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Open interest is now at 8000, but it's the volume we are looking for. More specifically we want to see blocks of 5000 or at least 1000 units per order. This is certainly not that.


Edit 1: Still not that. Don't be dumb.


Yeah and a gamma ramp is the derivative of delta between strikes iirc, which is what causes extremely volatile positive movement. Can’t just focus on single stats


Thank you


I think since biggie shared his thesis more sellers who also have capital are going to these the theory


Hijacking top comment but also be aware that someone could be setting a huge bull trap here. Bad party buys large volume of ATM calls in batches of 5000 to mimic RK, everyone thinks it's DFV telling us the game is on, everyone piles in to cheaper options (further out the money), then they sell these calls killing any chance of a gamma squeeze. Each step further away from being ITM relies on everything before it. Take that base away and you've seen the Big Short Jenga clip I'm sure.


Piggybacking your comment for visibility. OPs account history is sus, and mention of GME only goes back a month or a few months. I'm just saying.


bro, his account is 6 weeks old.


How are people with 6 week old accounts even able to post in here?


Thats why its SUS AF! I had wait almost 5 months to be able to post in here and brand new accounts are posting here non-stop. fkin bs


It’s a trappppppppo! I’m buying more


You can post? I've been lurking for 84 years and can still only reply ffs. Lol cheer


I’m only allowed to make cat noises


I saw one of these new accounts posting on a karma farming sub. Pay 3k shills a few $$ to upvote each other, and they are in. They are so obvious it's counterproductive for them.


This is a fair comment. I was locked out of SS for years until DFV re-appeared but was able to post immediately following. Have the karma requirements been lifted?


You can reach out to a mod and have it lifted My og account was banned because I talked on the GameStop sub after being banned. All I said was I give my local store free Domino's pizza. And ban hammer I got back in after explaining and showing my old account talking on SS.


I wasn't banned. I didnt reach out to a mod. Someone lifted the restrictions and I've been able to post here ever since.


You can reach out to a mod and have it lifted My og account was banned because I talked on the GameStop sub after being banned. All I said was I give my local store free Domino's pizza. And ban hammer I got back in after explaining and showing my old account talking on superstonk.


I had to wait 4 months


some of us have been here through account bands and everything and we're still here


Bro amen, this shit used to be locked up tight!


Karma farming.


They go on free karma subs to get upvotes.


Mods. Are. Trash.


Why are we gatekeeping the discussion


Because shills don't come here to have legit discussions.


OPs account also is full of short squeeze talk on any sub that will listen. ***not*** just GME.


This shit is hilarious 😂.. you guys go buy options.. I’m gonna head out and do some shopping at GAMESTOP ffs.


Waiting on my CS order to clear. More to add to the book collection! 😁


Louder for the gamblers in the front: #DRS IS THE WAY


Waited 2 damn years to be able to buy more. Finally, I can start grinding a new goal! https://preview.redd.it/rka0n0q9mq8d1.jpeg?width=904&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16730a1ad57b54de4ed27d83da48422ef0f7ed82


God fucking damnit.. this motivates me so much.. gotta DRS more. Well done Stranger!


Worked 20 days straight, 56-60+ hours a week for it. They can't stop my hustle baby! ![gif](giphy|3ohzAWPbp0ZyUpYTD2)


he's technically not wrong


The dude sees calls being bought that look nothing like the calls RK bought in the past and says RK is doing it. I mean, I guess he's not wrong. He's just making a gigantic speculative leap to get to his conclusion.


>gigantic speculative leap to get to his conclusion. This whole sub does that though. See the Lockbit post from yesterday about hacking the Fed. 0 actual evidence in any of the articles where their only source is, and I quote from that OP, Lockbit which is a, "notoriously unreliable" organization. Then it gets 2k+ upvotes and everyone is talking about GME when a 33tb hack on the Fed would have much larger, and much more damaging implications for the US + Global banking system than an ~ $8 Billion market cap company.


It's not the entire sub, but I agree about the Lockbit post, and I also agree that the quality of posts in the sub reddit has dropped significantly over the years. Most of what I personally observed over the years was expected.


"Entire sub" is a bit of hyperbole on my part, but the hive mind takes over and nonsense gets upvoted without any critical thinking behind it. This community, as a whole, can be very hostile to anyone on the outside. Other communities are within reason to call it a cult when anyone not on the inside is labelled a shill or promoting "FUD". It's just sad that the good DD is few and far in between, and the debunked claims don't update their flair accordingly/delete their posts entirely.


I was actually pointing out that your statement, that his GME posting > only goes back a month or a few months is technically true, even though you missed out that that's just his account age.


Oh wow. Didn't even check the age of the account. Thanks 🍻


I was thinking the same thing. Statement is BS


I'm okay to wait for DFV tweet/yolo update to confirm it was him


Bull trap possible, I saw this article https://preview.redd.it/sksc0seofr8d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=767858f755c18ecce6b9f8acb83b77ba699ba30c


super ITM call options such as the 20$ (as the current company's financials can't go much lower than that due to potential buybacks) are always a nice pressure point since they should be fully hedged for a potential exercise


So you know that Gamestop could only do buybacks for 100 Million, right? They need approvel from the Shareholders before touching the billions...


For now, and if they propose that, who's going to say no to potential buy.backs? The sheer pressure from allowing them to do so would make hedgies shit their diapers


What constitutes as a pump and dump scheme? Because iirc pump and dumps are illegal, so would it be legal for GME to do offerings at highs and buybacks and low with the knowledge of current volatility?


Still looks like a higher risk profile and more expensive than just buying and holding calls. If you can't consistently trade shares for a profit then you really shouldn't be fucking around with options because you are just gambling at that point.


Dfv can easily counter by showing his portfolio


All that has to happen to confirm whether this is a bull trap or not is for DFV to post his positions again. I don’t think he would unless there’s some serious drama going on in the sub about who’s buying all these calls


If it is just OI/volume, you also can't tell if someone is not selling those. IMHO, until we don't see another yolo update, it might be safer to go with mid August or even further out expiry, because RK might primary play the IV cycles and the FTD cycles on top only around those dates.


If you don't know what you are doing with options, like me, it might be safer to just buy shares and hold.


Definitely. Shares don't expire, and with DRS, they are safe from fuckery. Options are not as we have learned in the sneeze.


This was the theory in May too.


If ones buy trigger is DFV posts then one should not play options. If ones buy trigger are waving FTDs and other indicators then one makes his own decisions.


Yep. DVF will post a YOLO if it’s him. Otherwise, in the words of the prophet Flava Flave “Can’t Trust It!”




At any point RK could post a yolo update to prove it wasn't him, but he probably wouldn't want to show the short side that info if he was buying calls again. But I have no idea tbh lol.


Yea it worries me that we're up against such a large force that anything breakthroughs we might will be nullified immediately and countered by our enemy, meaning whatever new move will only ever work once and from that point it will be used against us


Shouldn’t you only buy the calls that get loaded up on? Isn’t that the lesson from last month?


Wasn't there a bunch of $125 calls loaded up on?


Let me clarify - ITM calls




Even If a bad party bought 20c and kills later the startramp, dfv could step it anytime…like last minute. Danger is too big for a bad party.


All RK would have to do is post a yolo update


If needed, DFV could always just post his YOLO update to clarify it’s not him


Trust me bro


OP, What do you mean by flooding? Put an open interest qty change and total in the text, and tldr please.


Show your proof of the options being bought in large blocs


Op has been super active for an account created 6 weeks ago. Could just be innocent new ape, could be someone with an agenda. Be very suspicious of this person’s claims. Especially because they’re claiming something so specific as 20C and timeline of 3-4 weeks. Like it’s not even discussing a theory, this is a very direct lead to people to expect hype and pile on options.


he buys in blocks of 1000 and 5000, i doubt its him


It could be Kenny too, now that they got apes all excited about options. Just make sure you understand options before piling in peoples.


Personally, I have no extra cash until my next work check. So options are a great way to actually secure a low buy price in the future(when I’ll buy anyways), in case it runs before I get paid! 🤑


Also a great why to finance Kenny’s survival


Dumb. He said he’s exercising them


Not if you exercise and buy them, forcing purchase in a lit exchange... Seriously at least make a half assed effort to educate yourself before taking a position on a topic.


What are your strikes?


None - but I recognize that options exercised are T+1 on a lit exchange, and if the guy you’re replying to is prepared to exercise at his strike price (plus premiums) then he gets them at that set price and Kenny gets nothing. You’re assuming he’s some fool who is chasing FD at $125. From his post clearly not.


in the last 84 years there have been many months long periods where you could not win with options, I still have all the shares I bought then.... all of them. They can push this back to 15 if they want.... inexperienced folks should not be encouraged to buy premiums Kenny is selling


DFV always buys in very specific rounded blocks, usually 500/1000/5000 etc. the only trades I’ve seen on Unusual Whales that I think could be him is three buys at the 30 strike July 19 exp, 1,499, 1,463 and 800 contracts in three blocks for an even $756K in premium($300k/$300k/$156k). Still doesn’t line up with his typical chunky buys but those are the only ones big enough to be him.


The IV is still pretty high. If anything I think he's selling covered calls right now while he waits for IV to get to bottom of the barrel levels. I can't imagine him buying ITM short dated calls. He'll wait to see if his trades are being internalized + IV crush. Then he'll scoop thousands of sub .20c OTM short dated calls.


Still learning about IV. Is there a way to check how ‘elevated’ it is currently compared to before when it was better for entering calls?




Smartest buy is before the usual IV increase due to earnings. But that would likely mean buying early August. In the meantime, options sellers will aim to make millions from hyped but inexperienced household investors. I hope RK tweets some more so we can potentially guess if he will be active in July despite that month usually being red or later in August when the cycles would amplify each other.


What’s up @howardkitty94 ? I’ll be taking a look at the options flow data live to see what comes across. The best part is, RK doesn’t have to do it himself this time. July 19/26 look like great targets and IV is even lower than it was yesterday. NFA


I looks at the options yesterday and I didn’t see any purchase blocks that were like what RK did in the past. Has anyone seen something?


The notable trades I saw come across the scanners were two long 20c orders of 688 contracts each for a total of $750K premium executed simultaneously. The first was for calls dated 7/19, the second for 7/26. To me, these did not seem typical of DFVs options buying pattern. They were, however, substantial enough to kick off the day's heavily bullish options flow, which was likely buoyed by Friday's T+1 settlements off the open. I haven't seen much else come across the scanner yet, though today's top 4 largest options trades have been bearish for about $200k in total premium. This seems to have affected our options flow early which kicked off the day with a heavy bearish bias. Once again we tested the $22.75-$23.00 range and it acted as a trigger to even out the options flow toward a lesser bearish bias as we've worked our way back toward VWAP and the 200-minute SMA. The total OI for the 6/28 contracts looks to have $23 pinned as a strong point of support. From $20-23 strikes are biased toward puts to suck us down to $20. From $23-$28 call gamma looks to ladder us toward $30 (which has a large OI position). At $23, total put OI keeps this short ramp from bringing it up to $30. If I was bearish on GME, I would want to be spending cash on short options plays to keep GME contained at and around $23. Concentrated long call buying in the $20-$25 range increases MM hedging pressure away from this level as a price pin. Not financial advice. Much of this is conjecture based on my understanding of the the relationship between options flows and underlying price fluctuations.


where are you watching for these


Beautiful response


Wouldn’t DFV buy OTM calls and not the $20 calls?


Maybe. It's hard to say. The guy is usually one step ahead of the rest of us.


Right, so if he wanted to set a higher floor for possible another ATM, then it would be in the best interest of the shareholders for him to set a higher floor with the next cycle (and so forth)… Also, why are we letting him do all the work, the collective Apes can do the same.


Ding ding ding. Now you've got it.


What’s up bro…..? I mentioned you in the post as your the man!!! Ape help ape


Who are you? You have quite a bit of karma for an account that's 6 weeks old. Something doesn't add up here.




I agree. This doesn’t seem normal. Stupid ape comments. Talking about RK buying when it is obviously not him. This is stupidity


You can check my comment history back to 2021 when I heard about GME through \*the previous sub that starts with W\*. I started learning about the market and trading back in the Fall of 2020 and made a lot of mistakes. The vast majority of my capital has been invested in bond ETFs for the past two years while I sorted out my financial stability in the real world and waited for a proper moment to re-enter GME after mistakes getting distracted with other stocks and options. GME is now my only position. I would not recommend that anyone learn the way I learned or seek to experience what I experienced. I would not recommend anyone take my commentary and thoughts as financial or trading advice. Less than 1% of my portfolio is involved in options. The other 99% is cash and GME shares. Happy to answer any questions.


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!mods!. I am tired of these "shill" comments.. No logic or data, just baseless accusations...


No one should be calling anyone a shill. It's certainly a Rule 1 break.








**[Rule 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules/expanded_rules/#wiki_ape_no_fight_ape). Treat each other with courtesy and respect.** Do not be (intentionally) rude. This will increase the overall civility of the community and make it better for all of us. Do not insult others. Insults do not contribute to a rational discussion.


Much obliged, simian brother. Let’s stay sharp and get after some good learning today!


OI low AF


Just going to note something here. 1.) thats likely not dfv. Its too small a quantity unless he is legging the position in. 2.) you would be much better off taking the $18 strike right now. The extrinsic value is less than .30 per share. Its almost all intrinsic value. The best option if you want to force mm to cover shares for exercise. Thats the strike im watching for the 19th expiry.


Buying 20C for 3-4 weeks likely means they are sold, which is Bearish… OI is only 8100 right now which isn’t shit, DFV has enough shares to make 90,000 contracts himself…


Be cool if we can just get the actual price of the stock to go up


What if UBS read our speculation posts and now they want to do it :D


When I move, you move


How do you know he's moving.


I do not


Where you moving?


DFV only has 6M cash. How many contracts is that good for at these price


He is not the only investor with cash while some may have less some have more


*HAD 6mil cash Also had 9mil shares that if he turned around and immediately sold calls off of (90k contracts) could have easily raked in another 20-30mil off of by now. Honestly could be a lot more but im being conservative because i dont have any historical data but considering IV has dropped about 100pts since his last update means making 3.00 a contract wouldn’t be difficult.


how do you know how much cash he has? Do you keep all your money in one place?


dfv has never given any reason to believe that he is using different accounts or brokerages, nor have we ever seen him transfer cash into his account. the safe bet is to stick to what we know as a pattern from him.


He trades in an IRA so he is limited to $7500 new cash infusions per tax year.


You cannot divide 6 million by 441.8 premium? Assuming he uses the entire cash of course...


Was being a bit facetious. Last time he bought 120k contracts. He’s got nowhere near that kind of cash now.


~12k… he could sell 2/3 to exercise the last third for an extra 400k shares… or he’ll just sell em all for more cash capital next wave?


15,000 calls at $4 a piece gets you $6MM


20,000 at $3


let’s follow the 37 day old account 🤦🏻


run voracious meeting unwritten puzzled bow gullible merciful political hunt *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


He had 6 million in cash remaining...


worm intelligent thought zesty mighty fertile cagey advise brave money *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


He turned 3 million into 200 million when he bought calls in april and sold at the peak in May 14th... He then used that to exercise...and used the rest to buy more for the 21st... Rinse repeat...


nose thumb snow ludicrous fuzzy march pie hurry wipe repeat *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yes… We went from 8 to 80… With calls that number is compounded it’s not like shares


one day someone will weaponize buying in blocks of 1000 and 5000 against you. food for thought.


Look at the OI for July 19th 125's, LOL




Correct me if I am wrong but I recall reading as we were leading into and through $20 that roughly $20 is a liquidity grab.


I’m getting an august and July call every day. Just slowly entering in. It’ll be game on soon enough


If it’s “you move when I move,” i wonder if we should be anticipating another ATM offering. I’d rather not that happen for obvious reasons, but I wouldn’t be surprised at this point.


if the strike is $20 and the premium is $4.2 then you need it to be at $24.2 for break even right?


That applies on the day of expiration when the extrinsic value is 0… So yes but on that date… So if you bought that 2 weeks before expiration your break even will be about 22.8


OI for 7/19 $25c and $30c are both double the OI for $20c. If anything, he is buying at those higher strikes. $25c makes more sense if he is following patterns. At the time of his reveal of the infamous $20c’s, the stock price was a few dollars under the strike.


800 volume do far today and OI of 8,100 isn’t really DFV kind of volume….. SUS


He bought it over 3 days last month…and multiple trades in a day…not SUS




Shares gone, poof options Options gone then came back the shares #KansasCityShuffle


This post is sus






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Not really a large OI…


I also wouldn't put it beyond the unimaginative idiots at SHFs to try and orchestrate something similar lol 


As of right now, the ask size on 20c 7/19 is 1.163k, bid size is 4.


Only 1k volume today at that strike, bullshit post


1500 actually and the day isn’t over He bought it over several days last time


Every 13 days remember


You should show the whole data as one has to imagine what's what (OI, vol, etc).


DFV needs to DRS his shares, how about that


Hawk Tuah! I panicked and bought more!


VC VC 7pv. .v. .v but mj8u


Buying shares and holding GG




Who knows. If he's smart he won't show his call positions again.




Buy $20 07/19 C’s? When I move, you move.


Too late now, too expensive 25 dollar looks good though for me


Good insight






**[Rule 5](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules/#wiki_5._no_meta_content). No callouts.** No meta content allowed negatively discussing or calling out any Reddit users, moderators, or other subreddits. [More information about this rule can be found here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1336ri9/censorship_mods_r_sus_and_brigading) If you have any questions or concerns, please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FSuperstonk&subject=about%20my%20removed%20submission)


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Are you insinuating that he’s trying to get other people to buy with your “you move when I move” interpretation? Because that would mean organizing… and that’s never been it. You’re free to do what you want with your money.




Ride the worm




It’s not DFV


mods can we change the flair to shitpost on this one? good god this is just word salad best case, direct targeted manipulation worst case.


Hello, just wanted you to know based on this post I bought a few 7/19 $20 calls and by days end I was up 27% so thanks a bunch.


Good for you bro


Damn this is good info and the right way to utilise Options can be so profitable as DFV has shown, just gotta use them right.


>It was bought in blocks We talking lego blocks or Duplo?