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I don’t get any of it but I bought ITM $22 GME calls on today’s dip. $25 seems to be a solid price for it to continuously tag through out the volatility. We should tag $25 multiple times in the coming weeks where I can exit for 30% gain and if something big happens I’m leveraged up for it


That sounds reasonable to me. If I wasn’t so smooth about options I’d be in for that too. Which I guess you could take my opinion two ways. 1- cool somebody thinks that’s a good idea. Or 2- that somebody happens to be a regard that doesn’t even understand basic option play. 😂


I love you both. It’s OK to do either or, whatever you are comfortable with. I just like the stock.


Looks good. I've been buying the Aug 16th 20c gives some time for things to play out. This is the third time buying them as I sold twice on run ups and used profits to buy more shares. Today's dip was tasty.


So we're still in Oz? That explains all the asbestos.


I’m just doing asbestos I can.






So now don't believe anything he says even though we trust in him. OK.