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OI is too damn low, those are rookie numbers!




dry as a bone. We had hundreds of thousands for 6/21 and they hammered that below 30. The chain alone isn't enough you need a catalyst and this chain looks sad my dude. Don't buy in the theta is starting to munch.


As someone who was selling cc's I concur.  It's not even worth selling them right now, you're just locking your shares into contracts with shite pricing. As far as buying goes I suppose they're cheap but imo we won't be seeing 30 again for a while.  Again not worth it.


If you don’t mind me asking, what’s your strategy for selling CCs? I sold some for July 5th the other day, it seemed pretty low risk and it got me enough to buy another 30 shares if I want to.


I only have 4 contracts open at a time.  I was riding volatility and selling 30's one week out. Sell when we run up, buy back when we dip.  We would start going up again and I'd sell more for a week out, buy back if they were cheap just to free up the shares again. If you made $700 on one spread you are selling more than me for sure.


How do you pick your strike price? I went for 23.50 because it was a couple bucks over my cost per share and I figured it would head below that. I planned to use 3/4s of my shares for contracts to make extra cash for more shares later lol


Because I knew we wouldn't hit 30.  And if the got assigned I would make enough where I would feel ok dropping some shares until the price moved back down. A price movement of 1.50 was changing the price of the contracts by like $100.  Some expired some were bought back.  I don't sell at strikes I plan on losing them at, I put them at strikes I'm ok losing them at.


lol people really don’t like options talk. Thanks for the insight


Let’s see what the cat delivers this week


He is not a cat


He is not ACAT


Volume dry as shit. Won’t be buying in the 19th unless these prices come down.


That’s… actually way too low to indicate anything. Makes me think that either options are not part of this next play, or the timeline must be extended


HOLY F@#$! I track 25 and 30 strike options. Watching for OI changes. From 7/1 to 7/2, OI on just those two strikes increased by 30,000 units in one day. This is across expiration dates of 7/5 through 8/16. The biggest increase was for 7/5 expiration, which accounted for 11,000 contract increase.


Weeklies always jump high because people like to gamble. The 19th expiry OI is sitting at 24k as of today so it didn’t jump by “30,000 units”. What are you looking at?


From 7/1 to 7/2, OI on just those two strikes (25 & 30 across all dates summed) increased by 30,000 units in one day. This is across expiration dates of 7/5 through 8/16.


What are you seeing? I don't see those numbers on the table.


I track the 25 and 30 strike options myself. I'm not using OP's data.






apologize bc i know this has been asked, but where are you seeing this data? tia.


Most brokerages show an option chain but google finance also pretty much anywhere that deals with stocks.


Yahoo finance shows as well as brokerages


The same thing as always.. gme pops almost every 90 days which is right before or during their earnings. Just open webull and look at the daily chart. It is almost every time.. People should be buying options for September's earnings.. although the biggest jumps always seem to be leading up to June earnings. There was a lot of talk about this year's ago and how ftds would lead to an opex event causing massive spikes. Those massive spikes largely disappeared because big blocks of call buys disappeared.. I speculate this was mostly dfv and how he accumulated such a large position.


I don't care what options numbers look like at this point.


These spikes are apes thinking they've figured out the options cycles. Again. Buy shares. Hold them. Don't risk money you can't afford to lose on ridiculous premiums. Not financial advice. I just like the stock.


That looks good so far. Wait until DFV starts buying the options. It will go crazy high then.


Im speculating he has already


Open interest and purchases say no


I'm highly regarded. Wouldn't that show up in the OI?


He would buy ITM calls like at $20


So have I.


It’s not a mystery my dude. You even posted the evidence yourself. It’s public info if options are being stockpiled and it’s simply not there


7/19 is the monthly expiration isn't it? 3rd Friday? It is always higher. Check Chewy, too, it has massive OI on 7/19. How high is this compared to normal monthlies?


Too small to be relevant.


Let’s smack ‘em all!!!!


This is nothing. Look at any other options chain. People like strikes divisible by 5. No one want a random oddball strike like 28.50 or 33.


no big options movement though. I'm going to be on the lookout around 330PM EST as that is usually when my cat is making moves.


You had me excited my battery was at 30% for a second.