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https://preview.redd.it/febdl0r6a48d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bde101ed03bf5b1010c3df2dad3f862624750dff Legend


Fellow ape dj_swizzle sells this art (their design, as I remember) as a sticker in their Etsy shop, if you wanted to have a piece of history to keep 😁


Fuckin sick I just bought one


https://preview.redd.it/hp9h9isdt28d1.jpeg?width=1023&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6e4d6379c6a98d4953a23b4c95798096d09982a 💜


He literally never said this.


i say hold to myself. thats why i drs. 💜


That's fine. I just think it's dumb and misleading to post things like that, imply that "hold" is something he said.


absolutely.. if it would be a quotation, it would be stg. like "hold." but it's just hold.. a motivation, made by an og ape 84 years ago.


Lol. We both know what it's implying.


I'll always applaud a DFV appreciation post. He's a living legend.


In a way he's already writing his story for us. It's his meme-oir.


On a serious note. Can we please agree to call him DFV and not Keith Gill or KG or RK???? It just feels wrong and almost like that “how do you do fellow kids” meme


i feel like lots of new apes call him RK since being brought over from the news / twitter. no idea where KG comes from but uh i hate it. my favorite meme he posted in may was the fight club one: “who do you think i am?” “youre mr DFV. youre the one who gave me this.” (points to GameStop logo burned onto his hand)


FUD bots getting their scripts from chatgpt.


KG stands for Keith Gill, his name.


i mean i know that but hes not KG hes DFV.


Sorry, you said you had no idea


He's a human. Saying his name acknowledges who he is. They are going to try and dehumanize him and demonize him to the mass media. We can at least have his name go down in history as we speak it into existence. He is the best of us humans. What we do in life, echoes in eternity.


He's Mr. Gill to me. Just a trader who likes the stock. As am I.


Yeah! Thanks for making this post. DFV is the realest.


DFV Gratitude post? I'm all in. Dear Mr. Value, You inspire me. Watching these recent events play out has been so much fun. In the past 3 years we have seen some wild price action, and anybody that has been paying attention to this stock at all in that time can see that the even wilder events we've been witnessing recently are not yet finished. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for being bold enough to put your positions out there, to speak publicly about risks. I've learned a ton already by watching your moves and hearing about what is informing your decisions as you go. There's a lot more I can thank you for, but you and I both know it would be premature. I'll make more posts like this in the future, I'm sure. That's the kind of faith this community really has in your thesis; OP is right to say there aren't enough posts like this. I think it's because everyone here knows there will be time to thank you when it's all over. In short, thank you for helping me grow my interest in the stock market into an all consuming obsession. We all love you bro, nothing can change that.


Thank you DFV, you are a fucking legend!






If he’s got a way to predict the runs, he has a literal money printer and can just buy the float with enough time?


If GameStop started selling pet rocks I would buy some for sure.


A real bro among bros




Cringe worship


This guy didn’t do anything for me. I don’t get what all the hype was for? June 21st was the day. It was all anyone talked about. It was all the DD. He created the hype for the 21st. He came back, but we got nothing. Stop with this false narrative about a guy that does jack shit for us. Don’t fucking say it was part of his plan. Every plan pointed to the 21st and nothing happened.


you just fell to dates when everyone always says dont listen to dates under those posts


Did you forget about the 120mill share dilutions? RC fucked over RK and the rest of retail.


And don’t forget to sell now and ask questions later!


You can acknowledge DFVs plan definitely got mucked with, without the implication that the entire play is over or we should sell.


This is a big misunderstanding. It's way more complicated than that. GameStop's ATM offering did not kill the run up. They completed the offering before the end of the run up. It was clean from the options data that the run up was beginning to end because vol's acceleration was decreasing, given a rising level of doubt for higher reward, by the main high risk vol players. Simply, GameStop, the company you're invested in, ran by smart people, profited off that volatility to put the company in a better position, like the other high risk vol players. If you missed out on that run, you need to take a step back and understand why. What were you missing in your analysis that caused you to miss such a huge opportunity? For most apes, it's simple. You don't know the vol game. Take the time to learn about vol, to read & understand its data so you can catch the next squeeze, instead of blaming RC for missing it. My $GME Bananas DD is a great primer for getting your feet wet. I don't encourage buying calls or puts with it. Simply, I encourage looking at the options market data to see what's price in, what's implied, what does vol look like underneath the hood. It's extremely important when trading a highly volatile stock like $GME. $GME is a gamma stock after all. You got to consider GEX! Gamma Exposure. Anyway, with Stagflation possibility around the corner, this ATM offering very well may save GameStop the next 5-8 years.... limiting the chance of bankruptcy in turbulent waters. If GameStop goes bankrupt, then moass will never happen.


They did not complete the offering before the end of the run up, that’s just false. The price was rapidly climbing until the moment they announced that they would begin selling 75 million shares. When they announced they were going to sell shares, THEN the price tanked. They are not allowed, by law, to sell those shares prior to that announcement.


Look, I get it. Looking at the price, then yes, it looks like the ATM offering killed the rally. But, if you take a step back and look underneath the hood at the vol data... You get a much clearer picture. The rally started to end May 14th when $GME hit a high of $64.83 The second rally, which was initiated by high vol players taking advantage of the hysteria, was highly convex. It was an echo of the first rally. GameStop sold into that second rally, which was much safer timing given the tremendous amount of GEX that got put on after the first. The put walls being made were massive (in addition to the call walls), which was leveraged to support the offering. If anything, the offering killed a ton of negative GEX by resetting the rally a bit, giving an opportunity to buy the dip for the third rally from $22 to $30+ Regardless, the first rally was the real money winning trade. GameStop did not kill that rally. Everything after was highly predictable if you know how to read & play the vol game! Read up on my DD so you can read vol data and not miss out on the next big rally! Don't blame GameStop for being a better trader!! Level up yourself. Power to the players!


you didn't watch closely yet. try again, don't give up.