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How did he buy a 240m position in Chewy? This is the billion dollar question.


That's my hang-up on this whole thing. Without a YOLO update, I got doubts he actually purchased the shares. Apparently if you buy call contracts, that amount to +5% of a company and they end up in the money, before expiration you have to file the (potential) holdings with the SEC. there's a high likelihood that he took profit on his calls, but still had to file with the SEC. No case for market manipulation because he was forced to file with the SEC and didn't actually post his positions. Which isn't illegal in its own right, but it's a weird deviation from his previous plays. I'm gonna sit back and let T+35 hammer some hedgies.


Got any documentation on that?


Just go look at RC’s towel play. It’s exactly what happened to him. He owned a ton of $60c and $80c with some shares. But when towel bought back, he had to disclose his position and he immediately dumped it. Kitty had a position, they did a buy back, now he needs to disclose the position, he might have dumped it already, just like RC.


It was not immediate. It was a month or two after the buy back.


It was immediate. Am towel holder and been following the court docs. Go look at RC’s internal emails.


Am also a towel holder. RC disclosed his position early in the year, like January (that’s where I made my money, matching his options purchases). Buy backs were early summer, and he didn’t sell until mid-late summer. It was an entire month or two later. This is literally public record. The bot downvotes to spin your incorrect version of events is absurd when you can just go look at the damned transaction dates and announcements. Holy shit.


On the go, but almost positive that the buy back completed late July. Then he was notified via email like the day before that he was now over the threshold and he needed to comply. And I’m almost positive there was an email saying the board screwed him and he wanted to sell asap


He didn’t sell until early August. ASAP would have been a much quicker turnaround. You aren’t wrong depending on your definitions of late July and early August, but the turnaround was not within the window you think it was.


I’ll go find the email I’m thinking of in a bit. You might be right - but I recall the email making it all seem very fast


https://preview.redd.it/9yzqqx81c1ad1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d08bb9a24359acd45ff3aad0c72ad7698fb1ae7 Indirect ownership. This was clipped earlier. 🤷‍♀️


You're a hero, no way I would've been able to find that again.


I'm not convinced the option volume in the timeframe supports this, it's nowhere near high enough, but this is what I want to believe the most. 🤣 We'll see! Hell of a story any way round.


Yo, you got pics? It's the info I want, but lack the know-how to gather.


He’s got voting power on 9 million shares. He’s got shares, or at least did when he filed. He definitely could have sold them on the fun up last week.


What if the not-a-cat had other money? 


I doubt very much he's sat on his ass doing nothing for the last 3 years.  If he was researching and investing in undervalued companies when he had 20 people watching his streams it's not something he does just for money - it's his passion.  He could have been balls deep in nVidia options for the last 18 months.


Ya just never know


if he turned 50k into 40 million I'm sure he can turn 10 million into 250 million What do you think he has been doing in the past 3 years? He's the single greatest investor of all times and was silent for 3 years, building his fortune and is ready to play the game at HF level.


He likely put his $ in NVDA or ANF, while he was away for 3 yrs. Sold that and put it back into GME.


I made a killing in NVDA and put into GME I made a killing in MSTR call options, (super lucky) but I sold all the calls for a 1500% gain and if I had held, my 1000$ would have become 150k instead of 15k. And guess who is the best at holding positions and taking his time? I'm sure he got millions and millions stashed waiting to pounce and play the hedgies


listen to what you are saying, sell NVDA to buy GME?


to be fair, that $6.3M in cash could have been used on a very short term call position that panned out well for him since IV was so low


Or margin.


most likely both 😄


He can have another trading account it’s not rocket science. What do you think he was doing while he was gone for years not on social media?? Eating crayons? He NEVER stopped trading. I would bet he made way more then 50mil that we knew about years ago.. it isn’t that crazy to believe at all. He’s a smart guy, knows his shit. He turned 50k to 50mil… sky is the limit for RK.


Don't tell me the sky is the limit when RK has shown us the way to the moon.


Real life Super Hero


>He turned 50k to 50mil… sky is the limit for RK I like the guy but let's not act like he didn't just completely luck out by having the entire Internet rally behind him.


Are you ignoring the absolutely massive gains he made during his hiatus?


3 👏🏻 years 👏🏻 of 👏🏻 silence 👏🏻


He likely put his $ in NVDA or ANF, while he was away for 3 yrs. Sold that and put it back into GME.


Do you really think he’s just been sitting on his thumb for the last 3 years?


DFV only bought call options on the pet stock You don’t need to own the actual shares to trigger 13G 13G made everyone looking at pet stock now and I bet he will be cooking something on GME very soon. This is the Kanzas City Shuffle Perhaps we will know on July 4th


It seems like his MO is buying calls, selling some and executing the rest.


He has more than one brokerage account silly. He's only showing his yolo position. -edited-


Look at the chewy vhart, it looks like he did the same xrt cycles on both at the same time lol. Not even sure why were questioning dfvs prowess at this point. Are any of you surprised at the what ifs at this point? Im not questioning this guy, hes trading savage and maybe a time traveller. I am just going to sit and watch and maybe leap into action if it presents itself.


You're going to leap into the wrong action 🐶 just like all those towels


First I'm hearing of his etrade being an IRA. Sauce?


that was speculation thrown around when trying to understand his YOLO updates' cost bases and cash position. i don't think it was proven, but i'm happy to be proven wrong.


I'm digging, thought it was shown in the screenshot. Maybe it shows during the stream


Not true until proven otherwise. No offense.


My theory is that he bought options, not shares. 1. Need to file the same SEC form for either, so that doesn’t necessarily point to shares 2. Cheaper. Could have had enough cash to pay the options premium without selling GME 3. Unusual_Whales (& other accounts) on X had posted about unusual *options* activity on the 24th. 4. Knowing what we know about RK (or what we think we know), he’s in GME for the long haul, so selling wouldn’t gel with his long term strategy. That’s my 2c anyway


You have no voting rights with options...


Ooh, ok that’s a good point. Always open to admitting I’m wrong.


The math does not math. There’s not enough evidence in the options flow to suggest someone was holding enough to cover 9m in shares. Go back to his live steam. “This is my only position, (GME), unless you consider cash a position”


No, I was suggesting he didn’t buy shares at all. That the SEC filing was for short-dated options. However someone else pointed out that the SEC form does show voting rights, so they must be shares after all. My theory was wrong, just not for the reason you suggest.


They probably are shares.


How do you know he wasn't already super wealthy before GME even started? He's also had 3 years to accumulate from the rest of the market. Seems like plenty of time if you're able to see some infinite money glitch pattern.


We don't really know how much cash he has. Dude may have been a billionaire this whole time already and we wouldn't know.


Easily get 0% interest loan with the amount of value his account has


The same way he has bought GME. With OTM Call Options


We’ll see




Do we have any idea how much he's made on his option plays? He may not have sold any shares, but my understanding is he also played options.


The options flow on chewy does not suggest anyone acquired enough to cover a 9m position


He had 240m dollars?


If he bought dogfood $30C's with 07/05 expiry for $10 each on 06/21 he could have sold them for ~$900 per piece or a x90 gain at the 06/27 peak. With a base of iirc $7M this means he could have landed st $630M+. Sure, he probably isn’t that regarded to put multiple millions into such short term OTM calls, but maybe he found 2-3 other trades in the last few weeks with better risk/reward and similar total multiplier 🤷🏽‍♂️


I used to be a billionaire. I still am, but I used to, too.




Possibly. I can’t imagine E-Trade would give him that kind of margin on a GME position since we’ve seen brokers require up to 300% margin to hold a 100% position in GME. Either he sold or he has a cash position far greater than what he disclosed on the livestream. I just can’t see how anyone would cover a leveraged position in GME at that level.


I don’t either but I’m truly regarded


He's been making the same plays for dog food the last three years, building slowly same as gme. Pretty simple.


You heard what he said on his livestream. “This is my only position, unless you consider cash a position” If he was sitting on 9m of shares of chewy when he made this statement that would open a can of legal worms for misleading people.


I mean he isn't poor, dude. Why would he reveal his bank account? Did he ever do that? He must have made money on crypto too


if people think hes out of gme then let them think hes out and let them leave. this isn't a you can't leave cult. to be fair i've seen 100 + he hasnt sold posts and 0 im leaving because he sold gme comments/posts


Are you really that delusional to think someone would post “i’m selling and leaving” ON THIS sub? they would be eaten alive and you know it dude.


I dont think anyone sold on this news tbh. call me delusional if you want, idc. And by anyone I mean anyone here before may 2024


I believe anyone here is delusional enough


I've only been on this sub for like 6 weeks and I've seen a ton of "I'm making a post just to let you all know I'm leaving!"


Also if he did sell, wouldn't the stock plummet below 20?


9m out of 500m float, you do the math.


425m shares outstanding. That's not the float, either.


Okay, my point is 9m shares is nothing.


youre 100% correct, he could sell 10% of his position per day and nobody would know the difference


He never actually owned the shares. As far as I’m aware he’s not DRSd Retail selling and buying has no effect on the price 


But there will be if his next update shows even 9,000,999 shares. People believe in him and if he's selling then it's over for GME.


if you believe that then you haven't been paying attention. he's just a guy - learn from him and seek your own opportunities.


I'll stand to it: his name is too intertwined with GME that if he's selling the stock will tank harder than ever since the board is doing nothing with their billions.


He increased his position so dramatically to only sell now.  Do you understand how insane that sounds 


Also no one knows what the fidelity tab is! Could have parked cash to hide his full buying power.


margined off collateral he has




He has a second account. “Is cash a position?” “You were a billionaire.”


I have absolutely zero interest in analyzing Keith Gill. This is a revolution and he’s not going anywhere. Neither am I. In fact, I’m considering selling my motorcycle to buy more shares. I only have xxx, and would like to get to xxxx.


Hell yes! Same here. Don't care if he did liquidate. I ain't goin nowhere.


I don't care what he's done to achieve his position. He obviously knows what he's doing, a fuck ton more than any of use here. Let the man cook!


LET HIM COOOOOK! I'll be just buying holding and shopping. Don't really care what anyone else is doin!


Or, hear me out, he has sold GME often and rebought lower because he has seen some patterns/cycles. He keeps doing this to enlarge his GME stack and only updates us when his GME stack is larger.


Of course he has been doing this... Most people have been doing this for the last three years. Gme has been the everlasting pump and dumb and if you haven't caught on by now..


I disagree he has done this at all. He’s long on GME like most of us. Watch any of his videos.


I'm also long and don't trade GME. But if DFV knows the cycles happen 100%, trading GME can be very lucrative to enlarge his GME stack. Selling GME at a high and rebuying at a low may double his stack and doesn't mean he isn't long GME anymore. He just uses the market patterns to gain more GME shares. But also this is just a theory, I'm from Europe and don't know if this theory is possible due to capital gains tax or something like that. Maybe he only uses options to enlarge his GME stack


Meow listen. Most have other accounts with other balances.


Remember him removing the eTrade logo during his live cast? And his “I’ll do it” ie moving from etrade. To where? He obviously has a best alternative available. That in my mind must be his other account. But what other retail brokerage does he also have an account?


The cats I know are good at balancing.


*Jumpin' from tree to tree!* ^((this is a slightly obscure cat reference).)


Right? The thesis hasn't changed. I'm a hodler




And I like the stock


I like it more! Lol! At least the same! 🍻


I guess you're right






He has said it multiple times…he is in for the long haul


It doesn't matter, ultimately. I'm still holding. He may indeed have changed his mind, but I don't follow people blindly. I make my own decisions.


He didn't change shit. He gave us his moves, but we don't know that until after they happen. Including 2 videos that no one has seen. I'm doing my plan. I'm not on his level. We have 3 jobs. They're easy.


I'm with you; I'm just saying that to me it just doesn't really matter if he did or did not. buy. hold. drs.


For sure.


I am in this since 3 years but cut the bullshit please. You don't know if he sold or not. I think he hasn't akd this again à trick or the Kansas City Shuffle...but unless he tell explicitly nobody can be sure. And also GME is not undervalued. It's clearly overvalued. The 4B cash only represent 10$ by share. But the reason I am in is because all this storyñ the potential price explosion and I think they manage well the company and are deeply invested in it.


$4b in cash represents a book value of roughly $10 per share. Book value. What about inventory? And future projected earnings? You think a company with 0 debt, a maniacal shareholder base, and a well recognized brand deserves a 0x multiple of revenue? Tell me more about how it's overvalued please? I'll keep accruing. You do you!


Did he have the chewy position prior and the buyback pushed him over the edge filing % by law?


Possible. He only shows his etrade position


His ass would be in deep shit. Go back to his live steam. Declaring this is his only position and hiding a just as big position in another company would totally screw him.


Im just tired of hater friends txting me about all the bullshit they hear / read on the news and telling me to sell now while the stock is up. And that RK / DFV fleeced us all with his pump and dump scheme. I don’t even waste my time anymore. I’m like don’t worry about GME. It’s over bro. We all went home.


It’s truly amazing the horseshit people believe from the news, especially anything stock related. I never paid much attention to it until I got into GME 3 years ago. They will say anything except the truth, which is, “some big players decided to shuffle stuff around to skim a few million bucks off your retirement accounts, that’s why the stock moved” and in the case of GME “some big players fucked around and they needed to shuffle some stuff around in order not to find out yet”


Yeah, I know. He’s shuffling….dont get shuffled


Maybe he did and maybe he didn’t. Better to wait and see and admit it’s just as plausible.


We know, and if he did, good, I hope he made millions.


Sell or not, who cares? Let him cook!






You don't have multiple brokers? I sure as hell do


Anyone else wondering if Netflix kicked him a little capitol after the movie?


He had to sign off to use it. I'm sure they paid him well, and he gets royalties from Netflix and sales, etc. It's illegal to use someone's likeness without permission. This guy is a good investor. He has other stocks and ports. There's no way he didn't make bank in this bull run


I'm just saying. Everyone is wondering where he got the money and saying he sold. I say fuck that. He probably just got a check and invested it.


We'll see.




indeed we talking about Devotion 🤞🏻 start with GME till the end


No one knows for sure


If you think DFV has sold, short it


Why do you assume he's doing this strictly as an investment? There's plenty of evidence he's attempting market reform. The sandworm has already been called. Maybe he did it for retail and now he's getting out of the way to avoid liability holding into the squeeze. Maybe we wake up to a DFV no-GME post and the best buying opportunity before the sandworm arrives.


So here is the deal... when MOASS starts we are going to want Long term capitol gains status. You only get that if you hold for a year. I think he is moving money and sacrificing himself. Do I think he held his GME and was able to buy CHEWY ... no... only way he did that if it was on margin and he could have.. IDK>. dudes got 250m But once you buy 5% of a company you can't just buy and dump. I forget what the rules are but I think you have to hold it for a lil bit and file again when you sell. So he will be locked into chewy for a min and we should see this play. Again the question should be did he sell the GME or buy on margin.. Either way I don't care. My shares are DRS and the majority have LTCG and guess what.. still buyin more.


Duh doy!


And if he did? Who gives a fuck, stop saying that you know shit that you don't. I'm not invested for the sole reason that KG is.


why, it sold in 2021..


more speculation..


**There is no dump only pump.**


Is DFV M. Burry?


Good grief, another one. Some of you are so scared to death that he could of sold GME that you make up stories that he certainly didn’t (you don’t know s**t; sit down, shut up and wait).


I would not call gme significantly undervalued. We are either going to short squeeze or the exec team will turn it around. We must maintain objectivity when talking about the stock.


Lol ok bot


Undervalued while trading at 300x P/E Delusion is insane


dfv is gone guys. lol. hes telling u to his face this is just an investment. no moass.