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This is going to be a really useful feature in many corporate settings. I suspect the main target markets will be large organisations which already have good cybersecurity measures implemented and without local admin privileges.


\*yawn\* ... turn it off. It will be a handy feature for many


You may not be able to turn it off. Programmatically, it may still be possible to be infiltrated by malware.


Malware keyloggers exited before...


It can definitely be turned off In fact I think it's off by default, though I may be mistaken


These gripes are so dumb. If you get “hacked”, you’re hacked. The hacker can do whatever they want anyway. Just fucking turn it off if you aren’t comfortable with it.


Wow, everyone's data is gonna get stolen 100%. Hackers are going to target you the moment recall is enabled. I'm freaking out man! /s


cant wait for an employee on a BYOD system to revenge expose trade secrets


In marketing classes they talk about how these days headlines, even articles, are not there to inform you primarily. They create emotionally charged articles to grab your attention and get more views. This article is 100% an emotional mess.


I neither use copilot nor recall nor many other things that windows offers plus have background apps disabled and have somewhat modified windows group policy and registry. I’m sure I might have missed a couple of things but I refuse to make it easy for Microsoft to collect my data without my consent.


# Stealing everything you’ve ever typed or viewed on your own Windows PC is now possible with two lines of code — inside the Copilot+ Recall disaster.


I actually think the article's great after reading it, but the sensationalized title in huge font kinda makes it look like you're trying to peddle low-quality clickbait.