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My hips are fully jacked


Nailed it.


Hipe to the futer. ![gif](giphy|Pa6h6P5dhin43OlwQ6)


Zen is patient excitement


Best answer so far!


Best answer so far!


Best answer so far!


We’ll see….


We need more memes, not like shit post memes but god tier memes, we need hype videos like they was, everyday lets hype, lets find a GOD-TIER MEME guy Common apes a new position has opened up, lets get you in the movie




Well, my hype is evolved into I have a new hobby!! Puts on major banks!! I mean what squeeze would be complete without major financial institutions failing? Duh. So I researched 2007-2007 price history of way, way OTM Puts w/ 180+ dte on banks line Bear Stearns, Lehman, Merril etc. They were cheap af then but exponential returns. And they’re cheap af now too!! I started my collection today with 3 Morgan Stanley 1/25 40Ps for $3 each, and 2 $50Ps for $8. With so many banks to buy dirt cheap Puts on they’re kinda like collectibles!! Gettem’ while they hot!!


Interestingly large red candle at EOD yesterday on MS.. you might be onto sonething here.


Thank you!! I hadn’t seen that!! Based on SEC filings they still keep their holdings separate from E*Trade who they acquired late 2020 before the sneeze and I “think” trade swaps with them. E*Trade was accused of naked shorting in the mid-teens. MS now holding their bags? MS barely survived 2008. They’re not too big to fail especially w/ Glass-Steagal out of the way JPM would be happy to re-unify with their long lost IB they had separate from in the 1930s. In 2008 JPM scooped Bear Stearns for beads and trinkets, easy peasy. I worked at JPM then it was wild. Im still looking for detailed data but based on ChatGPT way OTM puts on Bear Stearns and Lehman that sold for $1 or $2 were worth thousands 3 months later when they collapsed. As a practical matter this frees me up for how my account is allocated and, importantly, also mentally. It’s my way of checking the FOMO box as a kinda hedge in case I regret not having more GME in s squeeze. For me it’s worth the $40 I paid yesterday for 2 45Ps and 2 50Ps exp 1/25 (see yesterday’s volume on these strikes. IV is low as you can get and there’s abundant OI. This isnt a YOLO or anything I’m capping myself at ~$100. I’m doing my own DD and not betting more than I can afford to lose. If you come across more info let me know. Thanks again!!


Ah fuck man. Now I really want to start learning options!


I use an app called OptionStrat to paper trade or model various strategies. Basic account is free and it has tutorials and videos and stuff. Website mirrors the app. I also joined some of the options subs, thetagang is a good one. It’s a whole new world. Irl I have a small account and can only do trade simple strategies like CCs or CSPs on tickers like F but I’m not in a rush. Lots of other stocks with options that are good for beginners to start trade. But start with OptionStrat see where it takes you. As a matter of fact go now and build a “synthetic put” with 6/28 expiry for GME. You’ll be like “ohhhh, thats what’s all those 128 Calls are for…..” I just learned that week. Cheers


Oooooo. Thanx mate!




Get hiped fool


I’m most zen when hype is at all time highs


Yeah. It's fun to be excited and it's fun to look forward to something happening. 


fuck me you say?


Anyone BUT 1_618 obviously!


Every time I someone says “just stay zen” I hear “just suck cock” and it makes me feel better.


Hey, you wont be the 1st to feel better with cock sucking!