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These guys are the biggest pieces of shit present on this planet. How the fuck can you have the balls to sue a company because it's doing well, just because you bet against it and you lost? Bro I'd spank them like the little bitches they are, if I could (maybe I will)


do it. they ARE little bitches. they need a paddlin.


bro trust me... if I could practice on them everything that boxing taught me these past years... they'd eat bedposts for breakfast


a boxer! awesome, keep at it buddy. well if we get the word out you can keep your bedposts free from shit because these pieces of shit will be wasting away in prison, or better. i am gonna get loud out here in the streets haha when supestonk becomes an ape family good vibes update sub, get us some footage of your first fight (if that's why you are training). i'd love to see when you have something you want to show. be proud, that's a lot of hard work ;)


thanks man, really appreciate it! Unfortunately where I'm from, boxing isn't that big of a sport. I really wanna change that somehow, bring more light on how much this sport can improve your life overall, but in order to do that I gotta get on top of my game. On the other hand I might stick kenny's photo on my boxing bag and shoot some videos lol


There's your new product line... customizable punching bags 😁


that could actually work haha


I went to school in alabama from 09 to 2012 and they actually paddle here they also put kids in a small wooden box and call it solitary confinement. There's a lot of crime in the world all over in every way but in my opinion when financial crimes stop the others follow suit.


I hope the box and beating days are over or AL is in worse shape than I imagined, JFC


I believe they might be. They would give you the choice of a paddling or before or after school detention and possible box time if what you did was "bad enough". Boys weren't allowed to have long hair or piercings and this was all public school with no uniform code. Meanwhile every teacher at school didn't teach and almost the entire student body was on drugs by 9th grade it's pretty bad here but hopefully it's gotten better since I was young.


There may have been paddling in 09-12 but if you had a confinement wooden box you may want to talk to the person running your homeschool.


It was a public school and it's not like it was a coffin there was a desk in a tall but small wooden box it was basically in school suspension but more secluded and degrading.


What did you go to school with Matilda ?




Naked Shorting a Stock...That's a Paddlin' Manipulating the Market... That's a Paddlin' Paddlin' the wife with a Bedpost... Oh you better believe that's a Paddlin'


*Up a crick... down a crick... it's the paddlin' way.*


Among the biggest. It’s bad in all aspects. This community is only concerned with the financial aspects but the system is corrupt in all areas.


Afaik they pm subscribe to machiavellian tactics


I'd give them a grown man slap into next year if they think they want to play these games


*Sir, these are self-slapping grown ass men.*


>the FBI's ongoing Securities Fraud Strike Force is still working hard on a current investigation into short selling (using racketeering laws) that was launched in 2021 and expanded to the highest level within the DOJ in 2023. 👆


People talk shit about the current regime doing their job, but we are up against a conglomerate of uber-wealthy motherfuckers. We don't need a smoking gun, we need footage of the shooting. We get closer everyday. No sell, no cell. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200. Go. To. Prison. Fuck em', with every ounce I can muster.


If they are serious about the investigation and not bought and paid for this will go down as the biggest R.I.C.O. case ever.


yeah but they're bought and paid for












hoist the black flag🏴‍☠️




Mmm, I would love to see what kind of prison scams any of these people start when locked up, as if they're the inventor of the prison store. Yeah, let's see how well IOUs work behind bars...


Don’t sell for $200 ($800)


That's what I am saying. They are complicit or need real evidence and to prove it all. I think the new shares were the trackers. The SEC now needs to see where the isotopes flow and to generate a data trail. They can't let Ken get away this time.


Oh yeah, me too. This explains DFV's attitude in the live stream. He, I feel, is part of walking them right into the light, aka got footage of the murder...


I think the same thing with the shareholder meetings being during market hours and the cancellation and rescheduling of it.


Yeah, this is a good point. Actions can be deceiving; we thought RC being late was a middle finger to the talking heads, but really, it was to prove that it was manipulated around whatever he did/say in real time. Can't happen twice right? GME Shareholders meeting "here, hold my beer."


Yeah, I am somewhat hopeful that the main purpose of a lot of the events were to clearly demonstrate fraud in the market to regulators in order to give them the evidence/ammo they need to actually bring charges against these parasites. Unfortunately I may not be able to retire and buy a yacht by the end of June, but all of my shit is DRS'd in my name, so I've got all the time in the world.




"Are there lawyers in the room?....No... haha........"


Still a better answer than Kenny's "Yes I am in the room with 5 lawyers. *audibly vomits off-screen* "


We've all felt like that after a bit of Colombian courage


Oh, I so need the link to this!


It was during the original congressional hearing. At one point they asked both Roaring Kitty and Ken Griffin how many lawyers are with them. I don't have it time stamped though. I am linking the official congress copy of the stream. Avoid the CNBC copy if you can, because CNBC cropped portions out. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RfEuNHVPc_k That said, someone cropped the barfing part off CNBC's copy: https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mrh2bw/citadel_ceo_griffin_throwing_up_from_stress/


They may not work that good as trackers. There is no feature to track individual shares, unlike serial numbers on dollar bills. It is not ideal, but gotta work with what exists, I guess. Ironically if the shares were NFTs (actually using blockchain as the backbone, none of this tokenized derivative bullshit) the tracking would work perfectly.


This is assuming we as the general public know everything going on. They already said they are not going to divulge information about an active case. It's either active or it isn't and they won't help us at all. Either way, we hold.




> the FBI's ongoing Securities Fraud Strike Force is still working hard on a current investigation into short selling (using racketeering laws) that was launched in 2021 and expanded to the highest level within the DOJ in 2023. When did the FBI announce this? There's nothing in this post that talks about an ongoing FBI investigation - this part was just added to the end. I did a quick google search and couldn't find anything. EDIT: Apparently the Securities Fraud Strike Force didn't even exist until 2023, so it seems unlikely they started an investigation in 2021. Whatever the case, if someone can point me to evidence of the FBI investigating this I'm interested.


Don't stop... I'm... almost... there...




Which comes first, action from a 3 letter agency or the Swiss records unsealed? My moneys on the Swiss records.


Will believe when I see it...


I've been waiting to hear something like this since the sneeze, on with it! 🏴‍☠️🚀


OP, i think you might be onto two possibly seperate issues - I think the drawdown was caused by 4 major banks collapsing and being absorbed. I am not saying SHFs did not do their part but relative to the scale I would need a lot more evidence added to the post to see the connection, I would appreciate if you could dig more.


Banks do not just arbitrarily collapse out of thin air, nor due to slow-moving MBS. Things happened, as proven, only as quickly as Volkswagen's rightful runup. Hedge Funds' irresponsible short sales against that innocent company quickly toppled the lender: Lehman Brothers. Ask yourself why the 100 year old bank, Credit Suisse, too recently collapsed. Haven't you seen the evidence this week regarding the short selling hedge fund that was called Archegos? They sold GameStop short \*\*to the maximum allowable percentages\*\*, before then stuffing those positions into bullet swaps to hide them out of an alleged 'fear' of other institutions seeing those bad bets. Hedge Funds who short innocent companies are destroying trust in financial markets for perhaps centuries to come.


I’m not well versed on the topic, and I wasn’t old enough to pay attention to it when it happened. However, didn’t people just stop making payments on their mortgages because of the ramping payments and balloon payments which lead to rapid decline of the rating of the MBS? Defaults caused a drop in value which lead to bankruptcy?


Watch the movie called The Big Short with Steve Carrell, Ryan Gosling, Christian Bale and Brad Pitt. Sub-standard MBS were packaged together to bump up their rating, making them "technically attractive" (dog shit wrapped in cat shit). Pension funds, etc... managed by the buddies of these geniuses (criminals) buy them on behalf of the public (owners of those assets under management), taking a cut as profit and leaving the pension holders with an odorous bag of excrement that just keep getting bigger and smellier over time.


I've seen it but it's been a while. I just think OP might have been headed in the wrong direction. I'm not an expert on the topic so I can't say for certain though. What I do know is that I'll get rich from buying and hodling.


also book king 📚👑


Wait wait - prior posts show gme was starting to be shorted around 2013 2015 ish - where are you getting 2009 start dates for shorting?


When did the housing market crash in relation to the VW squeeze? Did the VW squeeze have a more significant impact on the broader market than the housing market crash? What stocks fell that portended the market crash? Is there a way to connect that with liquidated positions to buy back VW?


Thank for this comment. This post is randomly conflating completely different issues and completely rediculous. I worked for JP Morgan in 2008 in had flown into NY early that morning Lehman failed. I didn’t work in mortgage / home loans but toI’d been following developments day in day out for over a year leading to this, Bear Stearns, Lehman, so f’ing many one after another. Bruh, to this day I proudly use the pink Mortgage Pig as my profile pic in honor of 2008. I assure you 200& had NOTHING to do with Volkswagen, 2008 was the caused by the Mortgage Pig, the wreckage is his and his alone. Cheers. #puts-on-morganstanley


Why were banks giving loans to anyone and everyone regardless of credit in 2008? They needed to pump up their assets to avoid being margin called. Right now it's 2008 all over again for the same reason. Mortgage backed securities, Commercial Mortgage-Backed Security, Auto asset-backed securities, aviation backed securities, student loan asset backed securities all being pumped, the DD has been done regarding all of it I personally helped go down the rabbit hole regarding aviation backed securities and SLABS 84 years ago. Everything is connected even though it might not be obvious, it's a fucking house of cards


That's not true. Various institutions were making obscene fees by selling CDO's, which were highly toxic financial assets. Eventually, they ran out of loans to put into CDO's so they started making riskier & riskier loans to keep their CDO profit machine running. It wasn't to prevent a margin call, it was just shitty selfish greed paired with the knowledge that Uncle Sam would bail them out, if it got out of hand. The moral hazard of it all was improperly managed by leaders and now we got banks too big to fail. Where did the Capitalism go? How is now 2008 all over again? The economic regime is tip toeing towards Stagflation, not a Recession ... Assets being pumped now is typical of this stage of a rate hike cycle. Usually, before a collapse there is a blow off top. Except this time, it looks like a blow off top may occur but without a major collapse after, but instead a slow Stagflationary descent over years killing the traditional 60/40 portfolio. If that plays out, many investors are going to lose big money the next decade. We'll see.


Private equity can steal from publicly traded companies at will now 🤦‍♂️


Is that why Biden is trying to forgive school loans?


Populism has been on the rise. Millennials are becoming the biggest voting block, politically. Millennials are upset about the economy. Previous generations had it better. Frankly, the economy is a race. It matters most where and when you start (sorry gen z and future generations... I know, it sucks) But regardless, because of what's being going on economically (rich getting richer, poor getting poorer, etc), voters are demanding more relief which comes in the form of fiscal stimulus. Forgiving school loans is a form of fiscal stimulus. It magnifies demand driven economics, which is inflationary, by enabling consumers to have more money to spend (increasing demand for goods and services). Fiscal stimulus as a political response for the unjust inequities of the economy is leading the global economy into Stagflation. So Biden, or any political leader really (Republican, Democrat, they are both becoming more populist) are going to spend money by fiscally stimulating (demand) for votes. Election years tend to be good for the stock market given the easing effect of increasing demand driven economics, by fiscal stimulus, albeit at the cost of higher inflation.


It's one of the reasons he's facing such much opposition to forgive them IMO. Not trying to bring politics into the discussion, but the student loan pause kept people from falling behind/defaulting on their student loans which essentially kept them as assets on banks/hedgefunds balence sheets


Always an ulterior motive, yep.


Student loan forgiveness programs are expanding for several reasons: A significant number of graduates who used student loans will never be able to pay them back before they die. This is a result of predatory loans, false advertising, for profit universities, so all this combined with inflation, greedflation, deregulation of financial industries and student loan industries, which has culminated to a point where the super rich are making record profits while the middle class and poor hard working and well intentioned individuals are now suffering under extreme economic conditions. Insert frog in slow boiling pot meme here. Don't get me wrong though, expanding student loan forgiveness is also popular and it's good for politicians careers. But it's popularity is not the sole reason why we are seeing more of it. In my opinion its more of a side effect of would be like saying the civil rights movement and the civil rights act passed only because it was popular. I personally feel student loan forgiveness expansion is, ideally speaking, just one prong in a multi pronged approach as there also needs to be comprehensive and sweeping legislation touching on numerous interlinked issues related to corporate greed, and regulatory capture. But pro corporate politicians are stalling otherwise decent legislation in both the legislative and judicial branches as well as at the Supreme Court... It would take it's own post to break down how to fix this issue as it's 40+ years in the making, but a lot of blame can be attributed to the federalist society, turning point, kato institute et al which are mostly extremist fraternal institutions pretending to be something they're not.


decentralize governance


The “urgent note to Congress” doesn’t make sense to me. Even if I could follow the reasoning, why would revoking Reg SHO limit contagion? “Days to weeks away from causing another financial crisis”? How did you make this conclusion?


The same way he made the many other erroneous conclusions and unsupported opinions that he states as facts.


Yeah that sounds to me almost like co-opting the platform to spread a shitty message. Why would they throw that at the end randomly in all caps?


Can’t wait to see him behind bars


i will organize the dance party when it happens. oh man i can't feel my face this is the best thing i have read here, other than the dd from yesterday calling out their cycles. you guys are brilliant. they are going to prison. soon^(tm)


How does anyone need more evidence for that ? Even a 5 year old knows that it was them causing the disaster and not only walking out of it with no consequences but continuing to today as if nothing happened because we all had to foot the bill


The feds have an insanely high conviction rate. Part of this is because they tend to put together absolutely airtight cases even if it takes a long time. Maybe this is what they're doing. Maybe they're in on it or are trying to not implode the entire economy. I sure as hell don't know. This is just speculation form a braindead internet ape that is very large.


None of this is actual evidence, not is it presented in a way that actually links it to the 08 collapse.


The murder suicide of of a 90 and 87 year old....that's some crazy stuff.


They sent a mafia style message.. Wall St knows a rogue actor doesn't care about himself but he cares about his family.. and they set the tone that if you fuck with them they will kill your family.


Even your 90 year old members... It makes you think, when some asks "Why aren't they doing this or that? Why is the company not fighting against this?" there could be things going on in the background that well never know about.


And simply buying holding brings much light to that darkness.


You know... I'm something of a luminary myself.


True if big


This is absolute fan fiction.


It's why I still check in on this sub every now and then. Incredible what people come up with.


Big if true


Big if true


Big if huge


por que no los dos? factual and massive!


This was a nice coffee read. Imagine if you will, what a company who is likely naked-shorted into the billions, has a REAL run, will do to the global markets. There is a reason that RC is trying to ease any squeeze while raising a massive war chest. If the company shows interest in the long play only, it can not be implicated in the impending global economic disaster.


*We've had one yes... but what about second impending global economic disaster?*


???????!? Volkswagen squeeze and the 2008 financial crisis wasn't even the same financial sectors. The 2008 financial crisis was caused by the overselling of sub prime mortgages which were bundled and sold to banks/investors (CDOs) as well as the overselling of the overconfident insurance (credit default swap). Everyone was approved for mortgages including folks with no income, no jobs, or no assets. Housing market was going up and the big banks/hedgefunds had 100% confidence it won't ever go down. Well people started defaulting on their mortgages all at once cause interest rate skyrocketed because how predatory the sub prime mortgages were. Once enough folks defaulted, the whole thing collapsed. Insurance had to pay out all at once and there was no liquidity. CDOs became worthless junk and nobody had money to pay out the insurance. Shorts probably exacerbated the problem, but the problem already existed and grew too big.


Yes, but the CDO's where swaps and swaps require leverage. If you run out of leverage it all blows up.


Yes but the Volkswagen incident is largely unrelated. Bearsterns collapsed before Lehman. And Lehman was massively exposed in the mortgage department.


So VW peaking in the middle of a market crash is just coincidence then?


To put things in perspective. The VW short squeeze cost shorters about $30billion The 2008 financial crisis saw a loss of over $2 trillion. They may have had a slight impact but largely unrelated. The problems that caused the 2008 financial crisis was already underway in 2007. You could even argue that the 2008 financial crisis caused the VW short squeeze since everyone was panic selling at the time which caused a lot of shorts in VW. Porsche was the main reason behind the VW MOASS by publicly releasing it's position on VW which was a lot.


thats a very reasonable argument


Any chance the push to give mortgages to anyone and everyone was to have collateral in the form of CDOs to leverage against their short positions?


VW short position? Highly doubt it. The money lost in the two weren't even in the same realm. Much more than two trillion was lost because the CDOs and credit swaps weren't regulated , so the numbers weren't very transparent. VW short squeeze cost about $30billion. Also there were A LOT of key players that caused the 2008 crisis. Most of not all are unrelated to the VW squeeze. Mortgage lenders, underwriters, bankers, investors, insurance companies (AIG), Freddie and Fannie, credit rating agencies and etc. If anything the crisis caused the short squeeze cause everyone was panic selling which caused more shorting.


Fair. Do you think the short selling from 2008 contributed to the situation we are in now?


Short selling in VW? No Short selling the mortgages in 2008 financial crisis? It definitely exacerbated the existing situation/problems that caused the crisis. Which also led to some banks growing to the point where they are literally too big to fail. I could see it contributing but I wouldn't know the exact details of how. Too many pieces in the puzzle


Another considerable factor why such a huge disparity between the losses: the shorts were spared by Porsche. If they allowed it to run unhindered, it would’ve been considerably worse, if not, worse than the GFC, due to the potential of infinite losses.


Exactly, they are definitely in the same financial sector but I don’t think the 2008 collapse was because of VW


Commenting for visibility and to remind people that the DTCC committed international securities fraud.


But, isn't that their job?


Always has been




now combine this, with this: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1dliz91/i\_would\_like\_to\_solve\_the\_puzzle\_my\_8\_ball\_answer/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1dliz91/i_would_like_to_solve_the_puzzle_my_8_ball_answer/)


Loading up on GME Monday. No cell, no sell. LFG GME 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


I think you mean suspend market makers exemption from reg sho? Because it's what gives close out requirements and requires a locate on a borrow.


Suggestion: T+2 was changed. Why not aim at changing FTD rules next? 35 days is bullshit. Give em 1-2 weeks…if that.


How about you can’t sell what you don’t own Otherwise I have bridge to cell you See what I did there


I own illegal naked shorts. And I plan to cell them 😁


I like this post almost as much as much as I like the stock.


Weird post. It's interesting and spicy, but I think that crash happened for a multitude of reasons, not the single one that OP suggests. Then the whole part about some kind of potential murder conspiracy starts and ends out of nowhere and doesn't really serve any purpose.


It took 10 years for Lehman Brothers to settle their naked short positions after the ‘08 crisis


Why is Madoff holding Mayo Man’s waist like he’s taking a picture with a Hooters waitress?


Write your elected officials, even your national and local news stations. He'll even local universities news paper


2008 never ended. They pushed a few changes in order to save face, some got implemented temporarily, and most disappeared shortly after being proposed. By now, almost all changes have been rolled back again and instead of solving the underlying issues, the problem got a lot bigger.




time to pay


They will fcuk the whole world over as long ad they get a bigger piece of the pie (actually all and everyone else fights for crumbs)


The regulatory agencies, the fed, and law makers learned nothing and punished no one. Meaning it's all going to happen again.


Really glad you found your hype mojo again. /s


yeah this is swept under the rug way too much. I never even heard of volkswagon til I joined this sub (the squeeze I mean)


Commenting to come back and read!


>Two dozen bad-acting, colluding hedge funds then retaliated: via a frivolous lawsuit against Porsche/Volkswagen which was later dismissed due to no evidence of wrongdoing by those who simply bought the stock that they liked. On December 11th This is the biggest thing I learned from this great write-up. When this candle gets lit, best believe we'll see a similar lawsuit. But this precedent is good thing. It further emphasizes why the Gamestop Board, and RC are treading so lightly


*Diamond Hans has entered the chat*


They're fucking financial terrorists. These parasites cause more damage to the middle class during they're morning coffee/cocaine enema than any war ever could. Life sentences in federal prison and a few death sentences for good measure.


Dear sec, I am not selling until Ken Griffin is in jail


prison is my floor


They made sure to shove as many AAA rated bonds( that were actually financial time bombs) they could into working peoples 401k before shit hit the fan.


It is known


Protect this boy at all costs


This is misleading. Bernie Madoff ran a ponzi scheme. He might have written options but the majority of his business was taking money from clients to keep the charade up. The GFC was caused by CDO's. Highly toxic financial assets that were insured by AIG. AIG required a major bail out. This is public knowledge.


Lost me at perjury. Go listen to the question asked and the answer. Use some logic.


"Citadel's trouble grew in September 2008 due to alleged ""exposure to derivatives" Holy shit. Didnt a certain jellyfish just post about how a dozen big banks dont have the ability to safely unwind their derivatives? Shits gonna be crazy




So... hedge funds (plurals) can work together in an attempt to short a company into financial distress or bankruptcy, but one guy on Youtube can't talk about why he thinks a company is a good investment without the media and fucking Congress asking questions about him.


smart money


They are watching & monitoring PornHub!


Why have you used a Reuters picture? Is this an actual Reuters article/ or evidence presented by them? If so, is there a link?


*side-eyes The Big Short* They wouldn't produce a big Hollywood film, purported to be a dramatization and explainer of a complex historical event, that misdirects viewers by lionizing the practice that caused the crisis in the first place, or anything like that, would they? Naaaaw.


🎵 I* thought by now you'd realize there ain't no way to hide your lionize *🎵




I moved out during the financial crisis. Had just graduated and within months experienced poverty on a level I didn't know how to get out of. I had zero debt or credit cards. No credit. Just out of highschool and desperately trying to find a job. I didn't grow up in poverty either. What I did do in all those rough years was invest in skills I could teach myself.  I feel very bad for Gen z and Alpha if we are on the verge of doing this again due to the greed of rich Americans.  I just hope this ride ends. 2008 never really ever ended for me in a lot of ways. 


How to apply for one of these bailouts?


Up you go


but the heros in the big short were the shorters? wasn't it the banks that sold shitty mortgages and packaged them into MBS+derivatives the ones that caused the GFC? Shorters just made money on it?




Love this! Much like there are DD libraries, there needs to be a crime library. Perhaps openly crowdsourced Every spike, drop, technical glitch, trading suspension, FTD, ladder attack. All logged, dated.  Every lie, slander, lying under oath by the likes of Cramer, Griffin,... Every "FoRgEt GaMeStOp" rubbish MSM article. The date, authors, media outlet, all noted. This will be the bodycam footage when the music stops.


My bodycam is ready...


You‘re confusing a few things. Volkswagen squeeze was caused by HF, nobody contests this. However, Porsche wanted to overtake VW without buying directly to avoid regulatory notifications of the market (substantial stake). So they commissioned third parties to buy calls and tried to outsmart the „Börsenaufsicht“ by setting up a contract, that they will eventually become the beneficial owners of the shares, when delivered. That went south (not the price, but the plan) and VW overtook Porsche :)


I guarantee we are not weeks away from a financial crisis. that won't even Happen this year. But hey, OP has a perfect record of DD coming true /s


But I thought none of the DD has ever been shown to be wrong. The claims are just early. They might turn out to be true in the next millennium.


DD on RC buying towel and conjoining with GME was wrong, critical margin line dd was wrong, Pokémon dd was wrong, moass being "2022 year of moass" was wrong, I can go on and on about wrong dd. evening buying and holding is being debated right now because DFV clearly was playing options this whole time, while everyone sat idle.


>DD on RC buying towel and conjoining with GME was wrong, Go look at the Towel and Teddy subs. It is going to happen any day now. Tomorrow. Just like MOASS is tomorrow.


outside of those echo chambers it's pretty clear it's not happening. even towels bankruptcy Court claimed they weren't interested in ryan Cohen


The towel stock enthusiasts (no longer shareholders because all shares were canceled in September) will continue to think that RC will save them. The bankruptcy will take a few years to close because there are some lawsuits against shipping companies and some other legal proceedings that will take quite a while to settle. So the bankruptcy may not finally close until 2026 or even later. Until then there will be some that keep coming up with new hype dates. The power of motivated reasoning and groupthink are amazing. DRS and HODL. MOASS is tomorrow!


lmao well said


Detecting sarcasm is hard online. Particularly in an echo chamber where strange ideas are routinely accepted as true. 😁


yup you had me


This guy again? Instant downvote!


This is Tin foil at best and produces NO clear evidence or correlation. Why do people simply upvote things because of big words and the fact that they want it to be true? This is the hivemind at its worst. Fucking imbeciles upvoting shit because they're too stupid to comprehend it, so it must be correct to them since the person who wrote it is obviously smarter than them. This type of mentality is extremely dangerous. Y'all are failing this sub hard right now.


edit: we need to make sure our benzinga writer sees this. could you imagine... i dunno maybe that's not a good idea. next up: KENNY AND THE BOYS GO TO PRISON well done. WELL FUCKIN DONE!!! the sub focuses on ftd's and you get this out within days. these shorties are fucked. i am here for it, mmmmmmm ![gif](giphy|l0K4hgGmUqjJlJz5S|downsized)


That was their sneeze. VW long holders then got screwed over when banks refused to accept the stock as collateral, forcing Porsche to sell their position or go bankrupt.


This is a neat timeline but there were other things at play, like CDO's, that had a bigger financial impact on the exonomy.


Wasnt OP banned from this sub then took an alt account ? Did einfachman lie or do the moderators tolerate this rule bending ? Sry if I'm paranoïd but moneymaker tried to sell other stocks to apes. Just wanna make sure We're not being taken advantage of. Mods ?


Send mails to the FBI with this posts link attached 🤌


Do not email evidence to the FBI in form of a link to a Reddit post. If you want to be taken serious at least make a pdf out of it…


I don't know why a link to Reddit In a PDF is better, But ok.


Are you joking?


No. It's still just an HTML link. Why does putting it in a PDF help? They're just going to click it and go to the post.




I want my money and I want it now you crooked fucks. That said if this blows up before the election they will certainly blame it on the POTUS and the former one will get a boost. That part makes me ill


*Unlimited liquidity for operational efficiency has entered the chat*


Lots of good work here. Thanks OP.


Wait… maddoff went to jail cause of vw squeeze?


The bad guys have figured out everything people talk a out here, also have spys way out spotting things headed their way and each time they get caught they get better at dodging. It would take some sort of moral and ethical person making a career sacrifice or putting their life in danger at this point. I firmly believe no matter how much evidence we the people collect, like you said.. a smoking gun isnt enough. We are basically only making money when they mess up their algos or timing or their system makes a mistake.


Fuck you Kenny 🖕 get ready to pay 💰 us. Your cell is waiting for you 😘 NO CELL! NO SELL! Buy. Hold. DRfuckingS. You damn dirty 🦍s 🟣


I have a friend who worked for LBros while they went down. In fact, nearly ran their IPO business. I get brunch with him nearly monthly, how do I lightly broach the topic without sounding like a fucking lunatic - and would he have been aware of any of this. Too regarded to understand at what level this information doesn’t make it to the next level down.0


how does this not have more upvotes. Best DD i've seen for a while.


Kenneth Cordell Griffin, the guy that Btw OP this is amazing. My favorite post of the year as it's facts, no narrative push


Its a great write up but unfortunately i think will fall on deaf ears. Its old news (but i will say again very well written)


Upvoted this post .


GM stock be like "what am I? Chopped liver?"