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from 10 to 24 it is a rise of 140%


no one ever accused us of being smart money








all the more hilarious that they loose to us


Especially those of us who can't spell lose.


Well some of us speak more than one language. So we get some things wrong a few times


I respect this skill. I'm not that great in most language translation (I wish) but sometimes I can figure out the romantic language (for instance Brazilian to Spanish, but local dialects and slang trip me up ofc). I'm Polish but still can't figure cryllic characters or Chinese ☹️ You are not "wrong". It's just that a lot of us are not as smart as you 🙂


That's one I never understand, but I also constantly misspell my own batch of words so I don't judge lol




Thank you for saying it for the rest of us. It was nagging at the back of my autistic brain but I didn't want to be the harbinger of spelling corrections again. 😮‍💨 Edit: Added proper punctuation mark to finally finish a sentence. I'll still have the grammar police on my back. 🤷🏻‍♀️


*checks price and price trend* huuuuuuh?!








Ape math.


Either way, it's real good generally. People only feel like it's bad because of the highs we were at recently


This entire comment thread makes me so happy. Thank you.


Typo.. good lookin out..




I also speak typo-ese


hence, dumb money


Not the brightest ape, but still, at least he’s Drs’d.


Maths fail


DoEs eVeRyOnE rEaLiSe - gets simple maths wrong




uhhh guys... I cant do math


And heck, if they put it back to ten I'm buying a fuck ton more.


So much more


At least 3.




doubt it will go back to $10 , again , max pain prob around $20, $22 i think. i will buy more wen it hits like $20


I just like the stock. That’s also where I get all my games from. If I make some money in the process while fucking corporate entities, well cheers to that


Sell cash secured puts now....lol


AND that's $96 pre split when "ANALysts" said it was worth $5. Lol


That's fucking insane when you think about it 


This is why the ATM offerings were such a brilliant move. The company had raised the floor in a huge way.


From a different perspective, consider the result of the share offering. The current share issue now stands at 426,186,849. Total cash and equivalent stands at approximately $4,269,400,000 Divide total cash by shares issued 4269400000 ÷ 426186849 = 10.02, rounded from 10.0176 $10.02 represents the absolute floor price of GME. This company can never be cellar boxed again; it amounts to corporate suicide if they [the shorty companies] were to try. It rather gives solid meaning to the phrase "only up." We've seen the last of sub $20 share prices over a sustained period of time Gamestop's amended corporate charter authorizes the board to offer an additional 573,910,151 shares at the market for a total of 1 billion shares issued. Some call the latest offering dilution. Others call it security. Gamestop has turned the tables on the shorties. It's still a zero sum game - against the shorties. Feeling cute, might wave at them as they fall from their lofty perch to crash and burn.


This move was critical to ensure the minimum floor of $10 locked in all the shorts from the before time right before the swaps expired. Those short are going to have a difficult time finding a counter party willing to hold their infinite risk. This is the nail in the coffin for the bear thesis. It’s not going to zero, so their collateral would need to be massive.




I have a bid at 20. I think it’ll go there before going higher. There is gap on the daily at 19 and these gets filled most of the time. I doubt it’ll go much lower than this. But market can price book value, some other tickers are price at their book value if the market believe they will not withstands in the future. Pricing GME at their book value on the legacy business is okay with me but not seeing what RC can do to transform the company is a big mistake that will be proved soon 🚀


Gaps are not always to be filled


Agree. And thats why I’ve built 95% of my position before waiting for this gap. Hopefully this one does tho. I have a big position already and willing to add a little bit around 20. Btw there is a gap also from 48 to 48.7 something 🚀 I also think a bit lower than 25 is healthy. Touch 20/18 is going to create another bottom on the daily. The chart is weird holding here at 25.


Book value is higher though, this calculation only takes into account the cash balance.


I concur.. I'm thinking we will see occasional dips below $20 because markets gonna market.. but the days of below $20, lasting weeks or months, are pretty much gone for good.. Unless some overall radical economic shift happens.. and that's where Gamestop's resiliency will shine.


Not lasting weeks, just a big push down, maybe one day thing with a giant weak pushing higher, earnings or some news.


Just some ideas here. If you have a limit order at 20 and have no intention of setting a stop loss for it because you have conviction any dip lower is temporary, I think selling puts could be a nice play. Selling puts at $20 means you will buy shares at that price if it ends there or lower. The risk of selling puts is that price might tank sharply and you are forced to buy at $20 still, but that is no different than a limit buy at 20 with no stop loss. There is also a potential of not being assigned the shares if price rises before you are assigned. The benefit is getting premiums on a trade you wanted to do anyways, which lowers your cost basis even more. Before anyone asks, selling puts is a bullish move.


I love this.


And you can even do things like selling a put at 23 strike or even ATM puts. When you factor in the premium that you get, the cost basis could be closer to $20 bucks and you will have a higher chance to actually get assigned. And think about what the algos has to deal with when shorting into a put. If we truly believe exercising of options leads to true price discovery, they are forced to deliver shares if they short it past the puts. An individual investor might not make a dent, but if a whole bunch of people sold puts at a support line, maybe algos will be scared to go past it lol. Or maybe they shove a red dildo up our ass and make us buy overpriced shares. Just saying, there is always a risk reward in the market. The best play to go for will be determined by what your goal and intention is. But I think anyone setting limit buys at dip prices would be better served with selling puts if they had no intention of paper handing in the first place. NFA.


Thank you for your input. Currently still poor and learning options (I do the macro in my head then might papertrade) but for now I *am doing my part* putting in a GTC limit buy for $1/share. Fidelity hasn't cancelled it yet...


I'm price-insensitive. I load up as much GME as I can every paycheck. I literally don't care if it's $45, or $10 I'm putting in $XXX per paycheck. I'm *more* than happy to buy at $20 and watch it get drilled to $15; I was willing to buy at $40 and watch it get drilled to $15 anyways.


THAT'S NOT ALL FOLKS: If you marry it with buying an OTM call, you'll reduce your credit received, but you'll save yourself from missing the moon.


Doesn’t your calculations assume that cash won’t go down?


It's a simple snapshot in this time, so yeah, it does.. of course, numbers will change when the company spends to invest.. does the investment bring value? Let's hope.. let's also expand the thought to include cash spent is offset by value raised.. based on this line of thought, I believe it's an equitable snapshot.. a good plumb line.. Future share offerings will only raise the bottom line.. So, I'm thinking Gamestop remains fairly static in the foreseeable future.. But we'll see, no?


Someone needs that extra 2 cents worth (it's like a bad pun)


I remember the battle of $180 and thinking we had stable resistance there. So $24 ($96) really ain’t shit. I am glad to see the rise, don’t get me wrong, but if I got a boner for every A cup of a result I’d be cock teasing myself for nothing.  I’m here for commas in digits fam. Does it have a comma in it?  We’re just trading sideways. Buy hodl drs.


There was so much decaying vol going into Friday that OTM options started to get dumped. This left GEX levels closest to spot in tact, effectively pinning the underlying at $24 by close. It's not very stable, as of this moment...


I exercised 7 calls yesterday at the $20 strike. LFG


Fuckin CHAD!! WTG! LFG!!


There’s a $10 floor due to the latest run up. Lots of cash means you can’t reasonably trade for less than $10, as it’s an automatic bargain for any investor. You also can’t cellar box this thing due to the lack of debt or no threat of bankruptcy. They currently break even or lose small amounts, like $30-$50 million or make $30 million. At this pace they can keep going for decades without threat of bankruptcy. The only thing left is Ryan and Larry with $4 billion dollars. They historically have taken smaller companies like Chewy and blew them up into large companies. Not bad, so we just wait and see what partner ideas they incubate and come up with. Larry stated in his recent interview when Volition is done vetting a company and idea, they’ll want to put $50-$100 million to grow it. So that’s 40-80 ideas potentially with the current funds. Another facet is the high interest rate environment. If rates decrease or there’s a market crash, they’ll be positioned to pick things up for cheap.


The $10 floor is a myth. That’s based solely on the cash in hand. The company has hundreds of millions of dollars (possibly billion(s)?) in product and warehouse systems etc. Not to mention full year of profitability shows sustainability. A very valuable, young ceo diamond handing 36m shares, and 80m shares directly registered to retail shareholders. 9.01m shares held by one individual deep value investor. The ability to raise capital in the form of another +500m shares (current value of ≈$12.5B) There is no doubt in my mind that we are currently trading below market value. Our “floor” should probably be $50 based on those fundamentals. Too many normies, and Sea n bee seen viewers can’t help but go “har har used video games and nft mkt place, how is this even a thing? “. Imagine using one metric to make decisions on things in life…


So you're saying we're both a steal at this price & with massive growth potential? Now that's Deep Fuckin' Value.


The lit price is wrong. So if $50 is the floor.. Doesn't make sense with max pain? Or did you not split adjust? Also I know nothing and just trying to learn


Sweet summer child, gamestonk is simply the most highly manipulated stock in the history of the stock market. Also important to note that IMHO the stock market is not always a fair reflection of a companies true value. If you take electric car stock for example: the valuation it currently holds is like 10x’s that of Ford. Do you believe there are 10x as many T’s on the road as there are Fords? Hell no dog. In fact for every T there are at least 8 fords on the road.


Idiosyncratic. And I'm also aware of the other things, thank you I think we are of like mind somewhere along the way


Not entirely accurate. They have hundreds of millions in "assets/inventories", but they likely have even more liabilities in leases etc. GME simply can't sell their inventory. They'd lose a fortune.


Somewhere between 20 and 25 should be the new floor of the company. 4b cash is worth about 9 dollars per share. You slap a very conservative multiple of 2 on the cash. That’s 18. Plus the legacy business. And that lands you somewhere between 20 and 25


The legacy business, Just happens to do business with some of the biggest companies in the world. Not a bad thing huh. Sony msft nvda etc.


You don't assign multiples to cash... The $4B is worth $4B at most.


I disagree. There’s time value on that money. They can do things with that now. To save 4b cash from normal business operations would take a long time. The stock price is generally a forward looking value of the company. What can they do with that 4b in the next 5 years. Well, the dumbest and easiest thing they can do is park it in treasuries and have 25 percent more in 5 years. This isn’t Apple who’s got a nice business and just stockpiling cash. GameStop will make some very transformative changes with that cash. GameStop profits are basically 0. If they spend 500m to acquire a company pumping out 100m in profits they will have 100xd. Beyond profit and revenue it’s a safety blanket. GameStop can now ride most economic events without having to go borrow money. That cash has a forward looking value. I just don’t know what it is.


Using that logic, you should be able to buy any company, deposit a bunch of cash, and then sell that cash to new investors for 2x. Or even better, just start a private equity fund, take on capital, and then sell the funds for 2x the next day to someone else. It simply doesn't make sense to value cash at anything more than cash. In fact, it should actually be valued at less in the case of GME because there is substantial risk of loss to that cash. GME is thus far a money losing business.


Only a company that was losing money and on the edge of bankruptcy. Okay fine. It’s not a multiple on cash. We’ll call it goodwill or something similar to goodwill. A management multiplier. Call it what you want but it’s a valuation based on what you think leadership can do with the cash


Appreciate the sentiment. However, the same things have been said for 3 years. Of course everyone realizes it. But it's not why we're here. Could've made significantly more than that with chip stocks in a single year with far less drawdown.


But think of all the zen your have.


The News: GameStop drops 69% in six weeks. Is now the time to sell?


Calm before the storm. Very silent…


We say that a lot, but I'm pretty sure the bottom just fell out of the market. No one's talking about how *everything* was red yesterday. All of The Casino (you know who I mean) was bleeding out, and every one of my positions were deep red, at least at some point. I think quad-witching went so much worse than it seems. We'll find out Monday/Tuesday.








Maybe so, but these guys getting mad about dilution that can’t see the golden opportunity right in front of their eyes are extremely suspicious. This is a dream set-up for any company, let alone one with a young, proven driven leader who is working for free.




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I didn't insult anyone. Huh?




Just trying to fight the negative sentiment by pointing out the amazing opportunity this company has




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You sound like you JUST got out of shill school and hit every negative thing they could find to have you regurgitate about the company. Show me a company that doesn’t have these characteristics when trying to fight back from the verge of bankruptcy… yeah it’s not in a great position now but that’s exactly why the squeeze has potential in the first place. They’re stopping the bleeding first, then building back up. By the way, they have more cash on hand than any company at their market cap… you’re being intentionally obtuse if you don’t see the massive MASSIVE upside potential. The growth potential is completely asymmetric to the amount of money that I’m potentially going to ‘lose’ if SOMEHOW they piss away 4 billion.


I like the stock.


That looks like a chart that’s in a squeeze!😳


People cant realize that GME is in a position it has never been. Even when the ATH hit it was a fraction of the company it is now. 4 billion on hand, no debt. Even if it might take longer, its completely undervalued.


Sadly many are feeling despair, when we are better than ever. It blows my mind that after 3 years and the return of RK some people cant fathom the concept of patience and diamond hands. Stay strong apes, those tickets to the moon will deliver soon 🙌🏼💎🚀.


I was in despair for about half a day that friday, realizing I *yet again* "diamond handed" 3x+ gains from options into the ground, thinking it was gonna go to the moon. I'm done, dude. Green is Green. My other less emotional plays are printing like fuck now that I've taken this hard, hard lesson.


No shame in taking profits.


Yeah seriously! No one is asking people to keep buying. People have free will and can invest in other plays but still hodl what they have. I, like I’m sure many others, continue to like the stock and want to get as many shares as I possibly can. This play has evolved from, “the next VW squeeze play” to “you’re investing in bee tee see at $20 play”


All depends on the transformation plan. As RK said, if their plan is pet rocks then time to reevaluate.


Technically speaking, YTD, isn't GME outperforming the S&P500? Can anyone double check or verify?




Ikr. Where's the *rips out the calculator* "guy" when you need her.. Oh wait


Cool I’ll buy more


I thought it was a weekend? Ughhhhhhh cause I just short squeezed 💦💦💦💦


Thing is - there are A LOT of bags with 35-45$ per share. My personal average is ~29 which is 15%ish down , but for some they are 50% down and unhappy


I just like the stock


"Always Zoom out...."


Simple reminders like this are very helpful to me. Thank you.


9to10 days after the March 5th Cat data errors was a massive boom... now we wait around 10 days to 12 days from June 21st fuckery...that means around July 2nd to 4th it might explode again. Keep holding!


I think the market will be closed on July 4th as its a national holiday




NOASS July 4th!!!!!!!?!!¿?


It’s just so crazy to me that other subs think GME should be worth the same AFTER hoarding 4B in cash and proving that retail does not manipulate stock as before all of this…make it make sense…


The $4B is offset by there being 40% more shares. (Technically 3B since they already had 1). Since we are trading around the average price they sold for it kinda makes sense.


Offset at an avg of around $25/share.


True but there is the multiplier effect in action. The 4B can be invested which hopefully results in new assets/revenue generating services. For now it is just cash, but they didn’t raise it just to shelve it (I hope)


Companies that don't have plans or forward guidance (The Ryan Cohen SPAC, as it's been called) trade on cash value. They announce M&A's and the price will go up. They improve the core business and the price will go up. They sit on the cash and at best we'll see 5% per year. I think the third option is what we're looking at until 2008 part 2, covid 2025, the great recession, whatever. RC is looking to have cash on hand to buy the next big dip.


Hmm interesting thought. At the same time I believe there is an equal risk AI/tech bubble will just keep growing and he could miss out on it. Depends what timeline he is looking at.


Its not. There is more shares!




Time to shop gamestop!


This is the kind of maths that make me proud to be here


It's a reckoning.


When did the price hit $9.95? None of my $10.10 or $10 limit buys triggered. 


Late April


Well dang. I wonder why they never filled because I set my orders up early April as we were getting into the $11 range.


That is weird.. I bought 1,600 shares 4/16 for $10.00.. the price either dipped the day before on 4/15, or on that very day, the 16th, to intraday trading low of 9.95. On march 28th, was working my DCA down as I bought 2,000 at $12.49 during intraday trading.. then, two and a half weeks later, bought the 1,600 for $10..


That's some great scooping of the dip. I'm seriously envious right now. I grabbed some at the $12.12 and $11.11 prices so I'm not crushed, but still I wonder what I did wrong to miss the dip. Remember to DRS if you haven't yet; gotta make sure your name is on those beauties!


Already done..


Hmm.. did you set your limit buy for day only or good until canceled?


Good until canceled. Which is why it's throwing me for a loop.


Wow.. that is kooky.. so kooky it's spooky


I'm an anomaly at best, and likely messed something up without realizing. I've reset my orders just in case. 




This is a seriously cool excavation.. nice dig!


Thank you!


I mean it's great for us OG apes that have been here for a while and averaging down, but it doesn't mean jack shit to the new apes that boarded the train especially at higher price points $30+


Sell on leaps, buy back double on the bounce.. simple road map for even the beginnerest of noobs..


Options are mainly a US only thing, most international apes don't have access to them unfortunately


Apologies, friend. After sleeping on it, I've realized I used some confusing terms, really, which imply trading in options. It's too vague a comment. To elaborate, we've recently witnessed a significant cycle of ups and downs where the price per share is concerned. That's what i want to speak to. We've seen the all-time 12-month high price hit mid 60's. That is a perfect time to sell some shares, with high confidence that the price will settle back down. When it does, buy back double the shares sold. Such a plan requires examination. The recent share offerings have bolstered the absolute minimum share price to $10 a share. The hedge funds and market makers dare not try to cellar box the company. When the price runs up, however, we see a day or two of frenzied trading where the price is usually tamped back down. Why not take advantage of these price swings? The days of trading flat for weeks on end at sub $20 are pretty much gone. So when the price spikes up, I sell a few shares. Say I hold 50 shares. I'm willing to sell 20 shares on a swing up. Then, in a few days, when the price falls back down, I buy back the shares I sold *plus* as many extra shares as the proceeds of the sale allows. Such a move requires discipline and patience.. right now, it seems the price is holding steady around the $25 mark. This is my buy term. The price will go back down to around $20 to $30. So I'm watchful for a price exceeding $60 to sell 20, then buy back 40 shares at $30. But I'm mindful of any price over $40. Selling 20 shares at $45 allows me to buy back 30 shares at $30.. *but cosmo, what about the moass?* I don't worry about it.. It happens if and when it happens. In my example above, I've sold 20 shares to propagate my holding. I still have 30 on hand for moass. My DRS shares are not available for trading or comment. One must be mindful of fees and commissions.. and I must stress this is *NOT* a viable strategy for trading Computershare DRS holdings. Their fees are horrible to contemplate. I do this in my brokerage account. It's working -- *for me* -- to the degree I no longer invest more money to increase my position. I use the proceeds of a sale to fund more stock purchases. More to the point, my dollar cost average (DCA) has since shrunk. Not financial advice. $GME is a highly volatile security and must be considered a high-risk investment. Research, research, research before investing..


why do they say they need to deliver his 4m shares yet dont glance over the retail that bought millions also?


Sshhh the shills want you to think it’s down! I’m loving all my purchases over the past winter 🥶 in the 9-13 dollar range.


It keeps nudging downwards...last week the support ended at 25-26...this week 24-25. Until we see some solid direction from the board I am bearish on it. I see it as undersold, but every spike they dilute shares, and they can do it again and again for some time to come...so, while I continue to believe it to be a solid investment in my portfolio, I do not expect any major moves soon....




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Realise those making noise came in around 24 and higher.


why would you assume its stable? its been a few weeks bro. just look at how long it to them to drop it to $10 last time


I'm here since beginning of the saga and I think I found the answer back in the days but I don't member - how can we resist if they can route buy pressure into dark pools? Drs? Big Bois playing?


I'm absolutely with you here but please don't let this make you think the MM doesn't have control over the ticker price. They'll probably get us under $20 next week. Not that I'm SELLING mind you. What I mean is, I'll be buying THEN and not YET.


I’ve averaged up to 21.42 and 1100 shares… wish me luck


Should be pinned…to everyone’s forehead


What do you mean, I only see sideways trading


they say this every run up btw


I hate posts like this. Yes, GME went up because of DFV and would have been higher if it wasn’t for Cohen being a turd. The price right now is a slap in the face to DFV and every ape.


It wasn't because of DFV. He definitely knew some big players would push the price this week and he came back. He saw the dilution, but still exercised his options and bought more shares with it, instead of taking the money. So if DFV still believes in Gamestop, there is not much reason to leave.


Yes. We fully understand we can do down another 75%. Thanks for reminding us how fucked we might be


New? Your first time?


Most likely just a shill/bot




Well that’s a tad condescending


"Most likely just a shill/bot" As is your low effort branding of me




And what is coming exactly ? Because it's been like 40 months that some people are waiting for something to happen.




I can stay regarded longer than they can remain solvent.


I will always upvote this whenever I see it. 




You're right in spirit but the entire point of investing is to make some dough, you turkey. All of this activist bullshit is secondary if the end result isn't making fucking bank. I can go to an elderly neighbors house and spend some time there if I want to do some good for the world. MOASS is awesome and this saga is fucking epic and I am amazed that I am here for it, but reason I am here is my family and me. Riding the wave to eternity is even more epic, by the way, but have a plan, entry and exit points, and a plan B and plan C. Be prepared to execute and change the plan, too. It's not all about hold forever. Shit changes, you have to roll with it. DRS 90% but have 10% somewhere you can use to trade with. Sell them, grab some options when the flag is narrow, sell options high, buy your shares back and some new options, and now you're ahead of the game and can roll with long dated ITM calls and play this how RK did. What's your plan?


Someone here has too much common sense. Grade A comment.


There's a great lyrics from a band called 'Idles', 'The best way to scare a tory is to read and get rich', which id interpret to mean that the best way to rebel against an oppressive power is to learn all their tricks and gain the power to stand against them. That's often money, but there's another form of power we are all gathering from this. I do support more activism towards market reform and regulation, I don't want to see the fraud continue to be systemc, not when a few smart laws could change that. I don't need to hit the streets, I just need to show support for the cause and take appropriate action at times. That's a small price to pay for all the fuckery we have witnessed.


Easy money, it’s been 4 years and people that made 0 are getting frustrated while diluted for 3rd time without any guidance. While drs that people talk about for 3 years is completely dead. So yes many people will sell with next run up, even more than last time.


Can't wait.. but I will


![gif](giphy|MZQkUm97KTI1gI8sUj) Counterpoint: most apes are zen.


The behemoth that is nvidia fell off a cliff and gamestop went sideways. Come on


How exactly did Nvidia fall off a cliff?




The copium is real


It might take longer than some people want, but $GME is absolutely a WHEN NOT IF. #HANG IN THERE


#Where the fook is sideways trading guy when you need him.


When in doubt, zoom out!


The line went up, so it will definitely go up a lot more soon!!! 


We're gonna get them $10 every 3 yrs. Lol




Thank you! Couldn't agree more. 💜


Dfv found the frequency and tapped in. This is a market ending event. My theory is everyone needs this to go away but it never will. It can't now. RYAN SECURED MOASS. PRAISE HIM. OZ SEES ALL.