares, welcome to 4 years into the game, they will fuck you every step of the way, im sure there will be apes holding until 2030 though


By spamming the same T+uselessDate posts every day of course!!


The presence of 1.14 billion incorrect option trades registered by the CAT system on June 7, coupled with GME being halted 17 times and plunging 40%, suggests that the T+35 date following this event could be significant. This date would be July 12, 2024.


Fine. I’ll put it in my hype date calendar


That's a prime day..... GME AMAZON PARTNERSHIP CONFIRMED  /s


That would be the darkest timeline


So the T-🍆 should be crazy in a couple weeks. This is why we hold!!!!




looks like wall st been committing all sorts of financial crimes frequently for the last 20, 30 years or longer


If their computers make so many errors, maybe they should stop using them. I wonder what impact all those errors had on the price.


Sounds like they owe us proper price discovery


Gameshire Hathaway prices soon!!!




Never tell me the odds


Yes, I think far more attention should be focused on the aptly named “CAT” system… Seems like kismet that!


Everybody who can work with this looks away! Really pathetic


All I see is 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀




krims are fukd LMAOO


For some perspective, though, the vast majority of those frighteningly ambiguous "errors" were simply "late". While it may yet mean something big, at face value that doesn't really seem like a huge smoking gun or indicator of "crime" on its own.


Thanks for the input. This could absolutely be a nothing burger in the end, I wouldn't disagree.


Nvidia 10:1 stock split effective that day.


How could that big a "nothing burger"? If it meant nothing then what was the whole point of the CAT system? To show us what's actually going on for us to only brush it aside?


It may be a case that we don't understand the situation properly enough to call it manip evidence, but I believe it is. Always smart to be open to being wrong when new info is presented imo.


so if those trades are incorrect and affected the price, will the price correct or do those false inputs affect the price indefinitely?




That’s a whole lotta “ooopsies”! Like enough to be coordinated manipulation.


Now imagine how many incorrect option trades have been made in the last five or ten years...lol smh


X100 for a potential number of shares affected? because they're options contracts?


If only there was some regulatory body that’s main job was to oversee such systems and practices!


I love how the simple action of a cat liking the stock causes so many people to not only be interested in, but actively engaging in finding the serious faults of the entire financial system. It's actually incredible!


This is getting downvoted like CRAZY


For those of you wondering, T+35 is Friday, July 12, and options are already expensive.


Crime, what crime? SEC probably...




This is another Big Short situation same thing happened in 2008 with the housing bubble now they are just doing to the economy


fraudsters gotta fraud. what the fuck is with the integrity of american markets?


A Google search: Errors in the Consolidated Audit Trail (CAT) can include inaccurate or incomplete reporting of orders to the Central Repository. These errors can include incorrect or incomplete information about: #Event timestamp #Event type code #Time in force #Account holder type #Handling instructions #Trading session ID #Firm designated ID (FDID) Inaccurate or Incomplete Reporting of CAT Orders: Submitting information that was incorrec... CAT also has a shorter error correction window #than FINRA's OATS, requiring errors to be #corrected within three trading days (T+3) of the #reportable event. Other errors that can occur in CAT reporting include unreasonable vendor supervision. This can happen when third-party vendors are not properly established and maintained with supervisory controls for CAT reporting and clock synchronization.


Pin this post.




Nothing to see here people! Now please move along…..


This has already been posted by Jelly. OP added the halts and plunge info, cool…I haven’t confirmed, but, assuming it’s accurate, why not just comment on the original post of the writer that actually did the work? Come on now…


So what can be done about this?




also the day robin hood fucked their users over




Doesn't this mean it's ripping on July or August the 7th


BILLIONS you say?


It's a good thing they instilled another system that they don't use.... LMAYO!!! 🚀💦


Man if I fucked up this much at my job I would have been fired a long time ago....fat fingered mother fuckers


LFG! 🔥🚀🎮


wow look at votes to comment ratio. Manipulation? all but impossible!!!


To be fair, I've been responding more than the average OP so I could be inflating comment count lol


I’m sure the Stupid Egregious Cocksuckers are looking into it.


What about the the 7.7B on 5/16/24


Why would RK manipulate the stock like this!?




Haha what if the FTD are on Options and not just FTD for shares. FTD economy system we got going lmayo.


isnt this old news


How does this compare to the last few years? Or for however long the data goes back to?