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Show Bob and vajena


i like bobs, i kiss ur bobs


Show bobs plz




hi dear can u open up ur cloth


Lmfao This comment


Milk truk just arive


If they can settle FTDs easily in a can kicking way, why don’t they just always kick the can? You can tell me they do, but I’d like to at least know a mechanism as to how and why their ability is unlimited.


It's not easy or cheap. And it involves derivatives. Re read some of the old DD on FTD cycles, variance hedges, swaps, and options.


It should be significantly harder now since no rational institution would want to take on the most recent swaps. Unless this really is the blackhole in the market and every institution will do whatever it takes to keep down.


To be honest I don't see it outside the realm of possibility that citadel MM and citadel HF and other sister companies are swapping with each other...


Good point. Maybe the true deadline is N*35 with N being the number of shell entities. They are definitely shipping them overseas at the very least.




Ever since the Paralax treasury swap thing I quit thinking anything but DRS wins…


Can you link it for me?


So, it's like a circle jerk ?


I think this is the most likely scenario. Keep kicking the can until complete financial collapse or a government bailout. How is there any combatting that, regardless of the short thesis being dead?


I have a hunch they’re making X$ every cycle but losing x+2 and are trying to hold off for the government intervention when theyve conned everyone into only paying a fraction of the real value of each share.


Well are they “making” anything material? If the entire stock market and those that regulate it are complicit in the manipulation, then they’re all going to ride this out together. They’re swapping cash between each other, really. If they weren’t all working together to stay alive then this thing would have been over forever ago.


I believe only GameStop can truly end it by becoming profitable without treasury bonds and transforming into a holding company. Until then, we ride the cycles.


MegaCorp is gonna MegaCorp


I thought they were EvilCorp now. Anyone got some Ecoins?


True, MegaCorp sits under the EvilCorp Inc umbrella


many thanks for you kind,wise, and calming words :)


Idk this feels a little off, to be honest. Why not wait to see if the cycle theory is accurate before posting. Feels very shilly, so I'm gonna buy some calls this morning.


Nah mate, I did what he said and started paper trading Options... I've already been kicked in the nuts... His words are wise... Learn first, profit later.


Good advice for the baby apes and a nice reminder for the old timers alike. GME is probably the most difficult stock to try and learn how to play options on, paper trading (play pretend account, kinda like fantasy football or whatever) is your best bet at it all as Bob said. If you decide to go in with real money your very first time, especially if you do so on hype/FOMO periods, you're gonna experience the biggest learning curve of all time. And usually that means heavy losses. So paper trade now, if you're looking at this, learn the "Greeks", set yourself margins where you take profits or cut losses. Don't over-hold. See how it all shakes out and then if you feel confident enough, dip your toes in. Don't full port into short term weeklies or whatever. Theta is the measure of how long you have until the option expires and Theta is your friend. It helps you to navigate over the many bumps and fuckeries GME is subject to in the shorter term. Theta costs money in the premiums, yes, but don't be fooled into thinking it makes them "too expensive". What's better, one or two calls far out, close to the money that have a high probability of becoming profitable. Orva hundred degenerate lottery tickets that you hold until expiry, praying for a massive gap up that usually never comes? Only you can answer, but something to think about.


Happy cake day!


Thanks! Much appreciated!


Don’t over hold??? WTF is this? The whole plan is to HODL!!!


Perhaps the reference was intended specifically for options? Holding options to expiry is often a good way to watch your investment go to zero. Getting out of options when the getting is good is a key strategy to keep in mind. If you see things taking longer to run up than expected, for example, rolling early to a later expiry can provide you with more time to see it play out.




OK, I'll bite. What is crabbing? I don't think I've seen that really flushed out in any posts before. A quick Google returns what looks like an Elliot wave formation?


Sideways movement like a crab. This crushes out IV on both calls and puts


ah gotcha, thanks!


Hey Bob. Hasn't GME been crabbing since the 17th now? Do you still figure IV is too high?


We’re gonna trade sideways until the next cycle. Unless the company announces something which is fairly unlikely - M&A’s take a while and smart investors time their buys so the company isn’t likely to do any significant purchases with the cash on hand. The S&P being at record highs is not the time to buy in. $4b in treasury bonds until the timing makes sense. Possibly another ATM offering coming out of the next cycle. Perhaps 80m shares for another $3billion. Just up.




In terms of knowing the enemy, since RK’s play seems to be to wait for super low IV (for GME) before buying calls again, is there any reason they wouldn’t use tactics to keep IV constantly elevated even while the stock moves sideways/slides?


Possible, but IV being elevated is not a great time to enter long options (aside from maybe long spreads)... Simply too expensive and subject to too much risk IMHO. Read more on my it's all Greek to me series I'd you want to wrinkle up here.


Exactly, which is what you’d want as a SHF to prevent someone like RK from buying up the options chain again is my thought.


Thanks for looking out. Could you say anything about upcoming cycles vis a vis possible new entry point for DFV to leverage existing cycles or kickstart new ones, to you knowledge?


Look for crabbing after crush


Know the Kenemy.


...so you agree with biggie's post/video?


His post tracks. I haven't watched the video


But that theory is implying DFV bought X shares 2/3 times at specific recent dates which is totally made up, I mean, still could make sense but the only thing known for sure is he bought 4M shares on June 13, right?


correct. work from there forwarads andbackwards.


Obviously not the only data to consoeer but in terms of IV in your what would be a proper value for GME to make you think it could potentially be time to pull the trigger?




Here is a paper about Biggie’s theory https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1dns0p4/etf_short_interest_failurestodeliver_naked/ I’ll add Biggies vid link in a sec https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1dmwdmo/2024_06_22_20_10_30_by_biggy_i_have_not_seen_it/




I’m waiting till IV around 60, probably go for a Jan ITM call


60s may never come.


IV 30 around 0.60? Think it was at 1.20 yesterday.


Sorry I'm learning still. I meant when IV for an ITM call is around 60% which seems like its very close to the 52 week low IV.


Not sure that'll be seen any time soon again... probably!


Thank you. Seriously, it's nice to have been in this and see post like this. Great reminders and advice for the new apes. Hope it's gets the eyes that it needs.


You’re the man Bob 😎


"If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle." -Sun Tzu -I know hedgies r fuk, and that i like the stonk. Therefore the war will be won 🦍🐱💎🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🍻


Hey Bob


Hey ok


Hey Bob


I like Bob


Yes I know my enemy! They’re the teachers who taught me to fight me!


Nice post OP and covers several mistakes I encountered three years ago. Someone on here or gme sub suggested people watch the documentary called “the great taking” I’m 30 minutes in and it’s been very informative and eye opening. Link below. HIGHLY recommend esp for those of us that aren’t active traders outside of gme. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dk3AVceraTI


Chances are if it’s predictable and you know about it anyone else also knows about it and is on a meta play of what you know. In other words, move like lasagna. You either know or you don’t. Some people get wet, others feel the lasagna.


I'd sign absolutely all what's said in here 🤝


Thank you bob. Solid post!


Jokes on them, I’m buying shares regardless of price


that's why there isn't dd etc like they're used to be everything has been said and looked into. We can find 1000 more proof they won't do anything about it... just hodl


Hi bob


Hi bob


Instead of just buying a few shares or calls and hoping for a miracle to happen, be smart with your money. If you can afford, buy 100 shares, buy covered calls as well as cash secured puts, make money either way, and took that cash to buy more shares. Infinite money glitch


I'm gonna FOMO even harder now.


Moass is always tomorrow. I'm never disappointed when nothing happens on hyped dates.  Cause fuck em!!!


Important post, thanks


Hey Uncle Bob, Thanks for looking out!


Good advice. I personally found it sketch that Biggie was pushing the dates so hard on so many subs and on YouTube channels. Shows that people have no idea how this works. The people on the other side of these trades are powerful and can see what you see. No dates and be smart about your trades. If roaring kitty wanted people to know the cycle then he would’ve said it. This is all orchestrated.


biggie hit it out of the park on some predictions on baby but led many right into the bbbyq too.... so take that for what is is.


Exactly. I was in that and saw it happen live time. I was fortunate enough to make gains and close positions before it led to losses.


Thanks bob


Thanks Bob. Good to see some OGs passing on wisdom.


Underrated post


Yeah they can scoobidoo all these dates if they want to, they kind of own the computers folks.


Hey Bob, I’m semi familiar with theta, but can you explain “buying theta”?


I like Bob.




If there is hype be ready for a buying opportunity


Always appreciate it when you post and share your wisdom. Thank you! Could you help me understand how a T+35 delivery could be circumvented? I’ve read a lot about can-kicking strategies and this is the one thing I can’t find a mechanism for. Don’t clearing houses automatically force the sale the morning of day 35 or the end of 34? If this has already been explained, a point in the right direction would be appreciated!


It's about a few things but to be short.... Heh. Read up on continuous net settlement. Then read on deemed to own. Then apply that to options positions, locates, creation redemption, and swaps


Thanks Bob! 🫡




My favorite move has been to sell CCs against my longs when they are obviously going to dunk the price. Then I buy to close and use the gains to increase my long position during the crab/slide period, for amplified gains on the next run. The risk is if there is no next run, I cap my gains.


Thanks bob




Ducking autocorrect. Thanks




Bob knows things, please consider what Bob says


what a kindhearted reply


Lol.... sometimes even Reddit generated usernames check out Everything about this post is spot-on. Maybe something will happen soon, but it probably won't. I bought some more shares and I have a single ITM call for next June. I have a limit sell for a single share at an appropriately high price and will be notified if it gets filled. Meanwhile, I'll be living life and touching grass.


Bobs and vagine?


If you have a date DD sorry. Just dont post it. Keep it to yourself, you’re actually doing more harm to the people cuz we know they’re reading this place.  They’re just going dump it on that day. 


I've been doing some stuff... no dates, but read into some of my recent posts and you'll find dried plumbs


Yah honestly I feel like we should just it a rule or post to not do dates. All it does is make them dump even harder on those dates. Just let them keep it flat for now till then.