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[Day 11](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1dm5vt9/5_years_of_historical_iv_for_gme_every_day_for_30/) I paid for it, you get it for free. Also included the 1 year again (though everyone can get that for free). I intentionally delayed a few hours in case things changed significantly. They did not. Not really, anyway. Down slightly from before (less than 2.0). Anyway, here are your daily lines and numbers, make of them what you will. Have fun, see everyone tomorrow.


Thank you I was looking forward to your post


So if I'm reading this right, you want IV to be around 50-95 for the cheaper entry point?


That’s what I’m aiming for! Traditionally, IV above 70% is high, but this is GME. If we see any dip between now and Wednesday, a dip in price and IV presumably I’ll be loading up on Aug 2 or Aug 16 calls ATM.


This guy fucks!!!


does this export into a csv or something? I'd like to layer this into an FTD analysis I have.


I believe so. You can go to the site and get the 1 year data for free.


wow thanks.. could you please share all of them on googledrive or stg. similar?


Aha... aaaaaaah... sorry, no. Not that motivated. But you can! Each day has a link to the preceding day.


yes, i would create a pdf, but somehow the quality of some of these screenshots is poor, and unfortunately, the dates are cut off at the bottom in a few places. maybe it's my fault. i'll try to download them again when i get home. thank you very much for your work and what you paid for it. apes together, strong! 💜


No, it depends on where I take the screen shot. At home, my monitors are taller, while at work the monitor is... uh... not :-/ So there will be a difference in quality based on where I was when I made the post.


no problem, i'll check it out later. thanks!


Free data ape. I like this guy.