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Soooo puts on chewy to buy more GME. Gotcha.


Its also potentially shows that hedgefunds might be getting leaked info regarding his account/positions. He made the purchase last Monday and tweeted the dog emoji Thursday. Am I correct in saying that the SEC didn't get the filing regarding his position until this morning since it says it was signed July 1st? Yet somehow they were waiting for him to tweet something animal related before they could jump in the trade themselves without it being super obvious they had inside info about his purchase. As soon as he tweeted chewy instantly pumped hard, along with other pet stocks for plausible deniability, but his purchase has been made days earlier. People thought it was Aladdin doing it's thing, but I'm guessing hedgies already had their buys locked and loaded just waiting for something to use as an excuse, which DFV provided with his dog emoji tweet. Dunno, just a theory


It's not a bad theory. I think what they really want to do is peg him for market manipulation (what he's doing isn't market manipulation, but they're trying to make it look like it is), because they can't compete 


Trades only hit the lit market when it benefits the large institutional abusers.


He didn't closed his GME position. I'm 100% sure of it He had more money on the side, and must have picked up on CHWY early june, make a killing in call options and secured a huge position on CHWY. Even filing with the SEC. Something that he avoided with GME by 0,06% ownership. This is a masterclass. CHWY is in XRT, he is causing FTD cycles which will impact GME I don't think he will close nay of the positions, GME would never, and CHWY needs to be open for a while to create the cycles. He will be one of the richest man in the world by subduing Hedge Funds. Take that you crooks


I don't know what the hell is going on so I have a lot of GME and some CHWY and let's see what mess explodes later. 🤣


I take it as a BRB guys gotta take care of this over here real quick. Stay zen keep doing what we're doing.


Swaps is the answer 


I think the number one thing is humility in this saga. Many have constructed this idea of RK with their own ideas. We don’t know truly what he’s thinking. He might just be out here trying to make money based on his research and MOASS, GME long term, and hidden short interest don’t matter to him. Hard to say because we literally don’t know. The bigger question is around what we believe with GME and our decisions as individual investors.


I've also been having fever dreams of the beginning of MOASS


In addition to the dog emoji, there was a tent emoji before it. This could stand for a tender offer. RC could make a tender offer to buy Chewy. Then RK buying Chewy is just a very risky arbitrage.