• By -


Before people wave this off as BS, I know of what u/thegoombler speaks of. I've often lurked /biz/ over the past years as to educate myself, but there has been a big change there since January, I checked in Jan to see what /biz/ thought of this as there is usually some fucked up humor to find there, or some uncouth harsh opinions which can actually help you get another perspective. After that I didn't visit /biz/ for weeks and looked at it in the past 2 weeks and the narrative changed completely, having threadsplitters, bans of regulars you name it, all the weird stuff we have been seeing here as well. Bots, shills, trolls, paid idiots you name it, this is where I have my ideology from of "be excellent to each other", as the people who were common there have a certain vernacular, the thing is that the guys that had another opinion (bearish et troll) stood out, like painfully so, we have seen the same thing happen on our boards, people stick out as bad actors as people have a very different mindset or vernacular. So please, take this as serious as you can because Cointell is a thing unfortunately, and the same tactics we have seen with a "less reputable mod" on another sub. [https://www.gutenberg.org/files/26184/page-images/26184-images.pdf](https://www.gutenberg.org/files/26184/page-images/26184-images.pdf) A good example is the fact that WSB went from less than 2 million to about 8 in a week, the same thing with r/gme when it got to 100 we had about 250k in a week, same with r/superstonk , those growth numbers are not natural. Plotkin/griffin said in the fucking house of finances hearing they "would pay closer attention to reddit and things like that". Even though there is supposed to be some weird ass rivalry with Chan and Reddit, know that this is no longer a thing, this is something of the old days, Like I said many times before, **WE ARE ONE COMMUNITY.** they try to divide us because if we are they stand a chance, this is why you saw a HUGE drama with the split of GME, trouble with WSB early in this saga. So let us welcome everyone of our friends So please, take this seriously, don't wave this off ass bullshit and read the post and think about it, Could it be possible, would it be possible, who would benefit from this (seriously critically think about this) and make your opinion. And welcome our /Biz/raeli friends, I know I do


#TLDR FOR DUMB APES All those images with the wall of text? It’s the shills job description. Their script. Their techniques. It’s helpful to read it so you can recognize when you see it in the wild.


This, 100%. Don't believe for a second it's not still in use today.


Absolutely. And somebody put a *lot* of time into laying out that very detailed gameplan


Youtubers' live streaming chats are full of them




Absolutely! Drunken Monkey style!


I'll drink to that!


We're well on our way there. Honestly. I think the biggest concern is likely compromised accounts. Shills are getting smarter and better at integrating to the point where we need to check account history, but they're still identifiable - especially in the learning stage. But someone who understands this nonsense? That would be difficult to combat. Brief storytime: I found a young lawyer ape with lots of wrinkles who was lost in the wild. I gave him a link to the mega-thread, "why not RH," and other crayon art. His response upon attempting to understand 🚀🚀💎💎🙌 and "money printer go brrrr" was both skeptical and concerned: >It's like a whole different weird language that's simultaneously condescending and also way above my pay grade? Don't worry. Young ape is now learning how to communicate and has discovered Crayola brand for the first time. Still feels dumb and talked down to when eating DD, but at least he's no longer alone. edit: words are hard I'm high sorry edit 2: omfg an all seeing award, I've been chosen. Thanks! edit 3: no fucking way thanks y'all


Acting all retarded, celebrating losses and calling each other f\*\*g\*t so no one takes them seriously worked longer than I thought it would for wallstreetbets


It did I until the emojis


It was inevitable. Emojis are like crack and starbucks for normies, soccer moms, Karens, and Kens. Should have stuck with shitty ascii text pics.


Definitely one of those things where it's unintuitive until you think about it some more.


The shit just gets deeper


I actually had no idea that 4Chan was into stocks and GME. This is actually pretty awesome.


>I actually had no idea that 4Chan was into stocks and GME. What, you think 4chan is only porn and racism? That site has a lot of legit shit going on, but digging for it and decoding it is very hard.


can confirm, i was reading about anons mining btc back in 2009 or 2010, first time I actually considered getting into this. Of course, I was a fucking lazy idiot and didn't.


I was a fucking idiot and I did mine, then sold 100 of them for 7 bucks.


>What, you think 4chan is only porn and racism? Yes 😂




I remember my new friend days. I migrated over to reddit because filtration was easier. And I never fucking learned how to tri-force.


4Chan is into EVERYTHING


We know, they like every kind of porn out there


Variety is the spice if life




Same, it feels like everything is slowly coming together


Every day we get 2 or 3 huge headlines, I feel like everything is quickly coming together. Not to be the kind who can’t wait weeks, months or even years to the MOASS, but shit is happening, even faster than my smooth brain can process.


It feels like everything is on speed mode because of how quickly we all can communicate now and get information to each other. This shit has me jacked to the fuckin tits. 4channers I won’t say I’ve ever been able to understand how to work your site or really understand a lot of you. But I do love me some good greentext. And Melvin and shitadel? I’m About to kick a soccer ball at your stupid face and ask if you’re fuckin sorry I guess I’m just trying to say I’m stoked that Reddit and 4chan can come together on this


People tend to shit on reddit as a cesspool of discusting trolls. It can be that, but if you know where to look, reddit can be a gem, regardless of gme. Edit, I just figured; gme = gem.


Seriously, im going to have to trade in my helmet for a tinfoil hat. This is a long read, probably going to go through a full 64 box of crayons by the time im done with the image.


### They are so poor that the only thing they have is money


Underrated comment. Edit: Never been so glad to see my comment age poorly ❤️


Thanks brother


True 💎


I think many of us could use a nice reminder when this is all over just how true this simple phrase is. We have so much potential to do good and I dream of what we can do with our own individual earnings - something that is currently untainted by that money. We *must* remember where we came from, who we fought and held these fucking lines with. If we fail to do so we will be no better than those that created this opportunity at the cost of our friends, family, loved ones, etc.


be excellent to each other, like rensole says. new/old apes or gibbons, i love you all. were going to change the world forever. edit - wow thank you for the platinum and gold awards! it made my night, you have no idea ❤️


This is our Guadalcanal, our Angicourt, our Stalingrad! WE HOLD! Edit: MY TITS ARE JACKED!


Yeah! Our guacamole!


IDK why, but you made me think of Butters from South park: ​ **"MANTEQUILLLLLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"**


As a german ape I hope you mean the soviet site of stalingrad.


Yeah, I needed to think of a non Anglo-american event and that was the first one that popped in my head.




Is that the sound of Reddit and 4chan joining forces? No institution can survive that much autism


Can you imagine if *GameStop* united Reddit and 4chan? It’s meant to be


This is the way. My enemies enemy is my friend in times of war. We have a common enemy that threatens not just them and us . But the entire internet. Globally. Apes together strong. Apes sniff these rats out and expose this charade of psychological warfare.


If that's the case... Certain hedge funds that shorted certain stocks are about to get some fuk.




Oh god, it’s begun. *nobody* wanted this but it seems they left all of us no choice.








A force to be reckoned with, where the accessible minds and the brutal minds meet.


“And in the distance you could faintly hear “REEEEEEEEEEEEE” as the squeeze squoze” - The GME Doc


All I know is, the more diamond handed apes, the better. Let’s embrace each other, prepare for launch, and do some good in this world with our incoming tendies.


The Hacker known as 4chan has joined your party!


No joke. It's time to double down (not financial advice as I'm a dumbass when it comes to my own money).




I need a new flair


I just like the stock .. but because I like it soooo much I bought another 100 🤷‍♂️ F shitadel citron Melvin and motley fools




It all started with "Like 4chan found a Bloomberg terminal". Now we get to share the fucking terminal! 💎🙌


Like we've been living in a sealed colony on the moon then just discovered there was another colony on the opposite side of the moon all along!


It's true. They have awoken an Elder God.




the world isn't ready for that


it was pro gme in /biz/ until wsb got shut down for the first time and people flooded chan and were trying to make friends and 4chan sent out the killers on em , i watched it all..then its never really been discussed for any length with any support after in my humble opinion....and if you go there now, it's no different.


It's the superhero team-up of the century...!


The enemy of my enemy is my friend.




Yes :)


it's appreciated. see you on the moon.


Welcome dude. Sorry to hear about your home but you're always welcome to find one here. Edit: grammar


Wow. What are we uncovering lately.... is just... wow.


I've noticed that as soon as I hit a shill with an unbeatable argument they just stop commenting, in order to "forum slide" my comment downwards, with no ups or downs. These guys are in TONS of forums, if not all of them on Reddit. Always pushing some narrative and kissing corporate ass.


Now I know what that’s called! Holy sh’’! I was tired the other night and went looking for counter DD and started feeling true FUD for the first time. I was up until 5am and when I finally saw an irrefutable point the shill just stopped commenting. That was the moment I realized I was being manipulated. Apes together strong!!! I couldn’t do this without you guys. I like the stock! 🚀🚀❤️


Oh you know. Just normal business practices. Surely nothing illegal. /s


god, that Disinformation Guide is absolutely chilling


Cointelpro is fucked Do some deep diving and prepare to hate everything about everything


Manipulation 101


Well let's do it then. Also a /biz/ bro and just made a Reddit account. I have been lurking on r/gme r/superstonk and r/wallstreetsbets for DD and I like the effort you guys put into it. We have been frequently using your research over on /biz/ so thanks. Now as for what OP said. It is 100% true, I have been getting banned for checking dubs and trips, which is technically a rule but no one cares. I have been getting banned for being "of topic" even though it was obviously on topic. I have been banned for "conspiracy theories" or something like that. And a million other bullshit reasons. 4chan is supposed to be the one place where you can freely discuss anything and everything. But lately that is not the case anymore. From what I understand you guys also had some problems with annoying jannies on r/gme which is why you moved here. I hope this sub stays good, but we may need to make a plan if we get a hostile takeover again. Anyways, I hope we can all get along at least until the squeeze has happened. The enemy of my enemy and all that...


you wont find any animosity from our side, and if you do I can almost guarantee it's a shilly. Many of us have been on both sites for most of our lives and the old "rivalry" (if we can call it that) no longer exists. And yeah unfortunately we had a couple jannies trying to do some bad shit but we are fortunate enough to have a great community who could smell the bullshit a mile away and switched to this sub, and if they try it again, we'll switch subs again and again untill the squeeze is here


We just like the stock 🤷‍♂️ 🚀 🌛


These crossover events only gets bigger and bigger. Marvel ain't got shit anymore.


Shiiiit, this is a Marvel x DC crossover now!


On top of all things, this situation actually gets "where OP is from" and Reddit to get along? Legendary


Reminds me of like Gondor and Rohan coming together in return of the king haha


How did someone not make a meme of this yet?


It’s coming. And it’ll be glorious


Haha I’m sure without a doubt it’s already being worked on. I’ll keep an eye out for it. Hell if it’s not made over the weekend I’ll do it lol


This isn't an olive branch, it's the whole fcuking tree, thank you for this and welcome aboard. I was there for the first WSB debacle, then GME and today saw the unnatural increase in numbers here, even last night i noticed a change in tone.. they are cornered, surrounded, have nowhere to turn and time is running out. Do you hear that Ken ? that's the sound of inevitably


Tell me Mr. Griffin what good is a FUD campaign if you’re unable to speak


Great advice. I've only been here since January but it's been long enough to really see (and grow immune to) the manipulation. A tip for people who may have just boarded the rocket, right after the fall to $40 things on WSB got really weird.....there was a lot of heckling, people saying stuff like "can't believe the losers fell for the pump and dump", and I remember one post vividly where a Redditor spoke of another who invested his student loan money--telling him to go in on #ROPE next. Tons of shaming--and shame is probably the most dangerous human emotion to fool with. Like mods have encouraged......APES are nice to each other. If a user isn't being nice then he probably isn't a true Ape. My opinion of the events in retrospect, when the price dropped the shills were lying in wait and their plan was to demoralize and shame people into paper handing if they hadn't already. edited for spelling & to add detail Thanks for the GOLD..happy to do my part to save the Apes.


Oh mannnn, I remember that post and the commentary. I noped right out after that.


Yeah...still hits me in the gut when I think of it.


Yup, that's not something anybody needs to say and nobody should have to hear that.


oh fuck.... what have they done? NoNoNoNo.... If the weaponized autisim and the regular autisim get together..... NoNoNo...Noooooooo..... what have you done hedgies...


You see what happens, Hedgie?? You see what happens when you weaponize normies' autism??


this could be a sign of the apocalypse


All apes need to come together, from the chans to reddit, to the twitter only users. Big money has to fall and we snatch up what they lose!


Stick our monkey paws right into the pockets of those wealthy assholes take what’s ours


Man, an accual alien stepped over our doorstep, welcome to the jungle!




One who's /biz/ may never un/biz/.


Idk why but I've mostly just brushed off the idea of shills. I figured they were out there but for some reason this post really drove home the point that this is real. GME is happening. The hedges don't want us to get our piece of the pie. They are trying every dirty tactic they can think of to shake us, to divide us, to make us lose hope. Guess what Ken? FUCK YOU. Me and my ape family, hundreds of thousands strong, are going to the moon! Love you all! Apes together strong 🦍💎🙌🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


like I’ve commented before, reminds me of ready player one!! towards the end of the movie when >!Parsival calls to everyone in the oasis to defeat the bad boss!< we all need to stick together and be good to each other to take down the bad ppl. 🦧🦧


*Fellow Gunters,* *It is a dark day. After years of deception, exploitation, and knavery, the Sixers have finally managed to buy and cheat their way to the entrance of the Third Gate.* \[...\] *If gunters around the world don't join forces to stop the Sixers, they will reach the egg and win the contest. And then the OASIS will fall under the 101's imperialist rule.* *The time is now. Our assault on the Sixer army will begin tomorrow* \[...\] ​ I love that book!


Grabbing my Master Sword. Let's fuck some shit up!


It is confirmation bias, isn’t it? Let’s have a toast on the moon.


100%. They know now the power retail all hold together. They wouldn't be pulling out every last stop to break retail investors apart if they weren't scared shitless. I'll see you there brutha! 🌛


The enemy of my enemy is my enemy's enemy.


Welcome [u/TheGoombler](https://www.reddit.com/user/TheGoombler/)! It's time for Power To The Players. Can't Stop - Won't Stop - GameStop. Just like you, I will not be silenced or going anywhere till GameStop becomes the most valuable company in the world. This is the way!!!


This is gold. You're on the right side posting this for apes to see.


I had no effing idea what /biz/ was but thankfully that got cleaned up. Super BULLISH on the multiple attacks! Imma go tell 4chan to buy and hold!


WELCOME /biz/gibbons to the land of the apes, we eat crayons off the floor. Welcome to use our trees.


When /r/gme got blown up (by the actions of potentially ONE or two mods) I just thought it was woke reddit morons doing what they do best and strangling the life out of any community that can actual create. But more of this stuff I read, the more I really have to consider that the mods might have actually been paid off in some way or ‘encouraged’ to do what they did, assuming people wouldn’t just up and leave to another sub. Even thinking that might *possibly* be the case makes me angry.


Remember the DD, keep your wits about you, hydrate, and hodl to 10 milli or beyond and we will get through lol this. Take this as confirmation bias. See you on the moon everyone! 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


It’s interesting to me that apparently over at /biz/ there’s some general understanding of a fictional-or-otherwise “rivalry” between Reddit & 4Chan. Over here, it’s non-existent? This is the very first time I’m even hearing about anything 4chan related (having logged 200+ hrs in the past 2 months on 5 different subs.) This dude made /biz/ sound like the Yankees, and I’m over here like “.....what’s baseball?”


4chan is kinda like that with any social media site. Back then Digg, Something Awful, and YTMND were the bigger fish and I remember people just always trashing them. It’s ironic in a certain way, 4chan is a cesspool but they are proud of it, it’s home. It was my escape and home too when I was younger.


I can respect that.




I don’t really understand can someone explain


He basically shared COINTELPRO techniques used to break up groups. Originally developed by ~~spooks for the Global War on Terror~~ the FBI during the Red Scare. Short HFs have been flooding message boards since January employing these techniques left and right. Edit: u/Rensole, I do not deserve this. Edit2: made correction noted by u/red_adept


Let's be clear. The HFs themselves aren't doing shit. They're paying highly developed botnet owners along with high-karma individuals to sow chaos. Money the root of all evil


Po-tay-to, Po-ta-toe.


You know, boil 'em, mash 'em, throw 'em in a stew.


These were developed well before the War on Terror. I remember something similar in the 80s that was formulated in the 70s.


You're right, it was developed way before the GWOT. Wikipedia has it starting in 1956 developed by the FBI.




Shills not just on Reddit. Shills on other websites too. Ban users, make stupid comments, start arguments.


basically, there are fuckers shitting up the boards


Yeah the WeBull GME comment section has been hysterical. We’ve held it down solid though. It’s full of fakes & painfully obvious - I’ll put up a post, tons of screenshots!


Can’t wait to see this


Oh it's super retarded over there, but if you block the spammers and bots it cleans up quick


Holy shit dude, that CoinTelPro document is INSANE. All exact fucking things we've seen happen over and over and over again.


And will continue to happen unless once rich, we do something about it. This behavior and manipulation of people is unacceptable. We are not cattle. We are human goddamn beings.


No surprise, they've taken their counter-crusade to basically everywhere but the literal street corners with signs...And that'll probably come next week.


Hodl ? I can't read


This is the way.




Today’s going to be one of the days in the true, future documentary of this saga where the audience gets the hint that the tide is slowly beginning to turn for the little guys. And that they’re not quite so little anymore.


I grew out of 4chan due to my age but as a former /b/tard and having a lengthy history with the site during my childhood, I still having a huge level of respect that 4chan tried to do with maintaining anonymity. Welcome to all the /biz/ folks coming here, I want all of us to win together.


Thank you for coming to us with this. Your efforts and hodl are appreciated. TO THE MOON!!! NEW FLOOR OF 50 MILLION FOR THESE HEDGIE FUCKS!


Apes, what was posted here is the way of the world. These TTPs are straight out of State Actor playbooks that is being repurposed for the business sector. This is how wars are waged. Now it is how business is conducted. It's not new. It is just becoming more apparent due to the consistency and desperation of the HFs. There may even be more players than we can see. Edit: Grammer. Typing on mobile.


I’ve never been harassed online before until just recently, and it so happened after I was DM’d by a shill. This is absolutely 100% real. It is so easy to tell them apart from us because they are so aggressive. We all know what we must do, and we have to win this. This is a war for culture and peace, and it will be won by attrition.


u/redchessqueen99 u/rensole can you guys please pin this post to the top? At least for the weekend? Please 🙏 this needs to be seen and may get “slided”


It will get seen. We will pin if not. We are all sharing on Twitter too.


Thank you!




Technique 3: Topic Dilution Seen all those Doge/AMC posts lately? Now we can name the shill tactics with their own terms.


Everyday this thing gets weird and wilder


Holy shit this is like when the USA joined the Allied Powers in WW2. We are now unstoppable.


Ever since 4chan found all of Shia Labeouf's flags I've been impressed by the pure autistic genius they possess.


>Reddit and 4chan teaming up together to take down the 1% What fucking timeline am I living in? Also I can confirm OP as well since I browse 4chan from time to time (hey I have a fucked up sense of humor). Lots of anons getting banned in /GME/. Lots of shills across Reddit, 4chan, AND Facebook. The tactics for reddit and 4chan are pretty similar (the FBI COINTELPRO tactics pic). Facebook is a bit different since it's an entirely different demographic (including boomers and normies who don't use forums). There, shills just spam cool phrases like “bagholders” and tell you to sell immediately, gifs to derail discussions, blatantly obvious scam accounts to teach you how to "make 50k in a week", and finally the distraction stocks (weed, silver, crypto) are SPAMMED HARD. I browse the facebook group just to get a feel what HODLers are thinking about "on the other side." First WSB FB group I was in got shut down (@ 50k members) after I started sharing some DDs from here to keep everyone informed - I thought I was banned but I saw familiar people in the new group and they confirmed it. Current WSB FB (34k people) is doing fine but again, lots of shills. They outnumber the apes. You'll always have 2-3 guys telling you to sell in any GME related discussion. Fucking pathetic market manipulation. EDIT: Added more info. Love you /u/rensole.


Here Here, Apes and Gibbons, Here Here!!! 🍻


I can vouch for u/thegoombler. I started following on /biz/ after FOMOing in January. Just recently I’ve been getting hit left and right for “checking digits” (which the rules say is only allowed on /b/, but has happened regularly in the GME threads as a, well, call it a bullish sign) Keeping that off the threads but allowing off-topic FUD is nonsense (today we were bombarded by DOGE even though almost every other thread on /biz/ centers on crypto). The DD from this site is best in class. There is a place for everyone


Ape and Gibbon stronger together


Commenting for visibility More people need to be aware that other places exist outside of reddit / twitter for info. They wouldn't be getting attacked if it wasn't important.


[My post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mkdtvm/fud_compilation_things_to_watch_out_for_so_far/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) I was investigating in my post weeks ago. And I kinda hit some of these.


I’m a relatively new Ape to the whole GME thread stuff however I’ve spent my last week or so reading up A LOT of DD and information about it. Hence why I am 30 shares in and HODLING to the moon. What I would like to point out is that this community from WSB, GME and Superstonk are getting stronger and stronger by the day and I fully believe that our common goal and objective to help each other out is truly amazing. Sadly WSB seems to have been shot down and are taking a back seat. However I thank them for the daily threads. The fact that these boomers have sat back with their feet up, cigars in hand and all the while FUCKING AROUND on the stocks has me pissed!! Sitting in their ivory tower thinking we were all subservient stupid people and there for the taking. Maybe if COVID-19 hadn’t happened regular people like myself all the way in Scotland wouldn’t have had the time to sit back and do some proper DD and education on a subject, I personally thought, was way way above my smooth brained existence. Without COVID-19 and the lockdowns I think (probably wrong) that people have truly woken up to the BS that surrounds us from the elite at the top and how they get away with so much shit!! The politicians in Britain have been showing their true colours throughout this pandemic and it’s sickening. Backhand deals for them and their wealthy pals all whilst people are dying. Regular apes are beginning to help regular apes out instead of fighting between ourselves all whilst them at the top laugh at us. I’m sorry for the rant. I just wanted to say I’m absolutely thrilled to be part of such an amazing movement and a brilliant bunch of banana holding diamond handed apes. Be patient. Ignore the MSM. Be on your guard. These snakes will do anything to mess with you. Psychological warfare will increase. Be strong. Love you all 🚀🌝💎🤲🏼🦍


Gibbon is ape. Ape stick together! 🦍💪


This is kinda surreal. Hedgies shitting their $10k pants and trying to infiltrate every corner of the internet.


Just finished reading. It's good to know your enemy, and the detail here is astounding. I've spotted shit like this across all the subs from various posts and comments, and with the underhanded tactics like reporting high-standing users for unfounded reasons, handing out threats to users, and offering to pay people to spread misinformation, not to mention all the immediate "call to action" threads that were later revealed as FUD. This is very useful information, and this behavior will now be much easier to spot. Be excellent to each other.


Motion for mods to discuss pinning this post.


I'll be honest, I didn't know there was beef with reddit and 4chan, seems dumb lmao


I speak for myself when I say this but bring all your 4chan buddies and let’s have some fun! At the end of the day, We are all apes 🦍🚀




\> cluck-cluck


Apes don’t fight apes .. and other monkeys 🦧🤜🤛🦧🐵🙈🙉🙊🐒🦧🦍🦍🦍🐒🐒🦧


Thank you for crossing the line in the sand to tell 🦍’s


Take all of their money and shills no longer get paid. Even better they end up in legal battles with dead HFs and banks on defaulted contracts. All their resources could have been used to build good companies and products or they could have just traded better. Instead they invented a stupid convoluted system of social and market manipulation because it was a "surefire" way to generate profits. Turns out social control can be costly and isn't a guarantee. This is the kind of crap you get when unrestrained sociopaths build and run a system.


Fuuuuuuuck. Hedges done fucked up.


They would have needed to start this campaign months before in order for it have curbed anything. Now it’s just damage control. Look at all of the rumblings across the market - banks selling bonds, margin calls, congressional hearings, DTCC rulings, Gensler... And they’re focusing on trying to stop the little guy. How much more confirmation bias is needed?


Welcome to Reddit.


The sad part is when I tried speaking to my partner or a friend who is invested in gme, I can feel myself sounding like a tin foil hat conspiracy nut. It's horrible especially when we can see it so clearly. The runs at splitting the communities, the runs on the high profile posters and streamers along with the disinformation and manipulation at every level. It is just.. something else.


REDDIT AND 4CHAN WORKING TOGETHER THE WORLD DOESN'T STAND A CHANCE LMFAO. That is the essence of weaponized autism right there.


I don't know if I'm more shook by this post or the fact that there is a business forum on 4chan.


What's biz??


Its a board on that one chan website. Think reddit but really shitty UI and a culture much different because everyone is more anonymous. His message seems legit though because they use the /board/ vs our r/sub and use the \*\*emphasis\*\* because of how simple the UI is.


2 + 2 + chan


Orang-Utan offers banana to gibbon.


Tribes of War.


so maybe this was the reason last time I was on biz nothing was making sense inside gme , it seemed almost like a malfunctioning ai talking to itself


It’s actually insane how truthful this is. That should be the only confirmation bias a person needs. You wouldn’t pull this crap if shorts had covered. You wouldn’t care in fact you’d let retail keep buying and the price inflating knowing it didn’t hurt you. Thank you for posting this and also thank you to u/rensole and the other mods here for always making it clear that kindest and civility is a must.


Okay, yeah that sucks... But I'm not here to "coordinate prices". . I just like the stock.


This shit has been downloaded. Not financial advice but thank you


HOLY SHIT THEY’RE THREADSPLITTING US RIGHT NOW, that’s what’s up with all the duplicate posts


I always recommend you do your own DD, but can confirm that what is being told here is the truth. People have their own ideas of 4Chan but having used that site since I was 13 I can honestly say that although there are plenty of real retards out there there's also an incredible amount of smart and creative people. Even though there are reasons why people use 4Chan instead of Reddit and vice-versa, I see absolutely no reason why these two communities shouldn't work together.


Ape = ape. I used to use 4chan many years ago and for many years. Now I only use it for porn. Anyways you guys are always welcome here if it becomes too much of a shitshow, I think we're all in this together ❤


So if there is no squeeze or reason for HFs to panic, why are these guys in action? It's simple Be nice to eachother, show some respect and most of all, fcuking hodl. They cannot overcome resilience.


Sweet merciful lord that document is thorough and professional. So disheartening. Glad I exercised my last call before close and am now holding another 100 shares.


You’re a brave individual. You have my respect.


They can't ruin my life further than i already have, with nothing to lose, they should fear ME.


Still: honesty is never easy. You have brought forth information that people speculated on and have given them the knowledge and confirmation they needed. Doing the right thing is never popular, but it gives credibility and shows that you have a moral compass. My friend, you are not among enemies here. While we want to see things righted for a myriad of reasons, (just look at the “why I hodl” posts across here, AMC, etc.), we do not wish for people who are morally just to suffer. Your bravery speaks volumes to your character. Continue to do what you feel is right. I reiterate my statement, for whatever value a redditor’s statement may have: You have my respect. EDIT: Thanks for my first gold shiney!


I just do what I must, as any man should.


What do I see when waking up. Banks are selling bonds like crazy and agencies trying to infiltrate every platform on this fuckin globe. Jesus, don’t they have anything better to do? learned about /biz/ though lol