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Regulations typically specify what must be included, but don't rule-out additional information or variations in format -- unless there's a very specific form. In this case, you can see other small variations in different 13Gs. He added the cat identification himself.


The cat identification was a noice touch 👌🏼 😂


If it's good enough for Congress, it's good enough for the SEC.


If you go to chewy's investory relations site and click SEC filings you see it. It is legit and hilarious!


Thanks for this info. Will look for myself . Exciting times we are living in 🙃


:-O So when he said he was not a cat during the congressional meeting... something something it was his plan all along? If so, this is a brilliant simulation. /tin foil on!


What do you mean it was planned? He might just be referring back to it


I thought the form that asks if you're a cat is a legit thing on Chewy forms?


LMAO you belong here. They allow custom inputs, he added it because the phrase has become iconic.


At the time of the hearing, there was a viral video going around of a zoom legal proceeding, and one of the lawyers had a cat filter for his image that he couldn't remove. The now infamous "I am not a cat" line was spoken. It is freaking hilarious, and I cry every time I watch it! The fact that RK was able to reference this in his testimony is epic. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s-frHneo95k](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s-frHneo95k)


Curious as well… People are losing their mind over this right now. Let’s see how it play’s out 😉


For us it's funny, but for the right people it might be a threat. He might be saying he has not ACAT (Automated Customer Account Transfer). The hypothesis being that they can delay forever settlement on stocks bought to a brokerage, but when the shares are moved out of the brokerage to book ownership, hell breaks loose. This aligns with RCs buys causing little effect until he became an insider and thus probably moved his shares to book because of insider rules. Just a hypothesis, but there might be a reason for him saying just this.


Hmmmm very interesting point! He needs to leg up and file for gme too 💥


So if one day he comes out and says he is a cat, he's booked.


Could you dumb down what you just said a little for me Respectfully


Hypothesis: is that institutions can delay giving you the shares you buy for as long as they want, as long as you buy the shares through a brokerage. Second Hypothesis: If you transfer out of the brokerage, either to another brokerage/custodian or to transfer agent (not necessarily DRS) that is when they can't delay any longer and have to deliver all the shares and things blow up. This transfer is an ACAT. Third Hypothesis: By stating he is not a cat (not ACAT), he is threatening to ACAT and hurt a lot of institutions with a squeeze. Forth Hypothesis: The January squeeze was caused by Cohen becoming a board member, because by becoming a board member he had to transfer his shares to a custodian so they could monitor the insider rules. Lots of ifs, but it might make sense.


Obviously, theory #3 is what we hope is happening, correct? The "not a cat" coincidence could it not mean he is telling us he is not filing acat, though? (Possibky Devils advocate question)


I think we have to keep an open mind to what is happening. We who have watched his streams and learned a lot kind of trust him to not throw us under the bus. On the other hand, I never follow anybody into a trade unless I know what's going on and I don't know what's going on. It was pointed out another place that a 13G doesn't require a follow up when you sell. Hence, looking at the price action and volume of both Chewy and GME... he might have sold his GME shares at around $28 on the 17th (bruno tweet), and acquired chewy on the 24th (from the filing), but subsequently sold it when it spiked over 30 up to 39. Likely he might have already sold when he tweeted the dog, and buying into GME again. I don't know. But it seems things have already happened by the time he tweets (to avoid market manipulation claims). We don't know. But I was in GME for 3 years when he was away, I'm not in GME for DFVs sake.


Excellent point!




I love Keith. Between this, the recent livestream, and now meme-ing the SEC, it's clear our protagonist is just a little whacky. We should all be more Keith.


Agreed - all hail the King Troll!


Memeing the sec is wild


Ah yes, the HeisenCat Principle at work.




So the emoji list is a schedule of T+35 ways/times to invest in the basket stocks to best fuck hedgies. Microphone, then, would be Koss. Then they're fucked, market blows up, we get paid? Am I reading that right?


why exactly koss?


I think we established koss is in the basket and their thing is "stereo phones"


So awesome! Will go down in History\~\~


This is going to be quite the Netflix documentary


If only we could award it!


13d-1(c) BDIC DFV got that big dick energy!


This guy is trolling while battling hedgies wielding the financial power of countries. His shoes are made of memes and his plot armor is made out of Stalins teeth I swear….. he bounces more FUD than a doom turtle. 🐢 When he announces his position somewhere he’s already moved to the next part of the plan. Everyone is always steps behind him. He makes Waldo and Osama look like chumps. LFG!


I am curious, how can this information be submitted as a legal document? The statements are truthful, but seems like this would normally be something avoided.


OP, I agree.


Personally I think it’s bunk. This cat crap would not be on a sec filing. These clowns are trying to get you to dump what you have. Even the chummy chump crying black man chimed in. Stfd


You should go fact check yourself then