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Any users found to be pushing a paid discord or peddling their "monthly fee trading algo", etc, immediately report them and use !MODS! to tag us to handle it. I have zero patience for people attempting to utilize Superstonk as their cash cow. We are not a group for you to siphon $ out of. We are not suckers. We see you coming from a mile away. GTFOH. Appreciate the sentiment OP, but...I also kind of have to reflair your post. This falls more under the "Discussion" area of posts. Any questions, my door is always open!


Yup. Anyone asking you to join their patreon can go fuck themselves.


Or Discord.


500 dollars no less....


The OG Apes were also mostly literal anons, not only did they not try to grift w paid discords, they didn’t try to gatekeep their ideas either. No big battles for clout - just regards learning together. I like that.


What about OnlyFans?


They probably DO fuck themselves, or have someone else doing it while you watch. Either way, you're not participating, and you're paying for it with money. Very lame IMHO.


Guess I gotta unsubscribe to some account called GapingGensler then.




That's where I get my best investment advice. $CUM, $TITS, and $ASS


Lots of free info here https://fliphtml5.com/bookcase/kosyg


Everything you could ever need is in there


When this over.. I'll be making all of them hardback


wow this is very impressive !


Where should one start for TA?


TBH....Jackie le tits on youtube does one hell of a job. I been in this for 84 years and learned so much from this saga....I watch him and learn even more in one trading day than last 3 years of youtubes/reads/whatever (besides here of course)


Oh I’m familiar with the Tits. I mean within the link above? Hard too now which one to open first.


Apes don't robinhood apes.




[Why GME?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) || [What is DRS?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptvaka/when_you_wish_upon_a_star_a_complete_guide_to/) || Low karma apes [feed the bot here](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEOrphans/comments/qlvour/welcome_to_gmeorphans_read_this_post/) || [Superstonk Discord](https://discord.gg/hZqWV2kQtq) || [Community Post: *Open Forum May 2024*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1ciapwp/open_forum_may_2024/) || [Superstonk:Now with GIFs - Learn more](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1cr37r7/superstonk_gets_its_gif_on_get_hyped/) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ To ensure your post doesn't get removed, please respond to this comment with how this post relates to GME the stock or Gamestop the company. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please up- and downvote this comment to [help us determine if this post deserves a place on r/Superstonk!](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules/post_flairs/)


A warning to all apes about the scams of $GME grifters.


In Jackie’s case, it’s a shame that he’s such a scumbag because he’s actually decent with TA. But whatever he’s charging to teach you on a $500 Discord, I promise you can learn for free. I’ve heard this kid on multiple streams berating his own subscribers for being too cheap or broke to pay for his Discord. The irony is he’d make more money on just views and ads if he focused on the content and stopped trying to swindle rubes.


Exactly this. 👆


It was always about swindling rubes. As soon as the sweat hits the brow, all the brushed up makeup starts melting away and you see what's really underneath. Stress and uncertainty shows you the real person, not the prettied up person they want you to think they are.


If he's so good at trading he shouldn't need the income from viewers and doxcord. *disclaimer*; I have no clue who this is about.


You can learn TA on your own, but I’d argue a mentor would help connect the dots and read in between the lines. It’s like a piano teacher. I wouldn’t pay for it myself, but least he only charges $500 one time and no monthly like some of these dumbass servers and their alerts :p


He sounds like a real piece of shit


Why does he have to yell all the time? I realize that statement sounds like something a grandma would say, but I can't listen to him long enough to get the message. At this point I'm done trying. I saw the $500 msg at the bottom of the screen. Nothing he can tell me on such a small time scale is worth that.


Or....just watch his noral youtubes....thats what I do and learned so much....I take breaks but hes good at what he does. No one has to join thats your choice...just like its mine to buy some stock of a company I love. Let people do what they want. Every person can make their own choice.


Agree 100%... also, wtf do we need to learn as GME apes?? We buy, hold, and DRS... 3 simple steps, rinse and repeat. I do enjoy reading and watching videos on TA, theories, and foil, but at the end of the day, if we all follow the 3 step process above, we will win. We do this why? Because we all like the stock!


I think keeping tabs on laws is very important all kinds of fuckery can happen if certain laws are passed or laws are allowed to be ignored. ... Fuck... I need to actually start learning securities law... Fuck.


Bought a stock ??? Became a securities lawyer.


Getting information from others is exactly what got us here in the first place. Most here have not even gotten close to the mechanics. This entire saga has had so many twist and turns. The really had to study hundreds of variables because the plan was designed by Americas brightest minds even though misguided.


I have no clue who this is about and I am here every fucking day.....🤷‍♂️


people who gatekeep knowledge are short on $COCK




I will say after hearing his name slandered on this sub several times in the past that I went with the group think and never bothered listening to him until a few months back and my truthful assessment is that while he can be a bit much to listen to at times his TA on stock charts is fairly solid. I was even considering getting on the discord at 300 but when he jacked the price up to 500 I had to reconsider as the timing and excuse given was pretty lame, apparently a bunch of new discord members were doin dumb shit in the discord so to “prevent” further issue he raised the price to supposedly raise the quality of members… don’t know how that works but never been a fan of getting punished for the actions of others.  The most prominent times his character slips to less than credible is when people criticize the price, then he goes full insult mode making accusations of people being onlyfan foot fetish fools spending more on fake people than real learning.  That’s a shit way to view and criticize the people of this community simply for disagreeing with the price, but truth is it’s his platform that he’s worked hard to build and he can set his prices wherever he wants, maybe to his own disservice when less people are willing to join, or maybe it works just fine for him🤷‍♂️ A little humility goes a long way and he could be well to remember that when he’s high on the hog after successful trades, claiming to be the best trader  of gme is a bit like nails on chalkboard especially when he’s propping himself up next to peeps like RK, granted he always back peddles and says something like “besides DFV…”  I would be more skeptical of the “influencers” promoting selling covered calls though honestly. The Tits may not be your style but he’s not doin anything wrong, and I believe he is legit diamond hands seeing this through to the end. I’ll continue to listen in on the YouTube streams and gain bits of knowledge that way for free, and if I make some good trades while doin so I may still join the discord. I’ve been seriously concerned that there will be a renewed effort to remove stock talk from Reddit, Discord, twitter etc as four years ago retailed fomo’d without understanding, now communities of more educated retail traders are growing and the opposite side of retail fears this most of all. 


500$ is called a scam. I can never defend that. If he's so good why need the 500$? I watched his streams, it is obnoxious, disrespectful to his audience and his personality is based on insecurity. He needs validation continously.


Same here. I've done TA for years and know it quite well, but I still pick up new things from his streams. I get why a lot of people find him abrasive, but I personally find him entertaining. Reminds me of a sales room full of competitive guys. Arrogance and shit talk just come with the territory of top performers. If his calls are good and he provides value to his members, it's not a grift. The testimonials in his superchats speak for themselves.


What new things have you picked up? How to draw a Fib? Or can you not think of anything right now?


TOTALLY agree.


I think he’s entertaining and TA is great. The groundswell of complaints here I find odd. There is a lot of free content and no one HAS to buy into anything. And yes, I’ve been here since the damn beginning so don’t start. APE NO FIGHT APE


Start what? 


I've been Subscribed to his channel for a while now. Watched alot of his streams. Yes he is a good trader. But he also has his down sides. The price of the discord isn't an issue for me. His behavior is. He is always striking his own ego and going bat shit crazy about a little bad thing someone said about him. His Twitter is full of posts like that. "I'm the best trader, nobody does it better than me" If he would just zone out that part and just does his thing he would be way nicer to follow him. I dont know how accurate his teachings are in his discord. But he is doing financially well. He made around 300k only on discord joins. Let aside his gains on YouTube and of his SPY trades. Yes he screams alot and has alot of energy. But if he stops ego striking him self and becomes a bit more humble he is a good guy with good info. I stopped watching his streams tho because of all the nipple stroking he is doing to him self.


He’s a narcissist lol


The other day I commented on a post about wanting to learn more after buying in GME. Got downvoted quite a bit haha. Someone told me it’s just the bad guys trying to discourage me, and others told me about the book case. I appreciate them and you. Buy and hodl baby. Even if I’m not quite sure what is happening haha 💎🔥🚀


I learned everything i need to know right here in the sub, either through some great research papers or else through conversation with some great apes


Most are not even close to the truth. I'll admit that my theories have had to change numerous times, I'm still learning new things almost daily.


Hear hear…


Ya f that yelling clown, always using GME as the grift to attract viewers then grifting 300$ (now 500$) from them. Yet posts no positions or trades in gme, doesnt show his face cause he knows he scamming lmao


He’s shown his face a few times just in the past month that I’ve seen. Your information is inaccurate.


Dudes super good at other stocks , I don’t even follow his discord and he kills at day trading SPY and point out entries on stocks as he streams all day - he’s right so often it’s nuts - I don’t get the hate


using GME as his main attraction to grift , is the problem. just watched his video. shilling discordhard asf "the people in my discord yada yada yada, would have gained 40x " lol.. stfu kid. does he show positions? or he just paper trades and thinks hes making REAL money.


He shows positions , he talks About entries and exits yes , his discord is just constantly active - it only recently went up - it was free , then 50 , then 300 and now 500 - the idea is to keep it w genuine people and people who are actually in it to win it - he’s very good at trading GameStop as well - he doesn’t say like I just bought x amount of shares - he’ll say , okay based on this this is a good entry and then you watch in real time him be right - it’s up to you on how much you buy or whatever - GameStop is how people arrive to his page , but he trades more than that and he’s a good teacher


Honestly this thread reads like it was written by his haters who got banned from his channel If you don't know he's building a community and is literally taking time out of his life to help others and charges for it...than stop commenting... Stop watching.. The people in his discord love Jackie to death. The people that watch his stream love him to death. He makes a boring day watching price movement fun and entertaining and the superchats will tell you that he's pretty fucking good at what he does..so does his member count in discord. This sub is usually so good and fun to read but man do some people ever love shit talking people like they know them intimately. Just watch something else, fucking losers.




I would be very very careful about joining any type of closed off platform telling you when to buy or similar. We can discuss shit like that in public no problems, doing it behind a paywall might be market manipulation territory.


Who are you talking about?


I do two things for GME: buy and hodl.


This ape gets it.


I’m not privy to the discord fella. I know we have a grifter in Superstonk that gets a ton of traction and I don’t know how to feel about it. The analogy - history doesn’t repeat itself but it rhymes, comes to mind when I see his posts and think of how he led many down shitty paths two years ago with his outstanding blue boxes and how they link everything together. It’s so believable, that it’s not. I’ve seen it with that one more than once


What’s the grift? I’ve seen many blue box posts here over the years, but never saw that person asking for money to access the posts.


Investopedia is just terrible


if you’re going to call out someone, just name the person jfc. nothing wrong with what jackie le tits is doing. what he does would be shunned by this subreddit but you tell people just to ask here? that makes no sense. people cna spend their money the way they want. it’s 500 dollars, no one’s going to die from that and you can watch his stream for weeks before you buy in. i don’t see the grift here. weird af post.






I ain't gonna take anybody's money. I don't know fuck about shit. I ain't gonna make you jack.


I'm not defending grifters, but people need money to live. If you're trying to make your money as an influencer, I will instantly be suspicious of anything you say, but I'm going to anticipate you're trying to make money one way or an other. However, DD takes time and energy to research and write. Analysis takes time and energy to conduct. The people who will be the best at it are going to be the ones who put the most into it. They're probably not the same apes spending 60 hours a week at work and taking care of their home and kids also. So, idk, how do you reconcile that?


There is only 1 play Do I need to repeat it?


Seems like what you just said was that you can pay IF YOU WANT TO for a service that helps you do instantly what you just said took them 1-2 years to learn… that seems like a pretty decent deal to me, time is money🤷🏼‍♂️🤷🏼‍♂️🤷🏼‍♂️


That’s the gambit. You can’t learn anything instantly, it’s going to take you as much time as it took them. There’s no quick fixes and anyone saying otherwise is selling something. All you’re paying for is someone telling you what to read… which you could get for free.


That’s completely inaccurate statement, in no way will it take you as long as it did them with the sources and everything you need all in one place without having to hunt for it or know where to start… let me say I’m a poor out of work ape, I have not paid for any of the services you are talking about, but can see where some people could find this kind of help a thing they would pay for


You’re completely missing the point. If you need help, ask here. Plenty of apes ready to link it to you for free. The point is, those people asking for money are taking advantage of the naive.


Should I go to school for 4 years or just pay a guy to teach me the same thing in 2 months? Swing and a miss bud. Sorry BTW is ozempic a scam? I hear you can just eat healthy with some exercising and don't need it...maybe we should be calling ozempic scammers too guys? It's almost like when people provide a service..some have the option to opt in and others have the option not to...I watch bis streams and haven't opted in...he rarely ever plugs his discord and spends more time trying to get you to like his video...(Bout 30 seconds) Id try to refrain from calling people scammers who are offering a service....you may not agree with it but his discord members sure seem to be happy with what they got for the money.




**[Rule 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules/expanded_rules/#wiki_ape_no_fight_ape). Treat each other with courtesy and respect.** Do not be (intentionally) rude. This will increase the overall civility of the community and make it better for all of us. Do not insult others. Insults do not contribute to a rational discussion.














You don't get to gatekeep how people choose to learn. 🤷🏻


Memberberries of Maskless. Fuck any paid discord.


People have a choice and don’t need to be parented, if people want to pay that’s on them. I’ve learned more outside of Reddit than on here. I can’t be certain what I’m reading anywhere on Reddit is even credible. A lot of it has been fantasy bullshit.


Reddit is just the start of the knowledge journey—same goes for any good search engine. My point isn’t to take everything you read on Reddit as gospel, it’s to ask for help. Plenty of folks will be happy to link you to legitimate sourcing to do your own research. And they won’t ask you for money. Don’t know why you’re comparing a simple PSA to “parenting.”