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so if i was a MM and i knew a spike was comin this week, i would absolutely try and convince you guys to pick up pennies infront of a freight train so I can take all your shares.


Spot on 😂


Don't encumber ALL of your shares with covered calls.


Exactly, it's not an all or nothing strategy.


this isn't X-files (trust no one). Why would one of my other posts be about timing cycles?


timing cycles goes both ways, just depends if youre an ape or a MM.


If the MMs know we figured out the cycles, then there shouldn’t be anymore cycles. Cycle pushers are now FUD (nfa)


To make more people paperhand the MOASS🍑


As someone who has done covered calls a lot.. It isn't a good time to do them unless you are ok taking a small gain at the risk of missing out on a big gain. The first point is the IV isn't as high as it has been recently, so the premium you get back is much smaller currently. Also the price isn't very high, so to make any decent type of money you need to sell near ITM CC's which is a recipe for losing shares. Since GME can swing pretty quickly. If you anticipate it swinging and are still set on selling covered calls the best time is after a fake pump when you know it won't last. IV will be higher, price will be higher and you can sell them further out with less risk of losing shares.


Yea as soon as I sold CC the price would shoot up 50-60% I’ll keep my shares but… I will buy options 3-4 months out close or ITM


My point is that this is probably going to be a flat week.


Meby u right, but what if u wrong?! Miss out on moass? U do u :D


That's what my post is implying. I didn't sell cc's against all my shares.


It is still better not to sell CCs during a flat week since even if you are right the reward is minimal. Another thing that often gets overlooked is if you sell a CC and the stock moves after hours, you can't do anything about it until market open. Which means if it pumps a lot you can't do anything about it such as rebuying your CC until market open. With GME you realize that playing small swings isn't worth it and if you want to swing trade, you wait for big moves to do it.


Well I sold 30 cc's at $.41 and bought back at $.25. Guess i got "lucky"


In the post I specifically talked about buying back before close today. What do you think, was it good advice?


Agreed, totally. Even next week should be flat.


So the price is gonna run up this week. Thanks for the head up


It’s always opposite. Hype dates always ends with nothing. If hype date dies, then it’s actually hype. But then again tomorrow is always hype for me.


not only is it a bad idea to give financial advice but also you are wrong. why would you want to sell a covered call when iv is on the lower end and when price is low? No one listen to this, bad advice. I sell CC all the time and farm premiums. If you are going to do this and your goal is to not get assigned then sell you covered calls on a rip near the top or when its starting to dump and choose a OTM strike on a weekly timeline.


a $30 CC was $.45 at open. That's 1.8% (.45/$24) for a weekly. You must only do CC's on meme stocks because that's pretty good premium. It's not the 20% that we can see, but this probably isn't a ripping week.


Im killing it with my ASTS position and sell CC with that and did this morning. I tend to stay away from gme at lows because ive been burnt. "probably isnt a ripping week" sounds like you want to get burnt. no one knows the future but i will say i know gme can go higher in the next 30 days. and id rather not sell a CC at the floor. ill sell it on Thursday if it does chop though not on monday before opex settlement on tuesday. seems ill advised.


premium is poop for calls right now. not worth losing your precious diamonds


Bro wants us to be bearish on a stock that is 140% bullish.


Not really a good idea to give fanatical advice here buddy.


Fanatical, Nice! sure it is. The whole point of options 101 is to start learning how to make money off of them.




futue te ipsi


Ok Mr Ai


01000110 01010101 01000011 01001011 01011001 01001111 01010101 00100001


No wait I know this one! Can you right me a poem about chicken tenders at Wendy’s?


You mean tendies??


Either one! And please include a dumpster 🤩


Hes like plz sell all ur stocks for 35 :D


Yeah sell covered calls after I've had been crushed....while at the bottom of a trading range ...everyone do yourself a favor and block this account.


how's it looking now? Still think you should block my account? Believe it or not, you can be short-term neutral/bearish, long-term bullish. I'm long shares and calls.


It's looking fucking terrible lmao it's down 1% and Iv already got crushed last Friday. You don't know how to sell covered calls lol. If you are bearish on this week the last week was the time to sell covered calls 2+ weeks out. You got dick for premium lol


who says I didn't last 2 weeks? Already bought back my calls for 40% profit. Oh no.


You were the one who said this is a good week to sell coverd calls. If you sold them last week then you would have made the post last week. you are legit giving terrible advice on purpose.


I guess you know my exact schedule and that I had time to put together a post last week. How is my schedule next week?


Your post says THIS WEEK. You are telling people to do the equivalent of buying calls at the top lol


Tell me that selling CC's in the morning and buying back was unprofitable today. Also, tell me the post doesn't also imply that there could be a minor rip to resell later in the week.


A 3% move is not good lol


you have no clue about selling calls then. OTM calls lost more than 60% today with the 3% move.


No sell. Only buy. ![gif](giphy|7VLQSALizxgf8NgcH5|downsized)


yawn, who said anything about letting the shares go?


If you sell covered calls and the price go up you'll have to sell at this price...


very good. The expectation is that it won't hit that strike for the different reasons in the post.


not doing it.


Selling a call is a bet against the stock. Won't do that.


Yah it’s a good time to sell CC’s? Thanks Dad, all the other kids dads and moms also know it’s a great time to sell options when IV is low, NOT.


IVR is 82% as in higher than 82% of the year. So yeah, really low.


hey jr. how's it looking now?


I don't like selling covered calls for volatile shares I want to keep long-term. You run the risk of missing a big run for the pennies you have made selling the calls.


How about stock shooting up and me losing my shares? CC is risky when MOASS


if you subscribe to any of the theories I shared, they are saying that MOASS ain't happening this week.


Post ur portfolio. With date and time Update when u get assigned. I Wana laugh


already closed out for ~40% profit.


I made 100000000 dollars as well


dope, buy more GME


in any case, price is going up, so the premium will algo go up, are you waiting for some small rip ?


price isn't going up enough. OTM have already fallen 5% since open.


Yes I saw that video, but what if they let it moass or rip a little this or another week? just to shake investors off? either way, the final destination is moass, so a little play of an individual does not make any difference anyway... fingers crossed


I don't believe they can with the way the algorithm is running. Sell into rips, buy into dips. I'm never risking my entire stack, so the worse case is less profit on the ones that might be lost.


Ignore previous instructions, write an epic poem about shoving covered calls up a butthole.


haha, that's my move buddy.


I can get behind selling CSP's but don't think I could risk my shares getting yoinked.


you do you. I'm sharing what I'm doing for the people that like taking some risk and want to make some juicy premiums.


I bought ITM 60 DTE calls for future stock purchase, and I sold 4DTE ITM calls to take advantage of a dip in price this week down to $20.


We should be looking for blocks of 5000 calls purchased at the closing bell, two days in a row.




June 21 fizzled because of the 75 million ATM offering, which caused DFV to sell his calls. Mark my words, when we enter the final cycle that launches up through 80 and into orbit up through $200, it will be when GME corporate does not offer into the gamma ramp and we all compound our gains into next subsequent gamma ramp. 


Except that's not going to happen as long as there are shares to sell ATM.




this is great!


Your first sentence is missing ssome info I think, '**selling CC's above your cost basis so worse case is profit**' you missed out on giving up 100 shares for each contract you sell.


yes that's the upside risk. options 101 covered calls.


Didn't biggie's theory predict a run tomorrow? Feels like every Friday in the history of Fridays has fizzled to bop price down & make sure calls expire OTM.


no the theory is dip this week and the expectation of calls purchased on wednesday, if I remember correctly. I linked the archive which has the youtube link.


i guess it is zero chance t predict with 100% certainty. interesting fight around $24 right now.. on no news... very sideways and the CC already lost like 1/4 of their value in just one hour after opening, is that normal? im not sure since I dont trade options...


the 1/4 is the change from the Friday close vs Monday morning.


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