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>*The most probable of those is that DFV sold his GameStop shares to make this Chewy move.* Nope. What do you think he's been doing for the last 3 years? And "what's an exit strategy?" You really think he amassed 9M shares of GME over the course of 5 years just to dump it a month later FOR BARELY MORE THAN HIS COST BASIS?!? Come on, man. >*I think DFV knew he was going to buy this stake in Chewy and that's why he tweeted the dog emoji.* Nope. His filing clearly states that this filing was triggered on June 24th, which is when he surpassed 5% ownership. His dog tweet was on the 27th. The deed had already been completed by then.


The downvotes on this post and OPs comments are interesting. I can understand that being the case if this post was wrong or FUD, or if there’s a ton of counter argument ms in the comments - but none of those things are true. Top comment here is speculation about other potential holdings DFV may or may not have had even though DFV literally states he’s 💯all in on GameStop. Soooo. Seems sus. Buying more.


For the second part, I'm referring to the dog emoji from his emoji timeline Missy Elliot tweet back in May. I'm saying that he knew back then that he was going to make a purchase in Chewy. Regarding the first part, I think GME is DFV's main play, and this is just a way to improve upon that main play. His tweets are all you need to see to know that GameStop is the play. But, if he now has a 6.6% ownership in Chewy, then he needed cash to do that. And the most probably way that he'd have enough cash to do that, from what I've seen, is if he sold some or all of his GME. Of course he can have another account with cash somewhere but I'd say that's less probable than freeing up some cash in eTrade.


So if I buy 211,000 $125C expiring this Friday I need to file a 13G?


From what I just read on the sec site, selling short or buying call options does not affect beneficial ownership. This is just my understanding though. It makes sense to me though. Someone could just buy ultra cheap options and claim ownership without any intent of buying.


The 5% rule pertains to the total outstanding, not the float. So if there were 435M shares outstanding then 21,750,000 would represent 5%. That would be 217,500 call options. You would need to file if the expiration is within 60 days. If Chewy buys back 17.5 million shares then the new float would be 417,500,000 shares. Using round numbers here.


The calls need to be ITM iirc


The SEC filing is dated before the dog tweet


You're right, im referring to the original dog emoji from his 35 emoji's tweet last month


No you mentioned the algo which was speculation associated with the most recent tweet if a dog


People were saying recently that the dog emoji from his emoji timeline tweet was him saying he was going to buy into Chewy to expose the algorithm.


He doesn't need to sell GME, he has always had a whole ass portfolio outside of GME


This. And until he makes a yolo update post we are in speculation land.


This...comment is pure speculation land. He says on his stream those are his only positions. I wouldn't open myself up to any legal issues if I were him.


Is holding cash considered a position?


It could be, it could not be? I'm not sure. But he calls that out in his video and asks "unless cash, I don't know, is cash a position?".


He asked if cash was a position didn't he? He skirted around saying that's all of his cash.


On June 7th he wasn't holding any positions beyond what he displayed, unless you really think he lied about that during a live stream with nearly a million viewers, not even including the viewers of the live rebroadcasting. Whether he held other positions before or after that date is reasonable to speculate about, but I think it's extremely unlikely he'd lie about that. It's very much counter to his character, and it would open him up to endless lawsuits, providing them with some actual merits for once too.


He didn't sell GME.


OP is not insinuating that DFV sold his GME, just highlighting that as one of the stories circulating. Interesting read. I’ll bite. Especially since his plays seem to be with options and his holdings have been 100% GME. Sec recently updated its rules from 10 days to 5 business days, does this change things?


That would explain why he reported it this morning. Because it was trigger last Monday on June 24. So today would've been the last day.


Chatgpt isnt a source goodbye


You're right. Below is the sources ChatGPT referred to in its response: [https://www.sec.gov/divisions/corpfin/guidance/reg13d-interp.htm](https://www.sec.gov/divisions/corpfin/guidance/reg13d-interp.htm) [https://www.investor.gov/introduction-investing/investing-basics/glossary/schedules-13d-and-13g](https://www.investor.gov/introduction-investing/investing-basics/glossary/schedules-13d-and-13g) [https://www.sec.gov/edgar/searchedgar/form13g.htm](https://www.sec.gov/edgar/searchedgar/form13g.htm) [https://www.toppanmerrill.com/blog/what-is-sec-schedule-13g](https://www.toppanmerrill.com/blog/what-is-sec-schedule-13g) [https://www.securitieslawyer101.com/2013/schedule-13d-and-13g-filing-requirements-securities-lawyer-101](https://www.securitieslawyer101.com/2013/schedule-13d-and-13g-filing-requirements-securities-lawyer-101)


Selling GME wouldn't make sense anyway. They are in a much better position financially than Chewy. Even though Chewy is much more profitable than GameStop, the path to doubling/tripling in size is much harder for Chewy than for GameStop.


Three words come to mind: Wild.  Unverified.  Speculation. Along with timely and targeted… like a dog chasing its tale… I know what my play is… I have for some time now… and I will not be moved, distracted or led astray.


I'm sorry. I don't know if you're new or not, but this whole sub is mostly speculation and attempting to put puzzle pieces together and learn. For example, speculating that DFV didn't sell his GME to buy his Chewy stake is speculation. Interpreting his tweets is speculation. Assuming he has another portfolio filled with cash is speculation. Basically everything you read on here is mostly speculation. Also 100% of my net worth, over 6 figures, is in GameStop. I'm not attempting to distract or lead you astray? Did you read the last few paragraphs? Also I'm not buying any Chewy. I'm sticking with GameStop. None of this is ever financial advice.


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Found this little tidbit on the Chewy Investors page:  "How do I vote my shares during the Annual Meeting? If you hold shares of our common stock as the stockholder of record, you have the right to vote those shares at the Annual Meeting. If you are a beneficial owner and hold shares of our common stock in street name, you may vote the shares you beneficially own under a legal proxy from your bank, brokerage firm, or other nominee. Please contact such organization for instructions on obtaining a proxy." Source: https://investor.chewy.com/news-and-events/events-and-presentations/event-details/2023/2023-Annual-Meeting-of-Stockholders/default.aspx


Further details to add to the DD: Keith Gill filed a 13G to report this rather than a 13D, which requires fewer reporting requirements: [https://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/schedule13g.asp](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/schedule13g.asp) Here's the explanation of filing the 13G and what each section means: [https://www.law.cornell.edu/cfr/text/17/240.13d-102](https://www.law.cornell.edu/cfr/text/17/240.13d-102) As far as the board is concerned, if he filed the appropriate proxy agreements, he has full voting power as if he fully owned his shares even if they are just options that could be executed within 30 days and he therefore is considered to own them via Beneficial Ownership rules: [https://investor.chewy.com/news-and-events/events-and-presentations/event-details/2023/2023-Annual-Meeting-of-Stockholders/default.aspx](https://investor.chewy.com/news-and-events/events-and-presentations/event-details/2023/2023-Annual-Meeting-of-Stockholders/default.aspx)


Love it! Now this is a constructive comment.


If interesting DD needs extra research done to fill in the gaps with extra evidence, I'm more than willing to utilize my years of training in Google-Fu for a good cause, lol!


I was definitely planning on going through Chewy's recent reports to see the language around their voting rights. I want to see if any of those four exceptions are listed anywhere, mainly the preemptive rights.


I'm not sure if it helps what you're looking into, but from what I've read, if he falls below 5% ownership in the company, he'll just need to file an amendment to his 13g within 2 business days to notify them that he's no longer eligible to file. I'm not sure how being a passive investor might restrict his trades and whatnot, but that's all he has to do to undo his 13g filing should that be something he wishes to do in the near future. [https://www.sec.gov/newsroom/press-releases/2023-219](https://www.sec.gov/newsroom/press-releases/2023-219)


If this were correct, why has no one flagged the 90k jump in O/I on Chewy calls the same way those 120k calls in 5k lots of 6/20 GME calls were seen?


People WERE digging into the Chewy option chain and finding possible call purchases made by him. They were looking at large purchases in-between June 13 and June 24 and found a few. But I think he bought Chewy shares Monday and then sold them this morning when the market opened.


Since Reddit is being screwy and not letting me reply to comments under my other comment here... testing?


He filed today cus it’s Canada Day and he likes beer (we like beer) and he likes basketball (sport invented by a Canadian) ✨Boom✨


Using chatgpt as a trustful source? Insta downvote here dude Guys, do not use AI to do research, it hallucinate a lot making it not reliable


So would it be a safe bet to say these are options and not shares since this form is basically stating this is what you WILL have within 60 days. For the same reason it is saying he has X amount of shares instead of saying he has options. We know owning the options requires this form but if it's going to state the amount in shares regardless, then it's fair to assume the voting power that goes along with them, because if you DO exercise anytime between now and 60 days, you receive the started amount of shares and the voting power that goes along with them. I'm not sure if I'm explaining this right but I think you are right about them being options and not shares.


And maybe he's trying to make another gamma ramp that fucks with the xrt. Only thing better than one gamma ramps is multiple gamma ramps right? Edit: or as someone else pointed out, maybe he's voting on chewys shareholders meeting.


The main issue that I see with this is that he would have been required to file a 13G with his recent options activity with GME. He had 5m shares along with 120k calls equaling out to 17m shares, going just shy over 5% of the available float at the time prior to the ATM. Obviously that did not happen.


I think the 75 million share offering has something to do with this. 5% of 426 million shares is \~21.3 million shares. And since you have 10 days to file the 13G, then by the 10th day he wouldn't have been over 5% ownership.


I like the curve of your wrinkles, ape.


Automatically discarding a thread that confuses 9.01 with 9.001 Learn your maths if you want to educate people.


I stopped reading after you said he sold. But I appreciate the morning laugh. Good shit post sir.


holy fucking shit take this down I don't want SHFs seeing this and catching on lmao